Member Reviews

After finishing <i>Expiration Dates </i>, it stuck with me. I liked this one much more than I expected. Knowing ahead of time how long a potential relationship will be active might feel like a cheat code unlocked, but how much would it actually change how you react to situations with that information. A favorite passage that I noted was "My life has been filled with magical moments. I was just so busy waiting, I didn't see them when there were here."
This book taught me to appreciate the purpose people have in other's lives - "there may not be a reason for everything but there's a reason for everyone"
I'm not one to collect quotes from a book but the messages that were presented to be through <i>Expiration Dates </i> were relevant. This was a fun read and I really recommend it.

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I absolutely devoured this book and finished it in one day. I loved the idea of finding a note letting you know how long each relationship will last, especially once you hit the halfway mark and the book gains even more depth. I really enjoyed Daphne's varying amounts of chemistry with her "boyfriends", especially Hugo, and I really loved how the story jumped back in forth in time to slowly reveal the story (and it's wonderful cast of characters) bit by bit.

Fantastic read - would definitely recommend.

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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I usually stick to the mystery/thriller category, but for some reason, when it comes to Rebecca Serle, it always feels like a welcome palate cleanse. For anyone who takes this book too seriously and thinks too much about the whys, I could see how it would be a disappointing read. But for readers who are simply along for the ride and ready to feel all the feels, this one is for you (and you'll get through it quickly!). To me, its like a feel-good movie in book form.

Thanks to Net Galley for my Advanced Reader's Copy! Published 3/2024

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Would you want to know when your relationship would end??

Since she was a teenager, Daphne has received a slip of paper with her boyfriend's name and the amount of time they would spend together. Now, twenty years later, Daphne receives a note with only the name of her blind date, Jake, and no length of time.

Throughout the novel we revisit each of Daphne's relationships, all spanning a different amount of time. No one knows the secret about these expiration dates, except her best friend Hugo, who began his relationship with Daphne, with an expiration date.

I thoroughly enjoyed this one by Rebecca Serle. I don't usually choose books with magic realism, but I will always read books by Rebecca. She does it so well! This was a sweet, quick read.

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“Expiration Dates” by Rebecca Serle is a vivid love story about fate, choices, and the unexpected. I am not usually a fan of magical realism, but this was written in a way that made me believe! the characters feel real, as though I may run into them on the street. Serle writes a moving exploration of love and living in the moment.

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As a big fan of Rebecca Serle's other work, I was thrilled to receive an ARC of her newest novel, EXPIRATION DATES, in exchange for my honest review.

EXPIRATION DATES is such a uniquely intriguing premise - Daphne has always known when a relationship would end before (or right after) it began. Little slips of paper arrive anytime she has a connection with someone - a date, a relationship, a one night stand - to tell her just how long she'll be with this person. Daphne's story took turns I wasn't expecting and I loved the full cast of characters in this book; Hugo, Daphne's parents, Jake, Kendra, Irina - all wonderful! I loved Serle's writing and character building, and will eagerly recommend this book!

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for this ARC!

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4.5 stars rounded up for Goodreads! This is my favorite Rebecca Serle book yet! She always does magical realism so well, but this is her first specifically romantic story, and she knocked it out of the park! It’s such an interesting concept and it is chock full of existential thoughts 😂 I loved the characters, and there was great Jewish rep as well. There were a couple of plot twists I did not see coming, and the story came together so beautifully; I loved the ending! Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for the opportunity to read before pub day! EXPIRATION DATES is out now!

eARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Daphne Bells knows how long each relationship or date will last. She receives a paper giving her a name and the amount of time she has with that person. So when she receives a piece of paper with a name but no date she feels like maybe she has finally found her happily ever after.

I felt like this book was all over the place. I couldn’t connect with the characters or even the story.

Thank you netgalley and Atria books for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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🗒️I’m a huge Rebecca Serle fan and her newest release was hiiiiiigh on my 2024 tbr! It had the typical magical realism aspect I’ve come to love in her books and a couple of twists I definitely didn’t see coming. 👀

🗒️Here’s a summary of the plot:👇
Daphne has a special gift - every time she meets a new partner, the universe sends her a piece of paper with their name and the length of how long their relationship will last: three days, four months, two years, etc. When she suddenly receives a piece of paper with only a name and no expiration date written down, she can’t believe her luck. Has she finally found her soulmate?! Or is the universe playing tricks on her??

🗒️I definitely enjoyed this book as a whole but it just felt like it was missing something?! I kept waiting for some huge emo plot twist that never came. There were a couple of twists I didn’t see coming but I never cried while reading this one (and I’m an emotional reader). Still liked the overall story and would recommend but not my fave of hers.

🗒️Thanks to @atriabooks for my advanced copy! EXPIRATION DATES is available now! 💗

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I’ve read and loved rebecca serle’s backlist and was so excited to get my hands on her latest book! there were some aspects that I really enjoyed.

entertaining characters: from daphne’s boss to her ex turned best friend, the characters kept me on my toes

fun settings: daphne’s job took her to some fun locations, from paris to san francisco

unique romances: notes predicting how long the relationships would last

at first I had a hard time connecting to daphne but as the book progressed we learned more about her background and how she came to be. I wanted to love this but found the timelines confusing and while the twists were entertaining, I predicted the ending. would recommend if you’re looking for a unique romance, this was truly one of a kind.

thank you to net galley for the arc!

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This was such a cute and fun read. Such witty banter and it was done quite well! I loved all the detail about California and all the places mentioned in the book. If you are looking for a quick and easy read then this is for you.

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Oh my goodness, this was the most incredible book. I loved it so much I’ve gone ahead and purchased her previous books to enjoy. I fell head over heels in love with this story. Daphne could be any of us, Hugo is who we all want and Jake is what we think we should settle for, even though it’s not settling! My mouth dropped when the second box was mentioned, and I cried when her final letter blew away. This book hit every mark on the must have list and I am forever grateful I was given the chance to read it.

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This book thinks its being profound and full of feels when all I felt when reading was rage and loss of brain cells.

'Expiration Dates' began with an intriguing concept, then went off in so many directions without explaining any of it. We never even get reasoning behind why this magical realism exists because the most unnecessary plot twist overtakes the story 60% in. TERMINAL ILLNESSES DO NOT MAKE WRITING DEEP. It is an overdone trope done in terrible taste here, and it wouldn't have worked even if it was introduced on the first page.

Daphne's condition and how it impacts her perception of the notes is a cheap way of justifying her actions and mindset. To stay with and almost marry someone solely because it'll supposedly prolong your death by a few years is shallow and impossible for me to wrap my head around. I tried to sympathize with her and understand the fear she must feel in this narrative, but she is quite frankly the most unlikeable protagonist. She is selfish, manipulative and whiny, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Hugo or Jake.

Speaking of Hugo and Jake, they are also incredibly obnoxious and immature in their respective ways, but I shockingly felt more for Hugo at the end. The red flags were immediate with Jake trauma-dumping on the second date and subsequently moving the relationship at lightspeed. His backstory is understandably painful but he projects too much due to needing a crutch. I'm not even going to TOUCH the weird/cringy Doc Marten thing. With Hugo, I wasn't a fan of his narcissism during the actual relationship, but I did appreciate their friendship in the following years. THAT relationship was the only authentic thing in this book. While I don't condone him forging the note and hiding it (a ridiculous plot twist that's never properly explained because what even is this magic system?), what Daphne does to him throughout the story is far worse. Justice for Hugo and the lack of character arc he deserved.

I will say, as a SoCal native, I enjoyed some of the LA references. I also enjoy vivid descriptions that set scenes, when done right. But incessantly describing restaurant interiors, shops that we must know are on Melrose, and every. single. outfit. characters wear? Sometimes Daphne would be in the middle of having a legitimate big-girl thought, then interrupt herself to describe a guy's button-down. It was in every damn chapter. Yet the ending was somehow rushed? How do we go from dumping and gaslighting poor Jake to reaching self-actualization to apparently running back to Hugo for a second chance? It was meant to be some grand decision in the name of love but was unsatisfying and stiff in its execution.

Overall, this left so many questions unanswered; questions I can't even bring myself to care about because Daphne is so insufferable. Thank god this was less than 300 pages, but then again, half of that was unnecessary details to compensate for the lack of plot. I must be too refined for this specific type of love-triangle trope... Or I just have standards. This is very reminiscent of the problematic (yet romanticized) relationships in 'The Notebook' and Taylor Jenkins Reid's entire backlist.

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I have an on and off again relationship with Rebecca and right now it is on. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and how it explored if life is something that happens to you vs if it's something you choose. There were the classic Rebecca Serle twists and some beautiful prose and some underdeveloped characters, but at the end of the day, I will be thinking about this book for a very long time and how a soulmate is so much more than just destiny.

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This is such a wonderful book. I want to read it again and I’m sad it’s over.

Even before I finished this book I knew it would be one of my favorites - probably for all time, not just this year.

Love and the uncertainty of life is portrayed so beautifully. There is grief too but it’s not the scary kind.

Not spicy but it didn’t need to be.

I really want to know what that last card said but I get why Daphne didn’t chase after it.

Thanks to NetGalley for the digital copy in exchange for my honest review.

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📚"Expiration Dates" by Rebecca Serle offers a unique blend of romance & magic that intrigued me from the start. Serle's writing style is engaging, & I found myself drawn to the well-developed characters & their intertwining stories. However, the pacing felt a bit slow for my taste, leaving me on the fence about fully embracing the book. Despite this, I appreciate the creativity & will certainly explore more of Serle's work in the future.
Overall, a solid read for those seeking a fresh take on romance with a touch of enchantment.

Many thanks to #NetGalley, #ExpirationDates, & Rebecca Serle for the captivating ARC experience. My opinions are voluntary & entirely my own.

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This is my favorite Rebecca Serle book to date. Love the unique concept and all of the characters. Tear jerker for sure- worth the read!

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REVIEW: Expiration Dates ⭐⭐⭐.5 (3.5)

“But being surprised by life isn't losing, it's living. It's messy and uncomfortable and complicated and beautiful. It's life, all of it. The only way to get it wrong is to refuse to play.”
― Rebecca Serle, Expiration Dates

When I received this arc, I was very intrigued by the premise. Daphne has something unique about her; whenever she dates someone, she gets a piece of paper telling her how long their relationship will last. One day, however, she receives a paper with just a name, Jake, and no time length. Does this mean forever? How can she be with someone forever with her secrets to hide?

Reading Expiration Dates, I had a lot of mixed emotions. First I really liked how the story switched from the current time. It was so interesting to see how some of her past relationships affected her current one. I also liked how deep and reflective some of the story got. There was some great dialogue discussing things like time in life and relationships. I also really enjoyed the relationship with Daphne and Hugo. Hugo was one of Daphne’s former dates who became her best friend. They had some fun banter as well as heartful moments.

There were a few things that I wasn’t a fan of. We didn’t get a ton of background on why Daphne was receiving these notes and their limitations. This affected some of the ending for me. A lot of the story felt very one note. There were a few twists along the way, but it generally felt pretty predictable and without too many major challenges. Some of the characters, especially Jake, didn’t have much depth to them. He didn’t do a whole lot and honestly was boring at times. I liked the ending, but I do wish she wrote just a little bit more to it just to wrap it all up.

Overall I did enjoy reading Expiration Dates, but there were a few things I thought could be improved upon. I’m glad I picked up this book with this fun premise.

Thank you Netgalley, Atria Books, and Rebecca Serle for the advanced copy for my honest review!

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Expiration Dates is a heartfelt romance about Daphne Bell who receives a slip of paper every time she meets a new love interest that tells her how long the relationship will last. I enjoyed the characters and the dynamics between them, especially with the non-linear timeline of Daphne's past relationships. While I really enjoyed the premise of this book and the idea of story, some of the plot twists just seemed out of left field and not set up very well.
This would be a great read for anyone looking for a romance book about taking fate into your own hands and just a little bit of magic.

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Nobody does magical realism with Rebecca Serle! Every time our main character, Daphne mets a new romantic interest, she receives a slip of paper with his name and a number on it, which happens to be the exact amount of time they will date each other. Then she finally gets a paper with a name and no end date. This was such a fun and satisfying read and I loved the concept. Rebecca Serle is an auto-read author for me and this one was no exception.

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