Member Reviews

✨Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle (Out Now)✨
My favorite of Serle’s yet! This book was such a quick read thanks to the intriguing plot and short chapters. I thought the premise of knowing how long each of your relationships was going to last was so interesting and unique. This was a perfect light read for summer!

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3.5 ⭐️
I enjoyed this more than I thought I would.
I felt like the characters were relatable and the events could all happen in real life.
I enjoyed Rebecca Serle’s writing, but I didn’t love the ending of the book. Overall I would recommend this book because it is a quick, light hearted read!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced digital copy of this book.

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I think that this is just not an author for me. This is the second book from this author that I have tried and I very much disliked the first and I couldn’t finish this one.. I felt that this book started off in an interesting way but it moved very slowly and the plot just wasn’t progressing.

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I absolutely love the way that Rebecca Serle writes. What an interesting way to write a book. Daphne is a single young woman who is looking for Mr. Wonderful. Every time she meets someone a little piece of paper arrives letting her know when it will be over. She goes on a blind date and meets Jake but it’s just his name no timestamp. She doesn’t understand how that could be possible based on her past dates. She has a hard time believing love is hers. Follow Daphne on her journey to what could be.

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Overall I really enjoyed this story, but I did feel like the first half was much better than the second half. I struggled a little in the second half but overall still good.

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Rebecca Serle has done it again!!

So far, each of Serle's books has been exactly what I needed to read when I needed to read it, and Expiration Dates was no exception! I love her subtle and believable magical realism, the way she writes her characters are so real and easy to connect to, and the flow of each sentence is magic in itself (for me anyway!).

There’s a reason why Rebecca Serle is one of my favorite authors: the girl just GETS IT every. single. time. 
This book was a quick read, but not because it was to easy or simple to read, but because it was that good!! I really love magical realism in a book, and the elements of magical realism that Serle added to this novel was so lovely and thought provoking. I just wanted to know SO BADLY where these notes were coming from and how they KNEW.

I thought each character was so relatable and endearing, and so soooo believable, which is very refreshing when it comes to romance novels. I feel like a lot of romance novels have an issue with the characters acting and saying things that real people would never say or do (I know sometimes it’s fun to imagine), but it drives me nuts sometimes. BUT Serle doesn’t do that!! Her writing is just so good.

Anywho…I really loved this book and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a romance with some comic moments, but a truly endearing and lovely story to tell.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for this ARC!

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Thank you to the author, publisher and @NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

My god did I love this premise and boy, was this a let down for me! The premise is that Daphne gets a paper telling her exactly how long each relationship she has is going to last. Some years, some months, some one-day 😏 I ABSOLUTELY loved it until the 50% mark when the author introduced something big and ruined the whole thing for me. It felt unnecessary. It felt like a cop out. It felt lazy. Ugh I’m still mad about it weeks later.

Hugo: barf.

Unexplained notes: barf.

The only reason I’m glad I didn’t DNF is that I loved hearing all the old ‘love stories’ and they saved the whole thing for me. Otherwise after the 60% mark it was lackluster.

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This is an auto buy author for me. She does not disappoint! Is this my favorite book? No, that distinction stays with One Italian Summer, but that doesn't mean this book wasn't fantastic.
I love her incorporation of magical realism. It's present but not overwhelming.
I read this book with my book club and discussed afterwards - I have to say I was Team Jake, not Team Hugo (but my book club was split about half and half).
Daphne reminds me of me but in the worst ways. I too suffer from a lifelong chronic illness - and I have certainly had my own pity parade, but I hate that about myself. I wanted so much more for her. I wished I could shake her out of it so she could really grab life and make the most of it.
Overall, great book. I liked the pace. I was able to follow the back and forth between flash backs to old guys and present tense with ease. I loved Jake for Daphne. I loved Hugo too - but for different reasons, and not for Daphne.
Irina reminded me of Devil Wears Prada (if the devil had a heart, that is).
If you're looking for a romance, with a touch of magical realism, interesting characters and some real life issues - go grab a copy!

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I absolutely adored this book. I read it on one very long flight and ended up sobbing by the end. The characters were engaging, there were plot twists I didn't see coming (in a good way), and it was just lovely.

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"Being single is like playing the lottery. There’s always the chance that with one piece of paper you could win it all."
Expiration Dates is about Daphne Bell and with every man she meets she also receives a piece of paper with his name, number and how long the relationship will last. She has been letting destiny which are the pages dictate her life for over twenty years but what happens when she receives a paper with no expiration date. This was my first time reading anything by the author and it did not disappoint. It was well written and I enjoyed the characters in the book. The book was a easy read that had me turning pages till the very end and one that I enjoyed reading. This one I would recommend to any romance reader. Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for this book in exchange of my honest review of Expiration Dates.

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Described as a refreshing and delightful read, this book captivates readers with its feel-good and heartwarming storytelling set in the vibrant backdrop of Los Angeles. Daphne Bell, who receives magical slips of paper predicting her future relationships' durations, faces uncertainty when a chance encounter with Jake leaves the paper blank. As Daphne navigates her connection with Jake, the narrative offers insights into her past romances and her close bond with her best friend, Hugo.

The story unfolds with a mix of romance, friendship, and self-discovery, painting a charming picture of Daphne's journey to find love and happiness. The book's unique premise and engaging plot make it a page-turner that induces smiles and nostalgia, especially for readers familiar with Los Angeles. While offering light-hearted entertainment, the novel also delves into themes of connection and fate.

As a first-time reader of the author, the reviewer expresses eagerness to explore more of Serle's works in the future. The book's relatable characters, engaging storyline, and vivid setting make it a compelling and enjoyable read that leaves a lasting impression. This review was made possible through a copy provided by Atria Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review, reflecting the reviewer's authentic thoughts and opinions.

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Expiration Dates describes what it would be like if you received an expiration date for every relationship you have in your life. It was a great concept and leads to unexpected outcomes. I thoughly enjoyed the book.

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This book intrigued me right away. When reading the blurb, I was drawn in by the fact that Daphne believes the universe has a plan for her and that she won’t always be single. But when she keeps receiving a slip of paper with a new man’s name and a date on it, she knows that relationship won’t be forever. Until she meets Jake, and when she gets the slip with his name there is no date with it. But is the universe correct in that he’ll be her forever? Or has there been a mistake?! This was my first read by her and it was really cute!

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I was so pleasantly surprised with Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle. It took me completely by surprise, and I absolutely loved this book!

Everything worked for me! The premise, the characters, even the moment that made me gasp! I loved how differently I felt towards both Hugo and Jake. I just GOT why Daphne gravitated towards one man and why it wasn't right with the other; it came across in the writing, and I could feel it! And don't get me started with this ending. It was so perfectly fitting!

My only irritation came from the over abundant use of the word "heady" (used seven times throughout the ARC).

I got major Taylor Jenkins Reid vibes as I read; Expiration Dates feeling like Forever, Interrupted combined with After I Do, sprinkled with a little bit of Serle's magic.

By far, the best I've read from Serle and an easy five-star book!

Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books for the complimentary copy to read and review.

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Serle has done it again. Before discovering her work, I wouldn’t have said I was a fan of magical realism. Serle has opened my eyes though. Expiration Dates was exactly what she does best: sweet, funny love story with enough heart to really keep the reader invested. I laughed, I cried, I truly enjoyed every word. 4.5 stars.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books!
Expiration Dates is a tricky little book! Because while Daphne has a secret-and you traipse along quite a while through this book thinking you know all about this secret-there comes a point where you realize there is more secret that you had no idea about…and then you have to feverishly read until you’re done to see what happens!
I will say I had said “Huh, I wish THIS happened…” And I was pleasantly surprised!
Great read!

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This is my first book by this author, but it will not be last her other books have been on my list, but I got this ARC so here I am. I found her writing so beautiful, with all the magic and loss that that is life. I really was confused about these slips of paper with dates on men, but it is just a small part of the story. There is so much more and when we slow down and be in the moment what is right in front of us?

Daphne believes the universe has a plan for her and comes with date on each man she dates.
Told in multiple timelines she talks about all her relationships and how they end. Then out of the blue she has blind date with Jake and there is no date only his name. So, she puts everything into this new relationship, but there is things Jake does not know and if she told him, it might break his heart. Can she risk the chance at happiness and second guessing what the universe really wants.

A rollarcoster of emotions that will leaving you wanting more.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the early read of this book. Rebecca Serle’s novels are so cute and I loved the slight fantasy aspect to this one. The fantasy twist from a typical Rebecca Serle read quickly grabbed my attention. I did love Daphnes character and the personal obstacles she faced in her journey for love, I found her to be highly relatable albeit self sabotaging at times, and the ending was a bit predictable!

This was a quick read, great for the summer. 4/5 stars I would recommend this to multiple friends!

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What an interesting concept for a book!

Imagine knowing exactly how long each relationship would last the moment you met someone. You could determine up front how much effort to put in, and ultimately avoid (or at least prepare yourself) for the coming heartbreak.

Something about Serle's stories suck me in, even though I know at some point I will be devastated. This book was no different. The story was fun to listen to as the main character muddled her way though various relationships of various lengths. Then, all of a sudden, the story turned heavy and somewhat heartbreaking, but I was still caught up in it all.

Ultimately, I didn't like the ending at all. I feel like it ruined the rest of the story and what could have been. I can understand why it played out like it did, but I was just not a fan. So, that being said, 4 stars from me. I still think this was a good story and an interesting concept to think about, and I encourage evefryone to give it a try. I think this has been my favorite from Serle so far.

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Expiration Dates marks my fourth journey into Rebecca Serle's world, and once again, she has crafted a story that goes beyond expectations. Known for her unique blend of women's fiction and magical realism, Serle delivers a novel that is far from the light, fluffy romance I initially anticipated.

The premise is fascinating: Daphne, our main character, receives mysterious notes that predict the duration of her relationships. This concept alone hooked me, but the story unfolds with twists and surprises that kept me thoroughly engaged. The most powerful aspect of the book is Daphne's journey to stop relying on these notes and to start making her own decisions. It’s a poignant reminder to seize control of our lives and pursue happiness on our own terms, regardless of external predictions.

Serle's writing style is refreshingly straightforward and accessible, making her stories easy to dive into. I devoured this book in just a few sittings, captivated by the narrative's flow and depth. While romance is a component, it doesn’t overshadow the more profound themes of self-discovery and personal growth. The romantic elements are heartfelt and meaningful, adding an emotional layer that resonates deeply.

Expiration Dates is a compact yet powerful novel, delivering emotional punches and moments of introspection. Watching Daphne evolve and ultimately find her true love was incredibly satisfying.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance reader copy. All thoughts expressed in this review are my own.

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