Member Reviews

Daphne Bell is a 30 something, living in LA and working as a production assistant. However, all is not as it seems with her life, and every time she embarks on a new relationship, she receives a mysterious slip of paper with the name of her new romantic partner and a time frame, the length of time that her relationship will last. With this interesting premise, Expiration Dates presents an intriguing idea to the reader about seeking love and relationships, and how it might change you if you know how long it will last every time.
As the book opens, Daphne is going on a blind date with Jake, and receives a paper with no expiration time frame on it. The book then alternates between the current timeline as Daphne and Jake get to know each other and fall in love, with a mix of chapters about Daphne's previous failed relationships.
This book is very short at under 300 pages, and while seems to have an interested concept as the central idea to the plot, somehow it fizzled out and failed to live up to the potential of this premise. While I read it quickly, and overall *mostly* enjoyed this book, I was still left puzzled by the ending and confused by what message the author was trying to convey. From the other reviews I'm seeing, I am not the only one left feeling vaguely unsatisfied.
Thank you to Atria Books and NetGalley for the electronic ARC of this novel for review.

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This book took me through so many twists and turns with my heart. What an amazing book that shows the battles one faces when single but also when having their heart broken. I felt deeply connected to each of the characters and really enjoyed how the book flowed. I’d highly recommend this.

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𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐜𝐚 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐞

Omg!!! 🥹 I was not anticipating finishing this book over the weekend, but once I picked it up I could NOT put it down! I was so drawn in by this unique concept & the second I realized there were some magical realism elements, I was sold 😂👏🏼 thanks so much to @atriabooks for the gifted early copy of this one!

👍🏼: I absolutely loved the unique storyline of this book as Daphne’s love life seems to be controlled by the universe because every time she meets a new man, she receives a piece of paper telling her exactly how long they will be together or in her life. I loved Daphne’s journey and was also heartbroken by her situation, with a wild twist in the middle that I didn’t see coming. I also loved Daphne’s relationship with her best friend, Hugo & the history they shared 🥹 and the ending!!!!

👎🏼: okay speaking of the ending, I still don’t know how to feel! I have so many mixed feelings because I NEEDED MORE! @rebecca_serle please tell me there will be a sequel 😭

Overall, I definitely recommend checking this one out when it publishes on 3/19! The writing was beautiful & the story was a memorable one 👏🏼🫶🏼📚

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫
#expirationdates #atriabooks #rebeccaserle #marchbookreleases #advancedreaderscopy #ARCreview #magicalrealism #romancebooks #fivestarbooks

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Thank you NetGalley and The Publishers for this ARC unfortunately this is a DNF for Me. This was the first Book I've read by Rebecca Serle and was excited to read as I heard wonderful things from her previous works but it just fell flat.

The premise seemed very interesting but I was so bored and I gave up 50% of the way through. I found the book really slow and lacked character development. I mostly skimmed pages just to find something of Interest which turned out to be the dog.

This is my opinion and maybe be wonderful for others but just wasn't my cup of tea.

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Daphne is trying to find note at a time. Boy, does this author know how to tell the story you think is being told, only to completely change it up on you. I found myself cheering on Daphne during this story. Sometimes being a little "broken" really changes your expectations.
I got Evelyn Hugo vibes in this story because of each relationship introduction. AND there was a Hugo in the story.
I'll always pick up a book if it has Rebecca Serle on the cover.

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This is my third Rebecca Serle book and as with her others the idea was excellent and intriguing, but the ending left me frustrated and wanting more and not in a way I think authors want.

This book follows Daphne, a 33 year old, who lives in LA. Each time Daphne meets a man or goes on a date she receives a piece of paper that provides the name of the man and how long their time together will be. The premise of this story had so much to offer. Unfortunately, for the first 2/3 of the book I felt like the reader was kept at a distance from truly knowing Daphne. In the final 60 pages, there are two major twists which completely altered my perception of Daphne and the story and then it abruptly ends. I think there needed to be some reworking in how this story was told and I wish there had been 70-100 pages more. This was a great premise, but the pacing of the story and the plot twists really didn't work for me in their current form.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for this ARC.

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I loved this Rebecca Serle novel, though it did feel like a “before” and “after” story. I love how she plays with magical realism in her novels and always treats her characters with kindness. Daphne’s romantic entanglements have always come with expiration dates. She receives a note before she begins dating someone with their name and the length of their relationship. Until Jake. Jake’s note has no expiration date. And she doesn’t want it to….but Daphne is complicated and so is her past. Can Jake take that on? Should he? This is a delicious vacation read—I read it in one sitting.

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"Expiration Dates" by Rebecca Serle captivates with its unique blend of romance and magical realism. The author weaves a compelling narrative around the concept of knowing when relationships will end. Serle's prose is both enchanting and thought-provoking, making it a delightful read. The characters are well-developed, and the exploration of love and its complexities is both heartwarming and poignant. While the pacing is solid, a few predictable moments slightly detract from the overall impact. However, I also wish Jake and Daphne’s relationship had a bit more depth to it. Nevertheless, the book's inventive premise and emotional depth make it an enjoyable read. Thank you to Netgalley and Aritia for sending me this ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Rebecca Serle did not disappoint with her latest novel, Expiration Dates. I’ve really enjoyed all of her books and the unique twist she brings to a plot. This one was no different!

This book blindsided me in the best way possible! In this unique storyline, Daphne’s love life being controlled by the universe, or so she thinks! She receives slips of paper at random with the name and specific time frame in which she will date someone.

Much like Rebecca’s other novels, this one leaves you guessing throughout and although I don’t want to spoil anything you should definitely find out for yourself!

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Romance with magic realism? Yes please! Honestly, it did take a while for me to get into the story, but Daphne eventually won me over.

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“Expiration Dates” will make you kick your feet in the air while squealing, but also make you cry. It’ll make you question whether knowing the timeline of a relationship is a good insight or terrible timing… buckle up because each slip of paper pulls your heartstrings a little more. Is Mr. Right that's on the paper actually the right man for Daphne? I enjoyed this book!

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3.5 ⭐️s rounded up
I was super excited to receive an advanced copy of this book and couldn’t wait to dive into it! The premise of knowing the “expiration date” of relationships before they even begin seemed like an interesting concept.

The first part of this story was slow and a bit all over the place for me. We meet Daphne, Hugo (her ex and now best friend), and Jake, who appears to possibly be “the one” as his magical slip of paper has no end date. Throughout the first half-ish of the book the timeline flip flops between the present, the timeframe when she met and dated Hugo, her friendship with Hugo in the present, as well as flashbacks to several relationships she’s already had with expiration dates. I just found this part of the book slow and a bit hard to follow.

Once the story focuses in on just the present it started to grab my interest and pick up for me. There was a twist to Daphne’s story that was revealed in the second half that added new issues to her relationship dilemmas. I felt like it also became the new focus of the book.

Overall, I enjoyed this quick read for the most part. Although I wish it would’ve been more linear. I was also hoping for more of an emotional connection, more depth, more something….

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity. Publication date 3/19/

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I enjoyed reading this story, but I do feel like it was a bit too predictable for my liking. I had a hard time completely finishing to be honest.

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC.

I was intrigued by the premise of Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle, but overall the book fell flat for me. I contemplated dnf-ing the book a few times, and I don’t know if I’m glad that I opted to finish it instead.


- I love the way the author writes about LA. I think she authentically captures the essence of Southern California.
- The postcard / expiration date concept reminds me of that one black mirror episode!


- I didn’t feel invested enough in Daphne and her story
- It was hard for me to get through the book


I feel like as soon as Hugo was introduced, it didn’t take much to guess how the rest of the story was gonna go. Daphne and Hugo clearly care deeply for each other and are meant to be together, which made it hard to read through the rest of her relationships.

The plot twist that Hugo actually faked Jake’s note was a pretty interesting reveal.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I think Rebecca has a way of creating concepts that seem one way and turn them another, I absolutely love that. Expiration Dates was a fun book following Daphne through her dating life, every time she meets someone new she gets a paper from the universe telling her how long this relationship will last.

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Rebecca Serle has done it again. I thoroughly enjoyed this romance with a touch of magical realism. She is an auto-read author for me.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book, I thought the concept was a great thought experiment. I loved how the story was told through the different men/expiration dates. Even though I had an inkling of how it would end, I wasn't entirely sure until the last few chapters. This is my second Rebecca Serle book, I read "In Five Years" first and I liked this one a lot better. I think I am also used to her style of magical realism a bit more now which is what made me enjoy this one. If I were to recommend a Rebecca Serle book for everyone to read first it would probably be this one. I know there's still a lot of the year left to go but I think this will probably be a top favorite romance/chick lit read for me this year!

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Like Serle’s previous novels, Expiration Dates incorporates elements of magic. In this one, Daphne receives notes at random with just a name and time period. She soon puts together that the name is the name of her next love interest and the time period is how long it will last. The novel travels across timelines looking at various relationships interspersed with scenes from her present relationship. There were a couple twists along the way that kept me hooked.

This book was such a delight and singlehandedly got me out of my reading slump! I cannot wait for you all to read it!

(As always, a huge thank you to @netgalley and the publisher for this advanced digital copy!)

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This story begins on a lighthearted and whimsical note we encounters mysterious notes predicting the duration of her romantic relationships. Unexpectedly, the narrative takes a more serious turn, exploring complex questions about relationships and the impact of knowing their inevitable end. Searle employs magical realism to delve into these themes, creating likable characters. But there was some desire for more resolution to the characters' situations, leaving a lingering sense of wanting after finishing the story.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC opportunity!

When I say this is one of the best books I’ve read in my life. I mean it. As an avid reader, that means a lot.

This story follows Daphne and her quest for love and meaning, but it is so much more than that. The author captures real, raw emotions in a way that is poetic. There are scenes that are so funny and cute they make you smile, and so real you feel your heart ache. Without spoiling too much, the book really picked up halfway through, when it is revealed that Daphne has a health condition, one that influences her decisions and outlook on life. The way the author captured the reality of serious illness- the grasp it has on a person and their loved ones- was absolutely beautiful and poetic. She honored this difficult situation in such a poetic and honorable way.

Absolutely 5 stars, I will be reading every book from this author now!

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