Member Reviews

Lenny Marks Gets Away With Murder is hard to put in a single category but the reader gets a touch of mystery, drama, thriller and even a glimmer or romance.
Lenny Marks is a unique character who is very likeable as her past is unraveled to reveal the secrets to her current woes. A highly enjoyable read that keeps you hooked until the end.
Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this novel.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for this ARC! "Lenny Marks Gets Away with Murder" by Kerryn Mayne is a thrilling and darkly humorous novel that captivates readers with its unique premise and engaging narrative. The story follows Lenny Marks, an ordinary man who finds himself entangled in an extraordinary situation when he's accused of a crime he didn't commit. Mayne's writing is sharp and witty, blending suspense with a touch of humor that keeps the tone lively. The characters are well-drawn, with Lenny's relatable and everyman persona making him a compelling protagonist. The plot is filled with unexpected twists and turns, keeping readers on their toes and eagerly turning the pages. Overall, "Lenny Marks Gets Away with Murder" is a thoroughly enjoyable read, perfect for fans of clever mysteries and dark comedies.

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Kerryn Mayne's Lenny Marks Gets Away with Murder is a cozy crime-fiction-mystery that unfolds at a slow pace.

Lenny Marks leads a meticulously ordered life, disrupted only by a haunting past she can't quite remember. When a parole board letter stirs dormant memories, Lenny's carefully constructed world begins to unravel. The narrative, a slow burn that picks up around 65% and then it was wonderfully paced and I couldn’t put it down. It carefully sets the stage for Lenny's journey of self-discovery and community connection.

This isn't a fast-paced read but a character-driven story where Lenny, with her endearing quirks and vulnerabilities, shines brightly. The novel's strength lies in Lenny who is very charming and the colorful cast of characters who bring humor and heart to the story.

Thank you to @stmartinspress, @netgalley and the author for an arc of this story in exchange for an honest review. Pub date: July 9, 2024

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I kept hearing about this book, but didn’t read the description before starting it. And I’m glad I didn’t! I really was t sure what I was in for but I had heard so many good things about it already I wanted to take a chance.

I ended up really enjoying this book. I loved Lenny’s personality. She’s quirky and different. She was one of those characters you just wanted to reach into the book and give a hug. She has gone through so many things and the majority of it she is still carrying into her adult life. After her “breakthrough”, I think we see a positive change in Lenny, which made me really happy for her.

Overall I really enjoyed this book, the writing was good and I enjoyed the story too! NThe narrator did a great job as well.

***Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press***

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Thank you St. Martin's Press for the gifted digital ARC!

As I'm sure you've seen if you've followed the early reviews for this one, this is much, much darker than the cover would lead you to believe. There was a particular part about the big reveal that really gutted me.

I absolutely loved Lenny as a character, and I think Kerryn Mayne did such a fantastic job of writing her. Getting to be along for the ride for her journey was great, it really felt like she was a real life person.

I enjoyed how this one wrapped up and there were a couple smaller twists I was not expecting. I will definitely be reading more of this author in the future.

Pub date: July 9.

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I wasn’t sure what to expect with this book but the title made me curious.

At first I was drawn into the story waiting to see how it will unfold. Then I just got kind of confused what was going on. Thought it would come all together in the end but felt there were loose ends at the end and I’m still confused.

I liked Lenny as a character and felt she had a lot of potential.

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While the novel has humorous moments, it's a very powerful story. As Lenny's background unfolds, readers discover that not everything is as "fine" as Lenny insists it is. She has been firmly intent on forgetting the past and moving forward. A notice from the parole board brings everything back, and Lenny's carefully cultivated world starts to crumble little by little.
I don't want to give spoilers because the unfolding of the story is well done and important to the enjoyment of the story. Suffice it to say that this is a well-written story of past, repressed trauma surfacing when you least expect it and the toll that takes. It's a great story and I highly recommend it.

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Thanks to St. Martin's and Macmillan Audio for the gifted ebook and audiobook.

I liked this book. It’s entertaining and generally well written. I didn’t love it though, and here’s why:
- I went in with the wrong expectation - I was expected Finlay Donovan and got Eleanor Oliphant. Not BAD, but unexpected. I also think the “oddball” trope is a bit overdone these days. My expectations were based in large part on the title, but the “gets away with murder” aspect doesn’t happen until the end of the book and isn’t the primary driver of the plot or character behavior.
- The book deals with some heavy topics and includes one scene of graphic violence that I had to sort of dissociate from while listening to not get upset.

Before picking this up, I’d recommend reading the synopsis to make sure you’re in the mood for it (I really think I was in the mood for something else) and review content warnings to keep yourself safe.

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If you liked "The Maid" by Nita Prose or like reading about implied neurodivergent characters, this one'll be right up your alley. I thought I'd like this one a bit more than I did? Like, don't get me wrong, I liked it, but it's not entirely what I expected. Special thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for an advanced reader's copy.

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Lenny Marks Gets Away with Murder by Kerryn Mayne is a captivating and poignant tale that is both beautiful and painful. This story follows an unlikely heroine who triumphs over the deepest of wounds, leaving readers completely satisfied. Lenny's character will linger in my thoughts for a long time to come.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!!
If you’re a fan of “The Maid” I really think this would be book for you. The first 3-5 chapters were a little hard to get into, just slow and 3rd person POV.. but once I was in this story - I was so in. Rooting for Lenny, wanting her to find herself and her friends, and wanting to yell at the mean girls who were just taking advantage of her. This book had a couple of “gasp” moments and I really enjoyed it!!

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Lenny Marks is a teacher who likes to play scrabble and keep to herself. She’s fine with her life the way it is, until she receives a letter from the parole board. Lenny must come to terms with the secrets she’s been keeping from everyone, even herself.

In this surprisingly dark book, Lenny is a ray of light. Her personality is quirky and her background will make you feel so much empathy for her. This is such an impressive debut and I can’t wait to read the author’s next book. This novel reminds me a bit of Eleanor Oliphant and Strange Sally Diamond. It references darker topics and themes, but is a very powerful and engrossing read.

Thank you to Kerryn Mayne and St. Martin’s Press for an early digital copy and chance to review this book.

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for a complimentary copy of this novel.
Lenny Marks is a unique and interesting character. Lenny is a teacher and everything in her life is ordered. She dare not stray from the order she’s created. She bikes to and from work and to get groceries, has very few friends if any, loves to watch reruns of Friends, and plays scrabble with her imaginary friend Monica. But when Lenny receives a letter addressed to Helena Winters from the parole board, her entire life gets turned upside down. Lenny’s past that she has mentally blocked out begins to unfold. Her traumatized childhood slowly begins to come back to her and memories she has blocked out slowly come back to her. Now she must deal with her past and overcome that trauma once and for all.
What a wonderful debut novel by Kerryn Mayne!!! I love the character of Lenny Marks and you can’t help but cheer for her fictional character in this novel! Definitely Recommend!!! 4 stars for me. AVAILABLE July 9, 2024

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Found it disjointed, slow to start, and didn’t connect with the charm it was attempting to convey. I thought it did a great job portraying an ND woman but the first half to two thirds of the book gave nothing to the plot.

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I thought this was an okay read, and I definitely liked the premise. The story was a bit slow getting started, as the opening chapters seemed to be heavily weighted toward letting the reader get to know the neurodivergent main character. Lenny is likable and interesting, but I felt like there was too much effort to tick all the boxes for a neurodivergent character in such a way that she felt a bit too stereotypical (not quite to the point of caricature, but getting there). I couldn't help myself from considering comparisons to other novels that I believe have been much more effective in these area (Eleanor Oliphant, of course, and especially the novels of Emily Austin). So, all in all, an okay read, but one I would be judicious about recommending.

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This one started slow but picked up to a satisfying ending. Lenny is neurodivergent which made for an interesting and deep character. The flashback aspect of the story was good. There is childhood trauma discussed during this but not too explicitly. Don't want to give too much away so I'll end with this one is a good read and probably not what you expect.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for advanced copy, and I give my review freely

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This book has so many layers of interesting developments and many of them I can’t write about in detail to not spoil the journey. To say as much: The book is not really about a murder case. I thought it would be in some way because of the title, but it isn’t and that’s perfectly fine. The book doesn’t need a murder case, as the characters and the story development are great in my opinion. Lenny probably joins the category of my all time favourite female lead characters. I love her quirkiness and it took just one chapter to like her and be invested in her story. All the other characters are similarly interesting and play smaller roles but all are important for the story. The book warmed my heart with all the friendliness and love Lenny gets from people. I enjoyed the book and I encourage everyone who likes quirky characters, found families and friendships in a book to read this one!

One comment on possible triggers for some readers: The book touches on abusive relationships and childhood trauma. Not in a very explicit way, but the topics are mentioned more than once.

(A review will be posted around pub day on my accounts on Goodreads and instagram

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LENNY MARKS GETS AWAY WITH MURDER by Kerryn Mayne ⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️I went into this one blind and it was not what I expected at all. I think my favorite thing about this book was the characters. I loved how genuine and raw Lenny was. And I loved the people in her life who loved and showed up for her. Any book that deals with childhood trauma pulls at my heartstrings, and this was no exception. Overall, this book was a little slow moving for me.

Lenny Marks is a neurodivergent 37 year old school teacher who thrives on a schedule. Life seems to be going well for her until she receives a letter stating her step-father is up for parole. This letter is the start of flash backs happening bringing her back to what actually happened in her childhood.

Pub. Day: July 9, 2024.

Perfect if you like:
•Quirky and endearing characters.
•Overcoming trauma.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice: 🌶️
Mood: 🍿🍷

⚠️: explicit language.

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Due out July 9th

What we know is that Lenny is 37, a schoolteacher, a scrabble whiz and genius at word games, a lover of Friends, a caring neighbor, and that she follows a careful routine for her clothing, transportation, and eating.

What we learn is that Lenny struggles to make friends, but is largely seen as friendly and a good teacher. Her only family is a foster mother who encourages her to put more effort into trying to be a bit more outgoing.

Lenny's world is thrown off kilter when she receives a letter in the mail, forcing her to either confront her past or continue avoiding it. And it's an enjoyable journey.

Narrated by Annie Maynard, who made an exquisite Lenny.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press, Macmillan Audio, and NetGalley for an ARC and audio ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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If you enjoyed Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, do I have a book for you! Lenny Marks is a 37 year old 5th grade teacher who like Eleanor (also neurodivergent) says it exactly like it is, no filters, creating a lot of awkward moments at times, but that's also her super power. Her routines help her get through the day until she can be back home watching Friends for the millionth time and playing Scrabble against imaginary Monica. Her life is going fine, well maybe not fine but good enough in her opinion, until one day she gets a letter saying her step-father is up for parole. This event starts to make Lenny crumble and flashbacks of that horrible night when her family all left her start coming back. Through the advice of her foster Mom, Fay, Lenny tries to start making more friends and saying yes to social invites. Some of this goes well, others are a little bumpy, like after a night of 6 glasses of wine at trivia she steals a dog! But in her defense the dog's owner was horrible and was abusing the dog.  While Lenny's past is quite traumatic and this book isn't all sunshine and rainbows, it has a lot of heart. I loved that it's a reminder to take notice of the people who show up for you and how the best friends might just be right under your nose. This story was great with its humor and spoke to my high school girl heart with its many references to Buffy the Vampire Slayer (you guys know how much I love Buffy). Annie Maynard did a fantastic job with the narration. There were many characters in this story but it was so easy to follow along. She gave such a warmth to Lenny's character. Congrats Kerryn Mayne on such a fabulous debut! Thank you St. Martin's Press, Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for the gifted copies.

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