Member Reviews

I am a massive Love Island fan so seeing that Farmer Will was coming out with a book was so fun for me. I thought it was cute and a great way to show his passion for farming.

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If you want to learn about how to to TikTok this is for you. Not a true glimpse of what really happens on the farm.

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I got to know "Farmer Will" from the little videos of Love Island I saw on Instagram and I remember he came across as super funny and kind. I didn't know he was a farmer IRL so this was a pleasant surprise when I recognised his face on the NetGalley catalogue.

Will's love for farming is super contagious, even for a random person who knows absolutely nothing about it like me, and the photographs inside the book look amazing. I recommend!

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I guess this book wasn’t quite what I was expecting. I had no idea who the author was and was very surprised at the tiktok and reality tv mentions, which are quite frequent. I guess that hindered my enjoyment a little. I wanted a more practical farming kind of book and not so much a book about a celebrity.

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I decided to choose this book due to the fact that we are also farm sheep - no idea that the farmer was 'famous'. When I started reading, I realised more or less who he was - he had come up in Google results when I Googled Farmer Will from Aussie show "Farmer wants a wife".
It was an interesting read - sheep farming in England is rather different to sheep farming in South Africa. There are a few things similar, but it was interesting to learn how things are done otherside of the world.
The photos are a bonus for his TikTok fans - you wouldn't work shirtless for a whole day in the SA sun unless you wanted to imitate a tomato, not sure about the English sun but think they are more for fans than function
Thank y0u to NetGalley and the publishers for letting me read this book.

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This book is readable and I think you would like it if you're a fan of the author (which I'm not, as I didn't know about his social media presence prior to starting the book).

My frustration with the book probably stems from the fact that the title (and my recent interest in all things farming) made me expect a manifesto on farming. And this book is definitelty not a manifesto.

Upon reading the first few chapters and discovering this is more of an autobiography, my expectation shifted. But I was still wanting to read something with a clearer narrative that would tie the book to a larger, individual or community struggle.
Instead, the book felt like disjointed vignettes of life with no deep pondering on the status and challenges of farming.

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For the love of farming by Farmer Will.

I was really looking forward to this book as I find learning about animals really interesting and who better to learn from than an actual farmer?!

I didn’t realise he had been on love island and tik tok going into this so I was surprised to see them referenced quite a bit. Of course, it makes sense for him to include this so there’s nothing wrong with this at all, it just wasn’t what I was expecting.

Some of the tales are interesting I just wasn’t expecting it to be so light hearted.

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“You can take the boy out of the farm, but you can never take the farm out of the boy.’”

For the Love of Farming by Farmer Will

✨Publishes: October 17,2023✨

This is different from my normal read but it was so good! I had never heard of Farmer Will before I read this book but now I follow his tiktok:) this book was so educational as farmer will explained about his passion of farming. He explained all about each season and what happens in that season: the good, the bad and the nasty parts. I really enjoyed how raw this was. He talked about mistakes he made while learning and stories where things didn’t go as planned. It really made me feel more connected while reading this ti see the learning part of farming and not just him talking about all the good things that happen. Also all the cute lambie pictures? I mean come on the book is worth reading for the pictures alone but his personality shiny through the pages makes it so much better!

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I loved Will on Love Island and I love farming so I was super excited to see this on NetGalley. Its a great read and hopefully will introduced a younger audience to the world of farming.

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Adorable book! I used to love Farmer Will’s TikTok when it was all about his farm animals. This book is pretty nice and I enjoyed getting to know more about him and his farm. There are lots of photos and lots of tips. It’s fun to read, and it’s a good coffee table book. I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review

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For the Love of Farming: Farmer Will’s Guide to Life in the Fields
Farmer Will
There are farmers and then there are other people. Farmers love the land; they love their animals, and they have a contented attitude. When I hear someone say farming isn’t for me, I think they have never experienced the beauty of a newborn calf, the pride in producing the perfect bale of hay, or seeing a newly planted field green up in early spring. Farming is hard work, and you will definitely get your hands dirty but it also offers a sense of contentment. For most farmers farming is fun. Farmer Will describes how to raise sheep, how to trim their hoofs and the gratification of successful lambing. Will has two pet pigs, four dogs, seven alpacas, numerous sheep and lambs.
Will Young is also known as Farmer Will; he is an author, farmer and well known for his videos. Will raises sheep on Buckinghamshire England where he is a sixth-generation farmer, you could say farming is in his blood. His book is filled with beautiful illustrations of life on the farm.
Farmer Will wants to spread a positive view of farming. He hopes to touch the life of a younger generation and encourage them to turn to farming. “There is not a lot of cash in farming, But I am rich in happiness. I would rather love what I do and be poor, than be miserable earning lots of money.”

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I've never watched Love Island so I had no preconceived notions about this book or its author. I do have farm fantasies however but probably more like a flower farm. I did enjoy the stories, the seasonal glimpses of farming life and the wonderful pictures. Alpacas anyone?

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I really enjoyed this book by Farmer Will, who I liked from Love Island. The book is full of a lot of information about farming in the different seasons, and it also includes lots of coloured and black and white photographs of Will and his work, including photos of the farm animals and his family and home. I found the book really interesting and eye opening. Many thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this book.

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I love reading anything about farms and animals, so I was interested in reading this book. I've never heard of Farmer Will before, but he comes across as sweet and loves his animals. He is very knowledgeable and talks the reader through the farming year. This is more of a technical read, but I really enjoyed it. There is a great selection of photos to accompany the book.

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Funny, informative book on the life of a young farmer from Farmer Will, who many of us will know from love Island! Will is clearly and experienced and passionate farmer who really cares about his animals and the industry. This was a pleasure to read and very entertaining in Will's usual tone!

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