Member Reviews

Fast Love by Kerry Lockhart [ARC REVIEW]

It's been a while since I've read a sapphic romance this good. This one was fun, clever, and fresh!!
Here we have an unlikely love story between a history romance author and a stock car racer. The first thing you know is that they absolutely don't know each other when they meet at the airport and then they're attending the same wedding. And that's where the fun begins!

Bobbi was my favorite character, not only her description was amazing but I just loved her mind every time you get to snoop a little in her racing -no pun intended- thoughts. Even tho I loved Julia sometimes I felt like some of her actions took me out of the book and needed a break. But hell, she's cool too.

Weddings, family drama, a lot of tension and chemistry -like really, A LOT, and we love that my babes!-. If you're looking for a fun, extremely entertaining and romantic comedy this is the book for you.

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I loved Fast Love! It's my first sapphic romance read and I read it in one sitting it was so good! This debut novel is about Julia, an author struggling with writer's block. She meets Bobbi a stock car race driver. The sparks are instant and the story follows the two of them as Julia's sister is about to marry Bobbi's brother.

Pros: They both ended up being what the other one needed. I love F1 so seeing a book involving a female race car driver, sign me up! Sandy added great comic relief and I loved it! All of the family and friend content was sweet! A lighthearted, romcom and in my opinion low-stakes quick read.

Cons: I felt like the different POVs should have been labeled as I got a tad confused since they weren't. I also felt like all of the different side plots made the main storyline hard to follow.

I really enjoyed this one and definitely recommend it. What a great debut novel for Kerry! I look forward to reading more books by Kerry.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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I ended up dnf’ing this one which makes me so sad because it’s sapphic and September, but the writing did not flow at all for me. It felt too chaotic for me to focus on the story, and I was too scared there’d be cheating which I hate. I’ll still try to give this author a chance on another one of their books! This one was just not for me.

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Fast love was a fast-paced rom-com story about Julia and Bobbie. The supportive characters were just as fun as the main characters and really added to the story. The plot is very exciting and Julia is a very interesting funny character even sometimes a little annoying but I grew fond of her.

There are a lot of characters in this book and it's a bit hard to keep track of. At times I felt like the story relied more on the comedy aspects than the romance and I'm not too angry about it. At times it was a bit confusing to read because there is nothing that tells you specifically whose pov you are in.

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Romance is not my usual genre, but this was nice. I liked the humor and the characters a lot. I'd read more from this author in the future.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this eARC of 'Fast Love' by Kerry Lockhart.

Following the recent buzz from F1/Drag Racing -Just car drivers in general - books, 'Fast Love' is a sapphic romance one: which is obviously a book we all need. I will be honest, I didn't really like this book as much as I expected to. Which really hurt me because the cover and the premise was right up my alley. But I definitely recommend giving this book a go.

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Romance novelist Julia Shaw is suffering from writer's block when she heads to LA to be the maid-of-honor in her sister's hasty wedding. But she plans to do everything she can to derail the wedding, since she thinks her sister is making a big mistake. She's very much at odds with the groom's hot sister Bobbi, who needs the wedding to work.

The dynamics between Julia and Bobbi are hilarious. I loved their relationship. This is a great debut from a new author, and I can't wait to read more from her. The banter is witty, the characters are fun, and the story was really entertaining. This is the first time I've read a book about racing. Delightfully fun read!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced digital reader's copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review!

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I truly enjoyed this! All the twists and turns!! Such a cute romance!! I can’t wait to see what’s next!!

Thank you to Netgalley for the arc!!

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So I had a hard time getting into this book. The story had a great plot line but I had an issue following certain moments. Julia’s and Bobbi’s characters were very complementary to each other and meshed well in all of the drama. I did feel like some things were left open ended so I hope there is a sequel to follow up the remaining stories character plot points.

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I absolutely loved this book. It definitely kept my attention with everything that was going on. loved that everyone had layers to them even if they were side characters.

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A rom-com with heavy emphasis on the comedy. Julia Shaw is a successful novelist who has had writers block since becoming engaged to her agent. Bobbi Yoshida-Barnes is a race car driver. The two meet for a week of wedding festivities for their sibblings who are getting married to each other. Julia is trying to stop the wedding as she doesn’t think her sister is in love with the the groom. Bobbi on the other hand is being told by her father to make the wedding happen or face the consequences of him no longer sponsoring her race car. It puts these two women together often with cross purposes.

This is silly and fun. There is a bit more depth with complex family relationships and Julia having a fiancé. The story includes witty banter, flirting, lots of pop culture references and some hijinks. Julia’s assistant Sandy gets off some zinger comments. Most are funny but some are too over the top. I disliked Sandy's involvement with the photos near the end. It was a breach of trust to me but of course got laughed off. And evidently the next book is about Sandy as there is is a bonus preview chapter from Fast Holiday.

Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the ARC and I am leaving a voluntary review. (3.5 Stars)

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Fast Love is about a romance author and a race car driver meeting at their respective siblings' wedding. Julia, the romance author, and sister to the bride-to-be, has writer's block and relationship issues with her own fiancee (and agent), Nicole. Bobbi, half-sister to the groom, is a race car driver, who's going through a breakup with her ex-girlfriend Taylor.

The plot of the story is great. Basically, Julia sees her sister do something that makes her believe that the marriage should happen. She does everything she can to try and stop it. Meanwhile, Bobbi is tasked by her father to make sure the wedding goes through, or else his sponsorship will be pulled. (her father is awful by the way). It was funny the way things were done, and how Bobbi seemed to always be present to try and stop Julia's plans.
It meant that they were constantly together, and the wit/flirting between the two were great. Julia had to make a big decision about her loveless relationship with Nicole, and Bobbi had to deal with the drama of her ex.

The characters were great; the humor, the flirting, the wit, the characters themselves. The rep was great, two lesbians (Julia and Bobbi), a gay best friend (Sandy), two sapphic side characters (Taylor is either bi or pan, not sure about Nicole), and a trouple (FFM). Bobbi is a Japanese-American.

This was a great debut from the author.

Thank you to Netgalley and Kerry Lockhart for the cope of the ebook. This review is left voluntarily.

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