Member Reviews

This book charmed me but at the same time made me thankful I’m not in my twenties looking for love in this day and age. I found myself smiling while I read this. It pulled me in to the friend drama and then the dating drama. But it was a drama that I didn’t mind. The title is aptly appropriate as it deals with a couple who is navigating a potential relationship one weekend a month. It sounds impossible because it is. But to be young and free and able to navigate this world only works with the support of friends. This is a great feel good story. It’s well written and I’d recommend it if your looking for a quick weekend read. Special thanks to NetGalley for this e-ARC and accepting my honest review in exchange.

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"Weekends with You" was the perfect lighthearted romance-read to kick off the new year. Full of deeply lustful looks and airy romance, Lucy and Henry held onto my heart the entire way. Alexandra Paige is an expert at the heart and her writing kept me turning the page until the very end. "Weekends with You" is the perfect read for all types of readers, whether you need to get out of a reading slump, haven't touched a book in years, or are a proficient romance reader; this book is your next great find!

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

Such a cute and lovely story, I always seem to enjoy romances set in London. Most of this book was great, but I really disliked the male love interest- he just kind of sucked? And she deserved better? Like I don’t find him redeemed really, seems like walking red flag. But maybe that’s just my own preferences talking

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I really enjoyed this book. The roommates were a lot of fun and the London setting was delightful. My only frustrating was the on-again, off-again, on-again, off-again that took quite a while to resolve.

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I’ll just start this off by saying I hated Henry lol. He’s the type of guy on hinge that says he’s ready to settle down in his bio but then says he is still figuring out what he's looking for. He had no redeeming qualities for me and I was not rooting for them. There was just one moment that I couldn’t come back from and felt like I wanted to shake Lucy and tell her he won’t change lol. Sure he was cute in the end, but I was definitely like 😒😒😏

Aside from Henry, this book was great. It reminded me a bit of good trouble, I loved the found family, the friend group and absolutely love the idea of warehouse weekends. I loved all the integrations of flowers into the story, and I loved Lucy. I feel like her feelings were relatable, it was fun to go through her crush with her, I just wish she stuck to her gut more.

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Weekends with you had a good premise, but the execution fell short. I was hoping over the course of the timeline both characters would grow and mature, but I felt like I was in a new adult, college type setup. Lucy didn't come off as a strong FMC and seemed to get worse through the book. Henry was fairly selfish and obnoxious and I'm still not sure what his draw was. The author didn't write him as someone you're drawn to, so imagine my surprise at Lucy letting him string her along.

I think with a little more plot editing and some other issues writing a book in the UK, it could be ready.

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I loved this sweet rom com. It was a fairly quick read. That kept my attention from start to finish. Because I just had to know how the book ended.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books for the ARC of Weekends with You. This book was a delight, not only great main characters but an ensemble cast that you can’t help but fall in love with and root for. I loved all of the flower references, too; made me want to go out and arrange a bouquet (or quit my job and become a florist or photographer). This was a fun debut and one that I’d definitely recommend. The romance plot was definitely there, but the real star was the cast of characters and the adventures they went on. It was so fun to follow along, and I loved the premise and writing style.

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This book is so wonderful. It takes place over a year but during the weekends. So this was totally different and I really really loved it! I had to keep reading to see what happened next. Loved this! 5 out if 5 stars!
I just reviewed Weekends with You by Alexandra Paige. #WeekendswithYou #NetGalley
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This book wasn’t written for me. I didn’t resonate with any of the characters but that doesn’t mean this is a “bad” book by any means. It flowed well, the dialogue was great between characters.

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In Alexandra Paige's novel, "Weekends with You," the author beautifully explores the power of flowers as communicators, contrasting their patient and giving nature with the bustling city of London. The protagonist, Lucy Bernstein, finds herself navigating the challenges of running her flower shop, The Lotus, in north London while simultaneously grappling with unexpected romantic entanglements in her new living situation as one of eight flatmates in a quirky warehouse conversion. Lucy's journey is intertwined with the arrival of Henry Baker, a traveling photographer who only returns home for twelve weekends each year. As their paths cross, Lucy is not only captivated by Henry's charm but also finds herself gradually falling for each of her flatmates. Throughout the story, the author cleverly draws parallels between the flowers Lucy tends to and her own personal growth, prompting her to reconsider her understanding of "creative arrangements." Paige expertly captures the essence of the characters and their evolving relationships, painting a vivid picture of the eclectic dynamics within the warehouse conversion. Amidst the vibrant backdrop of this bustling home, Lucy's personal growth becomes intertwined with her interactions with her flatmates, as they all navigate their own journeys towards self-discovery. With each passing weekend, Lucy's character blossoms, mirroring the very flowers she nurtures in her shop. The author masterfully weaves themes of patience, giving, and personal growth into the narrative, emphasizing the importance of learning from nature's example. Lucy's journey serves as a reminder that sometimes, in order to reach our full potential, we must bravely reach for what we need and embrace the opportunities that come our way. "Wekends with You" is a heartwarming and captivating novel that showcases Alexandra Paige's talent for storytelling. Through her vivid descriptions and skillful character development, she transports readers into the world of Lucy's flower shop and the bustling warehouse conversion. This delightful tale serves as a reminder of the beauty in life's unexpected twists and turns, and the transformative power of love and personal growth. In conclusion, "Weekends with You" is a charming novel that will resonate with readers who appreciate the beauty of flowers, the complexities of human connections, and the courage required to embrace new beginnings. Alexandra Paige's enchanting storytelling will leave readers eagerly turning the pages, eagerly awaiting the next bloom in Lucy's journey.

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I enjoyed the premise of this book and loved the writing style. It flowed nicely and was enjoyable to read. However, I did not enjoy the characters. I personally just didn't connect with them.

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Weekends with You - a group of friends living together in a co-op like space that commit to gathering together at least 1 weekend a month. To ensure it’s not boring, each friend gets to pick the activity they do for that weekend.
The only time I lived communally with others was when I was in college living in the dorms. The idea of living in a place like the warehouse seemed so fun - add in a little romance and you have the premise. I love the characters & the exploration of emotions as they begin to enter the next stages of life.
Marriages, dating, job changes - all the things that can cause friendships to change are explored as the main character, Lucy, balances her job at a flower shop, family and the ever changing relationship with her friends in the warehouse. This book was delightful and I found myself reminiscing of my own friendships and choices I’ve made of the year which is what a great book does!
Alexandra Paige did a beautiful job creating a story that’ll have you rooting for Lucy as she navigates the ups and downs of life. She still keeps the story fresh by popping in some unexpected turns. You think you see where it’s going and then suddenly she offers another option to keep you guessing until the end. It’s a fun read and I’d definitely recommend it!

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This book sounded interesting and I loved the way each chapter was a weekend of the month. That was very unique and made the story even more interesting. However, I just did not like Henry. I didn't like the way he treated Lucy. He seemed like he was using her. I did like the personality mix of the other roommates.

This book overall was good. Except for Henry.

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A found family story with a romance subplot is guaranteed to bring the feels. We follow Lucy as she moves in with new roommates. We also get to see her blossom a relationship with a man, but only on the weekends.

This particular set up lets us get to know Lucy well. Who she is alone, with friends and with her love interest. I thought this book was mostly cute.

Thank you Avon & Harper Voyager and NetGalley for the ARC!

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The premise of this book was pretty cute, but it went on much too long. The best part actually was the roommate dynamics and the fun they all had together. It was funny and real and made you want to be part of the group. The budding relationship between Henry and Lucy was just stunted. Could he have stayed in town for a week maybe instead of a weekend so they could develop the romance a bit more?

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Sweet and immersive. A recommended purchase for collections where lighter WF and romance are popular.

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Thank you Avon & Harper Voyager and NetGalley for the ARC!

Weekends With You was such a warm and fuzzy read! I truly didn’t want it to end. There’s something about a well-written romcom with heart that just fills my cup every time!

I hope to read more of Alexandra Paige’s work in the future, especially because her characters in this book were so unique and fun! Thank you again for the ARC!

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Thank you to Avon and Harper Voyager as well as netgalley for an arc in exchange for my honest opinion. This book was such an fantastic plot. I really enjoyed diving into each character.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy. I enjoyed the premise and Lucy’s ambition for her career. My rating comes mostly from Henry — he just wasn’t likable. He was hot and cold about Lucy, only wanted to be with her when it was convenient for himself. There was never any selflessness portrayed and I didn’t see them adopting each other’s best qualities the way I enjoy in a romance. 2.5 stars overall.

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