Member Reviews

If Rebecca Serle writes it, I’m gonna read it! I love this book so much. I love the way the author can mix a little bit of “magic” in with reality. It’s probably my favorite thing about her writing.

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Thank you for the advanced copy of this book. My reviews can be read on my GoodReads account here:

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Serle is my favorite author, so I was so excited to get the opportunity to read this book before its release! I loved how she mixed reality with whimsical. I will never get tired of the way Serle plays with time in her novels.

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𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: 5/5⭐️⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦: 0/5🫑
𝗪𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝: I’ve been hit or miss on Rebecca Serle books in the past (LOVED In Five Years, didn’t care for One Italian Summer) so this one snuck up on me. It commanded my complete attention, and entranced me with a story that I couldn’t stop reading.

I think it spoke to me so much through the central theme of control, and wanting to know the outcome of things that we hold no power over; the self-fulfilling prophecies that we set up for ourselves, merely through our expectations

This is a love story, but definitely not a lighthearted romcom. It's about friendship, grief, chronic illness, fate, and pursuing what feels right even if it means going against what is “right” on (literal) paper.
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞: I think the ending will be very love/hate for people—and while I do prefer an ambiguous ending, I didn’t mind that this one was so neatly tied in a bow because it complimented the characters.

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I wanted to love this book, but I couldn't finish it. I had a hard time getting into the story. It unlike the usual books and genres that I read so that likely played a part in why I had a hard time enjoying and continuing it. I have read a previous book from Rebecca Serle and really liked it, so I will likely continue to read future releases from this author.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this arc.

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This was a fun read while sitting on the beach during my vacation. This was my second book by Serle and it won't be my last. It did take a bit for me to get into it, but once I did, I was hooked.

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“It’s hard to hold on to people the older we get. Life looks different for everyone, and you have to keep choosing one another. You have to make a conscious effort to say, over and over again, “You.” Not everyone makes that choice. Not everyone can.”

I love Rebecca Serle's ability to weave in magical realism in a way that never feels obtrusive or random to the main story - and EXPIRATION DATES is no exception. I really like the concept of this - and it brings the question of free choice or fate into mind.

However, unfortunately, I found myself not really rooting for the main couple; I found the man to cross boundaries and not respect his friend's choices. For such a short book, you would think the story would move quickly, but unfortunately, it felt a bit slow. So much of the writing was dedicated to describing places, people, etc, that I do feel the author could have used a few more pages to give us a bit more depth to our main couple and focused on their development, over environment. Because even their friendship didn't feel too strong or rooted in mutual respect and love.

Overall, this is likely my least favorite Serle book - but I will definitely still read her work, as I typically do enjoy it.

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***A big thank you to Atria Books and NetGalley for providing me with an eARC copy of this book.***

Magical realism isn't usually my preferred genre, but I’ve come to appreciate it through "Expiration Dates." The novel follows Daphne, who receives a note each time she starts dating someone new, revealing the duration of each relationship. The emotional rollercoasters in this story truly tug at the heartstrings, making it a compelling read.

While the timeline and setting, particularly in the first half, were a bit confusing, I still enjoyed the book. It's a quick read, and I would recommend it. I’ll leave it at that to avoid any spoilers.

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Daphne Bell has expiration dates for each of her relationships that come on a slip of paper at the beginning of the relationship. Every slip she prepares herself for the length of the relationship. Can you fully ever become invested when you know there will be an end.
Rebecca Serle is master at creating well developed characters. The dual timeline was pieced well together. The hopelessness she feels in one moment of the novel was tugged on my emotions. Well done!

Thank you NetGalley and Atria books for this novel!

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What I loved about this book!

1. Quick romance read with some magical realism!
2. Fun premise - engaged me very quickly!
3. LA setting - great descriptions of fun and lovely places in LA.

Many thanks to Net Galley and Atria Books an ebook copy with me in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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Expiration dates is a great book for the people who loved Evelyn Hugo because of the fact that the story you think you’re listening/reading is not the story you are actually getting.

I don’t love recapping a book but feel like it’s necessary here.

Daphne has a gift that no one else does. When she meets a new love interest she receives a piece of paper with an “expiration date.” This could be 3 days, 90 days or 2+ years. She never has to be surprised by the relationship ending because it’s already been written for her.

I absolutely loved seeing the relationship between Daphne and Jake play out. I loved to learn more about Daphne and Hugo’s relationship, break up and blossoming of their friendship. Seeing Daphne adapt to her situations and watching her get to experience life finally. I loved this book. It was a lot more fun than I was expecting.

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Rebecca Serle is one of those authors I have on auto-buy and then read in one sitting. Expiration Dates was no exception.

Before reading this book, I was already hooked on the premise.
I loved so much about Daphne's story; the banter, the romance, and the signature RS twist. Just when you think this is a perfect love story, you learn something that turns it into something totally different. Daphne is such a captivating character, and her best friend Hugo is my newest book crush.
The only thing I wanted more of was *passion* in this story. There's so much going on for Daphne between her inner life and her dating life and I was left wanting just a little more fire throughout. Otherwise this was a perfectly un-put-downable read!
Definitely pick this one up this summer

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Talk about a book EVERYONE wanted to get their hands on! Such an interesting concept and summary, I could not wait to start this book!

The first 50% of the book was fantastic. I absolutely adore magical realism in books and the way it was handled here was great. Little notes from the universe to tell you about your romantic relationships and when they will end? Wow, I’m SOLD. I enjoyed seeing how each relationship that Daphne enters truly impacts her way of life, changes her in some way, and is a lesson she truly takes to heart. Every partner she has, whether if it was for a week or months, you can see her growth.

Vulnerability will always be one of my favorite topics because it is something we all deal with. It is the most human trait we all have and try to run away from. The strength in vulnerability is so powerful.

I was not a fan of the last 50%, though. Once the “twist” came, it felt like I was reading an entirely different book and the main plot of the story, the reason why I was even here, seemed to be abandoned. Was it still a good story? Yes. But I had to look at the cover and read the summary again just to make sure it wasn’t two separate short stories. The twist for me was not needed and threw the flow of the story. It almost felt like a filler.

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I really enjoyed this book. It wasn’t your typical romcom and provided a refreshing and new take on this genre. I connected with the characters and was surprised by the twists. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Rebecca Serle is back again with another hit on her hands! Expiration Dates is the perfect mix of beautiful writing, romance, sunny Los Angeles, strong female friendships, and a little bit of magical realism as the cherry on top!

Serle has written about different types of love in her previous books, but this one finally centered around a romantic relationship with a unique twist - if you knew exactly how long your relationships would last, how would you live your life differently?

Ever since Daphne Bell began dating, she has received an anonymous note with a name and the length of their relationship. Sometimes she gets post cards in the mail, notes left on her car’s windshield, slipped under her front door, hand-delivered by strangers - but they’re always accurate.

Twenty years of getting these notes, and she’s learned to expect a definite ending with each and every guy. Until one day, she receives a note as she leaves for a blind date that only includes his name with no expiration date. Could Jake be The One?

Told in alternating timelines, we watch Daphne as she navigates each past relationship, and also in the present as her feelings grow for Jake. She’s only told her secret to one guy, Hugo, an ex-boyfriend (Hugo, Three Months) turned into best friend.

Daphne’s never truly put down her walls in past relationships because she knows the end will come. But there’s another secret hanging over her head, even more important than her magical expiration date notes, that might just blow up everything she’s building with Jake.

I absolutely looooved this book! It was such a refreshing and unique romcom, with several twists that I did NOT see coming. Rebecca Serle is such an amazing writer and she always leaves me wanting more. I could have lived in this book forever.

Thank you to NetGalley, Atria Books, and the author for sharing this book with me in exchange for my honest feedback 💕

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Loved this one, it's themes, it's characters, the writing? *chefs kiss* Potentially my favorite by Serle, and one with a message that I really needed when I picked it up.

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Since she was young, Daphne has received a note before every romantic relationship begins telling her exactly how long the relationship will last. Only her newest note just says “Jake” with no time - that must mean he’s her forever, right?

Fun premise and was a quick read - but I’m left at the end just thinking it was fine. Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the free ebook to review.

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I really liked the concept for Expiration Dates. The concept was also very well written and done in a way that kept me interested enough to continue reading. This is also my favorite Rebecca Serle book.

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This was a delightful magical realism read. It was clever and quick. I feel as though i couldn't quite connect to either of the main characters though, something just fell flat for me. It didn't suck me entirely in. Very cute concept though.

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