Member Reviews

Football & romance are two of my most favorite things. Add to that awesome friends & family with a touch of fate! Bravo Ilsa😍

Ilsa took one of the scariest moments of NFL football (in my lifetime) and added a what if twist to it!! I cannot imagine what Mr Hamlin has experienced during & after that time but I sure hope he’s as happy with life as Emmy & Graham.

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Review: My Darling Bridge - Ilsa Madden-Mills

I was lucky enough to receive as an ARC!!

Ilsa Madden-Mills delivers a captivating and passionate romance in My Darling Bridge, where chance encounters and unexpected circumstances lead to an arrangement that sets the stage for an emotionally charged journey.

Emmaline Darling's impulsive act of stealing a famous football player's car sets the scene for a whirlwind of events that intertwine her fate with Graham Harlan's. Madden-Mills skilfully crafts a narrative that blends wit, vulnerability, and a touch of danger, drawing readers into the lives of these two wounded souls.

Emmaline's desperation to escape her past and Graham's chaotic life after a near-death experience collide, creating a combustible dynamic between the protagonists. The forced marriage arrangement brims with tension and unexpected chemistry, sparking a connection that neither anticipated.

The author masterfully navigates the complexities of their relationship, showcasing the evolution of their bond from a contractual agreement to an undeniable attraction fraught with emotional depth. The sparks that ignite between Emmaline and Graham leap off the pages, infusing the story with intensity and passion.

Madden-Mills artfully balances the characters' vulnerabilities, allowing readers to empathise with their struggles while rooting for their happiness. The looming deadline of their arrangement adds urgency, propelling the narrative forward with a sense of anticipation and the question of whether love will triumph over circumstance.

My Darling Bridge is a tale of second chances, unexpected connections, and the transformative power of love. Madden-Mills weaves a tale that captures the heart, offering a blend of romance, wit, and emotional depth that will resonate with fans of heartfelt love stories.

Rating: 4 / 5⭐️’s

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This was a really interesting story. Its a fake relationship/fake marriage, sports romance with a touch of enemies to lovers and a small love triangle of sorts.
The story stars Graham who was in love with Davina but she married and had a child with his half brother, Holden. Now he wants to get married so he can get an inheritance. He meets Emma when she pretends to be his girlfriend and then she steals his car. He tracks her down and threatens her to get her to marry him.

Sounds like a fun, light read right? Its not this story is deep and deals with lots of very serious issues. Emma has a heart condition, Graham is close to a traumatic brain injury and almost died in a football game. In addition Davina is a presence in this story and Graham claims to still love her, even though she is married to his brother. This was prob not my favorite part of the book. But luckily she is only in a few scenes.

I did enjoy this story and it was written very well. The characters had depth and I enjoyed getting to know them. Emma is this amazing woman but Graham didn't always treat her as he should have and there were scenes I did not like him at all. With that said it was an engrossing story and I adored the ending.

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I am voluntarily leaving a review after receiving an ARC from Netgallery.

It was very meet cute sports romance. Graham died on the football field during the Superbowl after scoring the winning touchdown. He has flashes of his life that got entangled with a green-eyed beauty, who he didn't know. She stays with him and knows that she is his soul mate and has to find her. As this plays in the back of his mind, so does wanting to continue being a tight end for the Pythons. He is worried about what it means to have TBI and the impact it has on this life. He decided to take a trip to clear his mind. He comes across a hotel in the desert and is stunned when a woman uses him to get a way from a creepy guy.

Emmy is running from her boyfriend, who just physically assaulted her. She takes a taxi and ends up at a hotel in the desert of Arizona. She runs into a creepy guy, and she uses a stranger to scare him off. A few hours after this incident, she learns that her boyfriend is on his way to find her. He put a tracking app on her phone. She steals/borrows the stranger's Lamborghini and heads to the airport to catch a flight home. Emmy is working as a bartender when two of regular customers, Brody and Cas, walk in. They aren't alone; trailing them is the stranger, Brody's brother, Graham. Emmy freaks upon seeing him.

This book ends in HEA. It very stars align at the right moment to bring your soul mate into your life kind of book. It was not a love at first sight type of book. Both Graham and Emmy have been hurt in the past by childhood trauma as well as past romantic relationship partners. They have to fight their way through assumptions and miscommunication to find their HEA.

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A chance meeting between Graham Harlan and Emmy Darling in the Arizona desert leads to Emmy stealing the NFL superstar's brand-new Lamborghini. She had a good reason-fleeing her boyfriend who tracked her phone and tracked her down. He had put his hands around her neck, and she wasn't going to put up with that.

But now she owes Graham. And he needs a temporary wife. And he wants it to be Emmy. He is attracted to her, but he won't and can't let his heart get involved with a woman again. He needs a wife to help out his brother get his inheritance. Emmy agrees to help as it will also help out her brother, sister and niece. No hearts are involved for either of them- at first, of course.

I enjoyed this romance and the characters in it. The secondary characters were great-especially her sister, Jane, and his teammate, Jasper. I could see a potential story with them.

Thank you to the author, Montlake Publishing and NetGalley for an advanced readers copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Emmy finds herself stranded in a motel in the middle of the desert trying to get away from her ex, the last thing she needs is a man who give her serial killer vibes to know she is there alone. Luckily for her the man staying at the next room comes to her rescue, or more accurately he is drugged to her rescue when Emmy sees him.

What would have been a once and done meeting, doesn't stay that way when Emmy tries to get away from her ex, this time by taking Graham's Lamborghini and leaving him behind.

Graham is having his own problems, a hit on his head had left him out of the game, his inheritance can only be accessed by marriage and he wants to help his younger brother achieve his dream of opening a business. A logical solution is to find someone to marry him for a while and solve two of his current problems.

And who is better to agree with the plan than the woman who stole his car and wrecked it, in exchange to not press charges?

I adore the marriage of convenience trope, especially when it's between two total strangers who can only get to know each other after saying "I do".

Graham is set on being back, because if he isn't a athlete, then he doesn't know who he is. Emmy would do anything to help her family, and protect them at all costs. They were both very family oriented which was something that brought them close together.

Having insane chemistry also helped to make living and being married to each other easier, so that at some point they couldn't deny their feelings and just gave in. Which was pretty spectacular to see.

Both families played a role in the story and I enjoyed seeing all of them together, as definitely helped the couple to move forward.

* I received an ARC and this is my honest opinion.

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4.5 Stars

When Graham Harlan died on the football field, he saw his life flash before his eyes... or the life he could have had. And then he meets Emmaline Darling, and there's something so familiar and captivating about her...

Emmy didn't mean to steal Graham's car, but escaping her ex-boyfriend called for some desperate measures. But when Graham shows up with a proposition for her, Emmy realizes her "car borrowing" might have caught up to her...


My Darling Bride was a sexy and sweet, marriage of convenience, romance read! Emmy and Graham share a simmering attraction, but when they enter into a hasty marriage, its their developing feelings they might need to worry about...

Emmy is a big supporter of her family, and would do just about anything to take care of the ones she loves. Not only that, but her big heart extends to her co-workers at her beloved bookstore, and a man she just met...

After sustaining a terrible injury, Graham's career as a football player may be in jeopardy, but he isn't ready to let go of the game he loves. And while his future remains unclear, Graham knows one thing he can do to set some things right in his life, and that involves finding himself a wife... 

This book was such a delightful read! I absolutely loved Emmy and Graham's relationship, their genuine emotions, and their sexy encounters. The plot had me entertained and absorbed, and I adored the supporting characters who made Emmy and Graham's lives fulfilling and real.

I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.

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When she steals a car, Emmaline Darling is just trying to get away from an abusive boyfriend and a man who is coming on too strong. She left the keys on the tire in good faith not realizing someone else might steal the car. So, when Graham Harlan shows up and demands that she marry him in order to even the scales, Emmaline is aghast. It doesn't help that Graham has bought the bookstore where she works.
Graham is just trying to help his brother. Though he's a famous football star, he doesn't have the money to help his brother open a gym. But he can get a chunk of money when he marries. A near death experience on the football field has made him more aware of his own mortality. A vision he saw while he was dead makes him wonder if Emmaline was pre-ordained.
I liked this book though the story felt a bit forced in places and Graham was not the best. I'm really hoping for a story with Graham's teammate and Emmaline's sister.

Three and a half stars
This book comes out December 5, 2023
ARC kindly provided by Montlake and NetGalley
Opinions are my own

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This had such a fun meet-cute with Emma trying to dodge a creep at a motel in the desert. When Graham walks up she snagged him to pretend to be her boyfriend. However when her real ex-boyfriend shows up that she is hiding from she steals his car.

Graham had a near death experience on the field during his last football game. Struggling to get his footing he’s thrown even more when he needs to marry to get his inheritance to help his brother.

He chases down Emma at the bookstore she manages, with an ultimatum to marry him or go to jail.

The lengths he went to win her over and protect her from her abusive ex were so sweet. The families on both sides were such great side characters and would love to see them get their stories!

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A destined romance filled with wit, charm, and lots of literary references. Be still my heart ❤️

Emmy Darling and Graham Harlan meet under the strangest of circumstances. She’s the manager of a New York book store and he’s the tight end of the New York Pythons. You'd think they'd first meet in New York City, but their meet cute is the first of many complete opposites that happen in their lives. Their lives in general run in very different circles...or do they😉...but one thing is certain, when fate intervenes its hard to step out of its path.

The banter between Emmy and Graham is just delicious and all of the secondary characters are brilliant. Ilsa has a gift for writing both and the combination in this book both tickled my funny bone and warmed my heart.

I loved the back and forth, not really knowing who would fall first. They've both been hurt and scarred by the past so jumping into anything is scary, even with their arranged marriage pushing them along.

This book can be read as a complete standalone even though past characters from the NY Pythons are referenced. Emmy and Graham's story stands on its own and their love is adorablely sweet.

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This is a sweet, emotional, and sexy story that made me laugh and cry, I loved it, I devoured it in one sitting.

Graham and Emmy meet by chance of fate and from the first moment sparks fly between them, weeks later they commit to a marriage of convenience that will benefit them both, but what they do not consider is that soon all that physical attraction evolves in deeper feelings. I loved their scenes together, the banter, the electrifying chemistry but most of all their deep emotional connection and the message in the story about love and family. I loved the way Graham cares about Emmy and how he defends her and cares for her and how fiercely Emmy protects her family.

My Darling Bride is a captivating and hilarious story packed with passion, love, family and feelings. If you are a fan of marriage of convenience, touch and die vibes, steamy and angsty this is perfect for you.

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This was a quick and sweet read that I devoured in one sitting! I couldn’t put it down! Even though it is sweet it does have some deeper subjects that these characters are going through. Emmy is so sweet and just wants to be able to take care of her siblings. Plus, she works at a bookstore so who wouldn’t love her! Graham is a football player that has been injured and may never be able to play again. When a situation arises, Graham uses it to his benefit and “arranges” a marriage between him and Emmy. Graham is one of the sweetest MMCs that I’ve ever read. Absolutely love him! If you like, fake relationships, opposites attract, emotional, and spice then you won’t want to miss out on this one! Highly recommend!

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My Darling Bride starts with a very funny meet-cute in the desert with serious sparks flying that has Emmy meeting NFL player Graham and then stealing his precious Lamborghini. He tracks her down (conveniently she lives in the same city!) and proposes that they get married to help him earn his inheritance, and he won’t press charges for the car theft. He wants the money for his younger brother whom he adores and also it will piss off his older half-brother he doesn’t get along with. Emmy is struggling with the weight of taking care of her family and medical bills, and can just never seem to get ahead. On top of that she has a toxic ex that keeps trying to get back together with her. Marrying Graham isn’t her first choice to help out her situation, but it’s the only one available. As they get to know each other, Emmy worries that Graham’s constant threat of another injury while playing football will cause irreparable harm to him, while not quite being fully truthful with Graham about the state of her own health. With secrets and stubbornness holding tight, does their fake marriage even have a chance to become something more…a real marriage?

I really enjoyed this book. It had more depth than I was expecting and some really sweet and emotional moments I lost myself in. The addition of each of them having health issues made this book a little more centered and interesting than a regular fake marriage romance. The fact that they both were doing this to help their families out made it heartfelt. The handling of Emmy’s ex seemed a little lackluster for all the time he had been given, and Graham’s actions sometimes didn’t quite make sense, which is what gives this book a 4⭐️ instead of 5 for me.

I hope there’s a Jane and Jasper book!

Tropes- sports romance, meet-cute, fake marriage, health scares

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4 stars!

My Darling Bride...Graham and Emmy from the get go have chemistry from the moment they met as strangers.

The fact the Emmy owns a book store was everything.

This is the first book that I have enjoyed the marriage of convince trope and it didn't just annoy me. The Journey they go on together and as inviduals is so pure and a joy to read.

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Emmaline stole football star Graham's car to get away from her dangerous ex-boyfriend. Graham needs a wife to access his inheritance money to help his brother by his gym. He tracks her down and gives her an ultimatum: to marry him or he'll press charges.
This is a grumpy sunshine, marriage of convenience romance, and I really enjoyed it! It does have flaws though, which keeps me from giving it 5 stars. Some parts just felt like the author was just showing what came out of their research, long diatribes on subjects that I did not need to know this much about, and if I did, I'd read books about these things, not a romance. I also feel like there was too much happening that kept the focus off Emmy and Graham's relationship to focus on them and their problems individually. It did make me laugh out loud many times, but it does touch on heavier subjects so check your TW. I hope to see Emmy's sister, Jane, and Graham's teammate, Jasper's story in a sequel, because there is definitely potential there.
I received an advance review copy of this book for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I love that Ilsa Madden-Mills always makes me laugh! The characters have depth and have experienced difficult situations, yet there is the perfect comedic relief that keeps the story going. I so enjoyed these two falling for each other. This one was exactly what I expect when I read Ilsa Madden-Mills and I don't miss a book by her! The fact that Emmy works in a bookstore, and we get to spend so much time there, also adds so much to the story for us book lovers!

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(3.5 Stars) The blurb tells the set up very well. Emmaline Darling is forced into a temporary (few months) marriage of convenience with pro football star Graham Harlan. Because so much is revealed in the blurb I was surprised it takes to the 60 percent mark to get them married. There are of course reasons for the marriage but I won’t spoil that. Emmy is attracted to Graham and vice versa. It is fun to see them get to know each other and their respective family dynamics. They both have health issues that come into the storylines as well.

I thought it took off at a fun pace. I like they both are the kind of people to put family first. There is plenty of steam, but I think some of the extra family issues actually slow the story down. The characters are very likable but it is really hard to care about Graham’s situation. It’s hard to empathize when he has all the money and fame that he needs. And even his main reason for marrying is more a pride situation than an actual emergency. Thank you to Monlake and NetGalley for the ARC and I am leaving a voluntary review.

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My favorite Ilsa Madden-Mills book to date….this one left my heart so full!! I stayed up till 4 am because I couldn’t put it down. These two were fun!!!

What happens when you steal someone’s luxury car? You marry her! That’s what happens to these two. Even though this is a farce, a love like no other is built. This was a fun sexy read that you fall in love with. Fun characters!

NetGalley read

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Graham is a football player who has just suffered what could be a career ending injury. Emmaline is a bookstore manager who is running from her football player boyfriend, who has physically abused her. Both are hiding out in a dive motel in the middle of the desert and meet through a series of bizarre circumstances that lead to some really madcap and hysterical conversations. It is definitely a meet cute for the ages.

This book had so much wonderful sweetness mixed in with lusty chemistry! There is a marriage of convenience, some sex without feelings shenanigans, and a cast of really great side characters. There are book vibes all over the place, and how can I not love a bookstore in trouble sub plot?!?

Besides being fun and sweet, with both a sports star and a bookstore, and weird will hijinx (all of which really float my boat), this book made me laugh out loud often. Just a generally all around great romance read with all the spicy goodness that Ilsa Madden-Mills is known for! Loved this one!

Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for providing me with an ARC of this book.

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I was a bit iffy about the book at first but in the end I enjoyed it. Graham was just such a stubborn character and I wanted him to understand things a lot sooner than he did. The two of them were never fake and it was funny to watch them try to pretend otherwise. I'm assuming there will be a book about Jasper and Jane and I need it now.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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