Member Reviews

I have mixed feelings on this one. Her writing and the story kept me captivated and wanting to read more. I knew that there was going to be a twist that happened and I didn’t see it coming. I was not a fan of the ending. It felt very rushed and it just kinda ended. It was a unique concept for a storyline but I think it had potential to be more.

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Wow, wow, wow. Run don’t walk and pick up this lovely book right now.
The book is warm, sad, thoughtful, loving.
What kind of role does fate play in our lives?
Are our choices our own? Rebecca Serle weaves friendships, relationships, and personal life with fate.
High Recommend. Thank you Net Galley for the opportunity to review this book.

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DNF at 25%.
I loved the premise of this book, but for me the story just feel slightly short. I wanted just a little more magical, a little more of a complex story line, and this one was just very straight forward. While I love Rebecca Serle and pretty much all of her other works, this one just fell slightly short for me. It doesn't stop me from picking up the next one though!

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This is the third book that I have read by Rebecca Serle. I love how she combines romance and fiction with magic realism. I definitely wanted more of the story but it was a nice quick read I finished in one day. There were a few shocking moments that I didn’t see coming but they really made the story. I was laughing at points and tearing up at other points. Overall I would definitely recommend Expiration Dates, along with her other books.

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Every time that Daphne meets a man, she gets a note that appears out of the blue that tells her how long the relationship will last. As the years go by, you start to wonder if Daphne is creating a self-fulfilling prophecy out of these notes or not. About halfway into the book, you learn an interesting detail about Daphne that may make you more understanding of what these notes do to her.
Daphne meets Jake and his paper has no end date. She is thrilled but is left second guessing the note. Her friend Hugo is very helpful but seems strangely standoffish about her relationship with Jake. I really started to love the friendship between Daphne and Hugo. Definitely an interesting premise!
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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Expiration Dates
By Rebecca Serle
My rating:
Rounding to 4!

Daphne has been receiving pieces of paper with a man’s name and the amount of time she will date someone since for over 20 years. When she finds a note with just a name and no expiration date on it, she finally has found her soulmate, or has she?

Rebecca Serle writes with emotion and fantastic descriptors that make you feel like as you read her books, they play out as if they were movies. I really enjoy her writing style but the pace can sometimes feel a little slow due to so much detail.

I really loved this concept that Daphne could always know what was going to happen in her relationships. It was fascinating to me. I loved the character development of Daphne’s family and friends.

At times there felt like something was missing for me that stopped me from loving it, but I still enjoyed it! I think it was hard to know who to root for, which makes you confused as a reader.

While this was not my favorite book of the author’s, I still thought it was a quick read that I finished in 2 days.

Thank you netgalley and Atria books for the ARC. This is out now, so give it a read if you enjoy her books! 🥰

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Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for an eARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

In "Expiration Dates," Rebecca Serle crafts a delightfully unique and thought-provoking exploration of love, fate, and the complexities of human connection. With her trademark warmth and emotional depth, Serle invites readers into the whimsical world of Daphne Bell, a woman whose romantic encounters are governed by mysterious slips of paper that dictate their expiration dates.

From the outset, Serle's concept is both intriguing and clever, immediately capturing the reader's curiosity and setting the stage for a captivating narrative. Daphne's journey through a series of predetermined relationships is a testament to Serle's skill as a storyteller, as she deftly navigates the nuances of each connection while keeping the reader invested in Daphne's ultimate quest for lasting love.

The novel's greatest strength lies in its exploration of existential questions surrounding fate, free will, and the nature of love itself. Serle skillfully weaves these profound themes into Daphne's journey, inviting readers to contemplate their own beliefs and experiences along the way. The introduction of Jake, a love interest without an expiration date, adds an exciting layer of complexity and raises the stakes for Daphne's personal growth and self-discovery.

Serle's prose is engaging and emotionally resonant, seamlessly blending humor, romance, and poignant introspection. Her characters are well-developed and relatable, each with their own unique quirks and vulnerabilities that make their stories feel authentic and lived-in.

While the novel occasionally ventures into predictable romantic tropes, Serle's deft handling of the subject matter and her ability to infuse depth into even the most familiar scenarios elevate the narrative above cliché.

Overall, "Expiration Dates" is a captivating and thought-provoking read that will resonate with anyone who has grappled with the complexities of love and the search for meaning. Rebecca Serle's imaginative storytelling, coupled with her keen insights into human nature, make this novel a standout in the genre. With its unique premise, emotionally resonant characters, and profound exploration of existential themes, "Expiration Dates" earns a well-deserved 4-star rating.

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I was given access to this novel in exchange for an honest review via NetGalley.

This was my first Rebecca Serle book and I really wanted to like it because I’ve heard In Five Years is really good, but Experation Dates just fell really flat for me. Although it was a quick read and I did enjoy that aspect, that’s about all I did enjoy.

Daphne was very one dimensional and we didn’t really get to bond with her as a character over anything other than the men she’s dated. There wasn’t much to her character other than the midbook revelation that she has a heart condition. Loved the medical representation but I just needed more of … everything.

More details on her life instead of details about LA, that I as a non LA native had to keep looking up. The descriptions were vibrant but it rooted it in realism a little too much for a book that was about a woman getting experation date cards for the men in her life.

I wish we would have gotten more about that aspect. Why did she get the letters? Who sent them to start with? Was it magic? Was it fate? Idk. This wasn’t for me. But it was a quick read so :/

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This started as a light and fluffy romance but ended up being so much more emotional, which shouldn’t have surprised me as it’s a trademark of this author. I had a hard time with the ending because I don’t know that it’s the decision I would make given the facts of how the final conflict went down but it didn’t take away from my enjoyment at all. It was a complicated dynamic to conclude!

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I had really high hopes for this one, and while it was an interesting premise, it just played out a bit differently than I’d expected. It reminded me a lot of In Five Years, which I LOVED, but Expiration Dates moved a tad slower and I wanted to feel more invested earlier on. I did enjoy the last 3rd though! Loved the unique idea and the ending.

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I usually have a lot to say about a book (shocking, I know), but this one left me a bit befuddled. Did I enjoy it? I think so. And yet, I wanted more than what I got.

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"We have to be cracked open sometimes to let anything good in. What I see now, emerging in the mirror, is this one simple truth: learning to be broken is learning to be whole."

Did I read this book or did this book read me? This is the question...


I don't even know where to start. I suppose with the premise, the story follows Daphne who has an odd quirk that tends to follow her throughout her life - when she gets into a relationship with someone she receives a note that will tell her how long the relationship will last. With such an interesting concept the story flows in a captivating way, you want to know what will happen next for Daphne and how she navigates sticky situations. When she meets Jake and receives a note with no end date on it, could that mean that he is The One?

The premise is interesting because there are so many different ways that this could go, this could be seen as a gift, a curse, or something in the middle of the two. I think sometimes we take for granted the chain reaction of events that lead to something happening and also that we have free will to enact a whole course of events not only for ourselves, but other people too.

I think what struck me the most about this story is the importance of loving the individuals who have been there for you and letting them know how appreciated they are. It is rare to find that kind of love, but once you do it is so worth holding onto. Another thing was just how in control of our own destiny we are, but also that when something is meant to be, nothing can stop it from happening. For some odd reason that gives me a lot of personal comfort.

The way that Rebecca Serle writes makes it the quickest read ever, once I properly sat down with it I was flying through it and could not put it down. It can be difficult to achieve a level of prose that is both intricate and not too flowery, but she manages to do this extremely well.

Parts of this book were predictable, but I found that I did not really care, the point of the book is the journey through Daphne's life and her adventures with her friends and family and also just really getting to know her and to me, that made for the surprises along the way. This book also resonated with me in a lot of ways, sure and I won't state exactly how because of spoilers, but the point is that this book is like a warm hug and I think it is exactly what I needed at the time.

This may be a romance novel, but for me this is so much more. It's about self-love, discovery, and love more broadly - like I said before, friends, family, the people who make life feel worth it. When I first picked up this book I had no idea how it was going to go, but the journey that we took with Daphne made it feel entirely worth it and I walked away feeling a sense of contentment.

Special thanks to netgalley and Atria books for the arc copy, all opinions are my own.

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If you are looking for a book that gives you a good cry, look no further! Personally, I loved this book. It's a true romance and emotional book that grabs you right from the beginning. This was my first Rebecca Serle book and it truly lived up to the hype. I enjoyed it so much that I'm now going back and adding the authors other works to my TBR. I didn't know I was a fan of magical realism, but apparently, I am!

Thank you to NetGalley, Atria, and Rebecca Serle for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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A thoughtful and emotional story that I simply could not put down. I laughed, I cried, I yelled at the book. Serle has carefully crafted enticing characters with a storyline that pulls you in and keeps you turning pages. I will be recommending to all my romcom/romance/book club readers.

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I don't love posting reviews of books I didn't love cause I have a lot of respect for authors and the work that goes into writing and publishing a novel. I will say that if you love Rebecca Serle's previous work, I do believe this book will work for you and give you all the feels.

For me, after reading three Rebecca Serle novels, it's time to call it. This author just isn't for me. Every time I see one of her books, the synopsis gets me - they always are unique and creative and interesting to me and have a sprinkle of magic that I love. But then I read the book...and I find myself disappointed.

I sent a message to one of my book friends who also read the book and I think this message really sums up my overall feelings...

"I just finished Expiration Dates. I think it's a dud for me when it's a book FILLED with relationships and the only one I cared about and got teary eyed about was the relationship between the main character and her dog."

I hope this works for so many people out there - but if you haven't loved her previous work, I don't think this will be for you.

Thank you to Netgalley & Atria Books for this advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion (SORRY!)

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Rebecca Serle is a fantastic author. I couldn’t wait to check out her new book. Great story line to enjoy.

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Was instantly sold on the premise. Reminds me of one of my favorite episodes of Black Mirror, but less dark! Another great and out of the box read for fans of Serle!

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I really enjoyed this book. It took a little to get aquatinted with Daphne and her quirky family and relationship timeline but once you do it’s really sweet. Daphne receives notes with an “expiration date” of each relationship that she has. It really makes you think how that impacts the relationship and your opinions on dating in general. I love stories like these that have a mystical element but they treat everything else like completely normal.
The plot twist at the mid way point came across my mind at the beginning but since they didn’t address it I was like oh that’s prob not gonna be a thing. I enjoyed this way more than One Italian Summer (that was a close second though) and In Five Years (especially with the plot twist of that one, ugh).

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Emotional romances>>>

I loved this🥹

I never know what to expect with Rebecca Serle because there is always more than meets the eye. And this was no different.

I wanted to shake Daphne half the time with all her self sabotaging, but it also felt a bit familiar…

I also always love when a romance delves into deeper topics, and I won’t give away spoilers, but Daphne has been through a lot! She deserves the love she pushes away.

There were a few twists and it was definitely an emotional roller coaster. I had no idea where the story was going to go next, but I’m so happy to say I loved where it ended.

This is my fave RS book!!

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I thought EXPIRATION DATES by Rebecca Serle was fantastic. A different way to cover the idea of fate when it comes to life and relationships, this novel has the main character receiving a piece of paper for each time she starts a potential relationship and it includes an expiration date. Until one day, it doesn’t. If we knew how long we had with someone, would it affect the way we related to them? Or would we believe it? How much is in our control in life and how much is out of our hands? I thought this novel was very well written, paced beautifully, and evolved at just the right place. I was completely blindsided by the mid-book reveal and read the last half of the book in a single sitting. I was already a fan of Serle's from her previous books but now my summer will involve reading the rest of them.

I received an advanced copy of this novel from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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