Member Reviews

I was super excited to read this one since I loved In Five Years so much! Overall, this one was pretty good! I really enjoyed how unique the story was and that it really made me think about decisions everyone makes and what I would've done in Daphne's position. I think my biggest issues with it were that I never really felt completely connected to the characters the way that I had hoped I would. I think Daphne was a little hard to get to know, and the people she dated were only there for one maybe two chapters, so I never really got a chance to get to know them that well (even Hugo and Jake!). I really enjoyed the ending but it felt a little rushed, I think I just wanted a little more of the romance story than what I got!

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*thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-arc of this book in exchange for an honest review!

I usually love Rebecca Serle’s books (One Italian Summer is one of my favorites!) but this one didn’t hit quite as hard for me.

I loved the premise! Daphne knows how long each of her relationships will last because she always find a piece of paper right before the relationship starts with the name of the guy and how long it will last (e.g., Hugo, 5 months). She finally gets a piece of paper with the name Jake and no time frame, so she thinks he must be the one she ends up with. Later in the book we learn another reason why there could be no time frame and this becomes the big secret Daphne keeps from Jake. This becomes a big thing & I honestly just got frustrated with the main character not being honest.

I wasn’t the biggest fan of the chapters that focused on Daphne’s previous relationships. I understand that they help provide some background on her character, but I was just kind of bored reading them.

I just expected a little more from this book and to be able to fully connect with the characters.

Still a solid read & I look forward to reading Rebecca’s future work! 🫶🏼

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𝑬𝒙𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒃𝒚 𝑹𝒆𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒄𝒂 𝑺𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒆
★★★★ 4/5 stars

⟡ synopsis
Daphne Bell believes the universe has a plan for her. For 20 years, Daphne has been receiving random notes - each just a slip of paper with a man’s name & a number on it - the exact amount of time they will be together. Until one day, it’s different. She receives a note with just a name, no dates: Jake. Does this mean he is her forever?

⟡ Read if you like :
•Doc Martens
•pet soulmates
•light, fun reads
•fate vs free will
•a touch of magical realism
•LA setting
•chronic illness/disability representation
•surprising twists

⟡ my thoughts
Reading this book felt light & fun. I thought it was a great combination of whimsy, romance, & reality. The plot is original & so incredibly relatable. There was surprising depth to the story with well developed, lovable characters. I loved the character growth. I couldn’t help rooting for Daphne as she navigated life’s curveballs.

I can honestly say I wasn’t looking for a jaw dropping plot twist but that’s exactly what I got! Totally unexpected but yet tied in so perfectly, leading to one aha moment after the other as I connected the dots. I thought the ending was just right - “being surprised by life isn't losing, it's living.”

This is one I’ll definitely be adding my my bookshelf! Thank you to @netgalley, @atriabooks + @rebecca_serle for the opportunity to read this ARC ◡̈

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Happy Pub Day to this little gem! I really enjoyed Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle. I went into it blindly just because I love this author and trust her completely with my precious reading time. I am a fan of the genre Magical Realism and she’s never let me down. Once again, I was not disappointed!

I really couldn’t put this one down. I enjoyed following Daphne on her dating journey— both current relationships and those in her past. I loved the friendship between Jake and Daphne. I really don’t want to say much more because I think this one is best enjoyed when having little to no information about it.

𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚:
🧚🏼 Romance with a touch of magic
👏🏼 Likeable characters you naturally root for
🏃‍♀️ Quick read with short chapters
🕛 A brush with past, present, & future timelines
🥰 Following a person’s dating journey

I think everyone needs to read at least one Magical Realism book. It may surprise you how sweet and endearing these whimsical reads can be; so, check these out:

𝙈𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙢 𝙍𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨:
* In Five Years by Rebecca Serle
* The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie by Rachel Linden
* The Good Part by Sophie Cousens
* The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
* One Italian Summer by Rebecca Serle

Thank you @NetGalley and @atriabooks for my advanced reading copy in exchange for an honest review. I read the digital copy but recommend listening to the audiobook of Expiration Dates because it’s NARRATED BY JULIA WHELAN and IYKYK!!

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Daphne Bell goes into every relationship knowing exactly how long it will last. One night, three weeks, six months, two years - a postcard arrives at the start of each relationship to prepare her for the duration. Then one day, the postcard arrives with just a name, no expiration date.

The question at the heart of this book is: will we be content living within constraints placed on us, or can we be daring enough to break through them and find greater happiness?

Like In Five Years and One Italian Summer, this book is a little heart wrenching. Unlike those stories, Expiration Dates is more hopeful, more real, more moving. Rebecca Serle created a deeper heroine in Daphne Bell - her problems are grounded in reality, her circumstances believable. I really couldn’t put this book down, and would definitely recommend it for a quick but thoughtful read!

Thanks to NetGalley, Atria Books, and Rebecca Serle for the ARC of Expiration Dates!

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This was such a beautiful story and lesson on how important it is to be in charge of your life and how sitting back and letting life happen to you will have you miss out on amazing moments and people. Rebecca Serle did it again with Expiration Dates. She knows how to mix magic within her stories to give the reader a wonderful experience.

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Thank you NetGalley for an ARC by one of my favorite authors! Rebecca Serle has yet again captivated me with her writing. This book was so intriguing from the description, I had to read it and I am so glad I did. The story is about Daphne and her love interests through time. But Daphne's story is a bit different - for every man she meets and spends time with, she knows exactly how much time it will last. She is given a slip of paper for each new relationship and on that slip of paper is the amount of time she will spend with this particular man. We get to experience each relationship (some last a night, others last months). Daphne seems content with this life, always knowing what to expect, until the unexpected happens and she is given note that is blank. Her only conclusion is that Jake is the one. If the note is blank, it must mean forever; this relationship has no expiration date. But she still has doubts, is Jake the one? And then Hugu (her one time boyfriend for three months, turned best friend), make an unexpected announcement that leaves Daphne wondering if she has more control over her relationships than she realizes. I absolutely adored this novel from start to finish and I can't wait to read more from this author.

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Happy publication day to Expiration Dates, the latest release from Rebecca Serle. This romance has the fantastical element that we’ve come to expect from Serle, but also has a healthy dose of sobering reality to keep it grounded.

Daphne’s romantic life has always been guided by an unseen force. Without fail, every time she enters into a new relationship, she receives a note from the universe which includes her lover’s name and a duration - the length of time the relationship will last. So, when she receives a note with only a name a few hours before going on a first date, she has to wonder what it means. Is this a sign that this is the relationship that will last? Is there no forecasted end date because this is the one meant to last, til death do you part? She leans into her relationship with Jake while also constantly questioning whether he really is the right one, and she never shares the truth of her magical romantic guidance with him. Can they overcome the secrets between them?

I won’t say more here, because I don’t want to give anything away, but I will say that this may be a book where you want to read the trigger warnings. There’s more to Daphne than just the magical secret she’s keeping from Jake, and that element of the plot was a little tough for me, as it’s something I do find triggering at times. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed this story and definitely recommend checking it out. It’s definitely a romantic drama, and I was fully swept up in Daphne’s world.

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I love it when books veer off the suspected course in a good way. The surprise trajectory of this book made for one heartfelt, witty, and connective romantic tale that I was completely invested in.

The story opens up with Daphne headed on a date. Specifically what she thinks is her last first date. You see, the universe gives Daphne the exact duration of all of her romantic relationships. Every note or card she finds has a name and a length of time. Until now. You’ll see her venture on what she thinks is forever. You’ll also journey with her through her past relationships-even the one she had with her best friend Hugo. I dare not say too much. I’ll leave you to discover Daphne’s outcome on your own, but I can say it’s a beautiful unfolding.

A dash of magical realism and a whole lot of determination. That winning combo in story and characters gets me every time. Expiration Dates is such a tenderly written and endearing tale of seeking your own destiny and following your heart. I would’ve loved an epilogue on this one, but the ending leaves you content and smiling. 4.5/5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

I was gifted an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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“When do we stop believing in the things we do? And why does it happen so slowly instead of all at once?”

While magical realism is not my go-to genre, I know to expect it in small doses in books by Rebecca Serle.

Expiration dates was my third book by this author. I loved In Five Years, thought One Italian Summer was a little strange, but OK, and this one was OK, but didn’t wow me like I’d hoped it would.

Daphne receives a piece of paper - from where is a mystery - every time she starts dating a new person, so she knows exactly how long each relationship will last - anywhere from one night, to a few years, to the time when she receives a piece of paper with only a name and believes she has found the man she will spend her life with.

It reminded me a bit of The Measure, which I loved, but something about it didn’t click. It’s short, and I read it very quickly - I would have preferred more depth, especially from the ending. It might make a good summer/beach book.

Thank you to Netgalley and Atria Books for the advanced digital copy in exchange for an honest review. [Quote is from the uncorrected review copy.] Expiration Dates is available now.

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I did it! I read my first audiobook and although it took me over a week, I loved it. Shockingly, I LOVED the story of Daphane Bell, a woman who receives a slip of paper right before she gets into a relationship that tells her the name of the man and the length of the relationship. It’s a message from the universe that she hasn’t told anyone about except for her best friend Hugo.

Ok, I admit this sounds like something that would get a huge eye roll from me. Not my genera. But I loved the story, the characters and I SAW NOTHING COMING. The story was fresh and I was fully engaged. I already knew that Julia Whelan was a master from my friends who do audio books. I especially loved her deadpan voice of Jake.

At first I could only listen at 1.2, but by the end I could do 2.0 speed. It took a little getting used to.

4.5 stars of pure enjoyment.

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What an interesting premise to a book! I love Serle’s writing and this book was no exception. Her descriptions of her characters were so developed and the magical realism element of the book just felt real! While I wish there was a little more explanation of the notes by the end, I love that it was up to the reader to make decisions about it.

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I found the premise of this story to be really interesting and wondered how the author could get the reader to buy into the notion that there is a time limit on love. As I was reading through the flashbacks of Daphne’s past relationships because I knew the ending before the story began I didn’t get too invested in that partner for Daphne. But that was kind of the point, right? I was feeling Daphne’s own ambivalence. This created a great contrast to the emotions Daphne felt when she received the slip of paper with no date for Jake.

I always love these little hints of magic that this author puts into her stories. They elevate the mundane, and in this case built up hope that fate is real and that we all have that chance to find our one true love. This is actually what I loved about this book the most. That after an existence filled with deadlines our heroine was given hope and after a couple of life’s twists and turns, would be allowed her own happily ever after.

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"Expiration Dates" by Rebecca Serle is like a rollercoaster ride through the highs and lows of love, with a twist you won't see coming. Daphne Bell's got this quirky habit of receiving notes predicting how long her romances will last – talk about adding some spice to dating! But when she meets Jake, suddenly those predictions don't seem so reliable anymore. It's a wild ride as Daphne grapples with whether to trust the notes or follow her heart.

Serle's writing is like a warm hug, pulling you right into Daphne's world and making you feel like part of the gang. The chemistry between Daphne and Jake crackles off the page, and you'll find yourself rooting for them through every twist and turn. With its mix of humor, heart, and a healthy dose of drama, "Expiration Dates" is the perfect read for anyone who's ever wondered if love really has an expiration date. So grab a comfy spot, a box of tissues (just in case), and get ready for a romance that'll keep you guessing till the very end.

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I feel mixed about this one! This was my first book that I’ve read by Rebecca Serle, the writing was amazing and I couldn’t put the book down. The first half had me hooked but it took some turns that I wasn’t expecting and then, it kinda fell flat for me. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the FMC, she annoyed me tbh. The ending was meh, simply was just expecting more from it! It was a very unique romance, that’s for sure!

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Expiration Dates-a standalone

By Rebecca Serle- never read author

Rating: 4/5  

📖Page Count: 268 kindle

🌍Setting: LA

Publication 3-19-24,  Read 3-18-24

🙏🏾 Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher Atria Books for this ARC 🩷! I voluntarily give my honest review and all opinions expressed are my own.

🤷🏾‍♀️What to Expect: 

✔️Adult/Women's Fic
✔️Magical Realism
✔️Female friendship
✔️My BFF

Summary: Daphne has a little quirk where she receives a note or postcard with her next boyfriend's name on it, and how long they will be together. This has happened since Daphne was in 5th grade, which is 42 notes with 6 serious relationships including Hugo, her BFF. Her work colleagues and friends Irina and Kendra set her up on a blind date. She received a note with the name Jake and no time limit. Is he her soulmate, or could there be other possibilities?

🎭The characters:
 Daphne Bell-33 works in entertainment as a production assistant. Has had some health issues, which her mother Debra and father have supported her.
Jake-35 works in entertainment as a TV executive. The perfect boyfriend, wants a serious relationship w/ Daphne.
Hugo-40 met Daphne outside acting class 5 years ago. They dated for 3 months and became best friends after.
Murphy-Daphne's rescue dog

🤔My Thoughts: I liked the premise of anonymous notes. I couldn't connect with Daphne and Jake's relationship because they just didn't have passion. Daphne and Hugo had the better chemistry . They were playful and comfortable with each other, and after their talk about the past, I knew he still had feelings for her. The ending was satisfying because Daphne did away with fate and destiny, and chose her heart.

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This was an enjoyable romance novel with a bit of magical realism. Daphne is in her early thirties and gets notes to tell her how long her relationships will last and with whom. She totally trusts these notes and they guide her decisions and love life. She finally gets a note with no end date and moves forward with that relationship but is it what she truly wants?

Searles has written a novel with heart and obstacles that makes us want to believe in true love. The characters are likeable and relateable which help the story feel genuine. Thank you Netgalley for the chance to review.

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Expiration dates by Rebecca serle

3.5 stars

I really enjoyed this book. The synopsis really sparked my curiosity.

Daphne goes through life knowing how long each of her romantic relationships will last. Each time she develops a connection, a piece of paper with the relationships expiration date shows up.

It’s crazy to think that when you have a really good relationship that you feel might blossom into more, turns out to be over within months or weeks.

Just imagining that is crazy to me. Waiting for a relationships demise.

Certain information came forth during the later parts of the book that I wished came earlier. The beginning was filled with Daphne’s experiences that I really enjoyed reading.

The ending also did fall a little flat. I wanted just a bit more since 75% in, the plot thickens.

Overall, it was a great read! Thank you NetGalley and Rebecca Serle for the opportunity to read this ARC

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The thing all of Rebecca’s book have in common for me is this easy flow of the story, certainly a novel but read more like poetry at times. They start straight forward and almost unassumingly. Then suddenly the rollercoaster picks up speed and there’s no stopping it until suddenly it goes upside down in the absolute best way possible.

This book was a wonderful interpretation of the powers of fate and what happens when we get in our own way. It’s a story about love and self and honesty in all its difficult forms. There is something special about a book that grabs you tight and shakes you like this one did. For everyone who has committed the “why did you drop out of Yale?!” Scene to memory…. This one’s for you.

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4 is it better to know? stars

The main character, Daphne Bell, has a special thing that happens as she embarks on each new romance. She receives a piece of paper that tells her how long the relationship will last. It could be one night, six months, or maybe forever.

Chapters are devoted to these men, and we see how they impact Daphne. Would you want to know how long your relationships would last? She has a long relationship with Hugo. It ultimately ends, but they become very close friends.

She finally gets a note with no expiration date, just the name Jake. Could this be the man she spends the rest of her life with? Will this finally be her happy ever after? Or should she find a way to be happy single?

I liked the concept of this one—unrealistic, though it is! I also liked the friendship between her and Hugo. I did get a bit teary-eyed at one point, so I was definitely invested and rooting for Daphne to find happiness!

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