Member Reviews

Katherine Arden has a way of transporting you with her writing, this time to war-torn Flanders in Belgium. This story was captivating, lyrical and it really made me feel totally immersed. Such dark subject matter, but Laura and Freddie's stories were expertly told. The symbolism within this story was top-notch. I really felt as if I was there on the Front myself, in the middle of the Great War.

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Thank you to Del Rey books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of THE WARM HANDS OF GHOSTS by Katherine Arden in exchange for my honest review!

This was my first experience reading Arden's works and I could immediately tell that her writing style was up my alley. She writes with a lot of heart and thoughtfulness, and you can also tell it was well researched. I really enjoy historical fiction, generally, but I loved the liberties Arden took with the fantasy/paranormal elements in this story. The themes in THE WARM HANDS OF GHOSTS are also really poignant and I think will leave a lasting impression on readers.

Looking forward to reading more from this author!

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Unfortunately, the prose style in this novel just didn't work for me. The sentence structure was often very curt and choppy, and that really made me feel disjointed from the reading experience and the story. It felt like dialogue was often unfinished as well. However, with that said, although this book wasn't a great fit for my reading preferences, I think it's overall a really intriguing premise and if you are a fan of historical fiction, you should definitely give it a try.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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2.5 stars

Ah, the middling book, packed with unfilled promises and what-ifs.

Set during WWI, The Warm Hands of Ghosts begins with a lot of potential. Arden sets the scene and characters up beautifully, along with the dual timelines that, by their sheer closeness, are destined to collide.

In January 1918, we meet Laura Iven, a revered field nurse wounded and discharged from the medical corp, Laura has returned home to Halifax, Canada. Further rocked by a tragedy just the previous month that claimed the lives of her parents (see Halifax Explosion), Laura is profoundly upset when she receives word of her brother's disappearance. But when his personal belongings, along with the full set of dog tags, arrives by mail one day, Laura returns to Belgium as a volunteer nurse for a private hospital to uncover what has happened to her brother, Freddie.

The narrative then dives back to November 1917 inside a half-destroyed pillbox where Freddie Iven awakens following an explosion. He discovers a companion in the rubble with him, a German solider named Hans Winter. As the two figure out how to work together to survive, they grapple with the idea of a way ahead that would keep them both alive.

While I loved the idea of visiting some rarely covered WWI topics, reading Arden's book felt like climbing an uphill battle of my own, only to have it collapse at the end. At first, Freddie's storyline felt like it had the more gripping elements and reminded me heavily of the Poitier / Curtis movie, The Defiant Ones (1958). Set in the Southern United States, the film features two escaped prisoners, one white and one Black, shackled together, who must learn to co-operate in order to survive. However, Freddie's story never really took root in anything meaningful or delved too deeply into a stronger connection or bigger conversation for the two from opposite sides.

The two timelines begin their collision course by way of a supernatural connection — both sets run into a magical oasis of sorts in Belgium. As Laura continues her work as a nurse with plans to set off to determine Freddie's fate, she and her two female travel companions (one being Mary Burton (a real-life person), happen into a magical underground reverie, where a mysterious figure, Faland, welcomes weary guests with food and music. He also has a magical mirror that shows people what they truly desire...and he has garnered a reputation among the soldiers who experienced his spectacle and long to return but are unable to find it a second time. Meanwhile, Freddie and Winter meet up with Faland on their own, impacting the pair in different ways.

Elements of The Warm Hands of Ghosts worked really well and played around with themes of mental health, grief, and guilt. But the opening took too long to get going, and by the time Faland and his "night circus" dreamscape arrives, it was hard to remain engaged. In fact, once over the hump of the halfway point, though I held out hope, the story was on a steady decline and all but fell apart by the end.

I adored Katherine Arden's Winternight trilogy, and would not hesitate to continue to recommend it wholeheartedly.

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I really enjoy Katherine Arden’s prose, and I’m so grateful to have received an arc of this book from the publisher. This is a dual perspective story with alternating chapters. We follow siblings, Laura and Freddie, during WWI as they try to find each other. Freddie is presumed dead, but Laura does not believe the “evidence,” so she returns to Belgium to try to get more information and find her brother. This reads like Historical Fiction with a touch of Magical Realism. It's clear that Arden did a lot of research and this effort really brought the book to life. I did like the main and supporting characters, but I wish their arcs were better written to make them feel more three-dimensional. I think you’ll appreciate this book too if you’re looking for a historical fiction with some mysterious magic. The descriptions of the war torn cities was vivid, the characters' emotions were explored with care, and the subplot of romance was moving but a little surface level. Overall, a good read.

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Historical fiction with an element of the supernatural. Takes place during WWI and is the story of a nurse and her brother and the tragedy of war and the endurance of hope.

I didn't love this as much as I did The Bear and the Nightingale, but it was good. I think I liked the parts told from Freddie's POV the most, even thought they were the worst.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a free e-ARC of this book.

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(4.8 rounded up) I don't usually read many books set during World War 1. I loved the Small Spaces quartet by this author, and the premise seemed interesting. I'm really glad I read this book.

In this story, we follow siblings Laura and Freddie. It switches between their POVs (Laura's in 1918 and Freddie's in 1917). I was almost immediately invested in the fate of the siblings. I really felt immersed in the time period. Arden did an excellent job of bringing us into the past. It's obvious that a lot of research was done for this book.

Without getting into spoilers, I absolutely loved this book. There are so many scenes that will stay with me. One of them involving the warm hands of ghosts (IYKYK) really moved me. I don't want to give any details as it's best to go in knowing as little as possible. The book touches on the effects that war has on people.

"The more we progress, the more it seems we destroy ourselves." The author's note is also definitely worth a read as well.

This was a beautiful and haunting story. Yes, it's about ghosts. Kind of. It's mostly about what it means to be human. To be human is to suffer, yes, but there's also love and hope. This book will leave you with a lot to think about.

I'd recommend this to anyone. Especially those that enjoy historical fiction with a dash of something extra. If you're at all interested in World War 1, definitely pick this up.

Thank you to Del Rey and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC for review.

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“He was suddenly afraid that the memory of grief was part of the edifice that fixed his love for her in his mind. Could he not rid himself of sorrow without losing the rest?”

Although it’s early in the year, Ghosts is currently my favorite book of 2024.

A tale of devotion at its core, The Warm Hands of Ghosts follows a World War I nurse, Laura, as she seeks out her missing brother, Freddie, presumed dead on a battlefield in Belgium. However, rather than finding the tale of his demise, Lauren instead discovers that a new world comes with new devils — and that she is not the only one searching for Freddie.

The first quarter of Ghosts was a slow read while still being enjoyable. Around the halfway mark the action picks up, and as you’re very invested in the characters — Arden does an excellent job of this, as I felt strongly connected to a doctor who is introduced late in the novel and has sparring page time — you’ll be unable to put down the book until the last page.

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I loved Katherine Arden's Winternight Trilogy and went into this book with the same expectations. That was a mistake. This book was entirely different and I felt a bit let down. I did myself a disservice by going into this book with the same expectations.
The Warm Hands of Ghosts took me a while to get through. Almost 3 weeks in fact because I kept putting it down. It was hard to read at times. But ultimately I am glad I continued with it. I thought the ending was worth the struggle to get through. I do believe the struggle to make it through this book was more my fault than that of the author. I have a military background and come from a Military household. PTSD is something I am well versed in.

I thought this book was well written and had interesting perspective on war and PTSD. I do believe it is a book I will think about in the future and ultimately I am glad I read it.

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A wonderfully haunting novel about the love between siblings and dedication to humanity.

Personally, I have mixed feelings about The Warm Hands of Ghosts. On one hand, I see the passion, research, and dedication to writing a story about WWI. The desolation, isolation, and devastation of war comes across in technicolor. On the other hand, the characters' stories drew no strong emotions from me. For a story about a sister heading back into an active warzone to look for news about her brother who went missing, there was very little that moved me. There wasn't enough desperation on Laura's part to ravage the forbidden zone for Freddie. Winter did more to liberate Freddie than Laura did in my opinion. The paranormal aspect didn't do much to add to the story either other than create a space in which Freddie could disappear into.

I loved all the moments between Winter and Freddie and wish we'd gotten more of that instead of the long-winded beginning where nothing really happened other than following Laura around. I felt there was more dedication and love between Winter and Freddie than between Laura and Freddie.

All in all, a very worthwhile read even if it does take a while to get into the thick of it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group/Ballantine/Del Rey for generously providing me with a digital reviewer copy

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Laura and Freddie, both having been traumatized by being in the war, are each struggling to keep moving forward and find their way through it. Laura has put up a wall to keep herself together, struggling to let her guard down around the people who are helping her. Her determination to find out what happened to Freddie, although she has no hope of finding a miracle, drives her forward and causes her to return to Belgium to solve this mystery.

Freddie on the other hand has been forced to ally with an enemy soldier. The desperate bond between then being the only thing that may get them out of a terrible situation alive. Their reliance on one another keeps them moving, but also causes Freddie to fear what may become of them when their complicated relationship is discovered. Desperate for an escape from the things he has seen and done, Freddie finds an unexpected chance to leave the war behind for good and avoid what he fears his sister may think of him if he does return.

I loved the bond between Laura and Freddie. How they have lived through similar situations, but responded to them so differently. In both cases their love for one another is a driving force in their decisions. The side characters certainly added something to both halves of the story with the various relationships helping and sometimes hindering the main characters' progress. I enjoyed seeing the way their paths crossed throughout the novel as they were all looking for some way to make it through, as well as the addition of magical elements to this real world situation.

Some moments felt incomplete, like there was context missing or a thought left unfinished. Still, I was engaged in this story and seeing how things may work out for our characters. Not everyone makes it through the war in the end, but it still felt like a happy ending, or at least as happy as a terrible war story can end. Overall, I very much enjoyed this story and going along on this difficult journey with both Laura and Freddie.

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Katherine Arden quickly became one of my favorite authors with her previous works, The Winternight Trilogy. Her exquisite storytelling ability and breathtaking settings have wowed me from day one and I always recommend her whenever I can. I loved reading her children’s series, Small Spaces, but was avidly awaiting her next adult novel as I knew she would not disappoint. I was beyond excited to receive an ARC copy of this book, even though I had also preordered a signed copy from Arden herself.

Arden successfully mixed historical fiction and fantasy in this WWI novel with a mysterious twist. It was dark and heartbreaking but showed the realistic tole of war that affected people in many different ways. You don't see many books about WWI out there which is part of the reason why Arden says she wrote this book. So as dark as the material is, I enjoyed learning more about this pivotal historical moment. Especially Arden's notes after the story was over of why she wrote this particular book in this particular way. So incredibly unique and clever.

Arden's character development is flawless, and I could easily picture each character and match their personality to the scenes and dialogue as the story continued. You are introduced to a sister, Laura, who has been a frontline nurse during this long war. Wounded and sent home but now back after she hears conflicting stories of how her brother died. Laura is determined to find out what really happened to him. You are introduced to her brother, Freddie, a soldier stuck in a pillbox with an enemy German soldier, Winter, and their harrowing journey of clawing their way out and searching for safety.

As the storyline unfolds for this brother and sister, you follow them in their struggle of losing hope in this desperate and chaotic time. Their memories threaten to drag them to a dark place that they might not be able to escape. And that is where the fantastical element is added in this storyline. I can’t say much without giving away the clever and unique twist, but it enhanced the dark and harrowing journey for both of these characters.

I cannot say enough about how much I love Katherine Arden’s writing or how much this story affected me. All I can say is read it as soon as you can.

Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book so I was able to read it earlier than the release day. Of course, I am so glad to have the personalized physical copy in my possession now and it has immediately gone to my favorites bookshelf.

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This book was simply incredible! The writing is dark, atmospheric, and achingly lovely. I truly can't say enough about how much I've loved everything Katherine Arden has written.

In The Warm Hands of Ghosts, we get a hauntingly beautiful story set during WWI featuring trauma, heartache, and ghosts. I'm going to have this one on my mind for a long time to come. Having the supernatural and fantasy elements entwined with such a devastating time in history was absolutely mesmerizing. I especially loved the authors note at the end. Make sure to read it.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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i got 20% into this one before i had to dnf. i knew it was historical fantasty going into it as her books typically are but it was, honest to goodness, terribly boring. laura’s pov in particular was a pain to get through, but freddie’s pov was much more engaging. alas, no one can say i didn’t give it a fair try 😭 the pacing was also an issue i had with her other series and i was hopeful this one was going to be different (it wasn’t)

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Some books are good but in some ways are unoriginal and therefor forgettable, Katherine Arden does not write those kinds of books.
This book was absolutely unforgettable (like her others).
This is a fantasy tale that is intertwined with historical elements that make it that much more immersive.
You can't help but fall in love with the characters and become whole invested in the story that unfolds.
You can tell all the time, love and effort that was put into this book and its one of the reasons it is so good.
Highly recommend if you are at all interested in historical fiction/fantasy, enemies to lovers, or war time fictions.

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Title: The Warm Hands of Ghosts
Author: Katherine Arden
Source: DRC via NetGalley ( ) in exchange for an honest review
Publication Date: February 13, 2024
Synopsis: Goodreads
Purchase Link: Amazon

Why did I choose to read this book?

I have tried to read books by Arden before (The Bear and the Nightingale) but my brain has always gotten bored and I’ve sent the books back to the library. But this one sounded just weird enough that I figured it would hold my interest, so I requested it!

What is this book about?

This book follows Laura and Freddie Iven as they experience World War I from different perspectives. They are are from Canada, Laura is an honorably discharged combat nurse who has been told that her brother was killed in action, when really he was just missing in action. She goes back as a volunteer nurse to look for him and dives right back into the insanity of war. This book is how we bring ourselves and others away from the brink of oblivion and still live with ourselves afterwards.

What is notable about this story?

This is one of the weirdest books I have ever read. The timelines are all criss-crossed, there is a supernatural vampire-ish element(?), and all I can say is that if you have experienced trauma that has left you with PTSD or other mental illness struggles, this book is gonna take you places you might not necessarily want to go. If you are a veteran, you may want to read some more reviews before digging into this one. It’s a metaphor AND literal at the same time and my goodness it is a lot to process. The layers that Arden places through this story are so artfully crafted that sometimes you won’t even know you’re being told something until like, three chapters later and you get hit by it.

This book is a trauma-laced mindfuck. Do with that what you will.

Was anything not so great?

For me, this book went on a bit long. At one point I was like “okay, I get it, it’s a METAPHOR” and that slowed my progress a bit. But in the grand scheme of things it’s a small quibble. If you like your books thoughtful and dense, this will be something that you enjoy.

What’s the verdict?

3 stars on Goodreads. It’s serviceable but I wouldn’t go out of my way to read it because of the subject matter. I could see this as a book that a history professor would assign at the college level for their students to read and analyze. For fun though? Nah.

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This was a fantastic book. I have tried many times to get into historical fiction and it is often a bust for me but I really wanted to give this one a try. Katherine Arden did a fantastic job with keeping the readers engaged while adding a bit if magic and suspense. Additionally, she captures the struggles during this time period and allows readers to learn of what our family members and loved ones went through during that time. We all heard stories but never lived it. I will definitely be reading another book by this author.

Big thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me to have an ARC version of this book.

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The Warm Hands of Ghosts is a historical fiction novel set during World War 1 with and element of magical realism.

Laura Iven is a field nurse serving overseas when she is injured and sent home to Halifax. Her brother Freddie is a soldier serving overseas. Laura's parents are killed in an explosion in Halifax. Shortly afterwards Laura receives, via post, her brother's jacket and ID tags and is presumed dead.

The story follows two points of view. We witness Laura and her trip back to Belgium as she searches for her brother and answers to his disappearance.
We also follow Freddie's point of view as a soldier trapped in a pillbox with a German soldier as they need to work together to survive.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book.

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I adore Katherine Arden and her writing! She has such a wonderful way of transporting you into her books and the time and place of her writing. This book takes place during WWI and I felt like I was in the trenches with Fred and in the makeshift hospitals with Laura. This book is a historical science fiction novel. I loved that it was historical and yet we are dealing with ghosts as well. I really loved this book!

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Katherine Arden can make anything fascinating. In the Authors note at the end of the book she talked about how the United States doesn't talk about WW1 and instead put more focus on WW2 and she was totally right. I learned more about the first world war reading this book and then subsequently googling things that intrigued me than i ever did in school - which was my exact experience reading her other books. She has this way of writing that dives so deep into the characters that you are so fully immersed into their minds and the story, that you don't want to leave that world or those people behind no matter what the setting. I believe she could write a story about a trash heap and make it riveting.

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