Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book. This book fell flat for me. Although it was quick and easy to read, I felt it lacked depth in the story. There was loose ends left untied, so much description and a lack of depth that had me bored throughout.

The descriptions: the author felt the need to over analyze and over describe every outfit, venue and person. It felt rudimentary in the writing style.

The plot: There seemed to be a few huge plot holes throughout the novel. Some being, who or what was writing the notes, why was she chosen and are they breakable or inevitable? These are all huge plot points that could have added depth and substance to a lacking story. Another plot hole was, her relationship with Hugo. Until about 70% of the way through, they seemed almost like catty friends. The writing didn’t allow me to even feel bad for him at any point.

Finally, it just fell flat. I was bored but luckily it’s short and I could read it fast.

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Rebecca Serle does it again! I couldn’t put it down!! Read it in a day, loved the concept and Rebecca executed it so well. Her books are always so creative and she knows how to pull those heart strings. Thank you for the ARC!!

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*Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for this ARC*

This wasn’t my favorite book that I have read so far this year. The story was nice but it wasn’t really what I was expecting.

I think it could be a good read for others, just not for me.

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This story started out lighthearted and whimsical. With each romantic relationship she encounters, Daphne receives a mysterious note indicating how long the relationship will last. Just when I thought I understood where the book was going, it took an unexpected more serious shift.
What I like about Searle’s writing is that it explores complex questions such as how would you handle relationships if you knew there was an end? She uses magical realism as the vehicle to explore these concepts and writes likable characters. When I finished the story, I felt a little bereft. I wanted more resolution to the situation these characters were experiencing.

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Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle captivated me with its unique exploration of love, loss, and the passage of time. The characters are well-developed, and the storyline kept me engaged, prompting quite a bit of introspection. It is a thought-provoking and beautifully written novel deserving of four stars.

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I was very excited to read this book due to the summary & premise of the story. I found it different and intriguing. unfortunately, i was left a bit disappointed with the execution. Rebecca Serle’s writing is fun but at times feels repetitive. I am a lover for detailed, intricate, descriptive writing but some of the scenes in this book felt unnecessary dragged out and overly descriptive. However, Rebecca has a way of making me fall in love with places and in this book, food. the way she can so easily transport me to a place and immediately want to be there is something i love. I really enjoyed the characters and following their story but somehow i didn’t feel connected or really invested in either of them. The pacing of the story felt consistent and it’s definitely a fast read considering i finished it in a few hours. I love a then- now timeline and i really liked how the chapters were set up and the characters we get to know in them.

Overall, not my favorite Rebecca Serle book. I can see if you’re a big fan of ‘In Five Years’ how you would probably really enjoy this one. I would still recommend this book to those who are already lovers of Rebecca’s writing. If you are first being introduced to this author i wouldn’t recommend starting with Expiration Dates but rather starting with One Italian Summer.

Thank you Atria books & Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for this advanced copy! What a beautiful story! Once I got into this one, I couldn’t put it down. The ending was my favorite!

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“The paper is blank save for the name: Jake.”

What it’s About:
A heartwarming and thought-provoking story about the complexities of love, fate, and commitment.

This one comes out March 5th!

What I thought:
This one started out so strong for me. I was so excited to pick this one up, The Dinner List was a favorite for me. I flew threw the first half. I cannot share without spoiling but something happens that just didn’t make sense to me and I wasn’t a fan of the ending. That being said this one could still be for you, I would love to hear what your thoughts are if you end up reading this one.

How it made me feel: 🥰🤔

Similar Titles:
- The Dinner List
- Summer Romance

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*Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for providing this book, with my honest review below*

I was excited to read this book as the premise was interesting and I’ve been enjoying books playing with the main character having a little nugget of what’s to come.

The writing was beautiful and I loved how we would get a taste of the present and then a relevant peek at the past, but overall this book wasn’t as lighthearted as I expected, given the premise. We got to slowly see Daphne’s struggles in her past as well as her relationships and how they informed her present, but those struggles were heavy stuff and the book became less about how someone may react to knowing her dates expiration dates and more about how her feeling her own life had an expiration date (manifested in her relationships). That wasn’t what I expected or wanted from this book.

I am fully aware my feelings came from having expectations that couldn’t be met by the book taking a different direction than I had in mind. I was invested in the characters, my heart going out to Jake, but I put this book down feeling a little confused and unsatisfied. If you want to enjoy great writing and well portrayed characters, this is a great option, just don’t go in expecting a wholly light read.

Thank you again for the ARC, Atria Books. It is much appreciated and I enjoyed the read and the opportunity to share my feedback.

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I really enjoy this author. The Italian summer was an amazing book and I looked forward to reading this such book as well. Good character development, interesting plot to grasp the readers attention as well as well thought out story line.

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Thank you to the author, publisher and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I really enjoyed this book and found it to be quite the page turner. It had an unexpected twist in the middle and I really enjoyed the ending!

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Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books for my first read of 2024! When I was approved to read Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle I was over the moon!

Imagine if you could save yourself literal heartache by knowing when love would be over before it even started. Imagine knowing when love was lust or really just one night. Daphne has been given the ability to know love or lust and protect her heart. Every time she meets a man she is graced with a slip of paper: Martin 3 days, Noah 5 weeks, Hugo 3 months, and then Jake……just Jake. Jake with no end and only a beginning. Jake, a chance to be normal, to have forever, to be the one. Jake the last paper who will change it all.

Serle perfectly outlines what single is and how to navigate it. How at one point every single female feels they have mastered single and are destined to live alone with their pet of choice and breeze through causal dating. That is until you find the one …… but what if the one has come and gone and come back and you’ve written it off based on your preconceived ideas of what you deserve and your own mental expiration dates. Does Daphne find love and keep it or is she really destined to be the perpetual queen of single? You’ll have to wait until March 19, 2024 when you can get your copy of Serle’s newest amazing book! I highly recommend between now and then you read everything else she’s written!

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What if you knew when each relationship that you entered into would end? How would that change how you approached the relationship? And what happens when you know this relationship doesn't have an ending? Rebecca Serle does it again with her signature rom-com meets magical realism. I devoured this book in one setting, and there were (several!) twists that I did not see coming! You need to read this book. Pre-order it now.

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(Sorry I messed up on my first submission of my review and had to fix it)

This was my first Rebecca Serle book and I ATE THIS UP. This book was out of my normal book comfort zone, with more of a neutral ending compared to HEA that I gravitate towards. This was book was so reminiscent of real life, love, and loss. I loved the MFC character development, and how there was more of a romance subplot than focusing on the romance first, and plot second (again, outside my comfort zone). The plot twist was E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.

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What would you do if every time you dated someone you received a piece of paper with how long you would be together? Expiration Dates tells the story of how Daphne navigates this exact scenario. I loved In Five Years by Rebecca Serle, but didn't love her last couple novels as much. This one felt like she was back in her wheelhouse with an emotional twist in the middle and a main character who isn't perfect. I flew through this story and will definitely recommend it to others. I hope Rebecca continues with these kinds of stories in the future, her real bread and butter!

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This was my first Rebecca Serle. I highlighted A LOT of this book. Such a profound look at life and love. If any Rebecca Serle super fans have read this, I’d love to hear how it compares to her others!

Though centring around romances, the romance in this novel felt secondary to the heroine’s development, which I normally don’t like, but really liked for this story particularly.

A fun concept and a really cute story, threaded thru with some poignant views on life and love.

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This book was such a treat to read — thank you for giving me the opportunity! I related to Daphne on many levels, from relationship woes to unexpected health conditions. While parts of this book were heavy, I was inspired by how much hope and joy there was as well. I can’t wait to recommend this book to my friends!

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I loved the storyline of this book! It was a quick read and kept my attention. I had a few problems with the concept if I let myself really think about it but overall I really enjoyed it.

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Daphne receives a slip of paper before every relationship telling her exactly how long it will last…until she receives one with just a name. Does it mean he’s her destiny? 📄

The synopsis for this one is a bit confusing - while the book is exactly what’s described with the slips of paper, in my opinion, that storyline was more of a secondary plot point. It’s also difficult to review this book as saying more about the main plot would be a major spoiler. 😩 With all of that said, I found this book pretty boring most of the way through (seriously, the amount of detail about every meal, outfit, and location had me 😵‍💫), but the final chapter raised it from 2.5 stars to 3 for me. I wish the plot would have been focused on the “twists” from the get go and fully leaned into those stories from the start. In my opinion, that would have led to a deeper and richer story because there was so much more to explore that we didn’t because they were surprise “reveals” instead.

My thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for a complimentary advance copy of this eBook, out 3/19/2024.

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3.5 ⭐

For most of us, the more we know, the safer we feel … about anything. The problem starts when the desire to control our surroundings overtakes the need to feel safe, resulting in us ruining the journey. It’s a fine balance between the two concepts. Our protagonist, Daphne Bell, allows her whole world to be determined by little slips of paper!

Yes, it started with control over her dating life, but it quickly spread. Every time Daphne dates, she receives a slip of paper indicating how much time she has with this particular beau. This hasn't been happening just a short time, it’s been going on for 20 years!

What would that do to YOUR self-worth? The effort YOU bring to the relationship? At what point do YOU stop the merry-go-round and get off or at least jump off? Why let it continue?

I rooted for Daphne to grab life by the horns and refuse to let little slips of paper determine her happiness or self-worth.

I do caution readers not to give up in the first ⅓ as the author’s purpose in flipping back and forth between present and past is to give background to Daphne that will help readers move forward with her. I also struggled with what I felt was an unnecessary twist as it took the book in a different direction. Despite my two little peeves, Serle had a wonderful way of weaving in her magical touches and ended up ‘saving’ the book for me. Sit back and enjoy while she leads you to question if your relationships are a result of fate or destiny, or if you have the power to alter your journey, and if keeping a secret is a hindrance to ‘what might have been.’

I was gifted this copy by Atria Books and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

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