Member Reviews

Boleyn Time by Deborah Cohen had well-developed characters and a plot that was engaging. This book was a great read. I highly recommend!

**Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the e-ARC. All opinions expressed are voluntary and my own.**

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An intriguing story about Anne as she set out on her journey. It kept me reading from start to finish to see if achieves her goals and ambitions. A bit slow at times, but with complex and interesting characters.

I would definitely recommend to anyone interested in historical fiction with a flare for something extra!

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Many thanks to Netgalley and City Owl Press Books for an arc of this book.
This book is the second book in a trilogy about Anne Boleyn’s great great granddaughter who is a historian that through research finds out she is related to Anne Boleyn and is also a witch. Ellie Bowlan travels to France to attend her best friend Dez’s wedding. They end up staying at the cheateu that Anne lived in in France before she went back to England and married Henry Viii. Ellie doesn’t trust Dez’s fiancé Lucien but goes along with it because it makes Dez happy. While there everyone begins the search for Leonardo’s lost key for a clock that is supposed to allow you to time travel. Anne is the keeper of the key and after Da Vinci dies goes farther in time to give the key to Ellie along with some sicssors from Leonardo Da Vinci. Ellie’s friends and family get poisoned by Lucien in order to get the key and give it to the Goddess who wants Anne and Ellie to become the Trifecta and rule time. Ellie severs the connection and tells her boyfriend John that she loves him. Ellie and John get engaged a year later and she is secretly pregnant with their first child that she saw in a dream. I really liked this book and can’t wait for the next one.

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This was a bit odd, but good. More time travel than I anticipated but an interesting story. I will be reading the rest of the collection soon.

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When I seen this book I got all excited because I love anything that has to do with the Tudor dynasty.
I wasn't disappointed at all. I loved every minute of it
Anne is a very interesting historical figure. She's a pawn in King Henry's Court as most women are. I felt sorry for her.
But I really admired her because of her ability to remain strong until her demise.
Leonardo is also an interesting character and I thought the author did a very good job with him. I feel that I've gotten to know something about him and I was especially interested in the clock they were building.
In case y'all have noticed Anne's story is my favorite part of the book.
I finished this book in one day.
This is a time travel and romance novel with many characters to get to know along the way.
I really liked the cover of the book because it helps to keep the imagination alive to think of what Anne's home might have looked like while she growing up. Made me want to jump into the picture. Well done!
5 stars for an awesome read! One I won't soon forget.
I highly recommend.
My thanks for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I'm always interested to see how historical figures are portrayed in fiction, which is part of the reason I was interested in this.

This was a delightful read. Initially, I was expecting a straightforward historical novel, but there were two narratives - one in the 1500s, and one in the present day. With both narratives, the author brought the characters and the setting to life, and I became very invested in both narratives.

I think if you enjoy authors like Philippa Gregory or Nicola Cornick, you would probably like this book.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a free copy to review.

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An enjoyable fantasy novel about Anne Boleyn. A good read, on the strength of the book I got a sample of the Boleyn Curse by the same author. Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for giving me a copy of the novel.

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