Member Reviews

This book is just feels like a warm cozy hug! Just... Ugh what can I say? It was absolutely perfect! I knew I loved Juliana Smith's books and I didn't think her books could get any better but, this has to be my favorite by her! In this book we follow calla who is the sister of Luke (the main MMC of "Per My Last Email") and Nathan of is Luke's best friend. Calla, free from college is now in the need of a job and a roof over her head, this leads her to Nathan who is in need of a roommate. Now living together Calla starts to fall for Nathan. Little do they know they've been anonymously emailing each other for the past 10 years! 5stars!

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I loved this book so much. It was such a cute premise. It's a brother's best friend and pen pal romance. While the troupes are a little confusing writing it out Juliana Smith does such a wonderful job at executing an interesting story. It is a 4.5 out of 5 for me. The ending felt a little rushed and they accepted the truth of their situation way too quickly for me personally but loved it all the same. I loved Nathan and Calla so much. She was so funny, and I want to be her best friend. Nathan was so charming and just a lovable himbo. Reading from both of their perspectives was the best. I am such a sucker for a friend to lovers' story and this one was just perfect.

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This was such a fun, wholesome and cozy read!

Nathan is such an adorable sweetheart, in addition to being hot and playing piano AND guitar! He's such a breath of fresh air after all these grumpy man that are overwhelming the romance genre.

I loved the anonymous penpals aspect and how each chapter starts with an e-mail. Was really anticipating the big reveal!

I was awwing and kicking my feet throughout the whole book! Highly recommend this romcom!

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Signed, Sealed, Delivered by Juliana Smith

Pub date: September 23, 2023


Read it if you like:
-brother’s best friend
-forbidden romance
-friends to lovers
-kiss cams
-anonymous penpals
-baseball games

I loved Nathan and Calla’s story! Calla is so easy to love and her chemistry with Nathan is too good. 🫶🏻 The anonymous penpals really made this book fun and interesting! I found myself laughing and smiling quite a bit. This was my first book by Juliana Smith, and it didn’t disappoint! I’ll have to read the first book in this series (Per My Last Email) but thankfully Sealed, Signed, Delivered can be read as a stand-alone. I think I’ll get more background on the other characters who pop up in here though. If I’m being honest, I don’t normally go for romance that gives you all those warm fuzzy feelings… but this book makes me want to read more of them! 🤗

Thank you to @netgalley for a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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This book is so adorable and I adore Calla and Nathan! There are several tropes in this book with the major ones being best-friend’s-sister, roommates-to-lovers, and anonymous pen pals. Calla falls on just the right side of wacky. She can be a free spirit and is very independent. Nathan is a complete pushover who is just trudging through until Calla becomes his roommate. Their friendship develops and we all know how romances go. I loved the supporting cast in this book along with the emails to start off each chapter. I wish the ending had been a bit different and not so sudden, but overall it was cute. This is a sweet and clean romance so while some things may be alluded to, there is nothing spicy mentioned on page. I can’t wait to read more of this series! 4.25⭐️, 1🌶

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When Calla moves back to town, she needs a place to live and a job. Coincidentally, her brother's best friend has a room to spare at his place and her brother offers her a temporary job. Calla agrees - After all, she will be job hunting so it will be just a few months. Right?

This is genuinely such a fun story! You will love this if you love:

💜 Brother's Best Friend
💜 Anonymous pen pals
💜 Roommates/Friends to Lovers
💜 No third act break up

I really loved both of the characters in this story. While they don't have too many flaws, it is such a fun and fluffy, kick your feet, kind of story that you can look past all that stuff. The entire time I was hoping that the big secret would come unraveled, and I was so excited for it! Such a cute story, I can wait to read more in this universe.

I received an ARC copy of Signed, Sealed, Delivered but all opinions are my own!

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from the beginning of this book, I felt like I could really relate to the quirkiness and imperfections of the two main characters, and seeing (ok reading) them fall in love was just perfect 🫠

I LOVED Per My Last Email, so this one didn’t quite beat it, but it had me swooning, giggling, and gave all the little butterflies!

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This was my very first arc!!! 🥳

Even though it’s technically a spin-off, the first book being Per My Last Email, I really really enjoyed it,
and didn’t feel like I should have read the first book to understand what was going on.

Nathan was an adorable MMC!! I loved his work ethic, his passion for teaching music, and his loyalty to his friends!

Calla was a vivacious, strong and admirable FMC! I loved her tenacity, sense of humor, and her ability to see people for who they are and accept them wholly for it!

Together, these two had me cracking up with their interactions, and I absolutely adored them!

The aspect of pen pals was SO freaking adorable, and I loved how everything came full circle by the end!

Thanks, Netgalley for my first ever ARC!

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Do you know how well a book has to be written, for someone to genuinely smile, laugh, tear up, or be upset at fictional characters? It has to be pretty damn good! Especially for me, since I am a very picky reader.

Juliana... Julie... Jules... Thank you for this book. You're perfect. Its perfect. I think I am in love with Calla, too. But I think I'd pummel her or anyone for Nathan. 😪 I can't make up my mind! Not only did I love the penpal situation going on, but I really enjoyed the twists! I loved Luke and Layla, and I have an inkling of a feeling that something is up between Marigold and Liam and I HOPE I am right when I say this 😭

I loved the friendships, the family -- both blood and not blood. I loved the clichés, the book trope references, the details, I loved the feel-good-ness of it all, it really had me biting my nails and staying up till 1AM to finish! I loved it so much it physically hurts that I can't actually meet these people. This reminded me a lot of How I Met Your Mother in some ways, maybe just because of the tight-knit friendships and how old the friendships were, but it definitely gave me HIMYM vibes and that's why I love it even more!

Release date is really soon! Please pre-order/buy once it is released. Promise you won't regret it!!

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I posted the review on Instagram just today. Link to the post is attached.

ARC review: Signed, Sealed, delivered by Juliana Smith


"What's your favorite thing about romance books and movies?" "The way the characters fit together so perfectly, even if they don't see it right away." 🩷

I was blessed to get this book in advance before publication day, thank you to @netgalley & @auther.juliana.smith for my ARC!

It was such a cute, easy read I recommend for everyone. It was heart warming & darn too funny. I honestly could not stop laughing at certain moments of the book.
What I also love about the book is the Star Wars references! Ugh I deeply love Star Wars & for an author to include it in a book is hands down amazing!!

I loved the MMC & FMC. They were just so easy to love

I also loved how each chapter begins with emails to and from the characters (present & past), but they didn’t even know that it was to each other until the end!! Keep in mind, they’ve been secret penpals for 10 years! I would be tempted to meet the person, hear them speak, etc. 10 years of not knowing how they look, not knowing their true identity would kill me. I give props to their commitment.

This book was also SUCH A SLOW BURN!! Lorddddddd! I get so frustrated when it’s a slow burn!😭 In the back of my head I’m thinking “is it ever going to happen?”. When it finally did happen for Calla and Nathan I screamed 🤣 I understood why it was such a slow burn (best friend’s sister & brother’s best friend), but God why does it have to be such a SLOW BURN!😭 their chemistry was so strong throughout the book though.

Overall I absolutely adored this book! I cannot wait for y’all to read this book by Juliana.

It comes out September 23rd, 2023!

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Loved loved this one! I read "Per My Last Email" and LOVED the "The Office" vibes it gave me!! This one held up to the high standard I placed Juliana Smith's books under. It was all New Girl Nick Miller "this is how I would have kissed you" meets You've Got Mail with the SWEETEST email pen pals! If you need a cute, cozy, happy rom com with characters that you just with you could beeeeee, then read this!! But start with "Per My Last Email" - Juliana's characters are just the BEST.

It had ALL of my favorite tropes in one!

Thanks NetGalley & Julianna for the advanced copy!!!!

Review available on my goodreads and will be on my instagram @afewdevinethoughts on Sept 5.

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Rating: 4,5 stars ⭐️

closed door romance 🚪
brother’s best friend ❤️
forced proximity 🏡
friends to lovers 🫶🏻
boy obsessed 😍
fated mates 💌
slow burn 🔥

I absolutely loved the first book in the "Wells Family" series and this was no exception! 🥰

Juliana Smith is an amazing author that writes amazing and heartwarming stories.

This story follows Calla and Nathan. She moves back home to find a new job but doesn't want to be a burden to her family. Her brother, Luke, suggests that she moves in with his best friend and former roommate, Nathan, as he has a spare room.

They end up getting along much better than first expected. There is also a deeper reason for that...

I absolutely loved all the characters and hope that you will give this author a chance. 🫶🏻

Thank you to Netgalley, Juliana Smith and the publisher for providing me with this copy. All opinions are my own.

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This book was such a fun, lighthearted, and cozy read.

If you enjoy best friend's sister, forced proximity (roommates), and anonymous penpals to friends to lovers (yes this is now a thing I enjoy) - you will adore this book.

It was fun having an MMC, that while confident, cannot seem to pull himself together when he is initially around our FMC vs the normal overly confident, and often arrogant/grumpy leads we get in a lot of romance books.

I enjoyed watching Nathan and Calla's relationship grow over the years and then in person without them even realizing who the other was. The emails were such a fun addition to see how they genuinely became best friends over time and shared things with one another they hadn't with anyone else.

Overall such a cozy read. I recommend this if you are looking for something to read along with a heavier read or just if you need a smile.

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Really really enjoyed Nathan's and Calla's story!
These people have my whole heart💓💓

Thank you soooooo much netgalley, the author and the publisher for the advanced review copy if this book💗
"I voluntarily read and reviewed the book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.”

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Ahh, this book was just so cute! The characters were a lot of fun and the storyline was engaging. Signed, Sealed, Delivered is the second book in Juliana Smith’s Wells Family series. And it is the first that I have read of her books but it is certainly not the last that I will read.
Nathan and Calla were so cute together! I liked their interactions and how they seemed to care for each other from the beginning. Nathan was just a sweetheart, he really cared about those around him and he wanted to do a good job in everything. Nathan had to learn how to stand up for himself and how to take risks. Calla was so full of life and fun to read about. I liked reading about Calla’s growth throughout the book and how she kind of found herself.
I love how Calla and Nathan were rooting for each other in everything. Their relationship was so sweet and I liked how they were friends first. The pen pal sections were also wonderful. The side characters were a lot of fun and I hope that all of the Wells family gets their own books.
I would totally recommend Signed, Sealed, Delivered! I am super excited for the next books and I have to read Smith’s other books now too. Signed, Sealed, Delivered is a closed door romantic comedy.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC! This book was SO. DANG. CUTE. I love a good closed-door romance and this absolutely delivered! The characters were amazing, I felt like I really knew them. The dialogue and slow burn was SO GREAT. I loved this story so much and I’ll be thinking about it for a long time!!!

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Nathan and Calla were so cute. They were literally the person, each other wished for in life. Their chemistry was so good, plus the angst from being the brothers best friend and forced proximity. This was such an easy read and super heart warming. The slow burn had me on the edge of my seat from the anonymous pen pals.

I was hoping for a larger reveal with finding out they were penpals the entire time. It left me wanting more, just a tad bit. I also wanted more of a reaction from Luke finding out. Not necessarily him being pissed, but in general more of an acknowledgement. He took in the news like someone finding out what they're having for dinner.

Overall so so good!

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This book is so stinking cute. It absolutely is a sweet, slow burn romance. Calla and Nathan are two people you can’t help but root for on their own. Together? An electric duo who you’ll root for almost as much as they pibe for one another. The longing glances and denied feelings?! Couldn’t get enough. The major he falls first energy? Yes, please. I’d highly recommend this to anyone looking for a book with mutual pining, nerdy references, and a love you can’t help but get behind!

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FIRST OF THE EMOTIONAL ROLLER COASTER THIS PUT ME THROUGH. i was on the edge of my seat for some chapters!! i really enjoyed this book. nathan and calla are my favs (i just love them so much). i liked the anonymous penpal portion from the past and present nathan and calla (aka shiny and lily). this was my first book by @author.juliana.smith and i loved the writing style so much. i highly recommend you read this!

things i liked:
the yogi bear mug graphic for calla’s pov🐻
the flow 🩷
the duel pov 💭
the email penpal portion 💻
the pacing 📖

if you like this is for you:
no third act break up
forbidden romance
friends to lovers
brothers best friend
philly cheesesteaks

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While easy to read, I didn’t feel like Signed, Sealed, Delivered actually delivered. There were multiple tropes in this book that should have worked, best friends’ little sister, anonymous pen pals, roommates to lovers, but all of them fell flat for me.

Nathan was a people pleaser who couldn’t say no to anyone, no matter how burned out he was, and that didn’t change throughout this book. Calla was bold and messy, and I did like her, but I didn’t believe her feelings for Nathan at all. There was a lot of internal agonising on Nathan’s part, which seemed for nought, and while there was no third-act break-up, there was a third-act car crash which felt unnecessary since the characters were already on their way to the plot destination.

So, while an easy read, this book didn’t work for me.

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