Member Reviews

I loved the first 60% of this book. Where was it going? What was Daphne's journey going to be? What revelation about love was she going to have? Would she decide to trust in the notes or forge her own path in defiance of the universe? Would she figure out what her career dreams were? I was sold on that Daphne.

And then a twist. More than halfway through the book, one that wasn't even hinted at until this point, and I was like WTF on a narrative level. It changed the ENTIRE TONE OF THE BOOK. This was no longer about love, it became a truncated narrative about accepting yourself. Not that it's a bad thing to have a book about, but it felt like an odd turn. It felt shoved in for character development.

I'm sorry, but someone doesn't need to have a medical condition to need to evaluate their acceptance of themselves, or their views on love. It was lazy writing.

And honestly, painful, as someone who has a similar condition to the one in the book. While I am lucky enough to currently not need surgery, it still made me feel like I should feel even worse about something I'm living through every day.

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This book really felt like a rollercoaster of emotions. The first half was a sweet romance story and I was flying through the pages. Daphne and Jake make a great combination and I loved the premise of the expiration date slips of paper. Then the second half is a much more heart wrenching story. It is every bit as compelling but very different than the start. I really enjoyed this book and it's twist on the traditional love story/soulmate idea. Rebecca Serle always finds a way to keep the plots of her books fresh and this really worked well for me. I do think it's important for readers to go into the experience ready for a heavier subject matter but I definitely recommend this one. Thanks to Rebecca Serle, Atria Books, and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Expiration Dates was the spring book I was most excited to read. I loved Serle’s book, In Five Years, and was thrilled to receive her latest book as a digital ARC from Netgalley and Atria Books in exchange for an honest review.

This book had so many things I liked so, it kept me turning pages, finishing it in one day. The premise is what hooked me, though….”Daphne Bell believes the universe has a plan for her. Every time she meets a new man, she receives a slip of paper with his name and a number on it—the exact amount of time they will be together.” I loved Serle’s sense of place, the descriptions of real-life places her characters went. (I Googled up a few!) I loved her bff/ex, Hugo and the prospect of Jake being her forever love.

But then, at almost 60%, the twist came, and my light, romantic book turned heavy. A severe medical condition, that had been kept secret comes to light and overtakes the story. I didn’t see that coming and did not appreciate that surprise. Yes, I know that this is something that can and does happen in real life, but not when I’m led to believe I’m going to read a happy romance with magical surprises. It was a jolt and a trigger, having the story turn from fun to worrying how far the author was going to take this medical crisis. Instead of thinking Daphne getting her HEA, I was questioning whether she would be alive to get one. (BTW, should she really have been drinking all that caffeine and alcohol, in light of her condition and medicines??)

Towards the end, another twist comes and Daphne is confronted with a revelation. I’m glad Daphne made the resulting decisions, but felt, the readers needed more depth than Serle gave us, both about the revelation and the decisions. I did like the last chapter and who she meets, for what we are left to assume will be her HEA. But, why wasn’t the answer revealed as to who or what sent all the notes?? This had so much more promise than it delivered. 3 1/2 stars….rounding up to 4.

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I've enjoyed Rebecca Serle's previous books and was very excited to read her latest book, Expiration Dates. The premise of this book is certainly intriguing. Imagine for every romantic relationship to start knowing exactly how long the relationship will last. That is the life of Daphne, a young woman living in Los Angeles. These magical slips of paper appear in different ways but all provide the name of a lover and the length of time the relationship will last. But what happens when a slip of paper only has the name but no expiration date?

What I liked about the book: I really appreciated the premise of the book and enjoyed the format of the story--how the reader got to know Daphne through her various relationships. There was a twist or two I didn't see coming that kept me motivated to continue reading. I enjoyed the relationship that Daphne had with her family and found the moments between her and her parents very endearing.

What didn't work for me: I didn't really feel any connection to the main characters so I didn't feel as invested in this book as I have with her previous books.

Overall, I enjoyed the premise, the story, and the twists. While not my favorite book by this author, I would still recommend it.

3.5 stars

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This book was like a breath of fresh air.

This was a unique and original book. It can easily be read in one day. It had me entertained though out the book.

Daphne Bell lives in Los Angeles, and is currently working for a producer. Her boss is moody and eccentric, but a woman she admires. She’s great at her job and loves it, but her romantic life is a whole different story.

Whenever Daphne meets a new man, she receives a note with his name on it and a number. This number is the expiration date of their relationship. She’s only told one person about the notes she has been receiving, Hugh. He is a former boyfriend from five years ago, who is now her best friend.

When her friend sets her up to meet Jake, the paper has no date. Could he be the one? Is this Daphne’s happily ever after?

When Jake shows up, everything about him seemed to fit perfectly for all of Daphne’s possibilities of him being her last and final relationship. But then there’s a twist that blindsided me.

The story is told in a past and present timelines. We see Daphne revisiting her past boyfriends and what happened on those relationships expiration dates.
The ending was unpredictable and quite lovely, one I hadn’t considered. This far surpassed my expectations, and I was here for it.

First and foremost, I want to thank NetGalley, Artia Books and Rebecca Serle for this wonderful ARC.

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Expirations Dates offered such a mysterious and exciting take on a traditional romance novel. Daphne is a girl looking for love and finding it in the most unexpected ways, a name and expiration dare on a slip of paper. The universe offers Daphne a name and the length of her next relationship, sometimes before she meets the person and sometimes after.

The story follows Daphne and Jake as they get to know each other and develop their relationship, but also offers a dual timeline to explore the past relationships Daphne has been in and how she handled her restrictive timeline with each one. Hugo, Daphne's best friend and ex-boyfriend, is the only person who knows about the timelines Daphne receives and she confides in him about her relationship with Jake. As things progress, some twists and turns are added to the story and you start to fall in love with Daphne and Jake despite the obstacles they face. In the end, you are left wondering what the purpose of the expiration slips are and if they truly dictated Daphne's life or if she let them dictate her life.

Overall, this was an emotional and thought-provoking read. If I could wish for anything it would be an Epilogue with an explanation of the expiration date slips and an update on where Daphne's love life ends.

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Rebecca Serle has a way of writing stories that make you just want to rip your heart out of your chest and give a piece to every single person you’ve ever loved. Expiration Dates is a story about love, and the soul crushing attempts at finding The One. Our main character Daphne has gone through so much weirdness in her life, I think she’s incredibly complex and I found myself wanting to root for her just like she’s one of my best friends, and I loved following her journey. I felt like the story was oddly paced a bit, it started slow and then quickly picked up about 3/4ths of the way through, but honestly it fit the narrative of the story. Overall, I really loved this book and will continue to read anything Serle writes.
(ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review)

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I’ve enjoyed all of Rebecca Serle’s books and this one was no exception. I love her touch of magical realism and her examination of life in general. Her books usually leave me a sobbing mess and this one actually didn’t which was a surprise.

I thought the premise of this book was a fun one, a woman receives a card that tells her how long a relationship will last. For me this brought about an examination of fate versus free will. Were the relationships always meant to end at the time she was told? Or did they end at that time because she was told they would? I liked that the story wasn’t solely about the mysterious cards. Rebecca Serle does a great job of building layers into her stories so it’s never quite what it seems at face value.

I enjoy Rebecca Serle’s writing style and can’t wait to read what she comes out with next.

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In the book, readers are taken on an emotional rollercoaster through the highs and lows of the protagonist's journey. From the gripping portrayal of illness to the delicate dance between hope and despair, this narrative delves deep into the human experience.

One of the most striking aspects of the novel is its powerful ending, which left me utterly captivated and deeply moved. As the protagonist navigates their own mortality, they discover an inner strength that is both inspiring and heart-wrenching. It's a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable challenges.

What truly resonated with me was the protagonist's struggle to make sense of their circumstances and find meaning in the midst of chaos. Their journey is one of self-discovery and acceptance, as they grapple with difficult decisions and ultimately find solace in the choices they make.

But what sets this book apart is its ability to evoke a range of emotions, from heartache to hope. I found myself fully immersed in the protagonist's world, feeling their every triumph and setback as if it were my own.

In the end, this narrative is more than just a story—it's a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of hope in the face of adversity. It's a reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is strength to be found and beauty to be appreciated. I'm grateful for the opportunity to have experienced this journey, and I highly recommend it to anyone in search of a poignant and thought-provoking read.

No please not say what readers see but me!

Certainly, here's the revised review focusing solely on your perspective:

This book touched me deeply, reflecting my own struggles with illness, hope, and despair. The ending resonated with me on a personal level, as it portrayed finding strength in impossible situations. I felt a connection with the protagonist's journey of grappling with difficult decisions and ultimately finding solace. This narrative evoked a range of emotions within me, from heartache to hope. It's more than just a story—it's a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. I'm grateful for the opportunity to have experienced this journey, and I highly recommend it to anyone in search of a deeply emotional and thought-provoking read.

I need more paragraphs

Absolutely, here's the review divided into more paragraphs:

This book deeply resonated with me, reflecting my own struggles with illness, hope, and despair. From the very beginning, I found myself drawn into the protagonist's world, experiencing their highs and lows as if they were my own. The narrative skillfully portrayed the delicate balance between clinging to hope and confronting the harsh realities of life.

The ending, in particular, struck a chord with me. It beautifully depicted the protagonist's journey of finding strength in the face of impossibility. As they navigated their own mortality, I felt a profound connection to their inner struggles and the choices they were forced to make. It's rare to come across an ending that feels both heart-wrenching and empowering, and this book delivered on all fronts.

What resonated with me the most was the protagonist's relentless pursuit of meaning amidst chaos. Their journey of self-discovery and acceptance mirrored my own quest for understanding in the face of adversity. The book didn't shy away from portraying the complexities of life, and I found myself grappling with the same questions and emotions as the protagonist.

Throughout the narrative, I was swept up in a whirlwind of emotions, from heartache to hope. Each triumph and setback felt deeply personal, pulling me further into the protagonist's world. It's a testament to the author's skill that they were able to evoke such visceral reactions from me as a reader.

In the end, this book is more than just a story—it's a profound exploration of the human experience. It serves as a reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is strength to be found and beauty to be appreciated. I'm grateful for the opportunity to have experienced this journey, and I highly recommend it to anyone in search of a deeply emotional and thought-provoking read.

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The main character of this novel, Daphne, is a woman in her 30s living in LA. All her life, every time she meets a new male romantic prospect, she has mysteriously received a piece of paper from the universe that has on it the guy’s name and the of their relationship will be. When the book begins, she is stunned that the new piece of paper for her blind date says the guy’s name, but is otherwise blank. The book then flashes back to various of her past romantic entanglements, as well as showing what happens in the present day.

This was a cute one and a very quick read. I really liked it, but didn’t quite love it - I think I just wanted a little more emotion out of it. I’d rank it below In Five Years, but above One Italian Summer and The Dinner List.

3.75 stars

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✨ Expiration Dates ✨⁣
⁣Genre- Romance. ⁣
⁣Length- 272 pages. ⁣
⁣My thoughts- What a fun magical realism romance! 😍 All her life whenever she starts a new romance, Daphne has received a piece of paper from the universe with the guy’s name and how long the romance will be. Imagine her shock when she receives a note with just a guys name and no date! The story is then told through a non-linear timeline- jumping between the present and Daphne’s former relationships. ⁣
⁣I really enjoyed this book. It’s a quick read, super cute and made me think a lot. I do think Daphne was a little overdramatic and the ending was definitely too abrupt. I would have enjoyed a few more pages to really flesh out the story! ⁣
⁣Expiration Dates was a good read though! Four stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⁣
⁣Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a complimentary copy of Expiration Dates. It publishes on March 19, 2024.

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Expiration Dates was short & sweet - a story about finding (and keeping) love alongside the need to not put your life on hold. I loved it!
Thanks NetGalley!

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Daphne Bell receives a mysterious piece of paper before beginning a new relationship. The paper is delivered out of the blue in a variety of ways, but always with a name and an amount of time. Daphne appreciates having a known expiration date for each of her relationships as a constant in her life. As time goes on, however, she begins to question how much control she actually has over her own life.

Well this was adorable! I am a huge fan of magical realism and loved the concept of this novel. Daphne essentially was given a crystal ball to look into her dating life. I loved how the author presented the pros and cons of receiving such notes. This was my favorite Rebecca Serle book and I look forward to more from her in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for an advanced copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.

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Rebecca Serle is quickly becoming Our Lady of Magical Realism. This book is just so darn clever—not to mention, I think my new favorite of hers?! How does she keep outdoing herself?! What a premise! It LOCKED me! I’d love to discuss with a book club or fun group of gals. There is so much to unpack and ponder and dish!

Daphne leads her life with a unique sort of lottery from the universe: when a new man enters her life, a slip of paper arrives from nowhere with his name and an “expiration date” noting how long the relationship will last. Five days? Three months? Forever? What does it mean when a note finally comes to her without a date?

Rebecca’s writing is so tight, clear, and evocative. I gulped down this addictive journey of a young woman dating, as she also searches to find herself. I loved the storytelling and honesty—and the new distinct location and characteristics of each man who entered (and exited) her life. Daphne’s handsome best friend and ex-boyfriend, Hugo, is also a treat in these pages. I couldn’t tap through my Kindle fast enough to see how the story might possibly end—the twists! the turns! the feelings!—and I have a hunch you’ll do the same! Five big stars!

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A unique premise that did not go where I expected it to go but I still enjoyed the adventure!

What I love about a Rebecca Serle book is it always feels like *hers*. She has a voice and style uniquely her own that I find so refreshing. Her line level never fails to deliver.

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This is my first Serle book, but it won't be my last. I have had In five years on my TBR pile for quite some time.
This book changes moods many times, with some important twists.
Daphne has been receiving mysterious notes for years, which give the expiration dates of her relationships. Has this been keeping her from finding true love. There is also another reason which I am not going to explain, as it would be a spoiler and quite important to the plot. As we flash back and forth in her life, we get to deeply understand Daphne and are perhaps waiting for her to understand herself.
She has 2 wonderful female friends who love and support her, as well as very loving parents.
Waiting to see who Daphne will choose and hoping she gets her happily ever after is one of the highlights of the book for me, as well as following her all over LA, bringing back fond memories of my life there.
I highly recommend this book and am so happy I received this EARC from Netgalley and the publisher for an honest review.

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I’m not going to lie…I had high hopes for this book because I LOVE her others but this one drug on for me? I liked the characters and the concept is interesting but it wasn’t my fave. I’m sorry!

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What happens when you believe love is predictable, predestined, arriving with, or without, an expiration date? Do you settle in? Fail to see love that is there around you? Do you luxuriate in the predictability of a relationship’s length? Do you fight for love or accept breakups? The premise of this book is one character’s response to random declarations of whom, and how long, to love someone. And another character’s commitment to the randomness of love in its many guises, not simply the thrill of loving.

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Meh, I'm disappointed because I really wanted to like this book and while the story was interested and there was a couple nice twists unfortunately 3/4 of the material felt like an advertisement for los Angeles tourism with some product sponsors thrown in. IT didn't add anything to the story and was really distracting and annoying.

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This is my second book by Rebecca Serle, and she doesn't disappoint! I love the element of magical realism that she weaves into her novels. Daphne believes the universe has a plan for her. Every time she meets a new man, she receives a slip of paper with his name and the exact amount of time the relationship will last. She's been receiving the notes for years, and she always wonders when she will get one with no expiration. Finally, on a blind date at her favorite restaurant, the note only says Jake. As their relationship develops, we learn about her past relationships through flashbacks while in the present, Daphne finds herself doubting the paper's prediction and wrestling with what it means to be truthful and committed. Ultimately, this novel is about what it means to be single, what it means to find love, and how we define each of them for ourselves.

I loved the premise of this story. With such an interesting set up, I was drawn in to Daphne's search for love while contemplating deeper questions and reminiscing on my own single days. I remembered the anticipation of who I would meet next, and wondering where the relationship would go. I wondered if Daphne's notes take some of the fun out of it, or would there be less pressure when you already know what the future holds? Also, knowing there is a time limit, would that hold you back, or is Daphne's reluctance to fully commit what is causing her relationships to be cut short? Then the shocking twist that shined some light on it that I did not see coming!

Overall, I loved this novel. I felt like her relationship with Jake fell flat while she had more chemistry with Hugo, her ex turned best friend. I didn't know which one to cheer for, but really I was cheering for Daphne to find her true love and to learn to let herself be happy. This is not your typical light and fun romance novel. I love how unique this author's stories are with deeper themes under the surface. I gave it 4.5 stars!

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for the Advanced Readers Copy.

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