Member Reviews

This was such a captivating book. It’s a true testament to living in the moment. I loved this book and would recommend it highly.

Thank you netgalley for letting me read an arc of this book.

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I was already a big fan of Rebecca Serle - One Italian Summer being one of my favorite reads of this year. I was excited to read a proper romance novel written by her and it did not disappoint. In true Rebecca Serle fashion the story was anything but ordinary, with a little twist of the fantastical while remaining grounded in reality. I thoroughly enjoyed this read and I can't wait to hear what's next. Four stars - docking one star for character development for one of the male leads (Jake). Try as I might, I could not wrap my head around him - he came off flat and a little bland, not as three-dimensional as the other characters. Otherwise, a very strong and wonderful read!

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I absolutely loved Rebecca Serle's book One Italian Summer and I recommend it to everyone I didn't think I could like a book more than that one but I was wrong, this book is her best yet. This storyline is totally different than any I've read before and i loved it! I could not stop reading this book, however it is a total emotional Rollercoaster, but it is definitely worth it! 5 out of 5 read.
I just reviewed Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle. #NetGalley
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I enjoyed this more then I thought I would going into it. It was a quick read. I was so happy it ended for Daphne the way I hoped it would. I did not feel the chemistry between her and Jake but I figured out why pretty quickly. This is my first read by this author and I’m interested to pick up the others.

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Thank you to @netgalley and @AtriaBooks for this ARC. When Daphne is about to start or has started a new relationship, a piece of paper shows up randomly (under wiper blades, stuck to her shoe, in her purse, etc) that states the name of the boy and how long the relationship would last. But what if she didn't know? Would the commitment last longer or would the relationship fizzle out at the same time? At first, I thought the idea was hocky but the story is really cute. #ExpirationDates #RebeccaSerle #March2024 #AtriaBooks

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I thoroughly enjoyed Expiration Date. I was surprised by the medical twist and didn’t see that coming but should have picked up on the clues. I do always enjoy a left turn when I thought I was going right. Great character development with flashbacks in time to connect the story and give depth to Daphne’s past.

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NetGalley ARC

DNF at page 120
Thanks for sending me this early copy, I'm grateful for being chosen but honestly I couldn't even get past the first chapters but still faught through, until it was TOO much.

1. This was one of the most unrealistic books that I ever read. How is this labelled romance? This should be considered as a fantasy book. How can letters come throught from the sky and let someone know how much time he/she will last with another person in a relationship? You met a nice guy! Upcoming flying letter: 3 months. Going to force the relationship and see the end coming after 3 months when there is nothing wrong? Creating a conflict just to obey to the letter that appeared from nowhere? Straight up from a Harry Potter fanfic lol. There was no explanation about how this kept happening and anyways, it wasn't even interesting when the whole plot of the book was around that letter phenomenon. Like nothing was explained about that. Was someone spying/analyzing her whole life? Was someone trying to control her love life? Was someone trying to sabotage it? And why does this keep happening only to her and no one else ? Seriously? I think that would have been a really interesting thing since it has great potential but the way it was written by this author was mehh...

2. The main character, Daphne was soooooo annoying and ungrateful about everything. Always complaining. Emphasis on the "so" please. She literally treated everyone like a plant and her character was sooo bland. She keeps gaslighting her entourage it's literally pitiful. No emotions, no personality! Her only personality was that she was working in LA, Hollywood and with famous actors lol. Like we get it, now please don't talk about it in every single chapter I'm tired or reading repetitive chapters!

3. Also, her relationship with literally any guy was so boring! No flirting, no teasing, no good conversation, no nothing. I felt like this was a solo news report lol. I mean idk ?? Talk about something else than work no ?? There was literally no chemistry between anyone, even the guy- (forgot his name, every few chapters we talk about a different guy in her past and letters- can't keep up with all the names sorry not sorry)- that she thought was her soulmate since there was no specific timing in the letter she recieved. Like girl, that's literally your SOULMATE, TALK, DISCUSS about ANYTHING than work. She's so self absorbed and selfish lol. I couldn't connect with any of the characters since they were as flat as a door.

4. I don't usually remark this, but the writing was ATROCIOUS seriously. Author, I literally don't CARE what every single person in her life wears or do or anything seriously, how is that important to the story or plot who is basically inexistant? Irrelevant, irrelevant, irrelevant.

5, The only relevant character was the dog. I liked him very much. He was always sleeping and minding it's own business since EVEN he knew how much Daphne was boring and selfish af.

6. Bark n'Bitches. A dog place called Bark n'Bitches. Read that again. Process this. I won't even bother explaining the thoughts that I had the first time I read that. How did that even get approved and published ?

Anyways, I'll stop here because I don't want to keep complaining and ranting :)
I hope someone will find a better romance book to read than me!
If you want a book that contains some romance and letters, Please read "The Notebook" by Nicholas Sparks and "Pack Up The Moon" by Kristan Higgins !

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Expiration Dates is about a girl who finds out how long her relationships will last on a piece of paper. I was hooked from the beginning wanting to know why she received these notes and what the newest note (with no expiration date) meant. Rebecca Serle does a great job storytelling different relationships in the main character's life and how they ended on time based on their "expiration date." While I couldn't put the book down, I was surprised at the abrupt ending. I wanted more as to what happened to the main characters. A sequel would be great!

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I find the surreal concepts of Rebecca Serle's novels interesting, and that gravitates me toward reading them each time. In Expiration Dates, a woman receives notes telling her how long she'll stay in a specific relationship and they always turn out to be right. So when she gets a note with no date at all, it makes her question if this guy is "the one."

This was an easy read to breeze through. Rebecca has a strong storytelling approach and great dialogue, which keeps this novel flowing. The descriptions made me feel like I was in the same location as Daphne each time. I also liked that there was an element of Judaism. And I loved Daphne's mom for that.

The concept was really interesting and made me wish that I had those notes in past relationships. Maybe I would have approached them differently knowing how long they would last. And maybe I wouldn't have dragged some along if they were meant to end before they actually did. Bygones though...

My main concern was that I couldn't really feel the connection between Daphne and Jake. Perhaps it was due to so much other stuff going on with past relationship stories that took away from what was happening in the present.

Overall, I enjoyed it more than One Italian Summer but not as much as In Five Years. No two readers are alike though, so don't go completely on what I have to say. If it intrigues you, give it a try!

I wasn't really picturing anyone while reading this, so I don't have casting ideas. I didn't want to hold off on reviewing for that reason anymore.

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Rebecca Serle has done it again with "Expiration Dates," earning another five-star rating and securing its place among my top favorites. Following the emotional roller coaster of "In Five Years," this book is a close second on my list of favorite reads this year.

Daphne Bell's unique journey, receiving relationship timelines from the universe for over 20 years, takes an intriguing turn when she encounters Jake. The narrative, shifting between present-day and flashbacks, explores the impact of predetermined endings on Daphne's relationships.

Unexpected twists add depth to the story, making it even more captivating. Personally, these surprises resonated with me, and Daphne's character felt relatable as I experienced her relationships, heartbreaks, and life moments. "Expiration Dates" is a heartwarming journey that left me deeply moved, and I highly recommend it for a meaningful and emotional read.

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This will be a book everyone is talking about once it is released this Spring!

Daphne has an unusual trait. At the beginning of a romantic relationship, she gets a piece of paper that says exactly how long the relationship will last. Sometimes it could be viewed as a gift but other times as a curse. Until one day, she receives a piece of paper with just a name. Does this mean it is meant to be forever?

The book switches from present day back to the past revisiting some of her prior relationships.

I thought this was going to be a light romance until about 40% in, but I was so wrong. There was so much substance! This book went much deeper than I expected and had so many beautiful messages. I thought I had figured out the twist early on, and while it is part of it, there was also a twist I never saw coming that was very engrossing. I did not pick this book up thinking I'd have so many emotions and feelings, but I did and I am not mad about it!

I also loved all of the descriptions of places in LA, Daphne's job, her close relationship with her parents and her friendship with her old coworker and boss.

Overall this book was a joy! Thanks very much to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC. This was an absolute treat.

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4.5 This was a good one. Sweet and surprising in the best ways.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book.

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I LOVED the latest from Rebecca Serle. I thoroughly enjoyed IN FIVE YEARS and the premise of EXPIRATION DATES was so intriguing so I was excited to dive in. Fans of magical realism will love this one. The books biggest strength is the way that Rebecca Serle is able to emotionally connect with the reader. The twist in this one brought tears to my eyes. The book did get get repetitive at times, but I adored how this all came together.

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Rebecca Serle is just amazing. What an interesting take on looking for love. Daphne mysteriously receives notes with a name and time that tell her how long a relationship will last. To Daphne these notes mean even more.

How much do you open yourself if you know a relationship won’t last? What happens when you receive a note with no explanation date?

Love the twist in this - didn’t see that coming. Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for an early digital copy. and

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The premise is so promising. However, some of the book dragged on for me. I think that I didn't click with the main character Daphne and then I felt more for her when the big reveal happened. I feel that it happened too late into the story though. Then that is what the whole book ended up being about.

After that reveal, she was not very likable while navigating her own feelings, which in a sense is understandable, but she was projecting her emotions in the worst way. I for some reason could not connect with Jake and felt that they didn't have much chemistry even though he was described as "perfect" multiple times. I actually didn't like any of the male characters in this story.

I love the idea of the story line. I liked the direction the author went in with how she would figure out if there was an "end game" love for her.

Quick, easy, and enjoyable read. Thank you to Netgalley, Atria Books, and Rebecca Serle for choosing to send me an advanced readers copy for an honest review.

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this book had a cute plot that moved quickly. It was based on an interesting concept-the MFC received anonymous letters indicating the length of her relationships. I enjoyed the character development as well. Make sure you read the acknowledgements, that was actually my favorite part of the book!

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Such a great book! The premise is intriguing, and, because I loved every page and every character, at about 2/3 through I knew I’d have to prepare for my heart to be torn apart. And it was. Multiple times: Hugo at the lake. Murphy at the lake. Daphne at her dad’s door at 7am. Jake on the beach. And then… “Here we are.” So very good!!

Thanks to #NetGalley and the publisher for access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Rebecca Serle has done it again! She has written another five-star, top favorite book of mine again. I previously read In Five Years by Serle, and to this day it is still one of my all time favorite books. Expiration Dates is coming in at a close second, definitely ending the year as one of my favorite books that I’ve read so far. This book kept me on an emotional roller coaster 😭. I shed tears, I was excited, and I even got the happy ending I was hoping for.

In this story, we have Daphne Bell who has been receiving numbered pieces of paper for over 20 years. Each paper comes delivered from the universe with the name of the man she is to date and for how long (example- 8 days, 3 months, 2.5 years. etc…). Until one night, Daphne has a blind date with Jake- and on that sheet of paper delivered beneath her door is Jake’s name only, without any number on it, a blank canvas if you will… How long and how will this relationship play out?

While Daphne’s story plays out with Jake (present day), we get flashbacks to Daphne’s past and how some of her previous relationships played out. Was there less of a heartbreak because she knew when her time was up with each boyfriend? Was it easier to move on? Were any deep connections made, and could you ignore what the universe had in store for you? Or if the universe is sending you something, will it always want something back in return?

There were a few unexpected twists in this book that I did not see coming. For me personally, they made this book that much better. I resonated completely with Daphne’s character. I felt like I lived through each of Daphne’s relationships/dates, heartbreaks, and life experiences. This book ripped my heart out of my chest, stomped on it, and put it back together again. I loved every single page of this book!! And yes, I highly recommend reading this book.

Many thanks to NetGalley, Atria Books, and the author for an ARC of this book which I had the ultimate pleasure of reading. Publication date: March 19, 2024.
Genre~ Women’s Fiction, Romance

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2.5 stars that I’ll round up. I liked the feel of this book. The narration was comfortable and flowed easily. It felt safe. The author made the reader feel cozy. Unfortunately at times it also felt like a nonfiction/memoir… like the author was writing about their own experiences so they had to make them sound interesting no matter how dull they were. But this is fiction, it could have gone anywhere. It just… didn’t. The concept was there I just wish it had been expanded upon more. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

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I really enjoyed this story! While some of it seemed predictable, I almost feel that was intentional to then hit you with a bang at the end you weren't expecting! I loved the LA setting and hearing about different restaurants, coffee shops and landmarks around a town I'm not very familiar with. I also enjoyed the realistic retelling of her romantic partners and how most of us can relate to that especially in our 20s of short term relationships, to longer term but learning a little something from each about ourselves. I also adore the cover!

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