Member Reviews

I love absolutely everything by Jay Kristoff! This novel was amazing and had huge twists and turns. So many great characters, scenes...I’m still processing.

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Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Overall Review (spoilers)

So often books fall victim to the sequel curse. But not this one. Empire of the Damned may be better than Empire of the Vampire. The plot twist with his sister? The relationship with Dior? And the whole historian getting more of a personality was amazing. This book continues perfectly where the last one left of, and leaves you wanting more. I cannot wait for book three. I may actually have to reread this book after my physical copy arrives in March!

TLDR: we get to spend more time with our grumpy half vamp and his adopted daughter as they be absolute menaces.

Plot Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Spice Rating: 🌶️🌶️

Genre: fiction, fantasy, high fantasy, vampires

Trigger Warnings: lots of cursing, blood, gore, murder, etc.

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Though this is only a small sample of Empire of the Damned it sure packed a punch. I was a bit worried it would take me a bit to be able to fall back into the rhythm of the way this story is told since I read the first book a while ago, but I easily fell back into it and didn't want to put it down. We've already learned so many new things! The only part of this that was remotely disappointing is where this sampler left off! Thank goodness I've already preordered this so as soon as it comes out I can pick it right back up.

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Oh! My! God!
Jay does it again, yanking me into this beautiful, nightmare world. The characters are continuing to develop, the world is growing, and the plot continues to thicken. There are so many surprises and twist in just the first hundred or two pages. Each moment gives the reader payoff on previous intrigue and builds more for the reader to discover. I am so curious about what’s going to happen next.

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I enjoyed this sampler for the book! I didn’t know it was a sampler when I started it so that was a bit disappointing but it still made me very excited for the full book when it releases!

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Interesting continuation of the story, LOTS of gory battles, and a cliffhanger ending. Oy!

But seriously - this is a fast-paced adventurous ride, barely stopping for breath. We're do learn more about Gabriel's sister's backstory, and a cool character from the first book makes a surprising reappearance.

I like Gabriel's character a great deal, but feel there less focus in this book on making him dimensional amd more on a) some of the other characters, b) moving the story forward apace. Not a complaint at all - just something I noticed.

I am curious about book 3 - hoping to learn more about Gabriel's interlocutor, Jean-Framçois.

Thanks to the publisher and to NetGalley for providing me an ARC in exchange for my feedback. It's much appreciated as this is a really fun series.

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I was anticipating this being the full book and not a sample. The sample is fine but not something I can give a real decent review of.

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I don’t know what happened between Empire of the Vampire and Empire of the Damned. As soon as I was offered an ARC of Empire of the Damned, I accepted immediately because I enjoyed Empire of the Vampire so much.

Empire of the Damned picks up with Gabriel continuing to tell his tale with the focus now being on Dior and the new addition of Celene, Gabriel’s sister.

Empire of the Damned’s lore and history is so dense as compared to the previous novel. There is so much more to learn and digest that I had a hard time keeping up.

I disliked the dialogue. There’s a stark difference in how certain characters speak. The cadence, style, and tone are so different that sometimes it’s hard to reconcile the difference. I understand that the vampires are so old that that is the reason for their Shakespearean style of speaking, but it gets old coupled with the modern vulgarity of the other characters.

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I was extremely lucky to receive a Netg@|ley cOpy of this book. |loved Empire of The Vampire, so I was so excited!!!! I'd have to give this book 5 stars!
Keeping spoilers at a minimum, here is my revi€w!
I really enjoyed the multiple POVs this time instead of just being focused on Gabe like in the first book. I liked the introduction of the new characters like Dior! We find out a lot about Gabe's sister Celene, who's some strange Esani Vampire with insane abilities. The character building is excellent, as we get to learn so much about Celene, but so much more about Dior. She goes through struggles and adventures and just witnessing(reading) her reactions and just all the way she responds is phenomenal. We also learn about the Vampire hierarchy, where we learn a lot of them are pieces of crap. This is definitely fantasy, and it kept me entertained throughout the entire book!!
I highly recommend this book!!! Thank you St Martins Press so much!!

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Thank you @ Netgallery for the arc sample and thank you St. Martin's Press.

Empire of the Vampire (book one) was my first induction into the lushly descriptive world of Jay Kristoff. It doesn't so much as lower you into the setting as it plunges you into the occult and sinister. To say I fell in love with the craft of it all was an understatement. The sequel does not disappoint! Empire of the Damned is a dark and delicious follow up and I devoured the teaser!... And it was just that. A TEASE! I can't believe you left it like that? I need to know what happens next! This book is not for the faint of heart- more blood, more witty dialogue, more action, more twists. I appreciated the recap and was happy to reunite again with some of my favorite characters. The ones you root for and the ones you love to hate and the images peppered throughout were a treat!

Though I think the first book will always hold a special place in my heart, I can't WAIT to get my hands on this. I know it's going to be a wild ride for the rest!

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As I only received a sampler, I find it difficult to give this higher than a 4 stars. I did enjoy this snippet, however! The writing style continues to be evocative. Gabe continues to be one of my favourite fictional characters. The same sense of impending doom and overarching sense of grief is weaved throughout the story, and I truly can't wait to see what the rest of the book has in store!

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Couldn’t wait for the sequel vampire ridden novel and I’m not disappointed at all!!

Great world building, bloody action and betrayal. I’m here for you it!!

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I absolutely loved the first book and was beyond desperate to continue the story! Even though this was only a small portion of the second book it had me hooked instantly. I didn't realize how quickly I was burning through it until was on the last page of the sneak peak. I it could've been the entire book because now March can't come soon enough! I'll always recommend Jay Kristoff he's quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin's Press for the ARC.
To be really straightforward, this installment of the series was pretty boring ("sucked," one could say). The first book had the same goofy, overwrought, banter-y writing style which for that book was quite fun, but it's now gotten very old. Kristoff knows how to use flowery language, but here it was too much. I hardly finished this story. And I really firmly believe now that Kristoff also cannot write a solid female character. Dior reads like "one of the boys" who is (barely) treated like an equal because she's the savior of the world and can punch and stab stuff. The dialogue between her and Gabriel was, again, incredibly boring. Having women characters who are not victims, tropey "badasses," or tropey sex objects is maybe something to consider at this point.

As for the plot, could take it or leave it. The flashbacks narrated by Gabriel worked well in the first book, but did not translate well into this one. Why continue in that style rather than changing the point of view to first-person present tense or something similar? Kind of a minor quirk for me in the grand scheme of things, considering the story did not progress very far. Maybe I will pick it up and finish in the future, but for now I need a more engaging read than this.

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This sequel to Empire of the Vampire picks up right where the last book left off with the last Silversaint captured by vampires. He recounts his rise to infamy all the way to his final adventure to end the endless night that had plagued his home for decades.

The narrative style in which this story is told certainly takes some getting used to, but I appreciate its unique perspective and the hilarious interjections to the story. Other readers might find this jarring, but I appreciate this multi-dimensional aspect. The timeline in this book is more linear than the last, which is something I appreciate.

The world-building in these books are so incredibly immersive and vast. I love the wide range of characters that we meet and the amount of care and detail that goes into creating this absolute beast of a series. I’ve described to people that it’s a fantasy adventure that’s almost like D&D with a post-apocalyptic setting and some incredible vampire villains. It is such a fast-paced thrill ride that will delight readers that appreciate more blood-thirsty enemies and the highest of stakes

Now I only got the sampler, so I only got a taste of this awesome book, but if you love evil vampire villains, a jaded and hilarious anti-hero, and an incredibly detailed post-apocalyptic fantasy world, then Empire of the Damned comes out on March 12, 2024!

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Thank you, NetGalley and St. Martin's Press, for the opportunity to read this AMAZING title in exchange for an honest review.

OMG I'm going to try not to fangirl too hard in this review (and inevitably fail), but this was knock-your-socks-off FANTASTIC and I could not put it down. I feel so privileged to have gotten an ARC! Wow, wow, WOW! Stop what you're doing and go read this book!

Thank you, Jay Kristoff, for writing such an immersive and gorgeous story!

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Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for an ARC sample in exchange for an honest review.

From the first page, this sequel to Empire of the Vampire had me hooked. It immediately picks up where the first book ended and jumps right back into action. So far, this book is just as intense, mysterious, and addictive as the first. The sample ended on such a cliffhanger… I will be counting the minutes until March 12

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A big thanks to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the ARC of Empire of the Damned by Jay Kristoff. This was yet another win for Kristoff and his character “the Lion.” In both Empire of the Vampire and Empire of the Damned, I was completely transported to this fantastical dystopian of predator and prey, courage and sacrifice. I don’t know how he manages to do it, but Kristoff creates imagery that is so vivid and conflicting emotions of both despair and hope. I cannot wait to continue this saga,

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Amazing. There is no end to the absolute excitement I had in being able to read this book. I love Jay's writing and his characters are absolutely fantastic. This is a very long winding road of a story--it is not a short read and it's building more in this second book to give us a well rounded story in the next book. He did not disappoint --I feel this book was a steady fire that will grow into something bigger and louder in book 3.

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My rating: <a href="" >5 of 5 stars

I received a digital ARC from the publisher. This is my honest review.

I have loved just about everything Jay Kristoff has written, and Empire of the Damned is no exception. This book was a masterpiece of fantasy and without a doubt one of the best books I have read. As the second book in Jay Kristoff's dark and enthralling take on vampires, Empire of the Damned did not disappoint. Kristoff's writing never fails to impress with complex characters, unique voice, and intricate plots- Empire of the Damned shows Kristoff's growth as a writer and exemplifies his imaginative skills.

Despite being the middle book in a trilogy, this book did not suffer the usual "second book syndrome." Empire of the Damned stands on its own by pushing character growth, moving the plot forward, and building intrigue. In this book we really see each character develop as we learn more about their backstories and motivations. The world of EoTV gains more color as the reader is exposed to more characters and history. Plot points from EoTV are well-carried throughout EoTD in a manner that allows us to grow more connected with the characters while still leaving questions about what may come next.

Kristoff's unique style makes it easy to engage with deep world building and lore without the reader feeling overwhelmed or bored. New information folds easily into the story and allows the reader to fully immerse themselves without a second thought. Though this is a chunky book, like EoTV, the length is not an obstacle as a reader because of the story's structure and Kristoff's excellent pacing.

Much like Kristoff's other works, smut and gore are certainly present in this book. However, it always clearly serves some purpose in the story- whether it is to explain the world, develop characters, build the reader's emotions, or to move the plot forward. These scenes are strategically placed and make perfect sense in the story. Smut and gore can be hard to write for some authors, but Kristoff does it masterfully; no awkward word choices, no cringe, and the reader isn't left wondering "was that really necessary?"

This book had every marking of an amazing fantasy story and takes a new approach to vampires, religion, and war. Absolutely fantastic story that should be at the top of any fantasy reader's TBR.

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