Member Reviews

Thank you netgalley for an advanced copy of this book. I loved following along Daphne’s story, more than a love story, it’s truly about self acceptance. It’s a tear jerker, but one where you do find closure. If you have enjoyed her other books and her spin of magical realism, you’ll want to check this one out!

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This book is very thought provoking. I can't even imagine the power and pain that would come with Daphne's "gift" (for lack of a better word). To know the length but not necessarily the how and why of it all.

Her heart condition is an added element that only ramps up all those feelings. Of not knowing.

I really liked this book and the premise was unique. Does knowing the outcome change everything that comes before the end?? You'd think yes but what if it's no?

Hugo is a great friend to Daphne, for so many reasons over so many years. I hope they find love together with no expiration date!

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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📝 If you could learn how long a relationship would last before you even go on your first date, would you want to know? Daphne has been receiving notes with names and expiration dates for all her relationships for as long as she can remember. She knows exactly when they will break up and there’s no surprises. That is until she gets a note with just a name and no date. Is this her soulmate? What does it mean? She’s left going into the relationship blindly for the first time in her life.

This was a complex love story where we travel through Daphne’s past relationships and notes. I thought it was super unique and really has you think about life and love in a whole new perspective 💌

“What if the papers weren’t just doling my life out in increments of time but also protecting me? From the pain of being blindsided. From never again having to say I didn’t see it coming”

This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Expiration Dates will be published March 19th

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The book itself was well written. It had beautiful details and at times I felt like I was on the journey as well. I love that Daphne instantly knew how long relationships would last. I love the storyline. This is a really nice clean romance. I will be purchasing the hardcopy once it comes out . Thank you NetGalley the opportunity.

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Read this if you like:
•doc martens
•unique plot
•sad romance
•enjoy Rebecca’s writing
•a quick read

This book started out so strong. You get a piece of paper that will tell you exactly how much time you will spend in a relationship. I didn’t love the twist. I think it’s very Rebecca Serle but just annoyed me

Thank you NetGalley for eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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A tender romcom with a magical realism twist! Fans of Seven Year Slip will like this. The flashbacks to Daphne’s past dating history and relationships were so fun and relatable and I adored the present relationship between Jake and her deep friendship with Hugo. A quick and heartfelt read!

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In Expiration Dates, Daphne has an interesting gift. She gets little slips of paper that tell her the name of the next person she dates and the length of time she will date them. So when she gets her next slip of paper with the name Jake and no timeframe, she thinks he must be the one she will spend the rest of her life with. As Daphne and Jake’s love blossoms, we also get to see how the other relationships she’s had unfold under their time constraints. There are also still things Jake doesn’t know about Daphne which could end up hurting him in the long run.

I love Rebecca Serle’s books because her stories are about normal life with a unique twist. They always feel like they could actually happen to someone. But those twists seem to become such a minuscule part of the actual story. I wish there was more details about the slips of paper and what their significance is. Daphne received the slips and took them as fact. She never contemplated what would have happened had she just not believed what the paper said and charted her own timeline of each relationship. I felt like she did herself a disservice by doing that.

I also feel like there wasn’t much of a storyline when it came to Daphne and Jake’s relationship. I wish the book would have delved a little deeper into their story together.

It was a super quick and easy read and I enjoyed getting to see Daphne’s story unfold!

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“But that’s love, isn’t it? The belief in something you cannot see or touch or even explain. Like the heart itself, we just know it’s there.”

Imagine if in your single days, you received a note with the name of each new love interest you had, along with the length of time you would be with that person. For Daphne, this has been happening for over 20 years. When she finally receives a slip of paper with only a name and no expiration date, she questions if this man would truly want to be with her forever if he knew everything about her. I really enjoyed Rebecca Serle diving into romantic love in this novel, and I was not expecting the twist that occurred along the way. I flew through this book!

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In Expiration Dates, Daphne Bell believes the universe has a plan for her. Every time she meets a new man , she receives a slip of paper with his name and a number on it—the exact amount of time they will be together. What a whirlwin of a book! Twists, love, humor...a bit of everything! I really enjoyed this book by Rebecca Serle!

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Like all of Rebecca Serle's books, this one had an interesting concept for the storyline. Although, this one is a bit more predictable. So while I enjoyed the book, it also was a little boring for me. I needed a bit more drama or conflict/contention in the story. There was sort of a plot twist towards the end but by that point, I just wasn't in love with the main characters to care that much. So even though this book fell a little flat for me, 4 stars for a unique story.

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Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy of Expiration Dates.

I was excited to read my first book of Rebecca Serle since I have several of hers on my tbr. Unfortunately this one was a miss for me. I didn’t connect with the female main character during the book. I honestly found her immature and annoying and didn’t find she grew during the story. And while it wasn’t a long book, I was frequently checking my progress to see how far I was. I liked the idea of the story, but then was bored every time we went back to the men she dated. The whole thing was just a bit bland for me. I’ll still try another book of this author before I give up on her, but this one wasn’t for me.

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3.5 ⭐️ wow! i can’t believe i devoured this in one sitting. this was my first book by serle i’ve read, but now i want to read her others *immediately*
daphne was so relateable!

read if you like:
- magical realism
- non-linear timeline
- characters that feel “stuck”
- tall & handsome men

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for this e-ARC!

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WOW! Ok, I wasn't sure what to expect with Serle's take on "sugary romance" but it was everything I hoped and yet, not "sugary" at all. This was a lovely story that kept me guessing. I do wish a few relationship details were expanded on a bit more but I feel like I can't say too much without give away the plot. This story was all at once emotional and comforting. I loved it!

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I received an egalley of this book in exchange for an honest review from NetGalley..

I liked the premise of this book - the main character receives a paper each time she dates someone that tells her how long they'll be together. This might have been one of the only elements of the book that worked for me, though as we flashed back to her past relationships, I thought the past timelines went on way too long. While the idea was to explain why she has the relationship hang ups that she does, but it made me want to skim through. Another issue that I had with the book is that the resolution was very obvious to me, and I would have liked it if her and Jake had better chemistry. It also seemed like the papers and the other twist in the story were competing for our attention. Also - for a book set in LA, why the weird obsession with New York?

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I really enjoyed this book at first. I think the notes were such a fun, unique plot that could have made this a really good story. However, the author’s first big “twist” totally took the attention away from the notes which was disappointing. I felt like the two main men in this story were both so flat and underdeveloped. The alternating timelines didn’t flow well throughout the whole book, making it seem choppy. Finally, I was SO annoyed about the big reveal with Jake’s note. How would she not be able to tell???
I loved the author’s other books, so my high expectations made me feel very critical of this one. It’s still a fun quick read, just not quite what I expected.

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I really enjoyed this book. I love Rebecca Serle’s style of writing and have read a bunch of her other books before this.

Daphne believes the universe has a plan for her. She receives pieces of paper each time she meets a new man with their name and a length of time on it indicating how long they will be together. As the story goes on we find things out about Daphne that most people do not know. She begins to doubt the meaning of Jake’s paper and tries to figure out what she wants out of her life.

This novel is emotional, passionate and even heartbreaking, but is so wonderfully done! I really enjoyed it! You should definitely add this to your “To Be Read” list. Releases March 19th! Thanks to NetGalley for my advanced copy! 😃

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I was sad when this book was over. I was sucked in and obsessed within the first few pages! The book was detailed but not annoyingly detailed, just the right amount!!

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I LOVED this book - read it all today- could not stop until it was done and now am sad that it is over. Bravo Rebecca Serle! I loved In Five Years and One Italian Summer. And this was my favorite one yet!! I love the combination of magical realism and romance.

This book tells the story of Daphne- who receives a note at the start of every romantic relationship with the timing of how long it will last. Super intriguing premise. The author gives us a beautiful story about friendship and love. There are some plot twists that I didn’t see coming and I wasn’t sure how the book was going to end until I actually got there. I loved it!!! Highly recommend!!

Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this advanced copy. I will be recommending it to one and all!

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Thank you to Simon and Shuster and NetGalley for the ARC of this book.

I knew it was a 5 star read for me instantly.

I instantly liked Daphne. The dual timelines were fun and kept me up late reading.

I wanted to read it right away because of the gorgeous cover and because it is by Rebecca Searle.

I enjoyed the Los Angeles setting. Searle did a great job describing locations and making the reader feel there.

My favorite line from the book: “Wasn’t the hardest part of heartache the unpredictability?”

5 stars!

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I would like to thank Atria Books and Net Galley for the opportunity to read this as an ARC. I always enjoy Rebecca Serle's novels. They all have that bit of magical realism/ romantasy that makes them special. This one is no different. Daphne receives messages when she dates someone new- a note with the man's name and a time frame-3 weeks, 8 days , 1 night etc. That is the end date, the expiration date if you will of the relationship. Then , just before her first date with Jake, she get a note-the name Jake, but nothing else. Is this the man she will marry? The story is told in 2 time lines. The present day , where she dates Jake and looks at him as her potential "Happily Ever After",and past time line, which details her previous romances, expiration dates and endings. Jake seems like a great guy, fun caring and honest. So is he the man for Daphne? The story is well told and the characters well written.
We meet Daphne's parents, her boss Irina, her friends Kendra and Hugo. Hugo is an old boyfriend, one whose romance ended after 3 months. He and Daphne are still close and spend time together on a regular basis. Hugo is the only one who knows about the letters with the romantic end dates. He is there for Daphne, until Jake becomes more of a presence in her life. This is an intriguing story , and one which really had me guessing. There are 2 major plot twists- one about halfway through and one towards the end. I didn't see either one coming!

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