Member Reviews

This is the first book that I have read by this author but will certainly not be the last. I was up until after 1 to finish this one because I just had to know how it ended.

Daphne has something odd that happens to her- every man she dates she received a piece of paper with their name and a timeframe. This tells her how long their relationship will last. It falls anywhere from one day to a few years…until Jake. Jake’s paper only has his name, which makes her realize this is her forever.

Her best friend Hugo (a previous boyfriend who lasted 3 weeks) wants nothing more than for her to be happy. But, how far is he willing to go? And with the way he still feels about her will he risk her happily ever after?

The story flowed well and I really enjoyed all of the characters. I felt for Daphne, not only for her dating scenario but the other twist (sorry, no spoilers). A really great read.

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This book reminded me why I love Rebecca's writing - relatable yet poignant, with a dose of magical realism that's never explained, just accepted. I'm not going to lie, the first half of the book was a bit slow for me -- felt like one too many details to absorb, a lot of plot points happening -- but everything paid off in the last half, when the story really soared. There is a bit of a grief TW without completely spoiling things, but the last chapter felt like how I would have written the ending, too. Thank you for providing my ARC, Atria Books and #NetGalley.

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Wow. I'm truly speechless. I love Serle's writing how she always manages to make these such thought provoking romance novels, and this one was definitely incredible. It's the perfect length as it doesn't drag on but it provides just the right amount of details.

I was received an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you so much to Atria Publicity and NetGalley for an arc of this book!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of “Expiration Dates” in exchange for an honest review. I loved this one. My favorite character was by far Murphy, the dog. The organization was so well executed. I enjoyed the voice of the protagonist and the way she is written—imperfect, likable, and realistic—made me feel like I would enjoy the author too. Also, I love books where the characters actually eat regularly. I haven’t read Serle’s work before but it was engaging, fun, with some depth to it and I will look out for her next book.

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So, I am not really sure about this book. It was a really interesting concept, but it was tough to believe that when she told Hugo about the papers, he just believed it. The relationships were also so quick. It was hard to feel attached to any of the particular characters. I thought the additional box of papers was an interesting twist, but it was introduced so late in the back I had a hard time investing in that part of the story.

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I just loved this so much and I flew through it. A little magical realism, a little romance, a lot of finding your way. Daphne always receives a note telling her how long a relationship will last - a night, a few weeks, a few months, etc. - until one note finally arrives with no end date. Does this mean this man is her forever? Is it inevitable? The story shows how Daphne navigates this new type of relationship and flashes back to others she’s had in the past and what she got from them. I absolutely loved her parents and her relationship with them as well. I thought this was a lovely story and very insightful and thought provoking. It also made me want to visit LA, it was portrayed so beautifully.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a digital copy and a chance to read this early. All opinions are my own.

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A heartwarming, easy/quick read. Absolutely love the concept of the notes from the universe - with a few unexpected twists.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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This book was extremely refreshing, comical, and real. I loved the depth and character of Daphne and how she felt like a real person living real life feelings and experiences. As this was an ARC, there was quite a few grammatical errors and formatting issues, but other than that— a perfect read!

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A sweet, warm and wise novel about how to live the life you have.

Daphne has a strange problem. When she is going to date someone new, a piece of paper always appears that gives the amount of time the relationship will last. The novel takes the reader through several of her past relationships. Best friends with a previous boyfriend, Hugo, Daphne meets someone who could be the one. The piece of paper that arrives before him is blank.

However, the strange pieces of paper with expiration dates on them is not the only secret Daphne has. As the novel progresses, more is revealed and Daphne's choice become more understandable.

There is some wonderful self realization and growth that Daphne experiences and the writing is realistic without being trite. All in all a better read than expected.

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Daphne knows before the romance even begins how long they have together. No matter which man she meets, she always receives the paper that lets her know how long she will have with them. The paper is never wrong. Every man she meets seems to come into her life and serve their purpose before moving on. She is used to it after so many years. But finally, she receives a paper with just a name. No date, no time limit, just a name. This is the one.
I found Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle a little confusing at first, jumping from past to present without much of a notice. I found my self re-reading and going back between chapters at times because I just couldn't follow the storyline. I am glad I pushed through and continued to read. I like Daphne and the other characters. I enjoyed the main storyline. I feel like we could have done without the back and forth. Special thanks to NetGalley, Rebecca Serle, and Atria Books for the advanced digital copy in exchange for my honest opinion. 3.5 stars for me. #NetGalley

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Thank you to Rebecca Serle, Atria Books, and Netgalley for this ARC of Expiration Dates. Rebecca Serle is one of my auto-buy authors, and I was thrilled to be able to read this novel ahead of time. I fell in love with the premise of this love story immediately - before meeting a new love interest, Daphne Bell receives a note with his name as well as the length of time she will date him. I loved this touch of mystical realism that is also prevalent in Serle’s other books. I really enjoyed reading about each of Daphne’s love interests and the details of their relationships; it was my favorite aspect of the novel. I found these relationships more interesting than what should have been her final love affair with Jake. I didn’t find him particularly likable as a character, and his quirks were not very believable. The twist toward the middle of the novel was very unexpected, and I wondered what the point of it was. I was rooting for a Hugo the entire novel and really enjoyed him. Overall, this book did not disappoint, and it was a quick read for me.

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I LOVED In Five Years and couldn’t wait to read this one.

I was hooked from the start and was obsessed with finding the happy ending to Daphne’s story.

Unfortunately I never actually liked Hugo. He didn’t come across as authentic to me and I hated she ended up with him. Jake was just so much more believable (until he wasn’t in the end)

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Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle
5/5 🌟

One day binge read rec !

I have read two other books from this author and I love the way she dives into relationships and the emotions of finding love. I loved this from start to finish including the cover imagery. She makes this story feel realistic and modern with a fairy tale hint in the expiration date note drops.

This book follows Daphne who is a 33 year old living in LA looking for love while she maintains her career, friendships, and family. She wants to find a partner but isn’t consumed or careless with her efforts. After meeting a suitor she gets a note with their name and how long the relationship will last. This varies from one night to infinite. We go back to each one with a through line of Jake the guy that may not expire. She is hiding a big part of her life from many people and it highlights how guarded she still is while living her best life.

Hugo her ex and friend, Kendra her work buddy, and Murphy her dog are amazing side characters supporting her and keeping her grounded. I appreciate the details used from products, coffee shops, and cities it really makes the story come to life.

My heart is happy and filled with hope after this one!

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This was fantastic! I have read books by this author before and they have always been thought provoking. This one was no exception. I loved getting to delve into the character development of everyone and I can’t wait to see what is next from the author!

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I have loved reading Rebecca Serle's book since first reading In Five Years and everything I've read of hers after has just been better and better. She has a way to really hit you in the deepest parts of your soul and just keep you wanting more and more and this book didn't disappoint.

What would you do it you could know how long each relationship you were in would last? Well Daphne can and sometimes the one you want to end up with may not be who you are meant to, or so she thinks. I really loved how the author weaved in all the relationships she was in while also tying in her present day and her secrets that end up surfacing out.

**thanks to the author, publisher and Netgalley for the ARC of this book to read and give my honest opinions!

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I could have fallen over when I got the notification that I would get to read this book early. Rebecca Serle never fails at taking me through every single emotion in every one of her books. As a 30 year old myself, I love to find books with characters in a similar stage of life as me! Daphnes character is my favorite of any that I’ve read recently ❤️ thank you for another amazing book!

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Perhaps my favorite Serle novel to date! It's warm and fuzzy but feels more mature than her previous novels. Daphne is such a likeable character and you go through all the emotions as she flashes back to previous relationships all with expiration dates- a night, weeks, a few months, several years. How does that change you if you know it'll end before it even starts. Would you still believe in love?

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Serle is a must-read author in my book! I was instantly into this story. Great characters and just a little bit of a fantasy plot to get me believing. Touching moments, funny moments, I was here for it all! Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. Five stars.

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I liked this one. I will say, I don’t buy that the protagonist is charming or charismatic enough to have her successful, super stud “bestfriend” (spoiler alert) be pining after her for years. She has a health condition that makes her future… uncertain at best. She is unable to have kids, work out, etc. She has not one but two desirable men pursuing a lifetime commitment with her despite those things. Call it jealousy - that kind of unconditional love showing up twice is enviable. I like that there is an open element to the ending - she never gets to see her last expiration date/slip of paper. It also begs the question - did the expiration dates serve as a self-fulfilling prophecy? With a blank one for her eventual-fiancé she stuck around and got engaged only to find out he was supposed to last 3 weeks! Cool book, thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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This book was a great read! I found it hard to stop once I started. I was left questioning the existence of fate or a life led by choices. Would highly recommend this book for those looking for a unique spin on romance with a satisfying ending.

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