Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group for the ARC.

This was such a hard, heartbreaking read. It took 7 pages to have me sobbing… I knew immediately that this book was going to change me and haunt me forever. 
By the end of the book, I had lost track of how many times I was left broken. Katherine writes with such beautiful but devastating imagery. 
The world during 1918 was very dark and under constant change. Everyone was adapting to better fit the hard times and learn to survive. And Katherine really captured these struggles so well, while remaining respectful to the realities of war. 
From madness, gangrenous limbs, scarring and life lost, this story leaves no detail of war left untouched. The humanity found within each character was so humbling to read. Just a brilliant piece of writing. 
I adored Laura in every way possible, she was a survivor. Every character in this was such a masterpiece and really help push this story to new heights. The love between Laura and Freddie is so pure, I cried so many times over the ways the siblings spoke of each other. And the sheer willpower Laura exerts in the search for her brother is awe-inspiring.
This story is told masterfully through dual POVs and timelines. It’s woven together so poignantly to give you the best sense of the deterioration into madness and hopelessness. This is a dark, haunting tale that I am so grateful to have read. This story is the ghost that will haunt me for the rest of my waking days.

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This is often a heartbreaking read, a story of war, of loss, but there is also love - in many forms, and hope, to balance the horrors of war. It is also a story of family, and the lengths we will go to in order to protect those we love, as well as the grief that follows loss.

This story begins as World War 1 was in the beginning stages, and as the war began to ramp up, and young men were sent off to war, how the lives of doctors and nurses changed drastically, especially as the wounded were arriving on a regular basis, and life changed for everyone.

Arden has written a beautiful story that reaches through the darkness of both war and the darkness of evil personified, against the gift of light, hope and love.

Pub Date: 13 Feb 2024

Many thanks for the ARC provided by Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Del Rey

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The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden is a great WWI-era historical fiction that has mystery, suspense, emotion, and an addictive narrative.

This is the first book that I have read from this author. She creates a wonderful world that balances between the solid here and now and a gray, eerie, mystical second dimension. The book alternates between two siblings and through these two different experiences, we can feel as if we are there amongst the anguish, emotion, fear, guttural instincts and I really enjoyed every moment of it.

4/5 stars

Thank you NG and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Del Rey for this wonderful arc and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion.

I am posting this review to my GR and Bookbub accounts immediately and will post it to my Amazon, Instagram, and B&N accounts upon publication on 2/13/24.

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The First World War always makes me angry and upset,and author Arden feels the same way. In this beautifully-written novel, she weaves together numerous aspects of the war to create a rich novel about loss and acceptance and recovery. She uses the folklore of the trenches, the experiences of nurses and volunteers, the horrific practices of executing so-called cowards and deserters, the mental and physical yraumas of the war, and the contrasting lives of those who waited for news from afar to tell a story that is immediate and compelling and all-engrossing. Troops talk of a mysterious "Fiddler," who gives soldiers a night of hauntingly beautiful music in a dazzling and warm hotel, only to never be found again. (I have to think he is related to Bulgakov's Woland.) When a nurse's brother falls into the Fiddler's hands, she rejoins a nursing unit in order to find him. Her journey and companions are unexpected and compelling. Highly recommended.

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This was absolutely beautiful. I was low key worried I wouldn’t like this as much as her Winternight trilogy. And while this was different than her previous books, this was no less beautifully written. A tad slow paced for my tastes, but the characters so compelling I found myself reaching for the book to read more. I 💯 recommend if you are a fan of war stories and eerie writing.

Thank you NetGalley for the arc!!

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Let me preface this my saying I don’t typically love books or movies that deal with the carnage of war. I’ve also read my share of WWII novels and feel that if I’m going to read a war story, I’d rather read about wars and battles that aren’t over-saturating the market these days. When I saw Katherine Arden was writing a novel set during WWI, I was intrigued, because I’ve only ever read one other book taking place during this particular war. Knowing this story would be in the hands of an author whose work I adore, I took the plunge. And I am so glad I did!

Haunting and beautifully written, this is a story about life. About death. About love, and fear, and the bravery it takes to face another day. It’s a story about the worst that humanity has to offer, but also about finding a hope to hold onto in the midst of chaos and pain. It’s a story about friendship and kinship and loyalty that knows no bounds.

The dual timelines were done in such a way that I didn’t want either to end, and the distinct voice for each character was done perfectly. The landscapes had a tragic beauty to them, able to sustain life but also the very place where so many lives were lost. The bleak reality of war was perfectly offset by the haunting mystery that historical fantasy often brings to the table.

This book is incredibly different from The Winternight Trilogy or the Small Spaces series, yet it has so many of Arden’s trademarks that include attention to detail, the blending of folklore and/or history with unique story, layered storytelling, character depth, and vivid settings. I definitely recommend it if you like war novels, historical fantasy, or slow-paced stories with layered plots and characters!

Thank you so much to Netgalley and Random House — Ballantine for this advanced reader copy!

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I was so excited to get an advance readers copy of this book from netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I loved the authors previous trilogy "The bear and the nightingale", it is one of my favorites. I have been waiting for another adult fiction book from the author and was so happy it's coming out soon and I was able to read this now. The story pulled me in from the very beginning and I couldn't put it down. This is a beautiful and haunting story perfect for the fall season and Halloween. The war is captured perfectly in all its horrible sadness and madness and what it does to people. This story has a unique spin and portrayal of the devil, which I absolutely loved and thought was brilliant. There's even a bit of a twist you probably won't see coming.

There were lots of good quotes in the book but I think my favorite was one that I identify with so much and feel the same about:

"The blessed forget and the damned remember."

I don't want to say more and give too much away so all I will say is that I loved this book and would definitely recommend it!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group-Ballantine for this advanced reader copy.
Arden is my favorite author of all times so this book was just wonderful to read. Her evocative prose was just so well crafted and the heartbreaking yet beautiful story we get to read is nothing short of breathtaking. Just wow. 5 stars all the way.

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During the Great War, a combat nurse searches for her brother, believed dead in the trenches despite eerie signs that suggest otherwise, in this hauntingly beautiful historical novel with a speculative twist from the New York Times bestselling author of The Bear and the Nightingale.

Katherine Arden is an excellent writer and this is just another great book. Well done.

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I have no words at where to even begin explaining how profoundly dark and heartbreaking this was to read.
This is a book that delves into the depths of human suffering and resilience, leaving me emotionally shaken and deeply moved.

The story revolves around two siblings, Laura and Freddie, who are tragically torn apart by the ravages of war. The narrative that alternates between the perspectives of these two siblings, spanning a year of their tumultuous lives. The events that unfold are nothing short of heart-wrenching, pulling at the emotions with every page turned.
Laura and Freddie's journeys take center stage, and their growth throughout the story is nothing short of remarkable. These characters may be fictional, but their struggles resonate with the harsh realities of war, highlighting the devastating consequences it inflicts on both individuals and families.

Laura's development, in particular, is a highlight of the book. We witness her coming to terms with the loss of her parents and clinging to the hope that her brother is still alive, it's impossible not to feel a deep sense of empathy and heartbreak for her. I particularly enjoyed reading Laura's unwavering determination and resilience in the face of unimaginable hardship.

Freddie, on the other hand, emerges as a character whom I will wholeheartedly root for. His internal struggle to pursue his passion for art amidst the chaos of a war-torn country adds layers of complexity to his character. As a young man thrust into the horrors of war, he grapples with the blurred lines between friend and foe, making his journey a poignant exploration of the human spirit's enduring capacity for hope and creativity.

This is an undeniably dark and grim tale, but it is also a fantastic read. It doesn't shy away from portraying the harsh realities and consequences of war, making it a hauntingly authentic experience. The novel serves as a stark reminder of the individuals left behind to pick up the pieces when the world crumbles around them.
It offers a raw and unflinching portrayal of the impact of war on ordinary lives and the indomitable human spirit's ability to endure.

Thank you, Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow. Just wow. I remember reading The Bear and the Nightingale and thinking this writer has opened up parts of my mind and soul and it was based on a fairytale and folklore. This book is based on a nightmare and reality. In it however is still the folklore of war, mixed with the trench warfare, the 'iron rain' m, a will to live, the confusion of how a government makes enemies out of its citizens and the horrors that still echo. This book is beautifully written, spares no one, and a tragic love story to give sepia tones to the blood drenched grounds. Arden weaves a vivid tale, with remarkable characters, the bonds of siblings, the strength of love, the cost of war as well as those who profit under the guise of leadership. Arden is a gifted writer taking on a difficult subject and creating an engaging story that will stay with you long after the last page. Recommended.

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I really liked the setting of TWHG; I've read plenty of WW2 based fiction, but WW1 seems to be a less popular time period. I never really considered the ramifications of it being the first large-scale war involving superpower nations, or the social shift people must have experienced during that time. That was a fascinating aspect of this story. Unfortunately, for me, it moved a bit slowly and I felt that the way that the characters were written made me less compelled by them (not to say that they are not compelling characters, especially Faland), but I think I had this issue with Ms. Arden's previously-written series, the Winternight Trilogy. I think that if you're already a fan, you'll love this story as well.

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First of all I’d like to say a big thank you to Random House Publishing Group for granting my wish on Netgalley. As someone who has read all of Katherine Arden’s previously published works and loved them, I was anticipating The Warm Hands of Ghosts above any other 2024 title.

Katherine Arden said in her Acknowledgements as well as in various social media postings that there were times she wanted to give up writing this story. Writing the book, getting the story to work, was a battle. Thankfully, she did not give up, and because she persevered we lucky readers have a beautiful, heartfelt story about how love for each other helps us pull through war and the guilt that always follows. Katherine took a grand idea that could have had many threads and moving parts and streamlined it into a tale that basically boils down to a sister not giving up on her brother.

There are two POV characters. Laura, a nurse during WWI, is a realist. She, despite having an injury that got her sent back home to Halifax, returns to the war zone so she could search for her younger brother, Freddie, a soldier who is presumed missing, though she has doubts and questions about his fate due to a package she was sent of his belongings. I enjoyed both Laura and Freddie’s POV, mostly because of the friendships they forge along the way. Laura becomes friends with Penelope “Pim,” a mother who is dealing with her own grief because she lost her son in the war. Freddie becomes friends with the German soldier, Hans Winter, and they form an unbreakable bond while trying with all of their remaining strength to get out of No Man’s Land. I cared about these characters, these friendships, I was concerned for them, and I read each page of this booking hoping they’d all come out all right in the end.

Another reason I enjoyed Freddie’s chapters was because of Faland, the mysterious “man” who knows all the right words to say and ways to tempt every person he meets. I could read a whole book on Faland and his actions throughout the centuries. Katherine gives us little tastes of his history, making him fascinating, but she also keeps just enough of his history unspoken, causing us to want to know more about his dealings, want to know more of what’s going on in his head.

Katherine is always very good at giving us fantasy elements while having her stories rooted in a real world setting. The Warm Hands of Ghosts is a war novel. WWI is a setting that needs more stories told about it, and Ghosts shows us how grim, hopeless, and needless WWI was. Who thought trench warfare was a good idea? It shows us how people, even people who weren’t on the frontlines themselves, experience trauma. They want to forget, but forgetting is not the best idea. It shows us the consequences of war, and how the person you were before the battles started will not be the person you are once it’s all over.

I think anyone who has read Katherine’s previous books will like The Warm Hands of Ghosts. Her signature fantasy elements are included. But I also think this could be your very first Katherine Arden book and you’ll still like it. Anyone who likes historical fiction with traces of fantasy can read The Warm Hands of Ghost. Plus, even if you’re someone who doesn't like fantasy, the magical situations/locations/solutions and what they provide the characters can be viewed as metaphor for the oblivion a real life solider seeks when the traumas of war follow them.

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This book was simply amazing! It was emotional, dark and so well written I could not put it down. It illuminates the horrors of World War I and is heartbreaking. I am very grateful for the opportunity to read and review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group-Ballantine for this opportunity to read rate and review this arc which will be available Feb 13,2024!

Ms Arden sticks to what she knows and it is again a Russian story but set in 1918 during the First World War. It is at times lyrical prose, haunting facts and speculative twists during a very dark time in history.

I thoroughly enjoyed it even if I struggled at some parts but that is no fault of the author but of thinking of my Great Granddad who fought as a 16 yr old in WW1

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Dark and haunting yet filled with an undertone of hope and life. "The Warm Hands of Ghosts," is unlike any historical fiction novel I have read before. The novel is set during WWI and the story alternates between Laura, a nurse, who is living in Canada, and her brother, Freddie, who is a soldier in Belgium. Laura has recently lost her mom and when she receives news that her brother is missing and presumed dead she feels that she has to do something. She has so many questions about what has happened to him. An opportunity presents itself to travel to Belgium to work at a hospital and she thinks she may be able to find answers about her brother. Freddie is trapped in the ground but he is not dead yet and he also isn't alone. His struggle is to stay alive yet even if he gets out what can possibly do after being left for dead with his enemy. His story is one that will pull at your heart strings.

What makes this novel unique is the element of fantasy that is woven into the very real aspects of World War I. The writing is superb and I felt myself transported back to 1917. I desperately wanted to know what was going to happen to Freddie in the pillbox. I wondered whether Laura would ever find her brother or what she would do. As the war rages on and life seems unbearably hard, these two characters have to find a way to survive. Ultimately they have an enemy to defeat and it is not the Germans. A beautifully written story that will make you so thankful that we are not living during a world war right now but also will keep you enthralled.

Thank you to Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Del Rey and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC!

What a gripping read. It really envelopes your entire being and sucks you into this historical, haunting story. Reading about the devastating results of war and the characters dealing with it was heart-breaking. Definitely a top read of the year for me!

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The Great War is eclipsed by WWII in the American psyche. The author of The Warm Hands of Ghosts has specifically focused in the Great War even with this in mind. WWII historical fiction, horror, fantasy, and romance are written in abundance in the popular literature of our society. Arden takes the road less traveled in this novel but one that is no less important. As a teenager, I was obsessed with WWII so I took a modern European history course so that I could learn more. However, in that class, what truly shocked me was the lack of clear, moral motivations for the start of WWI in comparison to WWII. The Great War really was the result of nascent nationalism and saber rattling. No generation in European history was more disillusioned by the end of a war as the one that went into WWI. Arden captures this sentiment and global transition well. This was the most pointless war, and it was one of the deadliest and dirtiest. Arden uses character development and foils to tell this story of the dawn of the European modern warfare era with tones of magical realism that you rarely see when touching on European historical fiction. She blends these genres together to give the reader a gothic and eerie read that doesn't glorify this war and what happened to this generation. I recommend this book to all who enjoy historical fiction, steampunk, and magical realism.

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A haunting, magical realism book set in World War 1. Freddie is fighting in the war while his sister Laura works as a nurse. When the brother goes missing Laura starts searching for him and discovers a sinister force at work apart from the war. I found the war scenes horrifying; it really shows the evil of war and how people get got up in systems. Laura is an amazing character and I really admired and enjoyed her story. Great fall read.

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An absolutely incredible book. I’m telling everyone about it. I’m shouting it from the rooftops. A blend of historical and speculative fiction that will stay with you long after you’ve finished reading it.

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