Member Reviews

Love this author, cant wait to read more by her! Perfect romance book that kept me interested and hooked for the start!!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Atria books for an advanced e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is my third book by Serle and I was ready with the Kleenex as I always ugly cry at the end of her books. But, I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't ugly cry at this one! Just a bit of tears in one part!

The premise of this story was so unique. One day in 5th grade, Daphne received a note with a boy's name and the number 8. Shortly thereafter she started dating this boy and they were together for a total of 8 days. Later in high school, when she gets another note and the length of time that she was with this person turned out to be accurate so she starts to realize that something is different for her.

The book is told in alternating timelines switching from the present to various times in Daphne's past. I was pulled into this book immediately and finished this one in less than 24 hours. There were a few twists, a couple that I didn't see coming. I really loved the realness of the characters and was very pleased with the ending. I loved this one almost as much as her debut, but I especially appreciated not ugly crying! This is definitely one to read if you are a fan of Serle's other books, Emily Henry, or Abby Jimenez.

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Many thanks to NetGalley, Atria Books, and the author for access to this ARC. I loved Expiration Dates, it was such a fun, well written book I could not put it down and finished it in one day! Rebecca Serle always writes a book worth reading and Expiration Dates was no different, it was unexpected and witty. Do yourself a favor and grab a copy!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Rebecca Serle and Atria books for the free ebook in exchange for an honest review.

This was good. I feel like it’s hard to review without giving anything away, but it has binge vibes all over it. It’s quick, short and delightfully written. It was definitely one I’d recommend.

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Here is my review for expiration dates by Rebecca Serle! Thank you again for letting me read this story in advance I am so thankful and appreciative!

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Rebecca Serle never disappoints. She creates an amazing atmosphere and gives us a book with heart. Loved it and love her!

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Magical!! This book was so incredible that I don’t think I can put into words how amazing it was.

Ever since Daphne was young, she gets a piece of paper with a name and amount of time she’ll be dating them. Some are just one night, others years. Then one day she meets Jake and the paper is blank. Is Jake her forever?

Her best friend, Hugo, is the heart of this book. I absolutely adored him and Daphne’s friendship. Like all Rebecca Serle books, this one was heartbreakingly beautiful. She has a way of writing that is so different than all the other books out there. Just pure magic! She will forever be an auto buy author for me! This book was wonderful and definitely my top read this year!

📘:Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle
🗓️: March 19, 2024

Thank you to NetGalley, Rebecca Serle, and Atria Books for this ARC!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

*Reviewed on NetGalley, Amazon, and Goodreads.

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Expiration dates by Rebecca serle ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3/5

Publishes March 19

What would you do if you received a slip of paper at the beginning of every relationship that would tell you how long the relationship was going to last? Welcome to Daphne’s life…. PS- I would hate this in real life but definitely wouldn’t be able to resist the urge to look. Daphne handles it better than I would 😅

I was totally preparing for a gut punch with this one, and while I definitely enjoyed it, I wasn’t super emotionally invested for some reason. In five years remains my favourite (while also my least favourite 😂) by this author

Thanks @netgalley for the earc!!

#rebeccaserle #expirationdates

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I love all of Rebecca Serle's other books so I was super excited to read Expiration Dates. Daphne receives pieces of paper that tell her how long she is going to date someone so when she receives a note just saying Jake without an expiration date she isn't sure what this means. Is Daphne destined to be with Jake from these notes? But as the story unfolds will Daphne reveal her secret to the people in her life or continue to follow the notes she receives?

I really loved the idea of this book and the dynamic of Hugo and Daphne, I wish we have more dialogue with the two of them together. I do like Jake but there seemed to be no fire between the Daphne and him. Loved the little twists and would recommend this book!

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So I appreciated the ending of this book and the premise and the relationships between the characters. I really really dislike the way this author constantly name drops so many references to stores and places, I find it distracting. Also, did not necessarily find the main characters chronic illness and the way it was discussed particularly necessary to the deeper plot.

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My favorite by Serle yet. A masterful story that I read in under a day. Unputdownable. Phenomenal. I will be purchasing and sharing with all my friends.

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This was my first book I've read from Rebecca Serle. I thought the concept of Daphne receiving a name and time (which she later figures out is the relationship length) was an interesting love story concept. I think the overall pacing was good for the story, but the back and forth timelines was a bit much for me. It also didn't keep my attention very well. I know that they are for story and character development and I have previously read books that do the same concept; I just think in a purely romance setting it was not for me.

Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books for the eARC!

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Daphne begins receiving notes that tell her a name and an amount of time. When this begins, she is at a younger age, and she realizes this is a name and how long the relationship will last. There are definitely ups and downs to this! However, when Daphne receives a note that has no expiration date, she begins to question everything.

This turned into an expected type of story for me, but it was also deeply emotional at times and simply just absolutely enjoyable to read.

Out March 19, 2024!

Thank you, Netgalley and Publisher, for this Arc!

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The best of the best when it comes to Rebecca Serle!!! She always adds a bit of magical/fantastical flair to her romance and Expiration Dates was no exception. This book was whimsical and deep, and I was heavily invested in the main character getting her happy ending.

The time jumps were well executed for character development. It was paced well and I was always eager to find out what was going to happen next. There was little rambling or excess, but lots of fun, vivid stories.

The end was beautiful, and really the message of the story was as well. It wrapped together so nicely.

I received this book as an ARC from the publisher via Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Thank you Rebecca Serle and Atria Books!

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What a fantastic dive into a story that makes you think about how we measure our lives and our loves! This was a joy to read and I highly recommend. It feels hopeful!

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This was a quick and cute read with a twist that honestly surprised me. Maybe not my favorite Serle novel, since I thought Daphne was incredibly frustrating at times. However, she doesn't act out of character and stays pretty consistent throughout story, even with the back-and-forth in time, so others may not mind so much. Overall, this would be a fun beach/vacation read where you want something quick but just a bit thought-provoking.

Thanks to the publisher for providing an ARC through Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

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I really liked this book. It wasn’t too long but it also wasn’t too short. I wish I had a little more information for each person in the past and a little longer epilogue at the end. I loved the overall concept of the book and the mix of romance and a magical realm.

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Expiration Dates is a very unique kind of story. My first from Rebecca Serle and she definitely shows that she has her own style of writing. I will admit there were times I felt a bit off-kilter, not fully understanding the whys and hows of what exactly was transpiring for Daphne and the mysterious notes left for her that decided how long she'd be with a particular man. I was intrigued enough to keep going and I did enjoy it more as the book progressed and a clearer picture was painted as we get Daphne's full dating history in every other chapter or so.

The use of these random notes did in fact give Daphne too much restraint on finding real happiness, as her bestie and former lover Hugo so perfectly points out later on in the story. The expiration date could be seen as too much of a safety net, whether the timeline is a one-night thing or a years-long relationship. With her health issues, these finite timelines really did keep Daphne at arm's length with her men, only Hugo surviving their time together and becoming her sounding board and keeper of this unusual dating ritual. I loved the honesty they shared and how you could tell, as others point out to Daph, that Hugo was still enamored with her. But again, Daphne needed to find the right man at the right time and for her, Hugo just wasn't that person. At least not yet.

The pace was good enough yet again I felt like it was just a bit too confusing at first that I could see some giving up before the story really gets going. I was happy to have finished and although not a standout kind of book for me, I did like the character development and the use of perhaps a little otherworldly intervention to show Daphne the way out of her indecisiveness and apprehension when it came to relationships as a whole. All of the secondary characters played their parts beautifully and added the right touch when needed. They made the book shine a bit more for me when things felt either too rushed or too awkward. Or when I had a tougher time following along.

But this has been a huge success for this author and I hope I get the chance to try her work again in the future.

3.5 stars.

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I unfortunately didn’t love this one. The main character was not particularly likable and I didn’t find myself rooting for her.

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I read One Italian Summer a few years ago and it changed my life. As I sat in a puddle of tears at the ending, I had fallen back in love with reading and swore I would read every book Rebecca Serle ever publishes, so getting an ARC of this one really felt like a full circle moment.

What would you do if every time you met a guy, you received a piece of paper that told you how long you would get to love them? From a few months, to one night, to a few years, Daphne has always known the expiration date on her relationships. Until she meets Jake, and his piece of paper is blank. She knows that he is her forever, but he has no clue - and now she has to hide their fate while they enter into a budding romance.

What I love about Rebecca Serle is every book she writes is so unique. There's always a whimsical aspect that makes them different than your standard romance novel, and boy can she write something that's going to pull on your heart strings in the best way possible.

I fell completely in love with Daphne and Jake, and every single side character and pet that crossed the pages of Expiration Dates. This was also a quick read, I'm talking finished in a matter of hours (maybe because of my excitement for it...) so it's the perfect read if you're looking for something uplifting but fast-paced.

I cannot sing the praises of Rebecca Serle enough. This is a must read on release day!

ARC Review! Thank you to NetGalley, Atria Books and Rebecca Serle for the advanced copy of Expiration Dates in exchange for my honest review!

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