Member Reviews

This is a good book. The two main characters are Lanie and Nate. They were high school sweethearts and they broke up. Lanie has come back home because of her mother passing away and to settle her estate. Her mother’s car has a flat and the person who comes to her rescue is Nate. There is still feelings between them. They start bumping into each other. They talk out their differences and fall in love.

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I love a good small town, second chance romance, and that's exactly what you get from this book... but with some extras thrown in!
Lanie and Nate's story was painted with emotion that you could feel, and that really helped draw me into the book. But right beside that is the striking story of the relationship between a mother and a daughter, and the journey through the feelings that can leave behind felt relatable.
I might have liked to see the pacing pick up a little bit in parts, but there was definitely enough going on to keep me interested throughout the read.
Overall, this was an intriguing read, and I'd definitely recommend!

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A sweet Christmas read that made me both cry and laugh while reading the book. I loved the characters.

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Lanie had to return to Cedar Haven to handle her mother's estate. She wasn't sure why her mother made her the executor of the her estate especially since Lanie's brother is an attorney.

Stephan and their dad want Lanie to move back to Cedar Haven. She has a job waiting for her in California and a boyfriend.

While in Cedar Haven, Lanie has to go through her mother's house and face so many memories. She constantly runs into her high school sweetheart Nate regularly. Each morning before she sees him a cardinal appears outside her kitchen window. Lanie starts to wonder if it is her mother visiting and trying to give her a message.

In the end, Lanie gets the closure she didn't know she needed. She realizes as a special education she can make a bigger difference in Cedar Haven and the specialty school wait on her. Lanie also realizes she is still in love with Nate. She stays for her instead of doing what she her mother wanted her to do.

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This is a beautifully written book that is full of emotions. Once I started reading it I couldn't put it down. I loved everything about this book and can't wait to read the next one in this series.
I received a complimentary copy from Faery Whisper Press via NetGalley and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This was another great read from Katie Eagan Schenck. Your emotions will be all over the place but it's so worth the emotional ride! I couldn’t put this book down as it was a real page turner and definitely worth reading. I can't wait to read the next book in this series!! I highly recommend this book!

Thank you NetGalley and Faery Whisper Press for allowing me to read this ARC for my honest opinion.

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My sincere thanks to Faery Whisper Press and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read When Cardinals Appear by Katie Eagan Schenck. I give my unbiased opinion of the book in the following review.

Lanie McCallister has returned to her hometown to settle her mother's estate. She's not sure why her mother made her the executor when her brother is a lawyer. Her plan is to get the estate settled and head back to California where she will move in with her boyfriend and start the job she has waiting for her. Complications arise when she runs into her first love, Nate. Lanie is working through some deep feelings and family conflicts. She also has a cardinal visiting her regularly and her neighbor says cardinals are a sign of someone she has lost visiting her. Is it her mother? What is she trying to tell Lanie?

First of all, I love the cover. The story moved a little slow at times, but I was still interested enough to keep reading. The conflict was not too over the top and the way Lanie worked through her feelings was realistic. I enjoyed the epilogue and look forward to the second book in the series.

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Lanie is in town to settle her mother’s estate and then plans on going back to California to her boyfriend and a new job. There are a lot of things left unresolved where her mother is concerned plus there is an old boyfriend she hopes to avoid. Several times a cardinal appears at the window and later she has dealings with him. Her neighbor talks to her about the legend of the cardinal who visits those who have lost someone. Maybe this one is trying to get her to see the truth. I enjoyed this book, especially the small-town charm. I think it shows how tough it is to return home and wade through years of memories. I liked how her father and brother supported her and their insights into why she had problems with her mother. Great characters.

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When Cardinals Appear by Katie Eagan Schenck was a thought-provoking, sweet and inspiring story.
The romance here was sweet and clean.
I really enjoyed the story. It got me thinking about my loved ones.
The characters were dealing with real and raw emotions which I could feel right off the pages.
Katie Eagan Schenck's writing is captivating and she really kept me hooked and glued to the pages.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Faery Whisper Press for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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A really good read. The grief is felt and the rawness that underpins the everyday actions and decisions flows through the book. There is the slow romance that starts to burn again, alongside the mundane, everyday actions that accompany a bereavement. It is this mix of the monotony of painful tasks following the death of a family member juxtaposed with the hope and possibility of love that make this well worth a read.

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Thanks netgallery for the ARC of when Cardinals Appear. This is a sweet homecoming story about a woman who goes home to close out her mother's estate after she passes away. So many moments of grief are experienced and a few times I was brought to tears. It deals with how parents can manipulate the lives of their children and sometimes it is not for the best.

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As someone who lost someone very near and dear to me recently I could not be more grateful for this book. I can relate so much to the character and what she is dealing with. I often see cardinals from time to time and try to interpret the signs. I think many readers will relate to this touching story. Very happy to acquire it.

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