Member Reviews

Rebecca Serle is at it again with another banger of a novel! She somehow finds the most incredible ways to create a magical story that sucks you in; causing instant gratification.

Expiration Dates is about Daphne, and how the universe gave her the gift in knowing who her next partner will be and for how long. In this magical realism story you’ll fall in love with Daphne and all that surrounds her. It’s a moving, heartfelt story that I’ll definitely recommend to everyone!

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Rebecca Serle, & Atria Books for my ARC in exchange for an honest review. After reading this novel I immediately purchased a physical copy, as well as the audiobook version.

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Really enjoyed Expiration Dates! It was a tiny bit hard to follow at first, but once I understood the style, it was smooth sailing. Serle’s stories have. Way of tugging on your heart strings and this one was no exceptions. Adding it to my physical shelf soon!

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This is my fourth Rebecca Serle novel and I have to say I enjoyed it just like the others. The storyline was fresh and the magical realism aspect really stuck out to me.

Daphne is magic, well maybe… every time she meets a new suitor she receives a letter with the amount of time they’ll be in a relationship. In over 30 years it’s always rang true, but what happens when someone interferes.

It was a great read.

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I adored this book! It was certainly my favorite Rebecca Serle novel yet! I'm a sucker for magical realism in a romcom and I felt that this story was a wonderful balance of literary fiction that made me think deeply but with the lightness and fun of a romcom. I really enjoyed the twists and didn't see them coming, which is always fun. I also loved that Los Angeles felt like a main character in this book! It had me wanting to book a trip! 🌴

4.5 stars rounded up! 💫

We recapped and discussed this book on my podcast, Jolly Cove Book Club, so if you're interested in hearing an in depth convo all about this book once you finish reading it (it's full of spoilers), you can listen on Apple or Spotify or wherever! :) here's the Apple link!

Huge thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book opens with an intriguing peek into the main character that made me want to know more. “Daphne is 33 and has had 42 first dates, six significant relationships, and one long weekend in Paris. She had knowledge of her relationship's expiration date from the cards she received.

For years, Daphne had been receiving postcards with her date’s names and how long the relationship would last. The notes were sent to her in different ways and times. Sometimes before she meets the person, after, or in the middle.

I questioned where this narrative was going when suddenly the plot shifts, and readers learn about the secret aspect of the main character the author has been hiding. For the most part of the book, the reader experiences life through the eyes of the main character as she goes on these dates and wonders who would be her forever soul mate.

Daphne, who the reader had perceived as a tough individual, hid herself from the world by projecting an aura of bravery and by coming across as emotionless, and uncaring.

She has hidden her deepest feelings and won't talk about them with anyone. The unexpected plot twist changes everything and gives the story an entirely new emphasis and degree of intensity. It even altered my perception of every character.

Touching! Appealing! Surprising discoveries! I was captivated from the start to the finish. This is the kind of story that forces you to look at your own life, situation. It’s a story you will want to share with your book group. You won’t soon forget this story.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I requested and received a copy of this book by the publisher and NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Nora St. Laurent
TBCN Where Book Fun Begins!
The Book Club Network blog

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A decent read, but sadly not my favorite by this author. The plot was completely unique, but overall the story lacked depth. An abrupt ending that may leave the reader with unanswered questions.

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While it took me a bit to really get into this book, Rebecca Serle pulls out the emotions about halfway through, and it immediately went from a book I enjoyed, to a book I loved. True to her writing style, Expiration Dates is more than just a typical romance book - it reflected on the timeless questions of fate, soulmates, and loving yourself. I always expect more from Rebecca Serle, and this book did not disappoint me. I would recommend it for anyone looking for a heartfelt book focused on the journey rather than a streamlined and predictable romance story.

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The idea behind this book is soooooo unique! I love love loved the expiration dates thing, and funnily enough, my perspective of what they meant throughout the book changed as well, although that was mostly due to my own interpretation, i liked to think that the expiration dates rather than being a true “expiration date” which is what the main character interpreted them as, in my eyes, was more like either the time her partners would take to fall in love with her or her to fall in love with them.
Also the expiration dates started becoming a self fulfilling prophecy which was interesting to see it play-out.
I absolutely loveeeeed her friendship with Hugo, and her parents as well.
The twist halfway through was so unexpected but gave so much insight into why Daph was the way she was, so I like that added element!
Overall, i would recommend this book, but break out your tissues because it’ll make you cry like a baby, and also word to the wise, don’t read it on a plane cause people will look at you weirdly when the tears start flowing!!

Note: thanks NetGalley & publishers for letting me read an ARC.

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Daphne knows how long her romantic relationships will last. The universe gives her a note letting her know. When she meets Jake she doesn’t get a note so she thinks it will be her forever match. Hugo is her best friend and one of her romances. He loves her, but how can she give him another chance, especially when he couldn’t handle her heart condition that caused the breakup. Can they have another chance and not let the notes rule them?? Can they have true love??
I love magical realism. This book was fun and sad at the same time. I wanted Daphne to finally get her forever romance that she longed for! So who will it be Jake or Hugo?? A fun 4🌟🌟🌟🌟 read!!

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Thank you #netgalley for this wonderful ARC. I started this book with no expectations and was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I don’t usually gravitate to stories where I have to suspend reality, but this felt real and authentic. The twists and turns were unexpected and fresh. Great novel, 4/5 stars.

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Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle is a different kind of rom com. Here, a girl has always been given “expiration” notices before meeting a man which correctly predict how long each relationship will last. This happens until she finally meets the one. But what if he’s not the one? This whimsical novel was original and interesting and the perfect twist if you are looking for a new kind of rom com. It was a fun read. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.

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I really like Rebecca Serle and was excited to see a new book of hers. I was hoping to see romance, but the overall message was still sweet and magical. his book is Daphne's journey in life to find her love, her soulmate. This was a well written story, but I do think there were a lot if minute details that became a bit repetitious. The ending of this book was quite a twist and I was surprised by the direction the author took this one, but overall, it was a good story that I enjoyed.

Thank you Netgalley for the eARC!

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I truly love anything that Rebecca Serle writes, and this was no exception. It held just a hint of whimsical with the notes that just "show up" for the main character, but it held real-world problems and solutions within a relationship dynamic. Essentially, the characters were extremely relatable and fun to read about. I have recommended this book multiple times already, and will continue to do so!

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I adore the way Serle writes, however i still couldn't stay interested in this. I struggled so much with boredom. I much appreciate the eArc!!! I'm sorry this didn't work for me.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advance copy of this book. I enjoyed Expiration Dates. I find Serle’s form a light touch magical realism very enjoyable and doesn’t require the reader to suspend too much belief. Expiration Dates was a charming story that told the story of Daphne through the many men she had dated over several decades. Although the direction and ending of the story were somewhat predictable, it was still enjoyable and had a few twists to keep things interesting. I think One Italian Summer is still my favorite Serle book, but this is definitely worth a read if you like her style and want something light and fun with just a little bit of depth.

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This book was not as exciting as I had hoped! I loved our main character's story but I was definitely hoping this would be more swoon-worthy!

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Loved this story of limited times to spend with partners and the acceptance of it And assuming that the future is set and unchangeble. Learning to live beyond the limits.

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I enjoyed Rebecca Serie's previous books and this book is no exception. Her ability to create interesting and complex stories with a touch of magic are unmatched. I really enjoyed the protagonist and the fast-paced book. It was a quick read!

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This was by far my favourite by Rebecca Serle. It took me a little bit to get into it, but once I found out more about Daphne and her history and what makes her unique, I was absolutely hooked. Serle does a great job describing the nuances of relationships, and Expiration Dates was no exception, I loved the ending, and the magical realism was MUCH lighter in this novel than her others.

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I loved Rebecca Serle’s “In Five Years” and I was excited to read this Advanced Reader Copy from Netgalley and Atria books. She writes love stories that aren’t typical and I really enjoy that.

This is about Daphne who starting in middle school would receive a note with a person’s name and how long that love relationship would last. When she gets one that doesn’t have a date she thinks she has finally found the “one”. This story goes into past relationships as well as her current relationship. I really enjoyed this one as well as the ending (I was rooting for this ending). I can’t wait to read Rebecca Serle’s next book!

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