Member Reviews

Great as always. Loved the character development. I enjoy her books and this was no different. Cute story line.

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I always struggle with dual timeline before, but this book was so easy to read despite the constant time jumps. I love that we get to see how the past turned out and how it affected the present. I love how each character, despite the distance and time apart are there for each other. Most especially during that particular scene that rocked their reality and the future of their summer home.

If you want to read a summer book about a mid 30s woman still trying to figure out life, in which you are struggled to grasped to, then this is for you! It has both friendship and family and a little sprinkle of mystery to keep you going.

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First, I would like to thank Netgalley and Alcove Press for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for the opportunity.
I love books with summer vibes and the perfect summer beach vibes, and this one had a synopsis that made me intrigued.
I began reading and I liked the writing, it was fluid and easy to read.
About the plot I liked it in general but sometimes it felt too long. Well, but it was interesting to see the present and past.
I liked the characters but unfortunately, I couldn’t identify myself with any of them.
Overall is a good book and I’ll recommend it if you like summer reads that will leave you intrigued and interested, always wanting for more.

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I really enjoyed this book. Fred and Olivia are star crossed lovers of the best kind. Olivia, an aspiring tennis player, falls in love with a lounge chair beach attendant one summer, and every five years they seem doomed to repeat the same love story. Fans of Emily Henry will really like this book. I’ve seen reviews that compare the author’s writing to Rebecca Serle, but it lacks the supernatural quality that Serle adds to her books. This book is a great beach read, certainly a companion to your yearly Elin Hildebrand and Emily Henry. Happy reading!

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Olivia Taylor returns home to the Hamptons to sell off her family home and take stock of her life after finding out her husband was having an affair. And of course the one that got away is front and center in her home town

This was absolutely delightful.

Embarrassing side note - I was 60% in when I realized this was a Persuassion retelling. It was so richly developed and stretched the formula so much I was not convinced how it would work out for our heroine until the end, even knowing Persuassion well.

This book was incredibly satisfying: engrossing plot lines, very spicy romance and characters with depth and layers. I absolutely enjoyed this book and could not put it down. I look forward to see what the author produces next.

Please note, I did receive this ARC for free; I am writing this honest review voluntarily

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Thank you to NetGalley and Alcove Press for this ARC.

This retelling of Persuasion is much more melancholy than Jane Austen’s books are meant to be; Austen is a satirical writing commenting on society, and Bailey writes us a bittersweet story of love. I love the Hamptons, old-money setting and meeting each character. The story unfolds bit by bit through dual timelines, and when the twist is finally revealed, I gasped!

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Retelling of Jane Austen's Persuasion? Count me in!

This was a very nice casual afternoon read. After many recent dud reads, a modern book which makes you feel like you're reading a classic is exactly what I needed in my life.

The dual timelines were done well and kept my interest.

The one thing that stopped it from being a 5 star for me was that it did feel very very slow at times, and I think that's just a personal preference of min. However, it was enough for me not to give it a higher rating despite the fact that this could definitely have been a 5-star read.

3.5 Stars rounded up to 4.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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4.5/5 stars

Game, set, match, Lauren Bailey!

To borrow a quote from the novel, this is a book that I will be thinking about in five years.

Olivia finds herself back in her childhood home. She’s separated from her husband and her father has finally decided to sell the house. Not to mention, she finds herself in her first love’s orbit after years of trying to stay out of his atmosphere. With dual timelines between past and present, we learn how Olivia and Fred fell in love, and how they fell apart, summer after summer.

I must admit that there were times in this book where I really didn’t think I was going to get a happy ending. And I had made my peace with that because sometimes sad endings can be just as beautiful as happy ones. But I won’t lie, I was *elated* when I got my HEA.

Fans of Jane Austen’s Persuasion will adore this charming retelling!

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A “Persuasion” retelling of my dreams. Thank you Alcove Press and NetGalley for the ARC.

Past: Fred and Olivia meet as teenagers one summer. It’s perfect until it’s heartbreaking. Present: Olivia goes back to her old house, angry at her husband, to clean it up to sell, because her old love Fred has bought it.

We weave from past to present. Summer to Summer. It seems every 5 years Olivia and Fred try and just can’t make it work. When their present collides for what seems like should be the last time, is this it?

I love a second chance romance and Jane Austen’s “Persuasion” the basis of this story is one of the best. Lauren Bailey takes the story we know, makes it modern and relevant. Even though you think you know how it will end the ups and downs of Fred and Olivia’s relationship still puts you on the edge of your seat.

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This has so much potential to be a 5 star read with all the best aspects of summer reading! However, there was just too much back and forth for me and a tad rug out.

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC!

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Summer After Summer is a retelling of Jane Austen's Persuasion. Lauren Bailey did a great job of keeping the bones of the story without too heavily relying on the outline. I really enjoyed this spin on the classic.

Thank you to NetGalley for the digital ARC.

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Summer After Summer unfortunately fell short for me. The constant back-and-forth narrative and character self-sabotage, coupled with a slightly drawn-out storyline, left me feeling like the plot was treading water.

The central theme of communication issues between the main characters was a double-edged sword. On one hand, the chemistry when they reunited kept me engaged, but on the other, it added to the frustration that permeated the narrative. The dual timelines helped in maintaining my interest. While at times sluggish throughout, the story did wrap together nicely in the end.

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This book was everything I wanted it to be and more! It was such a cozy beach read and I constantly craved more. It had great character development and I’ll probably reread it this summer! I loved it.

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I loved the beginning of the book. Who doesn’t love a coming of age summer romance? It was nostalgic and gave me all the feels.
As Olivia grew older the tennis picked up and I was less interested in that. I found it hard to believe they would find their way to each other with the intensity of it after only spending a handful of days together in total. It was a running joke with Ash but also what happened to her at the end?
I also didn’t find it believable that their circle of people was so small.
The ending was more the conclusion of a who done it murder mystery game and was easy to predict as it unfolded but also came out of nowhere.
I do love a HEA so the book ended with warm and fuzzies and I really did love the beginning.

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A captivating read featuring a multitude of endearing characters. A modern retelling of Jane Austen’s Persuasion making it the perfect summer read!

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A woman comes home to help her family clear out the house since it is sold. A lot of memories come with this house. Also, the woman is newly separated from her cheating husband.

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Summer After Summer is the story of Olivia and Fred as they connect and reconnect every 5 years. Alternating between past and present timelines we see how Fred and Olivia manage to re-emerge into each others lives and continue to not work out.

I loved seeing how Fred and Olivia’s relationship grew over time as well as how they matured as characters. I found both to be believeable characters and I was rooting for them to work out in the end.

I did find myself becoming bored with many of the tennis scenes towards the end and maybe if I were more of a tennis player I would find them to be more engaging. As this was an ARC, I also noticed a minor error - in chapter 15, Olivia mentions she will be turning thirty-six, and in chapter 20 it says it’s the morning of her thirty-fifth birthday.

Overall, I really enjoyed the book.

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"Summer After Summer" is a tale of love and growth, exploring the concept that sometimes, the timing just isn't right. Lauren Bailey's retelling of Persuasion offers a fresh take on Austen's classic themes of love, loss, and second chances. If you're a fan of contemporary romance that tugs at the heartstrings and embraces the idea of rediscovering love, this book is a worthwhile read. It's a story of hope and possibility, reminding us that sometimes, the fifth time may indeed be the charm.

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This book is perfect for anyone who loved Carley Fortune's Every Summer After!

It's a modern retelling of Jane Austen's Persuasion, and follows the relationship of Olivia and Fred. The story is told from Olivia's perspective, but features dual timelines of past and present. I love this in a romance novel, especially for a second (third-fourth-fifth)-chance romance! The past timeline unfolds in 5-year time jumps, so we get to see the characters grow from their teens to their current mid-thirties.

I'll definitely be buying a copy of this when it comes out in May. I can tell it's going to be a summer re-read favourite!

Thanks to Alcove Press for sending me an e-ARC of this book and I look forward to Bailey's next book. :)

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Olivia/Fred/Wes. What a page turner. I found myself talking to the book.... Willing it to go the way I wanted. The twist at the end was unexpected but brilliant! I literally couldn't put this book down. Wonderful storyline. I loved how it went back and forth. If only all stories were so well written!!

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