Member Reviews

I love this character so much. I enjoyed her voice and mannerisms and her view on the world. The pacing of the story was good as it revealed layers of the story a bit at a time, not unlike Lenny herself.

I enjoyed this so much I plan to read the other book by Kerryn Mayne.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read this book.
It was a quick read for me; engaging and interesting. I really did t find it to be much of a mystery, but it definitely held my attention.

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98% of this book i couldn't get into UNTIL THE BITTER END! So i leave with mixed emotions because i had wish there was a little extra spark in the middle of the book.

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What can I say about Lenny Marks Gets Away with Murder? I loved it. Once I had a chance to really sit down and read, I couldn’t get enough.

We follow Lenny as she hides from her past and is stuck in the monotony of her predictable life.

Lenny had the best character growth I’ve read in recent history. I really enjoyed her point of view and kept wanting to give her an air hug.

I’ll be honest, the resolution for Fergus rubbed me the wrong way because it didn’t make sense to me. But it’s a great book anyway.

I received this ARC from NetGalley for my honest opinion.

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As a fan of Eleanor Oliphant, this had a similar vibe that was sweet and not patronizing. Lenny Marks was endearing and a dynamic character. The book definitely kept me interested, and I really was rooting for her by the end. The loose strings and questions that were introduced throughout the story was tied together really well, but I didn't love love the ending. It was definitely enjoyable, quirky, and interesting throughout. I would recommend it!

Thank you Penguin Books Australia and NetGally for providing me with a free copy of this book to review!

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This was written in a stilted way that I think was supposed to be evocative but really read as condescending. I found it tedious to read despite the story being fairly interesting. It felt like it was written to cash in on the popularity of books with neurodivergent main characters to me, it felt flat and kind of glib.

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I loved every minute of reading this book! I highlighted many passages with words of wisdom to live by. The book was similar to Elinor Oliphant, but fresh enough to distinguish itself. Lenny's story of resilience was powerful and heartwarming.

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Lenny Marks is a tough character to bond with. Her violent childhood has left her quirky and isolated at 38. She copes by rearranging letters in a word when stressed and creating a fictional history including her new name. She functions as a grade school teacher with a well planned, well laid out schedule. Her contact with Ned at the grocery store is her twice weekly attempt at socializing. When her step-father is released on parole after 25 years, Lenny has to face her past if she hopes to improve her future.

This novel is well-written, and flows smoothly. It is set in Australia.

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Thank you net galley and publisher for this ARC. This book initially sounded very interesting to me, however I had a hard time getting into it.

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This book was quite unexpected. It started off kind of slow, and Lenny is not normally one that I would be drawn to. She reminds me too much of myself when I was younger - putting up with almost anything to be liked, and ignoring all signs that you really aren't. As the book continued though, Lenny started growing. She opened herself up to new people and experiences, and really put herself out there.

Of course, when you put yourself out there, you may find yourself in odd situations - such as animal abuse, stalkers, and even murder. You might find that memories you long ago buried slowly come to the front of your mind. You might find that things in your past that you thought happened didn't really happen. Lenny encounters all of these things and many more.

Overall, I did enjoy this book, though it did take me longer to get into it than it usually does. The story is interesting and so are the characters. There are a lot of applicable trigger warnings for this book, mostly along the lines of abuse, violence, and animal abuse. Good news though - the dog doesn't die!

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If you liked Eleanor Oliphant or The Maid you'll enjoy this story. It is very long and very detailed and you will get to truly live out Lenny's life with her. At times it feels to drag on and at other times you think you've reached the climax only to realize there is much more to this story. I was drawn to Lenny and felt protective of her. I was saddened by the events she had to endure. She felt very human and very real which is a testament to the writing for sure. It's not a lighthearted read despite the moments that make you giggle. Overall, I enjoyed it.

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I enjoyed this story of a 37 year old woman potentially on the autism spectrum. Lenny's life is based on routine and control and she thoroughly enjoys her own company. She wants to make her foster mother happy by getting out and making friendships which turns out to be good and bad.

I loved watching Lenny navigate life. She's very blunt and says things like she sees them. Her story is sad in some ways but also uplifting when she attempts to expand her world and let others in. There are some twists that will surprise you and nice ending for Lenny.

The story reminded me of a couple other books I enjoyed, Strange Sally Diamond and Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine.

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Best debut novel I have ever read. Loved it.
The main character, Lenny, is a lovable and quirky schoolteacher with a heartbreaking childhood. Growing up in foster care after her mother leaves her, Lenny has come up with ways to numb her past memories through word anagrams. A letter from a parole board is sent to Lenny's school and it sets off the premise of the story. The letter opens up the memories of her childhood trauma and we get to witness how Lenny comes through it all.
A hard book to describe, but I promise you that reading it will bring you happiness!
Thank you to St. Martin's Press and Kerryn Mayne for the gifted ARC. All opinions are my own.

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There is so much more to this book than I expected. Lenny Marks is a schoolteacher who has perfected the art of not having a life. She rarely socializes, doesn't really put up with people, and has her set routines. When she receives a letter from her stepfather's parole board, her life completely changes. There are some crazy secrets in her past, and they spur her to finally connect to others. Great, heartfelt story with unexpected depth.

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How do I explain this book? It was one that sounded so good, but then I started reading it and wasn’t sure about it. However, I still couldn’t find myself not finishing it. Something was drawing me to it.

Sadly, I finally gave up on it 25% into it. I’m still curious about the storyline and the end result, but I may just wait until there’s a book summary out there. I really wanted to like this, it just didn’t hit the mark for me.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC!

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Lenny likes her routine. She likes everything to he in order. When she receives a letter, it opens up alot of memories of her past. A good book.

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Lenny Marks, grade 5 teacher, does not like to deviate from her routine, she doesn’t have any real friends and she loves her home. A quirky tale of a woman trying to overcome a traumatic childhood and move on with her life. I enjoyed watching the character growth and Lenny slowly came out of her shell and started to make friends and live her life as she finally put the past to rest. Fans of Elinor Oliphant will love this one!

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As a book collector I loved reading about her many copies of the hobbit but this book is a lot more than that. I loved how the author weaved the past and present to converge in the middle and then that aha moment happened and it all came together. It did remind me of Eleanor Oliphant a bit but not in a bad way. I think a few people in my family will love this one

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Kerry’s Maine’s debut novel, Lenny Marks Gets Away with Murder, is perfection! Heartbroken, yet hopeful, Lenny has (mostly) overcome her dark, troubling childhood. She is a grade 5 teacher, has a home she loves and a great bike to provide transportation. She plays scrabble with her good “friend” Monica and dreams of being friends with the cool prep teachers at school, and just belonging. When a strange letter comes addressed to her old name, her dark past catches up with her. And Lenny needs to take charge. Rich, quirky characters and a well developed storyline make this a joyful quick read. Perfect for fans of Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine.

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Lenny Marks likes everything just so. So when her abusive stepfather is released from prison, it creates havoc in her otherwise orderly world. She must learn to let others into her life- new friends, long lost relations, and even a furry friend. This is a wonderfully charming book full of delightful characters, funny mishaps, and personal growth.

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