Member Reviews

*more like a 3.25-3.5ish rating*

Lady Charlotte Always Gets Her Man was such a fun read! I will say, there were times when the pacing was a bit slow and I was a little confused by the plot and mystery. It took me a while to get truly invested in the book but overall I still enjoyed my reading experience. Mostly, I loved Charlotte and Matthew as characters, both separately and together. I loved how Matthew had admired Charlotte for most of his life and seeing them fall in love because of how much they respect each other was so sweet and definitely my favorite part of the book. I also loved all the side characters and found myself going to the author's Goodreads to see if anyone had books of their own. Even characters that were never actually on page caught my attention and had me very interested in their story. I really would love for her to write more in this world and about these characters, especially Violet's brother!

If you like super fun, a little whacky, historical romances with a mystery element, I definitely recommend this one and I would absolutely be open to reading more by this author in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced copy!

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This is a fun, entertaining read. Matthew and Charlotte are intriguing, interesting, captivating, complex, relatable, entertaining, feisty characters. I enjoyed them as individuals and as a couple. Their romance is full of twists and turns (like the overall plot) but very fitting for this couple. I love how things played out and the roles the characters played. The various secondary characters added to the fabric of the story and my enjoyment – including the parrot and monkey. I was captivated by these characters and the suspense plot from the very beginning. The story is easy to read and get into.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A witty and charming debut! Things I loved about "Lady Charlotte Always Gets Her Man"
-Strong-willed, smart female lead surrounded by other strong women supporting each other
-An engaging mystery that propelled the plot forward
-Brother's best friend trope deployed well
-An actual menagerie as the support cast
-Unusual time period (1750's)

Looking forward to reading more from this author, and recommend this book for anyone who likes a healthy dose of mystery with their historical rom-coms!

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Lady Charlotte Always Gets her Man was a pretty fast paced book that caught my attention early on and held it throughout the story. Charlotte has always been a means to an end for her parents and now she finds herself forced into an engagement she does not want to a man who has gone through two wives already. Matthew is her brother’s best friend and the brother of Charlotte’s potential fiancé whose name is Hawley. Together they must find a way to trust each other enough to find a way to expose Hawley for the dangerous bully he is while saving Charlotte from a horrible marriage.

The story is about Charlotte taking her power back from a society that would see her fit in a very small box. It also show how Matthew is able to take his power back from his family after years of abuse. Together Matthew and Charlotte are very sweet and you are rooting for them to find a way to be together in the end. This is a well written romance that I enjoyed reading.

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This was quite a nice twist to the Bluestocking Lady/Lord, and one that would be perfect for fans of Bridgerton but wanted it to me a bit more eccentric. It was captivating from start and finish, evenly paced, and also had a surprising depth to the narrative despite it's kookiness.

That being said, it may not be for everyone, so do venture with caution!

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Lady Charlotte Always Gets Her Man is such a fun historical romance!! With a side of action and mystery -- I loved all characters involved (including ladies not of the peerage being related to someone of the peerage!?)

It's been a minute since I was so invested in the ending of a historical romance? Once one reads so many of them.. it becomes a bit of the same drivel. In the end, though - Marsh's creation gives the readers so much to look forward to with spies, women embarking on 'matters of business' to create their own stories rather than the ones that are laid before them! Not to mention, it's HIGHLY satisfying to see members of the peerage who need their comeuppance getting their due!

If you're feeling burnt out in the English-society historical romance department, this is a fun way to get out of that reader funk. I was really not wanting to start another book that's coming out recently and I saw that this title had a bit of adventure in it? Something a little more daring than your average historical fiction read? I think I love most the secretly heroic spins that are revealed!! I can't say much more because it'll ruin the ending - but overall, it's a must-read!

P.S. Matthew may or may not be my new favorite book boyfriend!?

**Thank you to Forever & NetGalley for the advanced reader copy. I received this book for free, but all thoughts are my own. – SLR 🖤

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DNF at 44%

Pacing is just too slow and I'm not invested enough in the story to stay with it. At 44% we still haven't really gotten anywhere. While I expected a comedic regency romp, it's just too kooky for me.

I generally don't give DNFs star ratings, so disregard it. I had to put something.

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I’ve been exploring more historical romance reads recently, so I was excited to try Lady Charlotte Always Gets Her Man. The cover art is eye catching, and the premise sounded very intriguing. Having encountered a few other HR mysteries I really enjoyed, I was eager to give this one a try.

While the premise of the story was intriguing, I had trouble getting into the story itself. Add to that the fact that this story read a bit more contemporary or modern than I am used to in a HR.

The start, for me at least, felt very slow to get going and was not hooking me. This made it harder for me to get into the book or connect with the plot and get invested in the characters. This combined with the more modern feel, made it hard for me to stay in the moment so to speak while reading.

To sum up, I don’t think this one was the right fit for me personally. Though I’m sure others will enjoy it.

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Fairly predictable mystery, but it was still a good read that I enjoyed. I only thought it was predictable because I solved the mystery before the characters did.

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If you're looking for a regency romance that is wholesome and funny and also adventure-filled, PICK THIS UP 😭
💫 The romance is childhood friends to lovers / brother's best friend :))
💫 The animals in this book are so >>>>> ! There's a fearsome parrot and an energetic and clingy monkey, and a bunch more side animals, and they are so so wholesome
💫 The theme for both MCs is leaving behind oppressive society standards as well as their abusive families to pursue their passions 😭 the ending was peak wholesome
💫 Also, spotlight on coffee houses and intellectual discussions!

TWs - slavery, racism, verbal and physical domestic abuse, violence

-- ty to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an advanced copy!

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I read this book on Kindle.

Lady Charlotte has just found out that her very important and powerful parents, a duke and duchess, have promised her in marriage without her knowledge. Unfortunately, Viscount Hawley, the man she is promised to is probably a murderer. And he is definitely a man who takes great pleasure in inflicting pain, both physical and emotional, on the people around him.

Charlotte knows how he abused her own brother, Alexander, as well as Matthew, his own younger brother. Alexander has a club foot and was physically abused. Charlotte and others have suspicions about the deaths of his first two wives.

This book is well written. The plot moves along at a good pace. But, to be honest, I got really tired of the modern day situations and speeches. I read historical novels because I like history.

The book had both Charlotte’s parents and Hawley’s parents as some of the most appalling people ever. The emotional abuse of their children was truly disgusting. But, I guess if one is a heartbeat away from God, one can do what one chooses to do.

Charlotte has all the qualities of a woman who lives in the 21st century. Her ideas and actions seemed out of place.

Charlotte is smart but seemed intent on suspecting nearly every male person of being a villain or villain adjacent. She has educated herself and her studies have helped her become a very intelligent woman.

Matthew is a physician. He has raised himself in spite of his father’s and brother’s treatment. He is now a man who has become a heroic figure. He works hard at being a true healer for those in need.

The book has subtle humor. The secondary characters add a great deal to the story. The coffee shop, The Black Sheep, was populated by a great number of wonderful characters. And of course, I had to like any book with leading characters who are a parrot and a monkey

There was much to like about the book. At times there was too much telling rather than actual seeing and that slowed things down for me.

I received the book from the publisher through NetGalley. I am voluntarily writing this review and all opinions are completely my own.

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In LADY CHARLOTTE ALWAYS GETS HER MAN, a young woman teams up with her betrothed's brother to help her get out of her impending marriage. The characters in this novel read extremely young and immature to me. Violet's scheming, her perception of the world, and her friendships felt very YA to me. Because of that, I didn't love this one, and it's unlikely I'll pick up another book from this author in the future.

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Not your typical regency romance! I enjoyed the banter and the rooms family troupe. Loved the characters and hope the author writes future books about the side characters. A fun romp. Little spice.

I received an ARC from netgalley and the publisher.

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I think I struggled with this one because I wanted it to start off strong, but it ended up taking a little bit to get going, and by then, I wasn't really interested in the plot anymore. I think if it had started off the bat with her trying to solve the mystery, then I would have been more on board.

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I always find books from this time period to be so fascinating and this one was no different! Charlotte and Matthew along with their tribe were ahead of their time and just so fun to read. It was a quick read with such bold and brave characters. Definitely excited for the next installment and can’t wait to return to this world and it’s loveable characters.

Thanks NetGalley for the copy, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

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Pirates, family secrets and a Bridgerton-esque romance? Say no more. This was fun, cute, and kept me guessing!

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cute story. I like the storyline. I thought that the chemistry was a little lacking. The characters were fun and different.

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I had to DNF at 31%. It just really was disappointing. I wasn't invested in the romance enough to continue.

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thank you for the early copy for a honest review!

this was my first title by violet marsh and i can sincerely say that it will not be my last. from the very beginning of the book i was hooked. Lady Charlotte escaping from the modiste upon learning of her betrothal ensured that i wouldnt be able to stop reading until i knew for certain she would find a way to get out of her marriage to hawley.

matthews introduction to the story was also intriguing with the contrasting dynamic of his relationship with charlottes brother vs the relationship he had with his own. theres nothing more i love than a nerdy yet heroic man!!!

i absolutely loved this story and cant wait for more.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me do an honest review of this e-Arc!

The beginning of the book grabbed my attention immediately. I had to know what was going to happen with Lady Charlotte. Would she do what her mother wanted her to do? She comes up with a plan, will it happen? Will she find out the information she wants? Will she succeed?

Matthew and Alexander are such great friends. I enjoy their talks with each other throughout the book! 

Fun tip: Alexander and Charlotte are twins! Alexander is protective of his sister and wants best for her. I love it when they tease Talbot a tiny bit in a good playful way.

Matthew isn't fond of his brother, Hawley who is extremely cruel to him! I do not like Hawley at all and I hope he gets what's coming to him. Dr. Talbot has this urge to protect Charlotte from him. Will he succeed? There's more than meets the eye of Dr. Matthew Talbot! 

The place : Black Sheep sounds interesting! The mingle of men and women together in a secret room beyond society rules. 

I will say there were lots of great moments in this book with the creatures that pop up, the action, the drama, and the flirting. The singing between Dr. Talbot and Charlotte was hilarious, read more to find out. The crash of the carriage with the drama that follows along with someone getting a tad tipsy. I am not going to say who. Must get this book to find out. Another thing is I will say I loved when Dr. Talbot says a line that reminds me of a similar movie. Oh oh there's a masquerade ball which was short and sweet!

I could not stop reading this book, it was that good! It took me about 2.5 days to complete. Go get it if you like historical romance/rom com/adventure/mystery!

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