Member Reviews

3.5 ⭐

Read if you like light magical realism, romanticized fiction, and second chances.

Daphne has always known how long her relationships last. She always find a slip of paper with their name and the length of their relationship around the time it starts. Until one day there isn't a determined length of time on the paper. Just a name.

Hugo and Daphne dated for 3 months, but they've been best friends for 5 years. He is the only person she has ever told about the papers.

When Daphne finds a paper with the name Jake on it and no amount of time, she isn't sure what to think. She goes on a date with him and thinks he's seems nice. He's genuine and kind, he's a widow and has a depth and maturity to him that's refreshing. But is he her soulmate or does the blank paper mean something else?

Honestly, I had a hard time getting into the premise of this book. I think I'm just not a fan of this writers storylines and I didn't love love the last book I read from her either. But if you liked her other books, I think you will love this one just as much!

I wanted to know where these papers were coming from and I wasn't a fan of the twist thrown in about Daphne towards the end. 🤷

Thanks to netgalley for an eARC to review.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫/5. Daphne is 33, and has always lived a quaint life in LA, except she has a secret she has kept tight since her first crush. Every time she meets a potential crush, she receives a slip of paper with their name, and how long the relationship will last. She’s had slips of days, weeks, years. When she finally receives a slip with a name only, and no timeline, has she met the one? This book was so adorable, thought provoking, heart breaking, hopeful. In typical Serle writing, if you’ve read In 5 Years, or One Italian Summer, you will whisked away to another place by her writing. You will be mesmerized of where the story takes you, and won’t be able to think about the parallels to your own life reading her characters stories.

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Every time Daphne begins a new relationship, she finds a note with the mans name and a length of time, 6 months, 3 weeks and 2 days, 1 day. The notes are not consistent, fortune cookie, parking ticket, someone handing her a dropped paper. But what is common is that it seems to be accurate.

And then there is Jake …

I wonder where Rebecca Serle comes up with her novel ideas? So creative!

I’ve enjoyed other Rebecca Serle books, In Five Years, The Dinner List and One Italian Summer. I enjoyed Expiration Dates as well. I was hooked. I see this as being a book club book about 6 months after publication, people are going to want to talk about this one.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for the opportunity to read the advance read copy of Expiration Dates in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to Atria Books for approving my request for the advance read copy. Kudos to Rebecca Serle for another thought provoking novel.

272 pages in the advance ready copy, publication date is March 5, 2024.

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This book is a very sweet read with a unique concept. Very predictable guy and girl are meant to be, but who doesn’t love that.

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This was a good one! Loved Charlotte and her over-achieving personality and pure heart. I made me remember my high school expectations with an added twist.

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Man, this chick’s books frustrate me. OK, so I’ve only read one other, and it pissed me off because what I thought would be a high-concept romance was instead a friend-dying-of-cancer story. But I could get a copy of this from NetGalley, so why not give it another shot.

And again, yeah, instead of a high-concept romance, it goes off on a tangent but then kind of comes back?? Either way, it’s still incredibly frustrating. And while I’m sure some people will love it, it mostly just pissed me off and made me wonder what the point was and I did NOT fall for this.

I love a book with a good gag: Chick gets random pieces of paper with a man’s name and period of time on it. Then she has a relationship with that dude for that long. Until one day a piece of paper only has a name on it….

IDK, it’s definitely nice and short, which was the compliment I had about her other book too. So at least she doesn’t drag this shit on. But I didn’t care about the characters here either, there wasn’t much development to them. For being so short, there’s a lot of random descriptions of things that fill up a third of the space. Ugh. It’s too frustrating and I want to stop thinking about it now.

I guess I don’t know what the point was — or if I do, then it wasn’t all that interesting. Was it supposed to be the question of “Are the notes a self-fulfilling prophecy?” If so, OK, I got it.

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I Voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced copy of this book. All Thoughts and opinions are my own.
This book was amazing I could not put it down. Rebecca has done it again. I am still smiling at the thought of this book.

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How can such a big story live in such a small space of pages and chapters? This book is your average size novel, yet it feels so much greater than that. It has beautiful elements of the supernatural (you’re always asked to bend the mind in some small way with a Serle novel) and the mundane, but never boring, story of dating and finding love. This novel has its share of surprises as well. I won’t even give an inkling of those as they’re too precious to read about before you meet them in the book. Beyond the lyrical story and beautiful prose, this book also feels like a bit of a love letter to Los Angeles. A part of me wants to go back and write down every nuance of every neighborhood and use it as a guidebook on my next visit. It almost feels like a good friend is taking you on a tour of “their” Los Angeles, and it’s an extra treat I wasn’t expecting. Lastly, being Jewish, I absolutely loved how some of the characters were Jewish. Not in a way that the story was about being Jewish. They just were. Thank you, Ms. Serle, for that. Five stars. Highly recommend.

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I love love love the concept of this book and think the author is genius for coming up with the idea behind this book. But after reading the last page it was hard not to have the thought, "really? so what was the point?" I feel like the whole book had us investing in certain characters for no reason. And I continue to have unanswered questions behind the expiration dates the main character received. I liked this book and I would definitely recommend it to people who are looking for a romance with a unique plot. But I was let down and feel like the whole book and storyline led to nothing. To sum up my thoughts I'd have to say that it's a fantastic idea but a flat ending.

Thank you so much to netgalley and the author for allowing me to read and review this book.

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I could go into a crazy deep dive of how much I love this book and why but we would get spoilers galore in my review. But let it be known, if Hugo has 1000 fans I'm one of them, if he has one it is me and if he has none I am dead.


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Expiration Dates (Spoiler Free Review)

3.75 / 5

You mean to tell me I picked up a magical realism book and I liked it?! This book hooked me right off the bat and being under 300 pages, I flew through it.

Daphne has always had an expiration date on love. Why? She receives a slip of paper after she meets a man with their name and the exact amount of time they'll be together (whether that be 1 night, 3 months, or 2+ years). She's spent her entire life this way until one night, she finds a piece of paper with only a name: Jake. What does this mean? Is he the one? As their love story unfolds, we explore commitment, fate, and honesty.

To be completely honest, I went in to this book hopeful but timid as magical realism is hit or miss. I was pleasantly surprised. It was serious, emotional, and warm. This unique love story that was unlike anything I've read before. If you enjoy a touch of magic and a read you want to hold tight, I absolutely recommend picking this one up!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book. I have loved Serle's past books, so I was excited to see if this was another hit. This book has one of the most interesting plots that I have read in a while. When Daphne's starts dating a guy, sometimes even before she starts dating them, she receives a mysterious slip of paper with the amount of time that the relationship will last. You have to read on to see what she does with that information. However, Daphne's relationship with Jake was one of the most honest depictions of dating I have ever read. Readers will love it. The ending had my mouth agape.

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Thank NetGalley for free advanced copy. This book is not my typical read. I really enjoyed it and it kept me going. A cute hook and interesting storyline. Would definitely recommend.

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Rebecca Serle has given me some of my favorite authors that just makes me really reflect on relationships. In five years is probably one of my favorite books.

So Expiration Dates follows Daphne Belle that gets a slip of paper every time she meets a new man with how long she's going to be with them (man I wish I could have this!!!!)

I loved following Daphne and Jake's relationship. This made me cry in a good way and it was just so feel good!!! Everything that I was looking for when I picked this book up!

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Imagine, if you knew ahead of time, how long each of your relationships were going to last. What would you do?
Would you forge on? Would you follow through? Would you change things about how you spent your time together? That is what Daphne is dealing with. Honestly, it is an incredibly clever concept for a book!!

Expiration Dates is a book about love, heartbreak, friendship, and growth. I enjoyed the banter between Daphne and Hugo. Both well developed characters.

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My thanks to both NetGalley and the publisher Atria Books for an advance copy of this unique novel about romance, the future, keeping secrets and finding the inner strength to go against what every one says, and be your own happiness.

I am a person that hates surprises. There was a birthday that when I realized a surprise party was being held for me, I went in the other direction. I am a planner, and even if I over plan for things, well at least I won't be surprised. However I don't think I would like to know everything the future holds. Yes one can prepare for the good, but one also won't spend time enjoying the good that is now. There is always something waiting. And in a lazy way, people might not spend the time making that future come. Oh my book is going to be a bestseller, great can't wait. Oh, I have to make the effort and write it, well the book will be a bestseller anyway, why bother. And paradoxes begin. Even in a more limited sense, what if you knew for sure that person that you just met was the ONE. Would you just let the relationship form, would you work on it, or just go, ha perfect now I just sit back and reap the rewards. And what if by believing so much in the future, the present just fell apart. Expiration Dates by best selling author Rebecca Serle is a novel about finding predetermined love, the fear of commitment and long relationships, and the hard work it take to make the life one wants, and not the one that that universe might have decided you should get.

Daphne Bell has a feeling that someone out there is not only looking out for her, but has big plans for Daphne. At least in her love life. For the last twenty years every time Daphne meets a man that she has feelings for, Daphne finds a piece of paper with that person's name on it and a number. The number corresponds to the days or months that Daphne and this man will have together. Well convenient, Daphne wonders if this part of a cosmic joke, and if she will ever have a relationship that is real, and lasting. Meeting Jake, Daphne waits for the paper and its countdown and is surprised to see only his name, and nothing else. Does this mean he's the ONE, or does it mean, they should never ever be. Or should Daphne, who knows a lot more about her future than she is letting on, just try to make her own path for the first time.

A book that asks a lot of questions about life, love, and fate, all in the trappings of chick lit. Questions about is love fated, and how can one find it. Being alone, or waiting for that one special person. Who decides that special person, you or the uncaring universe as shown on a piece of paper. And if one knows that one's life might not be happy, is it fair to drag another person into the mess that might be the future. Daphne is an interesting character, one who almost sleepwalks through her life, knowing that things in some ways are already decided, and yet Daphne questions the system she has known love with. The male characters except for Jake are ciphers, but Jake is very interesting and this might be a decision by the writer to make him standout from Daphne's other choices. The writing is good, a clever mix of romance, with magical realism, and real questions about being human and loving oneself. A book that is much more than a beach read, and will stay with readers far past the last page.

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A wonderful and lovely novel dedicated to time, finding the right ine, and love. Inventive with a beautiful storyline. Highly recommend.

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Quick, easy read. Loved the story line because it kept me guessing as to what would happen. I stayed up late reading the last few chapters because I became pretty invested. Characters were well developed and I thought the lesson in this book was valuable.

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Another great book by Rebecca Serle! Loved everything about this story. The self discovery and growth and relationships. 😍

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Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Rebecca Serle has done it again. I was a huge fan of In Five Years so I had high hopes for this novel and it didn't disappoint. This book is about life and love and how we define them. Rebecca Serle always has a way with words and this book is no different. It's beautifully written and I couldn't put it down.

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