Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley for the advance copy of this book. I enjoyed Expiration Dates. I find Serle’s form a light touch magical realism very enjoyable and doesn’t require the reader to suspend too much belief. Expiration Dates was a charming story that told the story of Daphne through the many men she had dated over several decades. Although the direction and ending of the story were somewhat predictable, it was still enjoyable and had a few twists to keep things interesting. I think One Italian Summer is still my favorite Serle book, but this is definitely worth a read if you like her style and want something light and fun with just a little bit of depth.

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This book was not as exciting as I had hoped! I loved our main character's story but I was definitely hoping this would be more swoon-worthy!

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Loved this story of limited times to spend with partners and the acceptance of it And assuming that the future is set and unchangeble. Learning to live beyond the limits.

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I enjoyed Rebecca Serie's previous books and this book is no exception. Her ability to create interesting and complex stories with a touch of magic are unmatched. I really enjoyed the protagonist and the fast-paced book. It was a quick read!

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This was by far my favourite by Rebecca Serle. It took me a little bit to get into it, but once I found out more about Daphne and her history and what makes her unique, I was absolutely hooked. Serle does a great job describing the nuances of relationships, and Expiration Dates was no exception, I loved the ending, and the magical realism was MUCH lighter in this novel than her others.

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I loved Rebecca Serle’s “In Five Years” and I was excited to read this Advanced Reader Copy from Netgalley and Atria books. She writes love stories that aren’t typical and I really enjoy that.

This is about Daphne who starting in middle school would receive a note with a person’s name and how long that love relationship would last. When she gets one that doesn’t have a date she thinks she has finally found the “one”. This story goes into past relationships as well as her current relationship. I really enjoyed this one as well as the ending (I was rooting for this ending). I can’t wait to read Rebecca Serle’s next book!

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Rebecca Serle is a brilliant romance writer, once again evidenced by her new novel Expiration Dates. A new spin on what is means to be soul mates that is absolutely enthralling. I would recommend this novel to all of my friends, even those who are not romance fans.

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Thank you #Netgalley

Throughout Daphne's life, she received a card with a date range everytime she meets a man, their "expiration date" so to say. Therefore, Daphne never allowed herself to get attached as she knew when it would end. However, when she receives a blank card, she knows this is it, it is forever, she allows herself to eventually attach and having to share her personal secrets. There are more serious layers to her story that complicate things, though I can say at the end I was surprised and not necessarily sure I agree with her choice...

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Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my review copy!

I've now read and enjoyed most of Rebecca Serle's books, and this one is a favorite! To be transparent, the magical realism elements can be hit or miss for me, yet this was definitely a hit for me! It was a read that was fun, tragic, and will stick with me. Although I expected only lightheartedness, I was surprised to be so emotionally invested in the story of Daphne and her partners.

Highly recommend!

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Daphne's relationships all have one thing in common- they're bound by a mysterious piece of paper that tells her exactly how long each one will last. They've never been wrong- until she gets one with no date on it, just a name- Jake.

I fell head over heels for this book. I'm not usually one for magical realism (magical anything, really) but I've been dabbling more and more and I'm not sure how you couldn't love this. While my only miniscule complaint is that we don't really get any explanation as to why Daphne receives these pieces of paper, I still loved the concept. Daphne as a character was a quite complex- she felt so self-confident because she had a leg up in her personal life, but it also made her detached in the compassion department. The more she opened up, the more I liked her.

I can't believe this was my first time experiencing Serle's writing. This entire book was addicting and unputdownable, five big stars!

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This was my first Rebecca Serle book, and it was delightful! It won't be my last one.
I loved the premise behind this one, and how it unfolded. I also loved that the characters ended up following their own heart, learning to trust themselves and their feelings.

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Rebecca Serle is a "go to" author for me as she always writes a romance story with a bit of a twist. Expiration Dates was the third book I have read by the author but possibly my least favorite. I had a really, really hard time getting into the characters and found the plot twist to be more annoying at the reveal than anything. This book was a very quick read but I would have liked to have felt more of a connection with the characters.

Will I pick up her next book? Absolutely.

A big thank you to NetGalley and Atria books for allowing me to read an early copy!

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I really enjoyed the storyline of this one! Kept me engaged and interested. I do wish the ending was a bit different but at least she ended up happy.

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I am very behind on this review. I can only say that I read this book during a very difficult time in my life, this past December while my sister was on hospice. I’ll never forget it, there was a power outage because of a storm and we were all stuck at my mom’s house. It’s winter in Maine so it got dark quickly and luckily my kindle was fully charged. The story, the characters, everything about this book was the most perfect form on escapism that I needed. Thanks Rebecca Serle for writing it! This books is one to remember.

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I have enjoyed other Rebecca Serle books and was SO intrigued by the concept of this book!

The overall concept of this book is wonderful. It makes for a very interesting exploration of love and relationships. I, overall, enjoyed this, but wasn’t entirely sold on the relationships within the book. I really enjoyed the main character’s perspective and the messages in this though!

This is definitely a book with heart and thought-provoking!

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Rebecca Serle is really talented at writing short but inpactfull stories in such a relatable but unexpected way. Expiration Dates is no exception, beautifully written and thought provoking. A great reading experience

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Expiration Dates had some good moments, but overall it felt like it took itself a little too seriously. Obviously, this is a personal preference, but I would have liked a lighter vibe. Great writing and good story overall.

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Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle
Atria Books
Available now!

Expiration Dates is a wonderful book. If you’re looking for a read that is surprising, sweet, sad, and hopeful, then this is the book for you! I absolutely loved this book. It is by far my favourite by Rebecca Serle.

The concept of finding notes that tell you how long each relationship will last is unique and makes this story incredibly interesting. However, as you can imagine, seeing the future is not all it is cracked up to be. Daphne Bell, who is searching for her forever person, receives a blank piece of paper that may lead her on a path she may come to regret.

Filled with love, humour, and great characters, this book comes highly recommended.

Many thanks to the author, Atria Books, and NetGalley, for the opportunity to read and review this ARC for my honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced eArc of Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle.

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One of the things I love about "Expiration Dates" is how it explores the concept of fate and destiny in such an interesting way. Have you ever thought about whether love can be controlled, predicted, or is it all in the hands of destiny? This book poses that question. The idea that relationships have expiration dates and that there is a definitive time when we meet our soulmate is intriguing. I also loved the friendship between Daphne and Hugo. It was so heartwarming. As a fellow Angeleno, I love that the book is set in Los Angeles. "In Five Years" is still my favorite Rebecca Serle book so far, but "Expiration Dates" is a really great book as well. I believe it has the potential to be enjoyed by a wider audience and I highly recommend it.

Thank you Netgalley, Atria Books, and Rebecca Serle for the eARC.

Expiration Dates is out now!

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