Member Reviews

I loved this book so much! I really appreciate that Rebecca Serle can tell such big stories in such tight, short novels. I read this one so quickly, it was so easy to connect with the main character, Daphne and I enjoyed living vicariously through each of her dating/relationship stories that wove the story together. If you have enjoyed other books by this same author, you definitely don’t want to miss this one.

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Daphne doesn't date like most women. Instead, when she dates someone, the universe sends her a piece of paper that tells her exactly how long that relationship will last. At least she knows whether or not to get invested. Until Jake. Jake's paper is blank - no end date. But there's something Jake doesn't know about Daphne - something big that would change everything.

LOVED LOVED this one. Of course, Rebecca Serle (who wrote 'In Five Years') couldn't write a book without breaking our hearts. Her writing is beautiful, the characters are complex, and there are twists (some you see coming and some you don't). I read this one easily in 24ish hours. Beautifully done, like all her others.

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Rebecca Serle does it again! I loved this concept, and really enjoy the surrealism in Rebecca Serle books, she adds such a fun twist to a romcom and I will continue to pick up her new reads.

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I had heard of Rebecca Serle but never read any of her books before this, so a new author for me. After reading the description for the book it had my interest and I was excited to read it.

Daphne Bell believes the universe has a plan for her. Every time she meets a new man , she receives a slip of paper with his name and a number on it—the exact amount of time they will be together. The papers told her she’d spend three days with Martin in Paris; five weeks with Noah in San Francisco; and three months with Hugo, her ex-boyfriend turned best friend. Daphne has been receiving the numbered papers for over twenty years, always wondering when there might be one without an expiration. Finally, the night of a blind date at her favorite Los Angeles restaurant, there’s only a Jake.

But as Jake and Daphne’s story unfolds, Daphne finds herself doubting the paper’s prediction, and wrestling with what it means to be both committed and truthful. Because Daphne knows things Jake doesn’t, information that—if he found out—would break his heart.

Told with her signature warmth and insight into matters of the heart, Rebecca Serle has finally set her sights on romantic love. The result is a gripping, emotional, passionate, and (yes) heartbreaking novel about what it means to be single, what it means to find love, and ultimately how we define each of them for ourselves. Expiration Dates is the one fans have been waiting for.

My Thoughts:
The description of this book sounded fun and I think the premise has a lot of promise. But for some reason, and I'm not sure if it was the mood I was in while reading or if it was the book itself, I had trouble getting through this short, 277 page book. It took me eight days to read it and normally I read a book about every two days. I couldn't get invested in the story until the last twenty percent of the book and then I found it interesting. It bothered me that Daphne would find these notes with a guy's name and the amount of time she would spend with him, and she would jump in to a relationship even knowing it was only supposed to last 3 days or two weeks. I mean, why bother? Anyway I had trouble with that. I did like the last twenty percent of the book because then I found out more of what was really going on with Daphne and there was a twist in the romance at the time that was notable.

Thanks to Atria Books through Netgalley for an advance copy. Expected publication March 19, 2024.

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EXPIRATION DATES by Rebecca Serle has a promising premise: a young woman receives notes with names and relationship expiration dates for her romantic relationships. When she finally receives a note with only a name, she thrashes with confusion and angst over Jake and what it means to be committed and thoroughly love a person for the long run. While the premise is indeed intriguing and the events unfold in interesting and unpredictable ways, the book failed to grab me as earlier works by Serle had done. I was disappointed with what felt to be slapdash and incomplete thinking and characters who felt more stock caricatures or cardboard cutouts than relatable, interesting humans. through what could have been a deeply satisfying work. I received a copy of this book and these thoughts are my own, unbiased opinions.

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With Daphne Bell every relationship has an expiration date, quite literally. Every time she meets a new man, she receives a piece of paper with their name and the exact number of days she will be with them. She goes on a blind date with Jake but this time the piece of paper is blank. Is Jake her forever?

I enjoyed Daphne’s story - the flashback chapters from her past relationships and her current life/relationship with Jake, and I loved the touch of magical realism with the “expiration dates.”

What I didn’t enjoy was the ending. I felt like it was over and something was missing, but I’m not sure what. Everything was wrapped up but perhaps I was looking for a more powerful and emotional story like In Five Years? I also would have liked an explanation for “the expiration dates.” I was expecting more from this one, but I felt like it was just okay.

Overall, it was a quick read. If you enjoy books about relationships then I suggest giving this one a try.

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I love the sense of escapism Rebecca Serle's books give me. Expiration Dates did not dissapoint. I was a huge fan of one italian summer and feel like this book as well is the perfect beach read this summer. I always love how Rebecca adds even the smallest details to the characters, transporting me right into the book. I really enjoyed watching Daphne grow and learn about herself and other things throughout this book. It is a great book for people who are experienced loss of love and ever felt a little lost in their love-life.

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This was a great book. It left me with all the feels. I love romance books with a little magic to then, it just fits so perfectly.

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This book is a prime example of an interesting premise that falls flat in its execution. Rebecca Serle presents this unique idea of "the universe" giving a woman premonitions of how long her relationships will last, but the story never explains this phenomenon and instead veers off into a side plot that ends up consuming the last third of the book. I felt like this book did not know what story it wanted to tell.

Daphne Bell receives notes at the start of her romantic relationships that indicate how long they will last. She does not know where they come from or why she receives them, but she allows them to control her love life without question. When she goes on her first date with Jake, all the note says is his name with no timeframe, so she wonders if that means he is "the one." They enter a relationship, but she is hiding important information from him that could ruin the relationship.

I'll start with what I like about the book. As I said previously, the premise is very interesting. I enjoy a touch of magical realism in my books, but I need there to be some explanation in the end. I also think Serle does a good job of eliciting an emotional reaction from me with her depiction of Daphne's interactions with her family. Finally, I like Jake as a character. He is sincere and straightforward and generally just a good guy, possibly too good for Daphne.

My first issue with this book is with the writing. The author provides too many mundane details that are unnecessary to the plot and character development. For instance, she describes the clothing of every character in a scene and the decor of every setting the characters enter. I found myself very annoyed by this to the point that I almost stopped reading the book altogether.

I also find the structure of the book to be frustrating. The narration moves back and forth in time between Daphne's present day situation with Jake and her past relationships. I do not usually mind dual timelines, but the narration often switches from present to past without a warning or indicator of the shift so that I had to read a few sentences before figuring it out. The flashbacks also did not occur in chronological order, so it jumped around all of the over the place.

Unfortunately, this book will not be memorable to me. I liked it well enough to finish it, but I do not think I would recommend it to other readers.

Thank you to Atria Books and NetGalley for providing me an advanced copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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Daphne has a secret. Ahead of any relationship she’s ever had, a mysterious note appears with their name and the duration of the relationship they’ll have. What happens when she receives a note without an expiration date?

Rebecca Serle has a writing style that captures my heart with each and every read. Through her words I fall in love with each character while also reflecting on the greater lesson. A must read for anyone looking for a heartwarming story of love and growth.

Thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for the ARC in exchange for a fair review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC opportunity!

Have you ever wished things could just be laid out for you, answers to the unknown, decisions made? Daphne, in “Expiration Dates” got just that, except only in her love life. A piece of paper would tell her just how long her relationship was going to last.
Rebecca Serle captures real, raw emotions in a way that is poetic. There are scenes that are so funny and cute they make you smile, and so real you feel your heart ache. Without spoiling too much, the book really picked up halfway through, when it is revealed that Daphne has a health condition, one that influences her decisions and outlook on life. The reality of serious illness was captured in such a beautiful way- the grasp it has on a person and their loved ones- was absolutely beautiful and poetic.

Rebecca Serle takes us on a clever, playful ride full of hope in what seems a hopeless situation. A few surprises kept me engaged and rooting for the underdog. 5 enthusiastic stars!

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So netgalley kind of set me up for failure with this arc, it comes out on the 19th (it's the 18th as I'm writing this) and I just got approved for it like 5 days ago and I just didn't have time to get it finished. But I did read about 30% and what I've read so far I absolutely love so I will be buying it and reading it in full! Thank you netgalley for this arc!

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Imagine if you knew how long a relationship would last before it even starts. How would that affect your choices? Rebecca Serle has the reader pondering that very question over and over throughout this book. How could I be open and authentic if I knew the end was coming? What would feel solid and consistent in my life? Would I become jaded and inaccessible in relationships? I am typically a huge fan of magical realism. This book is more on the real side than the magical. Actually, magical element of this book, however, was not it for me. I believe that this book has all the makings for a lovely romance novel without all of the magical, nonsensical paper postcards. Maybe it would be different if everyone in this universe got them....but for me, it took away from the story rather than adding to it.

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OH MY HOPELESS ROMANTIC WHEEZING HEART!!!!!! Expiration Dates written by Rebecca Serle was such a sweet memorable story. It was lighthearted at times with a few giggles here and there, but it was also heavy on the heart at times which caused a few tears to escape. I have never read a book written by Rebecca Serle before, but after Expiration Dates had a chokehold on my heart and my emotions, I will definitely be sure to check out her other books for sure. I loved every single minute of this story, from the gorgeous cover, to the heart to heart talk our main character had with her dad, to the supportive best friends/co-workers, overall it was a sweet story. The only very minor issue I had with this book was the descriptions to every single person's outfits, like we get it we love people with a fashion sense of humor, but like I didn't need to know what every single person was wearing. I feel like with the short chapters, it kept the story moving freely. Ladies, you're absolutely beautiful with or without make up, but I advise you not to wear any makeup, unless it's waterproof because those tears will be sneaking up on you, whether you expect them to or not.


"Being single is like playing the lottery. There's always the chance that with one piece of paper you could win it all."

If you received a little piece of paper with someone's name on it and an expiration date for how much time you have with that one person, what would you do?
-Honestly, I would make every minute count, I would love to get to know that person, but at the same time I would live my life and happy. You know what they say, the first impression is what makes or breaks a relationship/friendship.

Daphne Bell believes the universe has a plan for her. Every time Daphne meets a new man, she receives a piece of paper with the man's name and a number on it, that number resembles the exact amount of time they will be together. Daphne has been receiving these papers for over twenty years, but she is always wondering when there might be a piece of paper without an expiration date. These papers have told Daphne she would spend three days with Martin in Paris, five weeks with Noah in San Francisco, and three months with Hugo, Daphne's ex-boyfriend turned best friend. Finally the night of a blind date at her favorite Los Angeles restaurant, Daphne receives a piece of paper with the name Jake on it, but no expiration date. As Jake and Daphne's story unfolds, Daphne finds herself doubting the paper's prediction because she's at crossroads with what it means to be both committed and truthful in a relationship. I feel like Daphne is doubting the paper's prediction because she knows things that Jake doesn't and if Daphne withholds that information from Jake much longer, when the time comes for her to actually open up to Jake, the information Daphne withheld could actually break Jake's heart.

I know Expiration Dates is a romance novel, but I absolutely love how the whole book wasn't just based on romance, Rebecca Serle actually took us on Daphne's journey of finding her one true love and soul mate. Throughout the book we get like a flashback/backstory on the men Daphne has previously been with, how they met, what their relationship was like, how their relationship ended. I can't recommend this book enough, please do yourself a favor and add Expiration Dates to your TBR immediately. Despite if a relationship ended horribly, I love how Daphne didn't hold any grudges against any of these men, she simply spread her wings and moved on. I will admit, Jake and Hugo were my absolute favorite, I adored how Hugo and Daphne remained best friends after their relationship ended, and Jake was so thoughtful, he never once judged Daphne. THAT ENDING???? I WAS COMPLETELY SHOCKED!!!!! I can't express my love for this book more than I already have, but holy cow, I loved this book so so much, no amount of words or love I express for this book will ever give Expiration Dates the justice it deserves. If I could rate this book a million stars, I definitely would because it's just going to have that lasting effect on me. Daphne was just the sweetest soul I have met in this fictional world.

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Expiration Dates gives us all cause to really ponder the age old question……. If you could see into the future, would you want to know? Our FMC Daphne is very lovable, and the other characters are extremely well written. If you enjoy witty banter, dual timeline, lovers to friends- this would be a great ready for you. Very little spice but a great romantic read nonetheless. This is my second Rebecca Serle book and I enjoyed it immensely. In addition to a great story, this is a very thought provoking read. Will definitely recommend to my friends that enjoy this genre.

Thank you to NetGalley , Rebecca Serle, & Atria Books for this ARC!

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Sweet book!

I wasn't sure what to expect from this book, but I was pleasantly surprised.

For most of her life, either right before or right after she meets a man, Daphne has received a mysterious note with the man's name and the duration of the relationship. Before she goes on a date with Jake, for the first time ever, Daphne receives a note with nothing but his name. Is this it? The person she is meant to be with? He seems perfect for her, and as their relationship grows, so does Daphne's unease. When is it the right time to share the secrets she has been keeping?

On the surface, this seems like a straightforward romance novel. But below the surface it is a deeper and more meaningful exploration of fear, trust, and overcoming expectations. I didn't really warm to Daphne until I learned what she had been hiding from almost everyone around her. After I got to that point, I felt like I understood her motivations so much more.

Although the notes provide a bit of magical realism to the story, it's definitely not the focus of the novel. The focus is on Daphne's growth as a person within her relationships, and the notes just provide background and framework for that.

Overall this is a sweetly meaningful tale, definitely recommended.

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Spoiler free synopsis:
OUR FMC, Daphne, has an unusual relationship with the universe—every time she meets a new man, she gets a piece of paper with his name and the exact amount of time they will be together…one night, three weeks, two years, etc. Until one day, she gets a piece of paper with just a name…and no expiration date! What does it all mean?

I loved this one!
This book was incredibly thought provoking and painfully beautiful! This is not your typical romance novel. Is there romance, yes, BUT, it is also a love story about learning how to love yourself (and it is also a love letter to the City of Angels).

Knowing what the future holds can definitely help protect us from heartache, but knowing is also a double-edged sword. If you already know what the future has in store for you, are you really forging your own destiny or are you letting yourself be steered by what you think you know? I loved how the author gave us Daphne’s current and past relationships. Such a uniquely told story and is perfect for a bookclub pick because there is so much to discuss!

I was first introduced to Rebecca Serle with “One Italian Summer” and fell in love with her descriptive writing style then and now need to read “In Five Years” and “The Dinner List” ASAP, both of which have been on my TBR pile for a very long time!!

Thank you to the author and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review (PUB DATE: March 19, 2024). This beauty gets 4.5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 for me.

PS: I agree with you Rebecca….I think Brita is a scam!!

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My rating:⭐️⭐️⭐️

Spice level: 0🌶️

Read if you like:
▫️dual timeline
▫️lovers to friends
▫️journey of self-discovery

Let me start out by saying that this book wasn’t bad. It was well written and the story was good, but it wasn’t for me. It was marketed as a romance, and it’s definitely not that. It is women’s fiction. This is more of a coming of age book, focused on the protagonist’s journey of learning to love herself and accept herself as she is.

The romance mostly felt like a highlight reel of her past relationships. Hardly any time was spent on her current relationship, and consequently, I didn’t care about it or the love interest at all. There was no chemistry between her and Jake, and he was completely bland and forgettable. I couldn’t even tell you what he looks like.

The only character that I liked was Hugo. And that’s because he was the only relationship that the author spent any time developing and describing. He was interesting and complicated and I wanted more about him.

Thank you to Atria, Simon & Schuster, NetGalley, and Rebecca Serle for the ARC. I received an advanced copy for free, and am leaving this review voluntarily.

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“What is a blank space, really, but an invitation?”

Rebecca Serle is an auto buy author for me! I absolutely LOVED The Dinner List and In Five Years and I am adding this one to the list! (I still need to read One Italian Summer!)

What if you were given a piece of paper every time you would start a new relationship with the name of that person AND how long that relatonshop will last?

I love the magical realism that has become a common theme within her stories!

I connected with Daphne SO much…I saw so much of myself in her…ESPECIALLY when it came down to being single in your 30’s and having meddling Jewish parents. Daphne’s character growth was beyond FANTASTIC

I thought I had a clear line of sight as to where this book was going to go - but boy was I wrong..but I will say: I was so pleasantly surprised by how this story played out!

this book was the perfect mix of emotional, sweet, thought provoking and so beautifully written!

I also really loved the “tour of California” The imagery of the locations that Daphne visited made me want to go back STAT!!


magical realism
California setting
jewish rep
thought provoking reads
books under 300 pages

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This was such a unique premise, basically Daphne knows the expiration date or every romantic relationship. She receives a piece of paper with a name and a date as to when the relationship will end, until one day she just receives the name. While hoping Jake is “the one,” she has to navigate this relationship, while also feeling kind of untruthful.
If you enjoy magical realism, and romance you will probably enjoy this one!
4 ⭐️

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