Member Reviews

Thank you to @netgalley and @atriabooks for allowing me a chance to read an advanced copy.

Hmm...well, there were parts of this book that I really enjoyed, and there were other parts that needed work for me.

The pros: I really loved the chronic illness rep. All of Daphne's struggles in this area as she navigated life were well-written, and I was hooked!

The cons:
*No explanation of where these expiration date papers come from (minus one) and why Daphne is seemingly the only one that receives them. This idea also seemed to be done already in The Measure.
* The side character friends/boss just didn't add anything to the story and were throw away characters.
* The abrupt ending. I really felt like there needed to be more book or at least an epilogue?

Bottom line: Parts were lovely, but the cons flawed an otherwise sweet narrative.

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Expiration Dates is a little slow moving novel with a very interesting premise. The character development was lacking a little bit, but loved the connection between family. Some very quotable lines in the ARC, so hopefully they stay in!! Overall, a very lovely book about believing in yourself and your ability to be happy and worthy of love.

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I LOVED the idea of this book. Serle has this great way of writing stories that have a surreal and magical twist, but without calling too much attention to it or overly explaining why it happens. This is another example of that, with the main character receiving a note telling her exactly how long each relationship will last. I loved the story, until about halfway through when a wrench was thrown into everything. In my opinion, it turned the book into something completely different, and I think cheapened the whole concept.

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Thank you NetGalley and Rebecca Steele for the eARC in exchange for my honest review.

I’m definitely going to be in the minority for this book in terms of how I rated it. I did not enjoy this book. At all. It put me into a reading slump every time I picked it up to read it, and it took me just a little under a month to read which is an extremely long time for me.

I was so disappointed. The premise of this book sounded amazing. I had never heard of a concept utilizing the “universe” sending slips of paper which state how long a relationship would last. Maybe it is my error in thinking this was more in the romance genre, but I did not get romance (or frankly anything) out of this book at all.

There’s a little “twist” at the 60% mark that feels very thrown in and I honestly don’t think added to the story much at all.

If it’s meant to be a journey of self- love, our main character expresses self love in about 1 paragraph at the 90% mark and that’s it. I didn’t feel encouraged by how she felt, I just felt that it was “nice” she finally felt that way about herself.

I felt no romance, angst, or passion in any of the 10 (give or take) romances included throughout the book. I ended up skimming through the last 10% just to find out how it ended and it was like pulling teeth just to reach the end. Needless to say, I did not enjoy this.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read Expiration Dates. I was looking forward to this book because I loved In Five Years, but not One Italian Summer. This one fell square in the middle for me. Throughout the first half of the book I was enjoying it as a nice story about a young woman trying to find love. But halfway through things changed and it got a little more serious and the story took on a new twist. It makes the reader think about the decisions we make in life and whether or not we can be in charge of our own destiny. The concept of the notes was intriguing but I wanted to know more about them - where did they come from? I liked all of the characters - especially Daphne's dad (even though he had a very small part). Although the ending was a bit predictable, we got to it differently than I expected.

I wish the author had explained about black Doc Martens though! Maybe in her next book, which I look forward to reading!

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This is likely to come off very unhinged, but I’m really not sure what I just read, but in a really good way. Expiration Dates was definitely not what I was expecting, and there were a few unexpected twists and turns. I definitely couldn’t put it down, because I needed to know what happened and how Daphne’s story played out. As with other Rebecca Serle books that I've read, you have to suspend reality a little bit, and just accept that the universe is granting Daphne “timelines'' for all of her relationships and she receives a name and a relationship duration, until she gets to Jake and there’s nothing but his name – so does this mean he’s her forever? Honestly, there’s no way to write a proper book report without feeling like I’m going to give away what happens in this book — just read it and you will be happy you did. One thing I will say is, it definitely reads more as women’s fiction than romance, but overall a very good book/story.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book provided to me through NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to Rebecca Serle and Atria Books for giving me the opportunity to read this book!

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I've had mixed feelings about Rebecca Serle's previous books, but I was still excited to read Expiration Dates. While it wasn't my favorite book, I enjoyed it more than Rebecca's other books. The premise of this book is great and interesting, but I didn't quite believe the ending. Overall, this is a great light read if you're looking for something to be a quick/easy read. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a digital ARC of this book.

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I loved the premise of this book. The pacing was great and it was such an easy breezy story to pick up and fly through for some sweet feel good vibes. It took no time at all the feel invested in the story and characters.

Unfortunately the way the plot ultimately played out left me so disappointed. No spoilers here but the final act introduced some unnecessary conflict and choices I personally don’t think fit with how the story most made sense. I’m all for endings that aren’t what you’d expect but to me it just felt kind of lazy.

Despite being disappointed by the last bit of the book I did still enjoy reading it. I have a feeling a lot of people are really going to like this one and I will happily continue to read whatever books Rebecca Serle puts out.

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I love Rebecca’s writing and story telling. Her details without being too detailed driven are great. The last page of this book held me. As I was reading I felt it was a little flat and lacked the depth I loved in, In five years. I would definitely recommend this as a good read.

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It's Daphne v. Fate in this story that pits one's own expectations against the world's. Daphne is looking for her one love but so far all her boyfriends come with expiration dates - literally. Until one day there isn't an end date. Daphne has to decide if who she's destined to be with is actually what she wants- or if she's been holding herself back this whole time. Serle does it again with her magical realism that feels like reading a modern day fairy tale. A great summer read that will have you rooting for Daphne the whole time and hungry from all the descriptions of food. LA is Daphne's castle and the only one holding her back from life is herself.

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This started off strong with a very interesting concept of a girl who receives notes that tell her who she will date and how long it will last. Then it falls flat. The interactions are awkward and the storyline was flat in my opinion. This was a DNF for me. I don’t think Rebecca serle is for me. Thanks for the opportunity to give this new to me author a try.

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Rebecca Serle is a wonderful author. I have read her other books and am so excited about Expiration Dates. The idea of dating and knowing how long you have with the person is unique and fun. It is also a lot of pressure, to know that your time together is limited would make it difficult to open your heart.

Daphne is a great character with her quirks and secrets. I was entertained reading about her dating life but also sad that each man she met had an end date. I was hoping that Jake, with no expiration date, would be the one. Of course, it cannot be that easy and I was excited to see what twists would be thrown at me.

Rebecca Serle is an author I am excited to read more from. Her books are easy to read, the story moves at a good pace, and the characters are fun.

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I wasn't sure what to expect, but I did like this one very much. I'm not quite sure what to feel as it was much different than I thought it'd be, especially the ending. I felt a bit dupe given what I thought the whole book was about, BUT I do think that was sort of the point. An interesting book for romance/womens fiction fans for sure. I'll probably land somewhere around 3.5-4 stars.

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I felt like the book had a lot of potential but it just was not what I expected…or wanted. I enjoyed it, but I did not love it. From the beginning I felt the main character Daphne was hard to connect with, which is part of her story, but it also made it difficult to root for her throughout the story. I wanted to love it but it was not for me. I think that if you enjoyed Serle’s other novels, you’ll also enjoy this one. Thank you Net Galley & Arria Books for the advanced copy of this book.

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Absolutely adorable! This was so refreshing to read!

“Expiration Dates” follows the story of Daphne. Her entire life, she has gotten a note with a name and a time frame — an expiration date for her relationships.

It makes you think about life in a different way. Are you able to change “fate”? Does it even exist? I loved reading this book, and I am excited to read more of her works!

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3.75 rounded up.

A great breath of fresh air, not afraid to put you in your feels, had me laughing, hopeful, tearful and waiting with expectation.

Loved In five years by this author, been long while ago since i read it but was very pleased with the writing of this book too!

Very interesting/different premise, Daphne gets slips of paper with a name and time on them, her love life basically written out for her. Some bumps along the way, friendships that influence her life and a lovely dog called Murphy.

Thanks to Netgalley and Atria books for my electronic advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Atriabooks for the ARC copy of “Expiration Dates” by Rebecca Serle.

✨Podcast episode coming this April!✨

If every romantic relationship you’ve had came with an expiration date, would you guard your heart? Or go all in, knowing your time with that person is limited?

Ever since she can remember, Daphne has been receiving slips of paper that tell her exactly how long a relationship may last. No matter the length of that relationship, Daphne uncovers new truths about who she is and gains new life lessons.

I loved that the expiration cards were frequently used to reflect on Daphne's past relationships and important life moments. It helped to maintain a steady reading pace and I never felt like the story dragged - which often happens for me while reading romance.

Expiration Dates is more than a story about finding true love with another person. It’s also about finding love within yourself and making sure to enjoy life to the fullest.

Some of my favorite quotes:

“Life is catch-22. That’s why God invented female friendships.”

“We have to be cracked open sometimes. We have to be cracked open sometimes to let anything good in. What I see now, emerging in the mirror, is this one, simple truth: learning to be broken is learning to be whole.”

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Every time Daphne dates a new man, she receives a piece of paper telling exactly how long the relationship will last. Until before a blind date at her favorite LA restaurant, Daphne's paper just says "Jake" with no end date. As Daphne and Jake date, she begins to question whether this relationship really doesn't have an expiration date. For Daphne knows something that, if she told Jake, it could ruin everything.

Rebecca Serle has been a hit-and miss author for me and I am glad to say that Expiration Dates was a hit. Similar to In Five Years, Serle delivers a lighthearted romance with an intriguing dash of magical realism that side swipes you half way. With a clever twist, Expiration Dates introduces more complex themes that make you feel, make you think, and make you want the story to never end.

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It's been ages since I've been utterly broken and crushed by a book. The intense amount of emotions I felt reading this can't be described, but I'll try my best.

With a bit of a whimsical touch, this is solely Daphne's story. From the synopsis and the first few chapters, you'd think you have it all figured out, but nothing could prepare you for all the revelations following. And it's not just 1, it's so many in the form of heartbreak, loss, friendship, and love.

Not a huge spoiler, but this is a bit of a love triangle, and I was bawling my eyes out by the time I figured each love interest's purpose for Daphne. The story was carefully woven that you're bound to fall in love with both the love interests; one sooner than the other.
I highly recommend reading this!

Thank you Netgalley and publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I have been a devoted fan of Rebecca Serle's since Famous in Love back in 2014. I squealed in delight when I received an Advanced Copy of her latest, Expiration Dates. And what a joy of a novel it was!!

There is something about Serle's writing that immediately draws me in. Her characters feel incredibly relatable and are so easy to get invested in. There is also often a whimsical tone that is so distinctly her. And the twists! There are often there and when I least expect it.

I'm thrilled to report that Expiration Dates, out March 19, hits all of my favorite notes of her writing. I simply couldn't put it down and the only disappointment was when it was over.

Daphne Bell is a single gal in LA, but dating has always been odd for her. Shortly after meeting a man, she receives a note with his name and the length of the relationship. She doesn't know where they came from, but they have always been there. And in some ways, provide an odd sense of comfort. Everything has an end date, and she has become comfortable with that. She is expecting more of the same when her former colleague sets. her up with Jake. But when the note arrives it has only his name.

We follow Jake and Daphne's story while also learning about all the papers and expiration dates that have brought Daphne to this point. It is a brilliant story of the journey of being single, and creating your own love story.

Will post this review on retail sites, goodreads and my bookstagram @scottonreads

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