Member Reviews

Rebecca did an amazing job with her character development in this book. Once I picked it up is was so hard to put down! Not a lot if smutt at all if you are someone who is into that sort of thing. Definitely check the trigger warning with this one though .

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.
This was a great book and I'll be purchasing it for the library.

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Having been not my first book of Serle's that I have read, I must say, she never disappoints. Expiration Dates is a unique story about character Daphne who everytime she meets a guy, she receives a piece of paper and how long they will be together, until she meets Jake where she receives the paper but no timeframe. Overall this book has left me thoroughly surprised with the right amount of intrigue and twists.

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A new favorite by Rebecca Serle! I love the concept of knowing what is to come and how it impacts the way a person lives. Serle writes authentically and beautifully

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Serle's books just break my heart in the best way! This story touched me deeply and made me cry big tears. The author's unique storytelling weaves a narrative that captivates and resonates on a deeply emotional level. Beyond the magical realism, this story illustrates the bravery required to face adversity. This is a short book, but I encourage you to take your time with it—it’s a poignant journey that is immensely rewarding by the end!

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"Expiration Dates" by Rebecca Serle is a fresh and enchanting take on romance that I couldn't put down, devouring it in just one day. Daphne Bell's life, dictated by slips of paper indicating the duration of her relationships, is both fascinating and deeply moving. Serle weaves a compelling narrative that challenges the notions of fate and self-determination, making Daphne’s journey profoundly relatable.

Daphne's encounters, from her brief fling with Martin to her deeper connection with Noah, and ultimately, her complex relationship with her ex-boyfriend and best friend, Hugo, add layers of emotion and depth to the story. Each relationship teaches Daphne something new, leading her to question the very nature of love and destiny.

The twist comes with Jake, whose slip lacks an expiration date, throwing Daphne into a whirlwind of doubt and hope. As their story unfolds, Daphne's internal struggle between following the universe's plan and forging her own path is beautifully portrayed.

Serle’s writing is both heartwarming and heart-wrenching, making "Expiration Dates" a romantic gem that stays with you long after the last page. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking a thought-provoking and delightful exploration of love and self-discovery.

Read if you like:
💌 Magical Realism
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💌 Major Twist

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Rebecca is guaranteed to make you cry! I love all her books and this one is no different. Her characters are so relatable and she has a gift of making her readers feel the emotions that they are experiencing.

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This one had the typical dreamy vibe that all of this author's books have. My one main issue with the book is we never get a resolution of WHY this is happening. If you're in it for a cute dreamy story, it's great. If you're in it for the magic of the storyline, I'd pick something else.

Thank you for allowing me to read and review this story. My review has been added to storygraph, goodreads, Barnes & Noble and my instagram @manymerrybooks.

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This isn't my usual genre and I was surprised how much I liked it. There was an out of nowhere plot device and the end was sort of a disappointment which cuts a star but overall a good read.

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This might be my favorite Serle book yet!

Just like her others, this was beautiful and emotional.

I really enjoyed the magical realism element to this romance story!

There were twists and turns throughout this short novel that kept me interested and EMOTIONAL. Some of it was predictable but that didn’t take away from how beautiful this story was.

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I really loved the premise of this and it flowed, making it an enjoyable and easy read. I think the problem I usually have with this author’s writing is that she misses the opportunity to really showcase the emotions that these characters would have if they were actually going through a scenario like this. For example, the character is supposed to be somewhat emotionally cut off from her issue (not name so no spoilers) but what ends up happening is that the reader is emotionally disconnected from the character. Overall, it was a good book and I am glad I read it, I just need some more feelings.

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I have been a fan of Rebecca Serle for years and this book was absolutely no different. Her writing has done nothing except become more filled with life and vibrancy like few other authors can achieve. This is a romance for the ages and one that deserves to be read by all fans of the genre.

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Rebecca Serle does this thing in her books where there’s always a whimsical aspect on her books that always picks my interest. It’s not just a romance, it’s almost magical.

It’s as if you’re reading how it feels instead of how it is. And I’m obsessed with it!

This is my second book by the author and the concept was so unique and fun! I was hooked from page one!

I loved the development on the main character throughout the book. She had so many layers to uncover that by the end it all made sense!

The romance was curious. It felt like a rollercoaster with ups and downs and, finally, a destination.

This book was very easy to read and follow. The writing style will make you travel places and live through them!

The final plot had me audibly gasping and the turn of events that followed, although it didn’t disappoint, felt expected!

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I love everything Rebecca Serle writes. Although, this wasn’t my favorite of hers I still did very much enjoy it. Cute story!

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Rebecca Serle has found her niche, dabbling in the world of magical realism and laying bare the truth of the human condition. Her latest novel, Expiration Dates, mashes up romance and fantasy once again to deliver a compelling, soul-touching story about a young woman who never has to wonder if she has met “the one.” Why? Because throughout her life, she has received little notes at the start of a relationship telling her exactly how long she will be with a person.

Used to receiving notes that give timelines such as 3 weeks, 6 months, or 5 years, our protagonist Daphne is startled one day to receive a note that simply says her prospective date’s name: Jake. No timeline. No expectations. No fate. Rather, simply, the unknown. As Daphne embarks on her first relationship sans road map, she wonders what the blank note could possibly mean. Is this what forever looks like? Has she finally found her one?

In a way, the premise behind Expiration Dates is a play on the age-old question, “If you could find out the day you were going to die, would you want to know?” Is it better to know what to expect or leave it to chance? Is knowing the way life will play out a blessing or a curse? Such an interesting concept to explore, and Serle does it here with poignancy and grace.

Having read and loved Serle’s In Five Years, I was prepared for a heartbreaker of a read when I picked up Expiration Dates. No spoilers, but Serle does not disappoint, packing her signature emotional punch, and surprising me in ways I did not see coming. I love Serle’s writing for the way she finds truth in and gives voice to the ordinary and mundane, shining light on and injecting life into shared human experiences. I am always able to find a little piece of myself in her books … in her writing, I am seen.

Expiration Dates is recommended to all the starry-eyed readers and dreamers who love to ponder the big “what ifs” in life. For those who enjoy unconventional love stories, Expiration Dates will surely find a place in your heart.

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If you knew the end point for all of your relationships, would you live them to their fullest or would you phone each one in? This is the basis of Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle.
In the end, this book was okay, if not a little predictable. I feel like there was very little character growth and most of the characters I can't even remember. It was a decent read, but not my favorite.

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Rebecca Serle's "Expiration Date" offers a thought-provoking exploration of love and mortality with a unique twist on the afterlife. Through heartfelt prose and compelling characters, Serle delves into existential questions about destiny and the meaning of life, creating a poignant and unforgettable narrative.

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I am a fan of Rebecca Serle and was excited to read this book -- mainly because I'd been following her on social and was so happy for her when she married and dedicated this book to her husband!

This was a fun book with that signature Rebecca Serle magic that gave it extra sparkle. Even though I knew from the beginning how it would end, I enjoyed the ride! And, of course, there was that twist that I wasn't expecting (after three of Rebecca's books, I should have known it was coming!).

If I could change anything about this book, I think I'd rather hear more about what attracted her to the various men she dated in the past rather than how long it was before they slept together. I'm not a prude, it's just...well, maybe I am. 🙈

Fun story, that surprise twist, some heart-tugging moments, great ending!

Thank you to Atria Books, NetGalley, and author Rebecca Serle for the complimentary advance copy! It was my pleasure to write this candid review.

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I always want to like Series writing more than I do. It’s always more women’s fiction and less romance and I always fall for it. Didn’t love.

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This book is very charming. It was slightly predictable but that didn't take away from the story. I greatly enjoyed reading it and would recommend it!

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