Member Reviews

"Empire of the Damned" picks up seamlessly where the first book left off, continuing the saga with a strong emphasis on dialogue. The majority of the story is dialogue driven, which was difficult to stay engaged in for such a lengthy book. The dialogue between Gabe & Dior was the highlight of the book and provided much needed entertainment.

Despite its considerable length, the book does not seem to advance the plot significantly and often feels like a filler. Fans of the series may find enjoyment in the character development, but the pacing might leave others wanting more.

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Jay Kristoff always delivers top teir reads in the fantasy genre, and this book didn't disappoint. I highly recommend this for genre fans of any and all ages.

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It hurts. It hurts. It hurts.
idk what it is about his writing style, but Jay Kristoff can have me laughing and crying and eagerly turning pages like no other author. When I tell you this book had me SOBBING... I'm confident that I will never recover.

If you loved the first book, prepare to love this one even more. All the immersive worldbuilding, deep character development, sass and snark, engaging lore, but all diving even deeper and amplified tenfold. I loved getting to spend more time with favorite characters and watch as their dynamics evolved and unfolded. There are so many twists and turns and I often didn't know what was coming next (or found myself blindsided when I foolishly thought I did). If you thought the first book got dark, you haven't seen anything yet. No one escapes this volume unscathed and I can't wait to see what happens next. I'll be screaming crying throwing up every hour on the hour until book three is in my hands.

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I dnf book 1 & 2 of this series sadly!!! I couldn't get into book 1 at all cause the writing of this author that I thought I knew and loved changed alot and didn't love that aspect

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I thought I got lucky and got an early copy of this book. LOL. No, it was just a few chapters. That's okay, it's still epic.

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it’s going okay so far.

i’m not enjoying it as much as the first one. it’s lacking some of the oomph that the first one has.

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A beautiful sequel to Empire of the Vampire. I loved the complex world building the dynamics of the characters. This book is definitely hefty for a reason.

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I liked the setting--a world ruled by vampires in endless night and cold, caused by some magic they performed decades before that shrouds the sky in thick clouds. The last vestiges of free humanity huddle in walled cities that fall one by one as time goes by. The characters are complex and interesting, although the main character is so flawed its hard to feel much for him. There is a reluctant savior character--a teenage girl who grew up in the gutter--who offers the only hope of the vampires' defeat in the form of prophecy.

There is quite a bit of description of the horrific things the vampires have done to the humans and a lot of cursing. Lots of blood and guts in the battles and aftermath as well.

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I would like to thank #netgalley and St. Martin’s press for the ARC of #EmpireoftheDamned in exchange for my honest review.
I was so excited when I read the first story and couldn’t wait for this second one. I couldn’t wait to dive back into this world and after I received the second one it didn’t disappoint. This story is everything you wanna read and more.

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Empire of the damned continues the incredible story the previous book. I can’t begin to explain how you make the cake on vampires. This book is. It is set in a dark and twisted medieval time and the story really gets under your skin. This is incredible. Follow up and it does not disappoint. I highly recommend, you continue the series

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This was a small sampler so there’s not much to review. Love Jay Kristoffs masterful story telling and can’t wait to read the full book

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I appreciate being able to read a digital ARC sampler of Jay Kristoff's "Empire of the Damned," thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press. I was elated when I saw that I had received approval for the book but discovered I only had access to a sampler. Oh well, I enjoyed reading it. The story, a seamless continuation from where the first book, "Empire of the Vampire," left off, kept me engaged. I was impressed by the author's world-building and portrayal of humans and vampires. The sampler whetted my appetite, and I'm eager to read the novel.

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Jay Kristoff knows how to write a story that pulls you in and keeps you invested from the first page. His characters and world building are rich and addictive. Cannot wait for more

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Nothing bad can be said about this book - the anticipation was killing me and this was enjoyable from the 1st page to the last.

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"Empire of the Damned" by Jay Kristoff is a thrilling and bloody sequel that continues the dark saga of Gabriel de León, the last of the Silver Saints. Set in a world plunged into eternal night by vampires, the story follows Gabriel as he reluctantly recounts his tale to a vampire historian while imprisoned.

Kristoff's masterful world-building and intricate plot twists shine through once again. The novel delves deeper into the complex relationships between the characters, particularly Gabriel's conflicted feelings towards his vampire sister Dior Lachance. The addition of new antagonists in the form of the Dyvok bloodline adds an extra layer of danger to Gabriel's quest.

While the pacing can drag at times as the story sets up the final showdown, the action sequences are brilliantly written, with Kristoff's signature flair for visceral violence. The novel also provides more insight into the various vampire bloodlines and their beliefs, adding depth to the mythology.

Fans of the first book will be eager to see how Gabriel's story concludes, even as the novel leaves off on a cliffhanger. "Empire of the Damned" is a solid middle chapter that expands the world while keeping readers hooked for the finale.

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When it comes to style and flare Jay Kristoff knows how to deliver! From the characters, the world to the plot everything just clicks. I was constantly on the edge of my seat waiting for what will happen next. I cannot wait for book 3

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This is the best book of the year already. As sequels goes this one had everything it need it to forward the story and create an intriguing plot to keep readers hooked. It takes a risk by introducing a lot of new characters which played very well to the overarching story. We also get a lot of depth to characters previously introduced in book one. This one really plays on the heartstrings with the main characters relationship dynamic as they face the challenge of building and maintaining trust and faith in each other throughout adversity and disappointment. This one is easily one of my favorite series of all time definitely will be picking up book 3.
PD The artwork was amazing too

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Yeah this was perfection and I wish it had been the entire book and not just a sample. This perfectly recapped the last book and continued on in the intense journey of our intrepid heroes (kind of heroes). I'm ready for this book to destroy my soul with the ending. LET'S GO.

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Seems insane that I read my favourite book of the year in February, but here we are. This is a review but also a general apology to everyone who has had to deal with me in the aftermath of Empire of the Damned.

Even going into Damned, I knew it was going to hurt, It was meant to. But, I am also a sucker for punishment especially in the form of booms that make me cry. And while the pain lived up to my expectations, everything else about this novel exceeded them.

Back with Gabe and Dior, and some new friends, some old ones, the plot continues hell for leather, with Jay writing these characters into corners so tight all hope seems lost, and that's only in the first half. But the reason all this hopelessness hits so damn hard is down to the character development. It's just so good. And I just care so much about what happens to everyone.

Every scrape, every threat, every page shows us more of our (don't call me a) hero, Gabriel, and all of these smaller moments lead to big revelations and character moments that genuinely threw me. But Damned doesn't reply on cheap thrills. All these reveals and shocking moments contribute to what has to be one of the most blood soaked and best finales I have read. maybe ever.

Gabriel aside, side characters also get more pages in Damned than Vampire and have just as much intrigue. You love some of them, you hate some so fiercely you pray for their violent demise. And on that note, blood and gore is (to no one's surprise) in no short supply between these pages.

From the razor to the rosary Empire of the Damned is a masterpiece- techically, the plot, the pace, the prose etc. All are perfect- but that aside am a STORY GIRL first, and I am utterly consumed by this one.

Also a moment for my unlikely favourite, Jean-François. In another world you would have lived kindle-unlimited smut.

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“We only die if we are forgotten. Burn bright. Burn brief. But burn.”

Gabriel has saved Dior but the adventure is not over, somehow along the way, they have built an uneasy alliance with beasts and monsters that Gabriel once swore to rid the world of, but they are the only hope he has of deciphering how to end Daysdeath without ending the Grail herself. With their enemies coming from all directions, Gabriel will do anything to keep his promises to Dior and stay at her side, even if it means landing himself in the middle of a war.

I took a really long time with this one...only because of my own mental health and needing to be ready for the heartbreak this would inevitably wreck me with. It's no secret that I am a huge Jay Kristoff fan but being one has also taught me that his books are going to hurt at some point. So this one had to get put down for a bit while I sorted out my real-life mental state. With that said, this was AMAZING! I wasn't entirely sure how it could hurt more than the first one, but somehow he made it just as painful and sometimes more so. This book is dark and gruesome but also full of heartwarming relationships and love sometimes getting a win, albeit a small one. Waiting on the next one will be painful.

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