Member Reviews

I'm still thinking about this book!
I'm often hit or miss with this author's books and this one was a total hit for me.
I loved how such a simple plot point (anonymous dating expiration dates) could lead to so much introspection about destiny, fate, self-fulfilling prophecy, life, and death. There is just so much to explore throughout this book that I found myself rereading parts over again to dissect it more. I liked the flashbacks and how quick and simple they were. The focus was never giving the reader the full story, but just a sample of how it impacted Daphne's life. I did not see the mid story twist coming but it added another layer to the story which I enjoyed exploring.

I loved that I had no idea where this story was going and how it would end. My only complaint is that it felt a little short and I would have liked the ending to be drawn out a bit more. Overall, a unique and inspiring read!

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Many thanks to @atriabooks and @netgalley for the opportunity to review this fun book. Below is my honest review.

Some of my favorite books of the last few years have been romances with a splash of magical realism, and I think they are becoming my favorite comfort reads.

Daphne's love life is far from ordinary. She possesses a peculiar ability to foresee the duration of her relationships. The moment she steps into a new relationship, the universe sends her a cryptic message. It could be on a receipt, a fortune cookie, or a piece of paper tucked under her windshield wiper. The message is always the same - a name and a time frame. Martin, 3 days. Noah, five weeks. One day, 2 years, 3 months. Every relationship has a predetermined end. The three months was with Hugo, who transitioned into her best friend and the only person privy to her secret. Then, on the day of her first date with Jake, she receives a note. Just his name, no end date. Could this be her chance at a forever love? As she settles into the comfort of an undefined end date, she begins to question the paper's prediction.

Unfolding in a series of flashbacks, we dive back into Daphne's past relationships and see how Daphne's life and career have also evolved. Even knowing the conclusion of each relationship didn't save her the heartbreak. It was interesting to see things unfold in her past relationship, feel her connection to different men, and form my own opinions of which was best for her. I've heard several people say they didn't like the ending. I strongly disagree. I thought Daphne's realizations in the final chapters and the direction her life took after were perfect.

This story is not only about Daphne's love life but also about her relationships with family and friends. Daphne's parents are kind, funny, and sometimes frustrating as she transitions from a teenager to an adult. As often happens with co-workers, her boss and former colleague have become her chosen family. Her best friend Hugo is fun, charming, and always watching out for Daphne, even though she may not always appreciate how he does it. Overall, there is much to enjoy in this story.

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Thank you so much to the publisher and to netgalley for allowing me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

Rebecca Serle is one of my favorite authors. She has a gift of being able to tell a love story that is so enticing and fresh.

Expiration dates was a hit! It touches on the topics of how different our lives would be if we knew exactly how long we would date a certain person. How difficult it would be to truly open up. How difficult it would be to see when the perfect person was right in front of us all along.

I enjoyed the medical perspective the book also brought into play and that after the main characters heart suddenly stops during college, she starts receiving these notes almost as a gift from the universe.

I won’t spoil the ending for you as it’s a beauty. This is def a must read!

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Expiration Date
By: Rebecca Serle
Publisher: Atria Books
Pub Date: 3/19/24

I really enjoyed this one however I struggled with the chapter transitions. It seemed like the flash backs tended to end abruptly.
Daphne has a weird cork every time she meets a new guy. A piece of paper will appear with his name on it and the exact amount of time they will be together until she gets the last paper with just Jake's name on it. But this time it’s different there isn’t a time on it. So is he the one?
Is knowing the future a curse or a gift? Is she in charge of her own life and destiny?

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This was so cute! It was short and sweet, not super very deep. The little magic element was fun. This would be a great summer beach read. It was a good palate cleanser after too much romantasy.

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I received a complimentary copy from Atria and all opinions expressed are mine.

This is my second book by Rebecca Serle and it’s quite interesting. It follows Daphne who has a rare gift if we must say so .Every time she meets a man she gets a paper with his name and a number that shows the time they will have together. Until one day she gets just a name. Who is Jake? How long does she have? The book premise was interesting but I didn't quite enjoy the pace of the book ,Overall the book was well written and can be finished in an afternoon.

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This book was hands down by favorite by Rebecca Serle. I thought it was so cute & uniquely written and could be enjoyed by readers of all ages. Without giving away the ending, it ended similarly and differently than expected. This would be a great book for book club and great discussion piece. It was very easy read & quick & easy to understand so would also be good for YA readers. I felt myself rooting for different people at different times and thought it had great life lessons thrown in as well. Well done! Interested to see what she writes next.

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"Expiration Dates" by Rebecca Serle is an exploration of love, loss, and the complexities of relationships. Serle weaves a captivating narrative around the concept of knowing the expiration dates of romantic relationships, adding a unique twist to the traditional romance genre. Daphne's journey to navigate her predetermined romantic fate is both heartwarming and thought-provoking, inviting readers to reflect on their own beliefs about love and destiny. All in all, this is a recommended read and I enjoyed it.

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📖 Book Review 📖

📱”Expiration Dates ” by Rebecca Serle

⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️💫
Published March 19, 2024

Thank you @Netgalley and Atria Books for this Ebook ARC

Rebecca Serle is a easygoing pallet cleanser for me. And this novel was no different- delightfully lighthearted but also perceptive. A romance novel about what is means to be single and happy, content with life while also searching for love.

Every time Daphne Bell meets a new man, she randomly receives a slip of paper with his name and the amount of time they will be together- three days with Martin in Paris; five weeks with Noah in San Francisco; and three months with Hugo, her ex-boyfriend turned best friend.

This has been Daphne’s dating life for 20years, and hoping the next paper will have a name and no expiration. When a blind date is set up by a friend and the note comes with just the name Jake, Daphne feels hopeful for the future. As time goes on, Daphne finds herself doubting the paper’s prediction, or lack there of. Plus Daphne has some secrets she needs to tell Jake, that may break his heart.

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A unique story line that has the main character measuring her love life by timelines provided her by destiny. Just before every date with a new man, she receives a piece of paper with a name and a date. This is the new man and how long she will be with him. When she finally gets a name.....but no date.....she's sure he is the one she is meant to be with forever. But with no "expiration date" predicted for her, she must turn her heart and mind to figuring out how the two of them will fit together.

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I was intrigued by the premise of this book: Every time she meets a new man, Daphnie receives a slip of paper with his name and a number on it—the exact amount of time they will be together.

The problem was, I liked one of her past relationships much more than I liked the main one the book followed. And i kept trying to figure out if she could get back to that one lol. But i kept feeling like there should be more.

Like it was a really good love story. I loved it by the end. But I kept expecting...more. More info on why she started receiving the pieces of paper, who they were from, what did it all mean?

I love a love story with a hint of magical realism. I will never turn down a chance to read one.

This was a solid book though. 4 stars for sure.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own

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Expiration Dates explores questions of fate through a combination of romance and magical realism. Every time Daphne meets a new romantic interest, she then finds a slip of paper with his name and a length of time on it. This tells her the exact amount of time she will have with him before they break up.

An interesting premise, I wish they’d explored this in more detail. Daphne quickly figured out what the slips of paper meant, but beyond that basic question of what they mean (on a surface level), she never seemed to question WHY she received them, or, maybe more importantly, WHAT she should do with them. She just took them at face value, and for far too long surrendered any consideration of free will in relation to them.

I enjoyed this story and the main characters - well, two of them as least- but I wish things had been explored in more depth- and also that it hadn’t been quite so obvious who she should end up with, or why.

A nice romance with just a hint of magic.

Thank you Rebecca Serle, Atria Books, and NetGalley for providing this ARC for review consideration. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This is the first book in a long time I sat down and read the whole thing. It felt like a rom com movie that I needed to know the end of. I enjoyed it a lot and gave me a nice stress relief!

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Title: Expiration Dates
Author: Rebecca Serle
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

“Being single is like playing the lottery. There’s always the chance that with one piece of paper you could win it all.”

I really did think this was going to be my next big five star review. The premise is solid and I really thought I would like this book way more than I did.

Now don’t get me wrong. It’s good! I just felt like it constantly left me wanting just a little more. Like if this “one thing” changed it would have been an immediate five star instead of a four star. For me, it definitely stayed in the four star range (again, this is GOOD) and didn’t quite find its way out.

I definite must read for all the rom-com lovers out there. I, unfortunately, just liked one of her past relationships a little more than the starring one, which made it a little less swoon worthy.

A special thank you to NetGalley, the author, and Atria books for an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review!

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This book was absolutely delightful! A creative concept with both fun and depth, this was a great reading experience. Rebecca Serle has delivered once again. What a great author.

A big thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC. I loved this book and I adore Rebecca Serle! This was the best romance and the twist hit me like a ton of bricks. This book got all my tears and love.

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🩷Would you like to know exactly how long every relationship would last??

I love how Serle’s books have the tiniest touches of magic, they make her books so special and unique!

Her latest has lots of unexpected twists and surprises. She challenges both the character’s and the reader’s preconceived notions of how the relationships would end… and I personally loved every second. A fast and heartwarming read!

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PHEW this one made me emotional, not gonna lie. I got misty and that doesn't happen all that often.

I enjoyed One Italian Summer but I think this one topped that. It was very well written and different.

Daphne is our main character, and I loved her! When she meets a man, she will get a paper with his name and his "expiration date" if you will. It has been accurate. One of her former dates, Hugo, "expired" but their friendship remained and that seemed so special.

She has a blind date, setup by a friend, and she gets his paper and it only says "Jake". No expiration date.

Their romance was sweet, and he reveals things about his wife that passed away. Daphne has trouble trusting that there is no expiration. She also has a secret that she hasn't told Jake, and only a few people know. Hugo know about her notes and her secret.

The ending of this one got me. I can't tell more because you need to experience this yourself!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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if there’s one thing rebecca serle knows how to do best - it’s making me CRY 🥹😭❤️ every single one of her books punches me in the gut and revives my soul at the same time I swear

with a hint of magical realism, this story focuses on daphne and her relationships through the years in her quest to find her forever soulmate - and boy was it a ride 😭 I was here for every heartbreak, every joyous moment, every revelation of her past

because I do know that rebecca’s books rip my heart out towards the end, when I got to the plot twist towards the middle, I straight up said “oh no” out loud because I was convinced how it was going to end right then and there 👀 however, I’m happy that it wasn’t so black and white and left it up to the readers for interpretation!!

I was so attached to every single character in daphne’s life - and I wanted so many stories from everyone!! this was such a unique premise and another winner from rebecca serle!!!

thank you to netgalley and atria books for this new favorite of mine in exchange for an honest review 🩷

rating: 5 stars
wine pairing: sonoma coast rosé

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Thank you to NetGalley for this e-copy of Expiration Fates by Rebecca Serle in exchange for a honest review.Would you waste your time on a relationship if you knew it wouldn’t last.? That’s the question Daphne has to answer every time she embarks on a new relationship..Soon after she will receive a piece of paper that states how long the relationship will last.When she gets a piece of paper soon after she meets Jake with no expiration date, does this mean he is the one or something more tragic? Read the book and find out.Lots of drama and little secrets you won’t see coming.

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