Member Reviews

I received an advanced copy of Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle from the publisher Atria via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

What It’s About: Daphne Bell believes that the universe has a plan for her. Ever since she was a teenager, she has received a slip of paper with his name and a number on it-the exact time she has with a given partner. It was true for the three days with Martin in Paris; the five weeks with Noah in San Francisco, and it was true for the three months with former boyfriend, now best friend, Hugo. She has always received these papers and has always wondered when her final paper would come, until one day she receives a paper the day before a blind date at her favorite LA restraurant, there’s only a name: Jake. As the romance unfolds, Daphne finds herself balancing her doubt and wrestling what it means to be committed and not have to worry about someone leaving. What that means for her secrets and finally having a fulfilling relationship.

What I Loved: This book has a really unique premise, the book asks, what would happen if you knew how many days you had with someone. How long a relationship will last. As always Serle makes you examine some unique questions, and this one is her version of a romance. The premise and writing are good. I particularly loved the family dynamic for Daphne’s nuclear family. I also liked the work relationships discussed here. There’s a part that I was kind of on the fence with, if you have read Serle’s earlier work you know how feature terminal illnesses play in her work, and here it comes up again, but in this regard I do believe it worked, I think Serle needed to show how the impact of always knowing when a romance is going to end, ultimately leads to Daphne not trusting people with her own life, and I think this chronic illness really highlights this.

What I Didn’t Like: I felt like the romance in this book was underwhelming and as a book that’s supposed to be about romance, it was frustrating. It was annoying to not really care about the romance or buy into it, no matter the big twist, there were significant problems with the chemistry and the buy in.

Who Should Read It: People who love Serle’s previous works. People who like books with lots to discuss.

Summary: A woman always receives a note for the length of a relationship, finally receives a blank paper.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book! It poses the question of how you would react and dedicate yourself to a relationship if you knew its expiration date. Do we allow our expectations to dictate our response and devotion? Interesting characters and plot line. Highly recommend!

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Thank you to Netgalley and to the publisher for the eARC!
Another cute read from Rebecca Serle. The concept of the expiration dates was interesting yet I found myself getting stuck on why Daphne is the only one to receive the expiration dates. Overall a cute and easy read

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I thought this was an interesting read that made me think - with a tiny twist I didn’t expect coming. Daphne never has to guess how long her relationships will last she’s just not always sure what will make them come to an end. She gets notes with expiration dates that will tell her how long she’ll be with her current guy. Three days with one. Five weeks with another. Three months with Hugo.. her ex now best friend. Hugo is the only one who knows about these predictions so when she received a note with the name Jake and no expiration date.. her thoughts about her future changed. Is this the man she’s supposed to spend forever with?

I found myself wondering if Daphne was just overlooking something’s with Jake because she knew he was supposed to be her end game. He was perfect for her in the fact that he was so kind and attentive and thoughtful but he had his own traumatic past.. and Daphne had this huge secret. She never seems to let herself fully invest in him. She confides in Hugo who also never seems to fully commit to his relationships either and Daphne never seems to know why.

With knowing there’s no expiration date can she fully be herself and tell him her secret? Or will that change everything?

This story reminded me of The Measure which I also enjoyed. Thank you to the Rebecca Serle, the publisher, and NetGalley for this arc!

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Rebecca Serle's books are always cutesy, feel good books and this one is no exception.

Any book that gives me 2000s rom com vibes is a yes in my book. And that's what this did. All her life, Daphne receives little pieces of papers with a mans name and how long they will be together. She keeps waiting for the one with no expiration date, and it finally comes, in the form of a piece of paper that just says "Jake". Jake and Daphne's love story is cute, both characters are likeable. It was a unique storyline, that made me laugh out loud at times and there is a little twist at the ending. Definitely recommend! A good summer read.

Thank you NetGalley and Atria for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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It was okay. I wanted more from it. It was a solid 2 until the plot turn 1, then I thought it would jump to a 3.5, especially after plot turn 2. But, even with those, it dropped and left me wanting a bit more. I did get a smidge teary, but not enough to up the rating. The ending felt cliché.

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I absolutely loved this book!! I couldn’t put it down.
I just loved all the characters. I highly recommend this book.

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Rebecca Serle’s newest, Expiration Dates, took me by surprise. Just when I thought I knew where it was headed a curve ball came and shook things up a bit (in a beautiful and heart wrenching way). Daphne Bell has been on and off again single for the entirety of her life, but not really because she chooses to be. You see, she receives little slips of paper letting her know who her next lover will be and how long they will be together. Which makes knowing how much time and energy to invest so much easier.

This book will pull you in, make you laugh, and then have you in tears. Highly recommend.

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Expiration Dates is beautifully written novel by Rebecca Serle. Daphne Bell receives little slips of papers from the universe that lets her know how long each of her relationships will be. That is until she receives a slip of paper that only says "Jake" with no date on it. Expiration Date has a sweet plot that follows Daphne's current relationship and flashes back to her previous failed ones. I really enjoyed the unique story line, the twist at the end, and the reminder to live our life to the fullest.

This was my first book by Serle, and I look forward to reading more of her books in the future.

4 stars!

Thank you to Atria Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you Atria books and Netgalley for my gifted copy in exchange for an honest review.

I started this awhile ago and couldn’t get into it right away. After about 40% I was more invested. I enjoyed the bits of magical realism in the story. This one shows emotion over halfway through and led the story in a different direction than I originally thought. The different time jumps were fun as you got a look into Daphne’s mindset for each guy she dates. I was shocked by the end, but it was the perfect ending.

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Excelente! This book was great and another hit for Rebecca Serle.! I loved One Italian Summer and was thrilled to read this too. I’m pleased to say it lives up to the hype and expectations set by One Italian Summer.

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I enjoyed this unique storyline that took a romance and made it include magical realism and deeper topics. Thank you so much for this arc. I always enjoy Rebecca’s books!

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I’m not sure why I gave this a shot. The premise sounded fun but I’ve hated all her books and this was no different.

Thanks to the publisher for the advanced copy!

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I adored this book. I am someone who tries to believe in fate and also had a medical condition when I was younger so the main character really resonated with me. My heart broke for her over and over again. I really enjoyed this.

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Serle has been hit or miss for me in the past. This book was a complete hit. I was curious how the premise of the book was going to work out and the writing was great. There was a great theme and lesson behind the book, which left me reflective. Definite book hangover from this book!

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OMG this book was absolutely stunning and a unique heartfelt tribute to love. I love Rebecca Searles ability to get tears out of me and she definitely did it again with this one.

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Rebecca Serle sure knows how to write romance! This story was cute, wholesome, but will also pull at your heartstrings. I am often critical of romance novels for having too much comedy and not enough realism, but this is one story I really enjoyed, despite there being a touch of magical realism.

This story had an interesting concept: the main female character receives random letters for each relationship, stating how long each of those relationships will last. One day, however, she receives a letter with the man's name, but no timeline.

There were a few twists and turns in the story. I was a bit disappointed with the ending, but that's just me being picky. Will I remember this book forever and ever more? Probably not, but this love story is on the shorter side, can be read quickly, and will still give you all the feels.

Those who enjoyed The Measure would likely appreciate this one too!

🙏 Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books for the gifted electronic copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Nothing will ever come close to In Five Years for me, but this one is probably my second favorite of Serle’s, with a fascinating premise to boost that will have you questioning fate versus our own expectations and their intermingling role in our lives, relationship, and choices.

Daphne Bell has received a postcard with a man’s name on it and a timeline of how long her relationship with him will last since her very first relationship. When she receives one with a name and no end date, she believes she’s finally found the one. And it will force her to look at her life, her choices, and her own role in her destiny in ways she never has, as she decides how much faith to place in a little piece of paper amidst her feels, ongoing personal and health issues, and complicated relationship with ex-boyfriend and bestfriend, Hugo.

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3.5 Stars for Expiration Dates.
If You like books with friends as lovers, second chance romances and just overall a good romance book this one was a good choice! This author brings you in from page one and definitely captures your attention. The writing was written well and the characters were enjoyable to read. Not too much spice but thats totally ok! Its a book that will have you questioning certain things.

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I liked but didn’t love this book. In fact, it’s a couple days later and I don’t remember the characters names. I know a lot of people loved this book though, it just wasn’t the right “bottle of wine” (thinking of books as a wine library) for me at the time!

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