Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley for this opportunity!
I want to stress: I LOVE Persuasion. I've read it at least four or five times. So this concept, a modern retelling, was an easy "yes please" to me.
This is told in alternating timelines, going through all of Olivia and Fred's most prominent 'love' moments from childhood to current day. The current day timeline focuses on Olivia and her family's need to sell their luxurious estate. This works well due to the amazing chemistry between Olivia and Fred: they just sizzle and pop off the page, whether 16 or 21 or 30. I loved the connection to the charm bracelet, and the steamy scenes are just the perfect pinch of steam (not too heavy). In the current day scenes, Olivia's inability to choose between Fred and her estranged spouse, and ultimately Fred and herself, plays out really well. It's a tension thats believable.

I do wish there was slightly less tennis. It feels a little bit like an attempt to match the hyper realism of Carrie Soto...but I'm just not invested in Olivia's tennis journey. She could have had any career and it wouldn't have changed the story line for me. So I wish that B line had faded just a bit more. But overall: so well done.

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Summer After Summer - Lauren Bailey
Olivia finally relents and agrees to return to the Hamptons, only because of her need to escape her failing marriage and to help pack up the home that holds all the memories of her mother. Besides her mother, it holds the memories of the summers her and Ash spent enjoying the sun, the memories of intense tennis training, trying to climb her way to the top, and hardest of all, memories of Fred.
Fred and Olivia managed to cross paths every 5 years after that summer, still never managing to get the timing right, something always standing in their way. But now, after the last treacherous attempt, Fred is also here, in the Hamptons, purchasing her home. Their paths continue to cross over the summer, fighting to leave the past behind them, leaving all the things unsaid.
Can Fred and Olivia resist their pull to each other? Or will their cycle continue?
I thoroughly enjoyed Summer After Summer. It was a light read which I flew through, enjoyed the attempts of Olivia and Fred as they tried to make every time the right time. But I also enjoyed the banter with her sisters, the closure after the loss of her mother, and her journey through her tennis career. If you're looking for a light read that will give you a smile or two, this is the one!
Unfortunately it doesn't come out until May 2024, but I'm sure you'll see lots of posts coming to give you a constant reminder! ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5!

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A fast read and a good story. Well written and a great escape for a lazy weekend curled up on the couch.

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While I think the comparisons to Persuasion are a bit of a stretch, SUMMER AFTER SUMMER is an enjoyable read. Olivia and Fred are engaging characters and their near-misses over the years seem relatable and understandable. I was definitely rooting for them to figure things out and finally get together. The pacing could use a little work as the narrative was slightly tedious at times. I do look forward to more from this author.

I received a complimentary e-galley from the publisher; all opinions are my own.

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2.5 stars

My toxic trait is constantly picking up modern adaptations of Jane Austen novels despite being disappointed (and occasionally sent into fits of rage) by every single one.

This one did not send me into a fit of rage, but I also didn't love it. It's based on Persuasion, which is my second favorite Austen novel, and I do respect the author for writing a non-Pride and Prejudice retelling. And the setting was nice. It made me want to be bougie and summer in the Hamptons. But I didn't care for any of the characters and the dialogue had no spark.

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this is Lauren Bailey's debut novel. It is really good. the characters get a second chance at love and the beach setting is beautiful. Looking forward to more books from this author.

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Wow! The minute I finished this book i jumped on Goodreads to find more by this author. I was shocked when I found out this is Lauren Bailey’s debut novel! I’m here to tell you not to sleep on this book! .

What if you loved someone so much but you felt too young to commit? What if you made a promise that lasted through the years? What if the love of your life had a completely different life away from you? What if you loved someone enough to follow them to major life events? What if you always kept your first love at arms length but sometimes those arms weren’t strong enough?

The story of Olivia and Fred is a story of timing and chasing your dreams that I didn’t want to end. This debut novel not only pulls at your heartstrings, it keeps you coming back for more and stays with you when you’re not reading it. Told in a parallel narrative format, this love at first sight story is a must read!

Thank you Net Galley for the chance to read this a little early. And thank YOU Lauren Bailey for writing this book!

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Summer after Summer is a fun read. I liked the main characters, especially Olivia. The circumstances of Fred and Olivia meeting, falling back in love and being separated every five years became a little tedious. The very complicated conclusion that required a lengthy explanation did not seem to fit with the lighter tone of the rest of the book. The central story of Fred and Olivia was my favorite part of the book, I wish the author had concentrated more on them,

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I’m a sucker for a cute summer romance story and if you are too? This is the book for you. Set in modern day 2023 with a dual timeline dating back to 2003, you get a full picture of the story behind Olivia and Fred. From their first kiss on the beach, to now, in the Hamptons, getting ready to sell her family home. The interesting family dynamics in this book just work, all the way to the end.

This book is a retelling of Jane Austen’s Persuasion. I have never personally read the original but now I would love to, to compare.

Overall this was in my top 10 books and it will be a very popular read next summer!

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Thanks to NetGalley, alcove press and Lauren Bailey for this ARC!

Second chance romance, coastal beach house vibes. The book did seem to drag and go back and forth a lot but is definitely hallmark movie-esk. I’m not sure if the author really did capture Jane Austin vibes but the attempt is definitely there.

Didn’t love didn’t hate, was an easy beach read.

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A second chance romance, high school sweethearts with a past to present storyline....what's not to love?

At parts of the book I thought I had it figured out but definitely appreciated the twist at the end I didn't see coming.

Looking forward to more from Lauren Bailey

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

The first half of this book had me hooked. I couldn't stop reading it. Then, somewhere around the middle, it just sort of fell off for me. I'm not exactly sure why but I was really bummed.

Olivia and Fred meet one summer and that's it for both of them. The love they knew was it for them. Until it wasn't.

The book follows them through the past and present. Olivia goes "home" to pack up her family home after finding out her husband was unfaithful. Of course, she runs into Fred. The memories and feelings from all the summers, all the times they tried to make it work come surging back.

If you enjoy second-chance romances then you'll probably like this book. The ending wrapped up a bit too fast for my liking and the second half wasn't as good as the first but I'd still recommend it.

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I recently finished reading "Summer after Summer," which is a modern adaptation of Jane Austen's "Persuasion." Although I haven't read the original, I thought the book was quite enjoyable. It's a charming story that features fascinating family dynamics, but some characters can be a bit annoying. The book alternates between past and present timelines, which adds depth to the story. I particularly enjoyed the author's writing style and can't wait to read more of their work

The story revolves around Olivia, who at 35 years old, returns to her childhood home after her father decides to sell it. Olivia has recently separated from her husband, and the new owner of her childhood home turns out to be her childhood love, Fred. The book explores Olivia's past and present life, with several subplots adding tension and interest. Although the story may move a bit slowly at times, there are unexpected twists that keep it engaging. Overall,

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A lovely modern retelling of Jane Austin’s Persuasion. Olivia Taylor is returning home to the Hamptons after years away in the city. Her marriage has dissolved and her family needs her. The family estate has been under financial distress for years with her father barely keeping it afloat and someone has finally taken it off his hands by purchasing it. So they need her help to pack up and move out. No one told Olivia who purchased though it before she got there for good reason……because it was Fred Webb.

Olivia met Fred when she was 16. He is indisputably the love of her life but it’s always been complicated for them and they could never get the timing right. Their love story exists in summers occurring every 5 years and what do you know….it’s been another 5 years. Will this be their time to finally make it work or let go forever? You’ll have to read to find out!

Thank you to NetGalley and Alcove Press for sharing this ARC with me in exchange for my honest review.

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2.5 stars at best.
Olivia is turning 35 and returns to her childhood home that her father has decided to sale. Olivia is recently separated from her husband and it turns out the man that bought her old home is none other than her childhood love, Fred.

The first part of the book was nice, it was very hallmark movie in essence and I could see how it would develop. What started to get to me were the glaring amount of plot holes that may or may not get addressed. Her father and older sister don't work and her family ran out of money years ago. So how are those two still functioning off of anything other than social welfare and its been established that they live an affluent lifestyle? Her divorce isn't finalized, what'll happen when they split assets and the ex husband discovers Olivia just made 5 million dollars?
edit: I finished the book and yes some questions were answered but my rating stands

What caused me to put the book down was the amount of sheer pettiness in the main character Olivia. This is a grown woman, why is she wearing a dress from her 16th birthday? Why is she pulling out an old charm bracelet just to mess with the MMC. Also the MMC is being mature and dating another woman. Why cant they just be adults about the whole situation?

I found the whole situation to be off putting and can not bring myself to finish this book at the moment. It could just be the cynic in me. This is good for romance readers looking for a light summer read. The story is told in past and present starting from when Olivia first met Fred to the current date.

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Summer after Summer is a retelling of Jane Austen's Persuasion and even though I've never read Persuasion, the book was quite good! It definitely is a sweet and cute classic story set in a modern day setting. The book had really interesting family dynamics. Some of the characters irked me but that was okay. The dual timeline between the past and present was really good and gave depth to the book as well. I really loved the author's writing style and even though I am giving this book 3 stars I still really enjoyed it and look forward to their future works!

Thank you Netgalley and Alcove Press for this ARC!

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Look no further! This is the perfect summer beach read. The coastal vibes in this book were immaculate and completed transferred me right to the beach.

The romance aspect was not quite enough for me. It left me wanting more (in a good way).

Would absolutely recommend this one!

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I enjoyed this summer romance story by Lauren Bailey. I liked that we got to see what fated Fred and Olivia each time they met over the course of 17 years. A fun little twist at the end as well!

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We’ve all had that one relationship that just wouldn’t 100% end, Olivia and Fred tired summer after summer to get out right, but the timing was never right.. will this be there last chance or is the 5th time a charm?

I absolutely loved this book, Olivia and Fred relationship was kinda toxic but who hasn’t been in one of those. It touched on a few topics like friendship changing when you get into a relationship, timing being everything, and families moving on after a lost.

Overall I really enjoyed it, at first the flashback were a bit much, but the further you got in the story, you understood why they were needed, and it added a lot of context to the store

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I do love a good Lauren Bailey book and this did not disappoint. She does and excellent job of setting the scene and characters. You feel like you know them from the beginning. Well written and a great read.

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