Member Reviews

Good, but kinda felt like two different books (don’t want to spoil, but 3/4ths in we learn something that has been hidden and just felt out of place and not really needed for this story). Another interesting plot from the author - this one about knowing how long our protagonist, Daphne, will be with someone, timeframe on paper, ie Expiration Dates.

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A little late on NetGalley.

This was my first read by Rebeca Sterle.

First of all I loved the premise. It’s sweet and it’s multilayered.

The pacing was fast, the dialogue quick and still somewhat descriptive.

I enjoyed the main character and her story. The bits of magical realism sprinkled in. There were a lot of profound sentiments, but most of all it was short and sweet with heart.

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Expiration Dates is the story of Daphne and the men in her life.

Every time Daphne starts a new relationship with a man, she receives a paper with the length of time the relationship will last. I liked this premise and was intrigued to see how it would play out.

The chapters are alternating between the relationship she is in now and the different ones she had in the past.

It is thought provoking. Would you want to know how long a relationship will last before it has really gotten started?

I liked the flawed characters, how it made me wonder, how much the notes played into the relationships and the friendships Daphne has.

I would have liked a little more explanation as to how the notes came about.

A fun and easy read.

Thanks to netgalley and Atria Books for the arc.

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Expiration Dates is one of those fun books about a single woman trying her best to find her person. Daphne grew up in L.A. and has always loved it there. Daphne has dated a good amount and for the last 20 years when she meets a new man, she gets a piece of paper that has the guy's name on it and the amount of time they'll be together. Some are one night, some are 3 months, and some are years. Daphne is waiting for the paper that just has a name, but no time listed. Kendra sets Daphne up on a blind date with her friend Jake and they're meeting at one of Daphne's favorite restaurants in L.A. When the paper arrives with Jake's name on it, there's nothing else!! This is it! The paper that Daphne's been waiting for. This must mean that Jake is her person, right?

Daphne and Jake have a good start and they continue dating. Will the paper be right? Has Daphne finally found the one? Will Jake understand Daphne's secret? Will Daphne understand Jake's past? What is Daphne keeping from Jake and why? As Daphne's friends and co-workers encourage her to be truthful and go towards happiness what will she choose? Will Daphne and Jake find love and happiness? This book helps you to see things more clearly, like what really matters in a relationship and how should happiness feel? I thoroughly enjoyed reading Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle and rate it 4 stars with a high recommendation. I'd like to thank NetGalley and Atria Books for an advanced copy of Expiration Dates in exchange for a fair review. #ExpirationDates #bookreview

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Serle messes with timelines and unbelievable elements in the most believable ways and this one didn't disappoint. In many ways I like this one more than her last few.

Daphne always gets a message just before a new relationship starts with the length of time if will last ... Until this one. Only her best friend knows of this mysterious happening. Now she needs to decide what this open ended timeline means for her, for this new guy, and the friendships she's made along the way.

The characters are flawed and wonderfully human, the journey they take is so intriguing, and the way all of the pieces unfold creates mystery and intrigue in the best ways possible.


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"Expiration Dates" by Rebecca Serle has the whimsical magical realism you come to expect from her books. This story follows Daphne who has received notes with expiration dates for each relationship she has had since the 5th grade. We meet Daphne on what is to be her last first date as the latest note says "Jake", but not date is listed. This is the relationship she has been looking for her whole dating life, the one that will last. But as perfect as Jake may be, the relationship isn't what she always imagined. Daphne begins to question the power and accuracy of the notes. Is she giving too much weight to the notes? More importantly, why?

I enjoyed this story. It was a cute, emotional story about love, friendship and making your own path in life. As I read it, I really enjoyed myself, but after reading I was left wanting more. I loved Daphne as a character, but the lie she tells Jake throughout their relationship really frustrated me. I get her fear, but it also seemed very selfish and until that point I didn't think of her as selfish. I feel like I can't quite put my finger on what bothered me which is part of the reason this review is later than I planned to submit it. I

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC!

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While I think the concept is great and could be a great story, there were a couple things that kept it from being that. I did not like how there was no explanation of how the notes came about. The twist in the middle was just kind of out there. The ending was rushed and fell flat for me, too much build up and not enough of the story for a good closure.

Thank you to Netgalley, Atria Books, and Rebecca Serle for this eARC in exchange for this review.

Publication Date for Expiration Dates is March 19, 2024

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Really far-fetched. I didn't think that the narrator's voice matched the woman she was describing herself as. She seemed down to earth yet described a very girly, girl; lots of nice clothes yet works a grunt job. That was a big turnoff. The story itself was not interesting. I could tell she was going to end up with Hugo from the beginning and the revelation about her health condition being introduced in the middle of the book felt like an afterthought.

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Raise your hand if you were a blubbering mess at the end of this book? *Raises hand* That scene between Daphne and her dad, whilst watching my kids play, really got me. I thought Expiration Dates was really beautiful. It felt reflective, nostalgic, hopeful. It reminded me of when you have your headphones in, listening to your favourite songs, and you're thinking of your life: what it is and what it could be.
With the present day timeline woven with flashbacks to previous relationships, the flow of Daphne's journey felt authentic and built the story in such an engaging way. There was something about Rebecca Serle's writing that felt calming to me. To be honest, I am not usually a magical realism fan, so the idea of Daphne receiving these notes had me hesitant about this premise, but by the end, I was not really concerned about the 'how' or 'why' and was just deeply engrossed in the symbolism. It was fascinating to me the idea of what is good "on paper" and what you know in your heart. I loved it!
Thank you Atria Books for the copy through NetGalley in exchange for the honest review.

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I loved In Five Years, so I was very excited to read Expiration Dates. Rebecca Serle did not disappoint. Did you ever wonder if there was a plan for you - who you would fall in love with? How long that love would last? Well Daphne Bell believes that she knows. As she meets each new man, she receives a slip of paper or a postcard with their name and a date. It might be 3 days or 3 years, but the paper tells her exactly how long each relationship will last. Until Jake. There is no date on Jake's paper. Does this mean he is her forever person? Daphne sets out to find out if this is the one. But there are some secrets that she just isn't ready to share - even with Jake - not yet. Only her parents, her very close friends and her ex and now best friend Hugo know the whole story. This was a fun book to read - it kept my attention throughout, and I really was surprised and happy at the end. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this ARC.

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Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books for an ARC copy of Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle. This book follows Daphne on her journey to find love. This book falls into the magical realism genre and I just loved it. Daphne begins receiving letters, notes, cards with a name of a man and a time which preordains the length of her relationship with that person. I love how you see her current relationship and her past relationships as well. This story has heart, romance, and twists. I did not guess the ending and I found it wonderful. I'd describe this whole book as simply lovely! Rebecca Serle's writing draws you in to the scene, the characters feel real, and even the magical elements feel like they could really exist. Rebecca Serle is now one of my must-read authors.

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What if you knew exactly how long every romantic relationship you had would last? Would it affect how you much you commit yourself? Daphne Bell knows. All her life she has gotten a slip of paper with the boy's name and the number of days, weeks or months each would last. In Rebecca Serle's hands, this makes for an intriguing book with solid characters to root for.

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Daphne Bell is just like any other single woman looking for love, except unlike other women, she has the unique ability to see the length of a relationship at its start.

Three days. Five weeks. Three months. The amounts of time are all decreed by a simple piece of paper, the relationship’s fate sealed. Knowing this information doesn’t prevent Daphne from having some fun, but it does serve as a simple reminder that all good things must come to an end eventually.

Then she meets Jake and everything changes, his introduction not accompanied by a dreaded piece of paper. Does this mean she’s finally found the one? And if she has, how does this change the trajectory of a life only lived in the moment?

Expiration Dates has a very intriguing premise, ultimately serving as the reason I chose to read this book at all. However, not unlike her previous release, The Dinner List, the story’s execution didn’t live up to its promise. Each chapter floats in and out of Daphne’s time stamped entanglements, but when you strip away the magical element, all you have are typical stories of dating woes.

It isn’t until the final act where things come together in a way that makes the setup somewhat worthwhile. Unfortunately by this point, I felt the story had long past its sell by date.

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This is tough to rate because I LOVED so many parts of this book, but it also seemed all over the place and lost me at times. I enjoyed the overall message and getting to know a little bit about each date/love interest. Overall a bit slow and lack luster for me. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I cannot express my thanks enough to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for providing me with an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

A surprise can be flowers on your doorstep. It can be a piece of paper that ends up changing your life. What is blank space, really, but an invitation?

This book was BEAUTIFUL. In Serle's previous book, One Italian Summer, I was blown away by her vivid and earnest description of grief. In Expiration Dates, her writing hit me even more, which I didn't think was possible. The way she has weaved this story, which blends magical realism so well and seamlessly, through the eyes of Daphne was just wonderful to witness. This book is for the hopeless romantics, the ones who tend to self-depreciate and often see or think of the worst to come. Grief, again, is written so well here, as it takes many forms throughout the novel. The romance and chemistry between Daphne and her love interest was so palpable; something I saw so vividly and earnestly. Daphne's journey as a character was what really drove this story home, and it was written with such tenderness and care. The messages of self-acceptance, fate and chance, how to truly live and love, were all highlighted in such raw, beautiful, real and emotional moments. I cried more than I thought I would, from both pain and joy, and really cannot recommend this book enough.

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Really enjoyed this book! Such a fun read. The concept and lessons throughout reminded me of my favorite movie- Serendipity. I love stories like this book, that make you think about destiny and outcomes and your belief in what’s meant for you.

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I absolutely loved this book. It was captivating from the get go. Such an intriguing concept. I loved seeing Daphne’s growth as she realizes how she had been limiting herself and her eventual decision to not read the notes anymore and embrace the unknown, however scary that may be. I also really didn’t expect that Hugo had written Jake’s note, but I love that he saw an opportunity to give her a chance to take control of her own fate. Will definitely recommend this one to friends!

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This is my third book by the author, and I'm completely obsessed with it. I loved the magical realism part of it. I enjoy learning about the note being left and seeing how long the character stays with the love interest. I wish it could happen in real life. I adored the characters. And the writing was fast to read. I cant wait to read more from this author.

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3.5 stars
I enjoyed Daphne, her parents, and her ex-boyfriends. That said, I felt that the magical realism of the letters detracted from the story. I know that was the main catalyst, but it didn’t work for me. I also thought that it could have been a bit longer, especially to flesh out more of the relationship with Hugo from boyfriend in the past to best friend in the present. It would have made a difference to drive home the ending.

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I liked this book. Wouldn't it be cool if people had expiration dates when you met them?! I even liked the twist half way through the book. If you enjoy her other books you will enjoy this one as well. Will definitely recommend.

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