Member Reviews

As a debut author, I would definitely check out more of Alexandra Paige's work. Her writing style is so natural and her flow is beautiful. Weekends with you was sorta romance sorta cozy. I appreciated the plot of flower shop in london. It took me a while to truly feel sparks between our two main characters Lucy and Henry, and honestly I didn't really like Henry, he seemed too immature and douchey right off the bat. I wish we had a little more of Lucy's past in NY as well. Ultimately, this was a light read and I look forward to more of Alexandra's writing!

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4.5 stars

I thoroughly enjoyed this debut romance, with a unique timeframe and setting. Eight flatmates sharing a warehouse apartment in London..Each of them has a unique personality and their banter is spot on. There.’s a spark between Lucy and Henry, but navigating it is tricky between their shared living space and Henry’s traveling photography gig. He’s only home one weekend a month, so the story is told in monthly vignettes. A fun read that was a perfect start to my Spring Break readathon!

Thank you Avon and Harper Voyager and NetGalley for this digital ARC in return for an honest review!

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4.5 stars rounded down.

This book drew me in from the very beginning. I loved the idea that we get a snapshot of every monthly hangout and learn what has changed from month to month. I thought that the narration was lovely and I loved learning about all of the seven flatmates. I was worried at first that I wouldn’t be able to keep them straight, but the author did a great job at differentiating them so it wasn’t confusing at all.

I didn’t love Henry as a character - he’s too wishy washy and essentially strings Lucy along. But unlike some reviewers I actually really enjoyed the romance between them - almost as if they had an invisible string tugging them together without them even knowing.

It’s hard to believe that this is Alexandra Paige’s debut novel - it was such a fun and cozy read that I couldn’t get enough of. Thank you to Alexandra Paige, Avon and Harper Voyager, and NetGalley for the eARC!

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This is a cute, quick read. I loved the protagonist, Lucy, and reading about her job as a florist. I loved her quirky roommates—all 7 of them!—and their once-a-month weekend adventures around London. The premise, in which Lucy gets involved with one of these roommates, Henry, who travels for work as a photographer and is only home a few days a month, is interesting. But, Henry is a drag and I could rarely see what Lucy sees in him. But, this is an enjoyable book, which I received from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A storyline that draws you into the plot from the very beginning. Lucy and Henry’s tumultuous relationship keeps the readers on their toes. At times, you both want them to succeed and hope they do well with others. Readers will enjoy experiencing their magic.

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This was a unique story written over the course of 12 weekends in one year. 12 chapters total and even though they were long, they went by so quickly. Lucy and her flatmates have the best friendship, for all of us found family lovers - this one is a good one! With Lucy and Henry, I could have done without the insane rollercoaster of emotions that was each of the 12 weekends. I went from happy to sad to mad almost every one. Granted, the ending made it worth the read and the laughs I got throughout were great. I wish I had a friend group like this to adventure with once a month! Especially if we could adventure around London with each weekend planned by a different flatmate 😍

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I thought this book was overall really cute, and I totally want to be a roommate in 2B! They know how to have a great time, and I always looked forward to heading what their next warehouse weekend adventure would be!

I enjoyed the banter between the roommates as well as between Henry & Lucy. I wish there was a little more back story - like Henry, why are you the way that you are??

Would recommend this book if you enjoy a roommates to lovers situation, as well as seeing supportive friendships.

Thank you Netgalley & Avon for the opportunity to read & review this book!!

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A heartfilled breathtaking romance filled with yearning, desire, humor and a creative plot. Not to be missed! Such a fun read.

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The best part of this book was the roommate friend group. All the activities sounded like a lot of fun. Lucy and Henry are very sweet at first but as time goes on the back and forth was exhausting. I didn’t get why Lucy kept going back but whatever. I didn’t feel like we saw enough of them interact so it was hard to pull for them. It never seemed like Henry wanted what was best for Lucy. He was selfish and I didn’t see much of a change by the end of the story. Even by the end I was still team Oliver.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc.

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Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. A lovely romantic debut that is perfect for reading during a lazy weekend. This was an adorable read, and told in monthly weekend spurts over the course of a year made this book a quick and enjoyable read for me.

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Let me start by saying I loved the warehouse setting. The idea is so many people being flat mats took me back to the year I lived with 5 our girls- it was never boring to say the least. Each roommate was lovable in their own way and gave us such a great comedic moments i actually laughed out loud over something Finn said more than once. I was nervous keeping track of each of the 8 roommates but Alexandra did a great job distinguishing each of them. I thought the idea that Henry is only around one weekend a month/the warehouse weeks was a unique story line and really enjoyed that each chapter was a new month or roommate weekend
I love Lucy’s ambition and the friendships she made with each roommate throughout the course of the year. However, I didn’t really feel the spark between her and Henry I should’ve. I think there were one too many will they won’t they moments to fully feel that they should be together in the end. The slowest slow burn.
Overall I can see why fans of Beth O’Leaey would gravitate to this book, I know I did!

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This was a cute roomates to more romance and I really enjoyed it. I wasn't sure I would like the format of weekly installments, but it worked well for my reading style after all. I think patrons will really enjoy it, so I'm adding it to our collection for sure. Thank you

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This is not good. The initial chemistry was there but none of the rationale or the belief that they would stay together. I like the structure - one weekend a month, but we did not see enough of either of the characters to make them lovable or believable. The writing and dialogue felt stilted too.

Thanks to the author, publisher and netgalley for the arc.

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So, there's this book about a love story that takes a year to reach a happy ending, but the couple only sees each other for a total of 24 days or less. Lucy, an American in London, loses her apartment and moves into a warehouse with her ex-uni roomie and six other tenants. They have this fun tradition called "Warehouse Weekend," where they pick an activity for all eight tenants to enjoy, and the roommate that picks the activity is done alphabetically. That's where Lucy first meets Henry, a Londoner who travels for a living.

Henry only comes to town for these weekends, as he's off to different countries trying to find himself while photographing bands and venues. Lucy works as a florist and wants more for her shop, but we don't really learn much else about her. It's a fun and frustrating story because these two young people don't really know how to interact with each other, and we never get to see a big picture of anyone's life, just fleeting glimpses.

Overall, the book is well-written, and the story is a window into two days of the month. It's an entertaining read, but you won't necessarily root for Lucy and Henry because we don't get to know them enough. I didn't feel any connection to any of the characters, although some of them could have been amazing with more development. One thing I loved, though, was the idea of "Warehouse Weekends." It's a fantastic concept, and I'd love to go on one!

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I adored this story, it was lovely. Very enjoyable read. I like how it was divided into the months over the course of a year so you could see how the characters changed over time. Easy to follow along and it had me in tears and laughing.
I will be recommending this book to others

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Loved this one! I think we will be seeing it as a highly-sought after pick for a lot of book clubs. I highly recommend this unique story. So adorable.

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While I enjoyed this book I felt like He Rt & Lucy started and stopped so often I was starting to get tired of their nonsense. I knew they would end up together but who was going to give was the question I kept reading to find out. I was also tired of the excessive drinking from all of the roommates. It felt like every chapter/month was basically the same story - go out drinking, flirt with each other and then argue about who didn’t mean what they said. Lucy was immature in her expectations of herself and Henry.
I did like the relationships between the roommates and thought that was a sweet aspect.
Despite the repetitiveness and the predictability, I did enjoy reading this and would recommend it as a very light book.

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This was a cute read! I thought the way it was broken up into the different months, and focused on the weekends that Henry and Lucy were together was really clever and definitely added to the story. I thought Lucy was a very relatable hopeless romantic. However, while I wanted to love Henry, I just felt like a lot of his behavior was a walking red flag, and I wanted Lucy to just tell him to kick rocks by the end of it. I don’t necessarily love the miscommunication trope either, which was a big aspect of this story.

In the end, I wound up giving it 4 stars because overall I had a good time reading it. I’d be really curious to read the stories of the other members of their warehouse flat, if I’m being honest.

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In August, Lucy, a florist, finds herself moving into a warehouse loft with her best friend from college, Raja and 6 other people. One of those people is Henry who travels for work and only comes to London once a month. When Henry is in town, the roommates hang out together having a "warehouse weekend". Lucy and Henry are attracted to each other and over the course of the book, get to know each other during that one weekend a month. I think Lucy gave way more of herself in this story and, after the events in March, I don't know....I would have like to have some backstory as to why Henry behaved the way he did. The story was likeable, 3 1/2 stars.

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This should really have been titled “One Weekend a Month with You,” but that’s not as catchy, I suppose. But the mode of storytelling is very unique and I enjoyed that it was such a different way to tell a story. Basically, the FMC (single and in her 20s) moves into a flat with seven other roommates. And they all have a standing commitment to gather and hang out together one weekend a month. One of the roommates travels constantly for work, so they schedule their weekends when he’s home. Every chapter tells the story of one of these weekends. So you only see the characters once a month. It was a very interesting plot device and I thought it worked well. I looked forward to finding out what activity they all planned for their weekend.

Other things I liked: I loved the found family aspect of the eight roommates. At first I was nervous that I wouldn’t be able to keep them all straight, but that wasn’t the case. They were all unique and interesting. And I loved their banter and interaction. I would love to see more books following each of them. I wanted more of their stories. Because we only saw them for one weekend a month, we never got to find out more of their backstories.

What I didn’t like: the romance fell flat for me. The MMC was the most unlikeable of the roommates. I needed more backstory to understand his struggles with commitment. Without some trauma to explain his actions, he just came off as very immature and not ready for a relationship. The FMC was making strides in her career and making adult choices. And the relationship didn’t seem like it was right for her. The problems they had in their on again, off again, on again, off again, on again relationship seemed likely to continue unless the MMC did a lot of growing up.

Overall it was a fun way to tell a story, with some great characters. But I needed more backstory on all of them.

Thank you to @netgalley and @avonbooks for the chance to review this book.

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