Member Reviews

As a big fan of Rebecca Serle, I was over the moon to receive an ARC from NetGalley & Atria Books. I always feel that Serle's novels are full of magical realism and unique concepts, highly emotional plots, and thought provoking dilemmas. I am afraid Expiration Dates missed the mark this time.

Our main character, Daphne, is faced with an intriguing situation. Over the years, she has received anonymous notes that state the man she will date next, along with how long the relationship lasts. After years of specific "expiration dates", Daphne finally receives what she's been waiting on. Her soulmate. The newest note says Jake with no expiration date. Although she likes Jake and things begin to progress smoothly for them, we find Daphne is extremely withdrawn within the relationship. This all ties into the "twist" which I do not want to spoil if you are interested in reading. Beyond these facts...there is not much else.

The Pros
•Brevity is Serle's speciality, which I really enjoy. Her books are not long and drawn out. This one was no exception.
•Fast paced
•Potential for very captivating story line of the expiration date papers

The Cons
•Character development seemed nonexistent. I could not relate to any of the characters introduced, which was a first for me in Serle's writing.
•There was WAY too much fluff writing. Far too much detail on setting and minute moments that added nothing to the story or characters. I don't need to know all the outfit details and geographical locations of the restaurants. I wanted MORE out of our main characters and theme.
•While the plot is again unique and intriguing, it just fell flat. The execution lacked, and I found myself asking "what is the point of this" while reading.
•The twist felt like an out of left field idea that was a last minute add in. It did nothing to help move the story along, and it felt out of place.

Although this did not meet my expectations, I will still stay a devout Serle fan. I look forward to her next release, whenever that may be.

Thank you NetGalley & Atria Books for the advanced readers copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I just could not get into this one. I had trouble keeping track of all the names, and I wasn’t thinking about it when I wasn’t reading it. I ended up DNFing the book because none of it interested me.

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Every time Daphne meets a new guy, she gets a piece of paper that let's her know how long the relationship will last. Having a major health condition, Daphne looks at these notes as guaranteed time she gets to keep living. However, as she gets further into the relationship with her latest man, Jake, she starts questioning everything.
This book fell very flat for me. It really dragged on without anything happening and the characters and their stories were not very interesting.

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If nothing else, Rebecca Serle is going to make me cry. This made me think a lot about choice, love, and divine timing. I love how Rebecca’s descriptive writing about locations and food instantly transports me as if I’m watching a movie. I was secretly rooting for Hugo the entire time!

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Rebecca Serle's "Expiration Dates" invites readers into a world where destiny is marked by slips of paper, each bearing the temporal lifespan of a romantic connection. Daphne Bell, our protagonist, navigates through decades of numbered predictions, contemplating the fragility of love and the uncertainties of commitment.

The novel's premise is undoubtedly intriguing, and Serle weaves a narrative that keeps readers engaged until the end. The story revolves around Daphne's encounters with various men, each assigned a predetermined duration for their romantic entanglement. The anticipation of these expiration dates creates both suspense and a unique framework for exploring the complexities of relationships.

Daphne is a relatable and endearing protagonist, and Serle succeeds in making her journey one that resonates with the reader. The supporting cast, particularly Hugo, Daphne's ex-boyfriend turned best friend, adds depth and emotional nuance to the story.

Serle's adept storytelling is evident in her ability to unveil unexpected twists, keeping the reader engaged. The emotional rollercoaster experienced by the characters, and consequently the readers, is a testament to Serle's skill in crafting a compelling narrative. There are moments that will bring tears to your eyes, catching you off guard and eliciting a genuine emotional response.

The setting is vividly depicted, showcasing Serle's talent for creating immersive environments. Whether it's the romantic allure of Paris or the bustling energy of San Francisco, the author brings each location to life, enhancing the overall reading experience.

However, the novel does have its shortcomings. While the story and dialogue are commendable, they fall short of the groundbreaking impact that might elevate the book to a higher rating. Additionally, some of the more intimate scenes felt awkward and cringe-worthy.

In conclusion, I gave "Expiration Dates" 3.5 out of 5 stars, which I’m graciously rounding up to four. It is a solid addition to Rebecca Serle's body of work, offering a heartfelt exploration of love, fate, and the intricacies of commitment. While not a groundbreaking masterpiece, the novel delivers an emotionally charged narrative with characters that leave a lasting impression. Fans of Serle's previous works will find this novel a satisfying continuation of her exploration into matters of the heart.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for the Advance Reader Copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review.

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4.6/5⭐️ Expiration Dates- Rebecca Serle


Being single is like playing the lottery. There’s always the chance that with one piece of paper you could win it all.

Daphne Bell believes the universe has a plan for her. Every time she meets a new man , she receives a slip of paper with his name and a number on it—the exact amount of time they will be together.

The papers told her she’d spend three days with Martin in Paris; five weeks with Noah in San Francisco; and three months with Hugo, her ex-boyfriend turned best friend. Daphne has been receiving the numbered papers for over twenty years, always wondering when there might be one without an expiration. Finally, the night of a blind date at her favorite Los Angeles restaurant, there’s only a Jake.

But as Jake and Daphne’s story unfolds, Daphne finds herself doubting the paper’s prediction, and wrestling with what it means to be both committed and truthful. Because Daphne knows things Jake doesn’t, information that—if he found out—would break his heart.

Told with her signature warmth and insight into matters of the heart, Rebecca Serle has finally set her sights on romantic love. The result is a gripping, emotional, passionate, and (yes) heartbreaking novel about what it means to be single, what it means to find love, and ultimately how we define each of them for ourselves.


QUEEN of speculative fiction @RebeccaSerle does it AGAIN. I was soooo excited when @netgalley and @atriabooks allowed me this ARC-THANK YOU. What a UNIQUE and fun and sad story. The characters were lovable and the “expiration date notes” gave a fresh new outlook on relationships and expectations.

If you haven’t read anything by this author- I recommend In Five Years (best) and One Italian Summer (good) and The Dinner List (fun read). Her books are always fresh and unique and like nothing you’ve read before. My only gripe is this was a pretty short read (I read it in 3 hours) and I could have enjoyed a little more development throughout the book but even more so at the end.

READ this book, it is going to be published March 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!

#bookworm #bookish #bookblogger #bookgram #instareads #readmorebooks #bookstagrammers #goodreads #bookstagram #netgalley #arc #romance #speculativefiction

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Let me start off by saying, at least this story was better than One Italian Summer. 🤷 It started off with a decent premise, but slowly sailed itself into a cliff with no chance of redemption. The plot twist came too little too late and honestly made for a worse ending. The characters were not developed well enough for me to have any interest in them, and the chemistry between the two main characters just never worked. Maybe this is once again a me thing and I just need to break up with this author.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

Really unique concept for a romance novel that makes the reader contemplate. I enjoyed it!

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Daphne lives an interesting life in that every time she meets a new romantic interest, she receives a piece of paper that has his name on it along with the number - the number reports the exact amount of time that their relationship will last. Imagine her surprise when she heads to a blind date, and the slip of paper that she receives only says "Jake." This book will make you think, just as Daphne spends time thinking about relationships, commitment, love, and honesty.

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If you loved In Five Years, you're going to LOVE this one too! Great concept, excellent twists. What if you always knew how long a relationship would last? What if you never were surprised when a relationship ended? How would that change how you behaved? None of us is guaranteed a tomorrow, but Daphne is, as long as the expiration dates allow. What will happen when she gets a slip of paper with no expiration date, though?

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Rating: 3.5 but rounding up because I did like it!

Let me start off by saying, I did throughly enjoy this book. I found the concept to be unique and engaging while also mysterious enough that I needed to know more. Rebecca’s books always pull on my heart strings. However, the ending was kind of abrupt and left me wanting more. More final thoughts, more storyline of what was next, or simply just more.

I loved Daphne. I found her to be mature, grounded, but yet a little naive at the same time (in the nicest way possible). Her growth and self-awareness that formed throughout the book was great to see. I had a few theories in my head of what could happen, and while I could sense a curveball coming, I was genuinely surprised when it did.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced Read copy!

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I am a great fan of Rebecca Serle so was excited for a chance to review “Expiration Date,” which had an unique premise. Every time Daphne meets a new man, she is told the exact amount of time they will be together. I could not decide whether this would be a good or bad thing. When Daphne meets Jack, she does not get an ending date. Hence, she concludes he is the one. Yet, Daphne starts to question whether Jake really is the person she is meant to be with, especially as the novel flashbacks to Daphne’s past relationships, including a brief romance with her now friend, Hugo.

I felt that Daphne’s relationship with Jake felt flat and lackluster, so Daphne conflict was clear, though a little obvious. I also felt that clearly Hugo was meant to be the one, but the predictability didn’t bother me as much as I thought it would. Daphne’s character was interesting enough and I agree with the premise of not accepting fate and controlling your own destiny. Hence, I would round this up to four stars.

Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher and author for a chance to review this book.

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Thank you S&S and NetGalley for the ARC download and the chance to read this pre-publish in exchange for an honest review.

This one had such a promising premise, something I think we have all wondered. What would happen if I knew this fate/risk/expiration before I embarked? It's a promising storyline!
The first half of the book was poppy, bubblegum easy breezy surface level dating woes and foes. Lighthearted and fun, bouncing around Cali nightspots and weekend brunches.
But midway thru we have a reveal about the character that forces you to reconsider why she is the way that she is. In my opinion, her reasoning and impulses never needed explanation to begin with. And it began to lose me...
Some heavy hitting, pinterest worthy quotes about growth and love and life, sure. But the love line didn't have me yearning for more... and it continued to get real "hindsight 20/20" quick, which oftentimes doesn't happen unless a narrator is explaining what we should be taking away from a story. A spoonfeed, if you will.

I'd give this one a 3.5 stars (rounded) for it's quick, digestible tempo.

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Another magical book by Rebecca Serle. This made for a very fast read as I took in Daphne’s story. It did leave me wanting more. The book felt slightly rushed and I wanted more time with Daphne and her love interests and friends. Regardless, it was an emotional and thoughtful read that I thoroughly enjoyed!

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I don’t think I’ve ever read a book by this author before but I definitely will read her previous books. I mostly read thrillers and this was just a really nice break from the dark and scary. It was light, funny and easy to read. A perfect beach or rainy day read.

I originally thought the premise was that everyone would receive notes saying how long their relationships would last but I like that it was only the protagonist who had these random notes appearing. I had forgotten how much I used to love magic realism. Well done!

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Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle
Publishing date - 03/19/24
Thank you Netgalley and Atria Books for this eARC. I loved this one! My favorite by this author. Couldn’t put this one down. Did not want it to end. If you’re a fan of Rebecca Serle , you will love this one too. ❤️

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I liked this book, and rate it a 3.5-3.8 - just short of a solid 4 star. The good: I liked the premise - single Daphne as she meets her next beau, receives a paper that tells her how long the relationship will last. From a few days to a couple of years, these notes inform and impact her relationships. One day the note has the name of her blind date, but no timeframe listed. This little bit of “magic” was interesting - did Daphne hold back when she knew the relationship was brief? Did she influence her break ups because she knew it was “time”?

What I didn’t love: I wanted more. I liked this but there was something missing. Towards the end, I started getting what I was hoping for - more depth, more meaning. I wish that froth had been introduced earlier.

The structure was jarring at times - going from Hugo to a different boyfriend to Jake back to Hugo. I would just be humming along with the story and bam felt like I ran into a sliding glass door.

I am glad I picked this up but it just didn’t have the oomph and depth that I wanted.

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Rebecca - you can do no wrong!! I loved the premise of this book - the touch of magical realism that Rebecca always adds, really is magic! It is intriguing and just adds a special touch to her already amazing ability to tell a story. Rebecca always writes characters who show great growth and interesting perspective. I loved every character in this story and how they revealed themselves. Thank you to Netgalley and Atria Books for the ARC.

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This was such a fun and unique story to read!! After "One Italian Summer" I knew to expect the unexpected from "Expiration Dates" and that is exactly what I got!

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Expiration Dates was such a fun, easy, but exciting read! I read it all in one sitting. I love how Rebecca Serle can pull you into a story right from the first page, but the plot is never predictable. The characters felt true to life and by the end, you truly feel like you know them. I’ve been a fan of Rebecca’s other books and this doesn’t disappoint!

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