Member Reviews

3.5* Waffling between 3 and 4 stars, so we'll settle here.

This started out a little slow to me, even though it was kind of a fun meet cute- it just didn't grab me. I was having a hard time connecting at first- I wasn't getting that same feeling I get from most of IMM books, something just felt a bit off. But once the story moved on to NY I finally started becoming invested in these characters and ended up enjoying their story.

I liked Emmy, but I don't know why she hesitated as long as she did in accepting Graham's offer. STG, if someone presented me an opportunity like that I'd jump on it in a heart beat! I really liked their banter, and when things were good between them, they were really good. Graham waffled a little too much for my liking, honestly. But I enjoyed when he finally had his "come to Jesus" moment. It might have taken a little too long, but that's a man for ya.

Emmy carried a lot on her shoulders, and I get that she was the oldest and pretty much took care of her sister and brother growing up, but they're adults now, particularly Jane, and they needed to start acting like it. They each had their own "come to Jesus" moments as well, which I was happy to see.

Overall I enjoyed My Darling Bride. When Emmy and Graham were finally on the same page it was really good.

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4.5 Stars!!!

This book was a quick, fun romance. What I love about Ilsa Madden-Mills is her ability to make me laugh out loud, while also having moments that break my heart. This book had all of that and more!

Emmy and Graham are total opposites, and the way they met was hilarious. Their lives haven’t been easy, and both have probably shouldered more than they should have, but finding each other was truly meant to be. Making it work however, is a different story!

I love the support these two gave each other, and the support they received from both of their families (in Graham’s case, most of his family). I was entertained the entire way through, and read this book in a day! I do hope we get a Jasper and Jane book out of this, because boy do I think they need it as much as we do!

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I love the marriage of convenience trope, but there was just something missing in My darling bride for me to fully love it. I think the fact that they spent little time together, due to Graham trying to deny his feelings for Emmy so he didn’t get hurt again, and there weren’t any of those great “My wife” moments made it fall a little short. Whilst I didn’t love it, I did like it. There were a few times I found myself laughing, and feeling a little emotional due to Graham & Emmy’s back stories, the secondary characters were great, i especially liked Brody.

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I really enjoyed this book. Emmy and Graham were electric together from the start and I was invested right at the start too. This book had me laughing out loud on multiple occasions. I swooned and fanned myself as well. I adored Babs, Broady, Cas, Andrew, Jane and Londyn. Getting to see Jasper again was a highlight! I missed his brand of outrageous and he’s always entertaining. I truly how he gets a book… perhaps with a certain sister of his best friends wife. That would be awesome! Overall this was such a great read and I couldn’t put it down once I started!

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The last couple of books I’ve read from this author have been amazing so I’m sad that My Darling Bride didn’t give me the same feeling. The trope - marriage of convenience is a favorite of mine so I had high hopes.

Sadly Emmy and Graham didn’t deliver. They had a great and interesting first meeting but everything else from there left me disappointed. The premise for the marriage of convenience was thin and the overall story couldn’t keep my attention. I was bored. I felt I’ve read this story before. Everything from the characters to the third act break up was predictable.
There’s a lot of characters introduced some better than others especially Graham’s brother Brody and Emmy’s siblings Jane and Andrew.

Even though My Darling Bride wasn’t for me don’t let my thoughts deter you from reading it.

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This is such a cute and fun read! I love Emmy. She quickly became one of my favorite female main characters written by Ilsa Madden-Mills. Graham is so swoon-worthy and the love he has for his brother is everything! Great characters and just a great story. If you love sports romances with fake dating/marriages, this book is a definite must-read!

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Sweet, heartfelt and aching, My Darling Bride is a wonderful read.

With great characters, full of depth and dimension, each plagued by their own demons, past and trauma, an engaging plot and a whole lot of banter, humor and spice, Graham and Emmy captured my heart. This is one of those little piece of magic stories, that's just impossible to resist, and honestly my darlings, why would you want to?

4 stars and a heartbeat

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I really wanted to love this book but it just didn't hit for me.

The characters felt two dimensional and everything about their relationship felt forced, I just didn't feel the spark. Unfortunately, this book just couldn't hold my interest and got chucked on the DNF pile at around 40%

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I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book (given by the author)...

The moment Emmyline and Graham meet hilariousness ensues and their meet cute was definitely that. I loved the progression and pace of the story, but I did feel like at times the romance part of the book wasn't the main focus point at certain aspects. I did enjoy the fact that they had to overcome some obstacles as a couple and not everything was completely easy and overly happy.

The ending felt a bit rushed to me, but that be because I didn't want the book to end, maybe we could get some books on the side characters :)

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***5 Stars***

This was a fun read. Frustrating at times, but still a fun read filled with a slew of great characters I would love to spend a lot more time with.

I adored Emmy. Loyal, sassy, a bit impulsive, but an all around good person. I loved Graham but the man gave me whiplash. He’s generous, caring and protective but his communication skills need major work. Their journey was a one rocky, but entertaining one as they both tried their hardest to not fall in love with each other and at times they succeed, but as they navigate through their marriage of convenience, they come to realize through the ups and downs of their situation, that they have a connection that cannot be denied, no matter how hard they try.

I really enjoyed this book, even the eye rolling frustrating moments. There are some situations that could be triggering for some, but are handled well and apart of building the characters. As for the supporting cast, I gotta say I loved most of them Jane, Andrew, Brody, Cas, Babs, Jasper and Vale were awesome and Magic rocked and I am crossing my toes that we’ll see more of all of them at some point down the road.

~ Copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley & voluntarily reviewed ~

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This couple's meet cute had me cracking up! Poor Graham didn't know what hit him.

Ilsa Madden-Mills did an incredible job with this marriage of convenience story about two broken hearts with a lot more to lose. Each character had their own issues they brought to the relationship but also their own strengths that really helped lift the other up. I adored the quiet protector that Graham turned out to be and the fierce mama bear Emma was. Both had such a solid and endearing relationship with their siblings that they'd stop at nothing to protect them. Even getting married to a stranger.

My Darling Bride had just enough drama that you felt pulled in and captivated but it was never just for the sake of chaos and a shocking plot twist. Madden-Mills did a fantastic job of thoughtfully navigating the hardships necessary to pull Graham and Emma apart but also force them back together. There's nothing worse than reading a book that has drama just for drama's sake.

I fell hard for the family dynamic in this story, on both characters sides. Their upbringings were different but they shared a fractured past that each could relate to. That really helped shape their respect and appreciation for one another and why the marriage was not only necessary but beneficial for both in unique ways.

The sports component of the read was there but it was kind of a secondary trope. So if football isn't for you, you needen't worry!

Loved the ending of the book and how it all came together. All the side characters brought this book to life and truly shined more love and light on the two main characters. Couldn't be happier with how it ended! Now Jasper......

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My Darling Bride is Ilsa Madden-Mills newest standalone. If you follow my reviews then you most likely know that I don’t read blurbs till I am about to write my review so it’s spoiler-free. I just love going in and not knowing a thing but if you are not the same way, here we go…

Graham and Emmy were strangers when she pulled him into her room in the middle of the desert. She only knew him as G when she stole his brand-new Lamborghini. It didn’t take him long to figure out who his little thief was and luckily she was in his city since he needed a bride. A wife just until the check to his inheritance was signed, sealed, and delivered. He just needed her to agree.

Emmy can’t believe she is getting married. She never saw herself as a bride. Ever. Now, she was marrying a stranger she now knows is a famous football player and couldn’t tell anyone the truth about their “love story.” She knew it would change her life but she had no idea, it was going to flip it upside down. It’s overwhelming, explosive, and orgasmic. Haha.

Overall, I absolutely loved this story! It is so much fun! The sass, wit, and banter. It is also a roller coaster of emotions. Is it all fake? Is it real? What will happen when the inheritance is granted, if it even is. I not only loved Graham and Emmy but I love their families. I am really, really hoping there is a story for a certain two people. Eek! Crossing fingers.

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A fun, exciting and emotional read from the very first page! Emmaline Darling is stuck in Arizona after fleeing from Las Vegas and the man who abused her. Accosted outside her motel room, she sees a man going to his room and pretends he is with her. Graham “G” Harlan just wants to get to his room when he is pulled into a room by a woman who identifies herself as Emmy. She explains, in her “stop and start” way, that she had to get away from the man who was at her door. When she learns that Kian, the man she was with in Las Vegas is tracking her, she needs to escape! Leaving “G” a note, she “borrows” his car. Graham has decisions to make after he had to be resuscitated after making his winning touchdown in the Super Bowl. There are issues with his concussion and his inheritance that hinges on him being married. Emmy has always been the strong one in her family, helping to raise her brother and sister and now her sister’s baby Londyn. When Graham returns to town, he “encourages” Emmy to marry him for long enough to claim his inheritance. Surely, they should be able to get along for a couple months? Loved it! I received an advance review copy at no cost and without obligation for an honest review. (paytonpuppy)

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I was provided an ARC of this book via the author and Netgalley, all opinions are my own.

Graham is a successful football player with everything going for him. During the final play of the Super Bowl, he takes a hard hit causing a concussion and and a near death out of body experience. It has left him rattled as he recovers. In an attempt to find meaning he takes a vacation in his new fancy car to the middle of the desert. There he finds Emmy, a quirky girl hiding from her crazed soon to be ex-boyfriend. (Trigger warning for domestic abuse in the present and past). Graham helps Emmy get rid of unwanted advances from a stranger at the hotel they are staying off. Graham accidentally drops his keys leaving Emmy the perfect escape when her ex shows up looking for her a short while later.

When they both return to New York, Graham needs a favor and Emmy owes him one after stealing his car. You see he and his brothers are set to inherit a large sum of money, however they all have to be married, to a woman. Graham's brother Brody could use the money to expand his business, but he and his husband have been cut out of the will. Graham isn't dating anyone and he is focused on his football comeback, so a marriage of convenience is ideal. Graham and Emmy had a connection in the desert and he proposes a mutually beneficial agreement that will help both of them. Emmy is wary of the agreement, but she has a family to look after and Graham doesn't seem so bad after getting to know him. The more time they spend together the more their connection grows and threatens to break down the walls they have both built.

I really enjoyed getting to know Graham and Emmy. This reads as a complete standalone but if you have read some of Ilsa's previous books, you will appreciate the Easter eggs. This has just the right amount of spice and humor to balance out the more emotional moments. Their relationship does have more of an instalove feel to it as they don't spend a ton of time together on the page developing things. The time they do spend together is fun, but I would have liked to see them together a bit more on the page. This has a distance makes the heart grow fonder vibe to it as they figure things out. I enjoyed the side characters and hope to see some of them get their own books in the future.

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Ilsa Madden-Mills is an author I will always read, and she's written another great story with My Darling Bride.

Emmy and Graham have an unexpected and interesting first meeting at a small motel outside of Tucson, AZ. He's just been injured in a championship football game and she is trying to get away from an abusive ex. When Emmy needs to get away she leaves Graham a note and takes his car. After their first brief interactions, I couldn't wait to see what happened next.

This story was such an enjoyable read with great humor, characters you can loves and no shortage of swoon and steam. Ilsa always does a nice job of bringing the emotion and drama to her books, but balancing it with the romance and great banter so the story doesn't feel too angsty. I was hooked from the very beginning and loved Emmy and Graham together. I can't recommend this book enough!

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This was a fun and quick read! My first from Madden-Mills even though I’ve been collecting her titles for a little while… I finally managed to get one off my TBR and it was very well done! I just also picked up her new Christmas novella from KU and will be reading it next. This was very good!

I liked how it started with a huge incident and the entire story revolved around the discussion of head injuries and concussions in football - there have been several I’ve read over the years that definitely bring it up (in one the author’s husband is a player so it was certainly a huge concern). Exactly how this initial scene plays into everything is something you need to discover as you read!

Emmy (Emmaline Darling) enters into a marriage of convenience with a football star, Graham, after the craziest meet-cute I’ve ever read (chance meeting when they have mutual connections but there’s also a stolen car involved…), and she becomes his “Darling” Bride from the title. The union is to briefly assist each other, then to part ways having both achieved something they needed - and not to have fallen for each other.

It was a completely unexpected gem and I really enjoyed it, and especially the emphasis placed on the importance of focusing on health of football players and concussions (all health, really, because of Emmy having a big health issue). I definitely recommend this one and I’m now looking forward to reading the other books of hers I have collected!

I received an advance copy from NetGalley and Montlake, and this is my honest feedback.

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Who marries the person who stole their wheels?

Graham, that's who. He marries Emmy, who is on the run from her awful boyfriend and well, steals his car. He makes a deal with her. Marry him. He has his reasons. He's down, but not out. Neither is Emmy.
Fun, sweet a tiny bit of heat.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Montlake and Ms. Madden-Mills for the opportunity to read an ARC of this title. An honest review was requested not but not required.

A healthy suspension of belief is needed for this one. Charming manic pixie dream girl Emmy flees her abusive ex boyfriend and lands at a hole-in-the-wall motel in Arizona. Faced with a creepy guy in her personal space in said motel, Emmy pretends a handsome stranger is her boyfriend. Later on, when her abusive ex follows her to the motel, Emmy steals the handsome stranger's Lambourghini and flees again (this time to the airport). The stranger - Graham, star tight end recovering from a near fatal hit on-field - thereupon needs to marry someone to obtain his multi-million dollar inheritance (which he intends to give to his brother) and prevent his estranged half brother from getting the money. By a MAJOR COINCIDENCE his brother recommends this super sweet girl from a bookshop a few streets over in New York City. And said book shop employee is... Emmy. Cue marriage of convenience/fake marriage trope.

Sigh. I was hoping my affection for the marriage of convenience plot would outweigh my distaste for the massive dose of unbelievable coincidence. It could... not... quite... manage it. Sorry. I liked the characters, even Emmy, whose quirktastic personality usually leaves me cold. I liked Graham, who despite his cold attitude towards Emmy I felt sympathy for. It's hard to walk away from your dreams, even when you know you have to. And I *really* liked Jane and Jasper, who outshone the two MCs. Unfortunately, I just didn't really buy into the plot. Clearly, judging by other reviews, this is a "me" problem. I can definitely appreciate that a lot of readers will absolutely love this. Even though it was completely implausible it was still a fun read. 3 stars.

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A fake marriage to benefit both parties - he to receive his inheritance, her to escape her abusive ex and continue working at her dream bookstore sees Graham and Emmy tying the knot. This is a pretty cute sports romance (he is a famous hockey player) which I binged through since it was such an easy light read. Totally loved the ending!

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My Darling Bride by Ilsa Madden-Mills was such a fun and charming fake marriage, sports romance with two characters that will steal your heart. Emmaline and Graham did not expect what was coming their way and it was so much fun reading their journey. Emmaline, Emmy, and Graham share some fun and intense chemistry, even as the way they meet is not the best. He is coming to terms with something that happened to him and dealing with family issues. When Emmy is in trouble and makes a fast decision, Graham decides to make her an offer she cannot refuse.

I loved how protective he could be. Emmy is fun, sweet, and very liable. I loved how they were with each other and watching them fall. Their story is fun, sweet, a bit angsty and such a charming read.

Happy reading!

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