Member Reviews

What a disappointment. The concept of this one was creative but the writing was bland and the protagonist was insufferable.

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I love Rebecca Serle’s work and I really enjoyed her latest. Daphne receives slips of paper that indicate expiration dates for her boyfriends. She learns to accept how short or long these time periods are, and trust the dates, until Jake comes along. I loved this book, and think Rebecca Serle has done it again! I highly recommend!

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Rebecca Serle's "Expiration Dates" explores the complexities of romantic relationships with a unique and intriguing twist. Daphne, a believer in the universe's grand plan for her, experiences a phenomenon every time she meets a new man – receiving a slip of paper detailing the exact duration of their relationship. From three days in Paris to three months with her ex-boyfriend turned best friend, Hugo, Daphne has lived her life guided by these predetermined expiration dates. However, the narrative takes a compelling turn when she encounters Jake, a blind date with only a name and no expiration date attached. As Daphne and Jake navigate their budding romance, Serle skillfully weaves a tale that challenges the notion of predetermined destiny, making readers question the role of commitment and truth in matters of the heart.

Serle's storytelling prowess shines through as she explores the intricacies of love, commitment, and honesty. The tension builds as Daphne grapples with the revelation of information that could potentially shatter Jake's heart, prompting readers to reflect on the delicate balance between being committed and truthful in a relationship. "Expiration Dates" is a gripping and emotional novel that combines warmth, insight, and a touch of heartbreak, delivering a poignant exploration of what it means to be single and to find love.

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This is the second book I have read by Rebecca Serle, and I have felt the same about both of them.
I really liked and thought that the premise of Expiration Dates was interesting, but I feel like the execution just wasn't good.

When Daphne enters a new relationship, she gets a paper that has their name and the amount of time they will be together on it. She does not know where they come from. One day, she gets a paper with a name and no amount of time on the paper, and she gets to figure out if this is her forever.

Again, I thought the premise of this book sounded really interesting, I just didn't end up enjoying it. The chapters on her ex-boyfriends were honestly kind of boring. There seemed to be a lot of unnecessary filler in my opinion. I didn't really like the characters, and I feel like the health issues she had would have made the book better if they were brought to light in the beginning of the book. I didn't really see the point of bringing it up as a "twist" in the middle of the book.

I think that a lot of people could love this book! It just didn't live up to the expectations I had for it.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing the eARC in exchange for my honest review and opinions!

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Thanks to Netgalley and Atria Books for the ARC. I love how Rebecca Serle incorporates subtle, but really important magic into her narrative worlds. Daphne was a great protagonist to follow and the twist 3/4 in was something unexpected but fantastic in making me more invested in Daphne's story. Can't wait for the next Rebecca Serle!

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This is the story of Daphne and her various relationships and love affairs throughout her life - with a catch. Anytime Daphne meets a man, the world sends her a little note with a timeline of how long it will last… one night, several months, years, but she’s never gotten one that says forever yet.

Getting to know Daphne through her prior relationships was a really fun way to way for the story to be written. Ultimately, it’s a very cute story, and with an unexpected piece of the storyline that really made me love Daphne so much more. Daphne is sweet, genuine, self-critical and utterly relatable. The entire book kept my attention and it was a great escape during a busy and stressful time in my life. I recommend it if you’re a romcom fan looking for your next sweet read!

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While this wasn’t anything groundbreaking, I thought this book about a girl who gets notes from the universe with the duration of each of her relationships was fun. Quick read, and made me want to book a flight to LA! I also appreciated that she didn’t get together with Hugo at the end of the book and it left their future to be imagined. Thanks Netgalley for the advanced copy.

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This was such a cute read with such an original story! I loved the characters and I truly couldn't put it down.

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For as long as Daphne can remember, she has known the Universe has had a plan for her. Every time she meets a new man (or boy...since it started way back then...) she is given - in some way - a piece of paper with a name and the amount of time they will be together. It could be weeks, months, or even a single day. So when Daphne is heading to her first date with Jake and finds the paper with just "Jake" and no date, she starts to question the paper and the Universe.

Rebecca Serle has a way to writing very sweet characters that can break your heart. Daphne is both the "every man" in this book, while also being the star of the show if that makes any sense. Even with her secrets, and with her questionable future with Jake, we want everything to be perfect for her, and Jake, and even the handsome Hugo.

I do with there was a bit more development in the relationship with Daphne's parents, Hugo, Kendra and others. There seemed to be a deeper focus on the past relationships when I wanted to know more about her current life than the past.

Still, this is a quick read and one that many people will enjoy.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I absolutely love Rebecca Serle and the magic she infuses into each of her books. This was a unique and beautiful premise told with the same ease that is her signature. While it wasn't my absolute favorite of her books, it was in no way a disappointment and would be an easy recommendation needing some light vacation reading!

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Once again, Rebecca Serle has worked her magic, crafting a 272-page novel that wrung every emotion from me, leaving me in a state of utter contentment.

Expressing my sheer delight in Expiration Dates feels like confining an expansive experience within the boundaries of a review. Serle possesses a unique talent for navigating emotions in her writing, compelling readers to eagerly flip pages while bracing themselves for the rollercoaster of feelings she masterfully evokes.

This book fulfills the anticipation of fans seeking a love-infused narrative. Daphne, the central character, embarks on a quest for love—one that has defined her life for over two decades. The enigmatic twist arrives when a routine encounter alters the usual script of receiving predetermined romantic timelines, propelling her into uncharted territory—is this man her destined "forever"?
Overflowing with emotions, unexpected turns, and revelatory moments, EXPIRATION DATES skillfully plucks at the reader's heartstrings. My fervent plea: dive into this book blindly, bypassing reviews—I wish I had. Trust me, you'll fall in love with it.

A resounding five stars—an ode to its heartbreakingly beautiful storytelling.

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Every time Daphne meet a new potential love interest a message meanders its way into her life. The paper always has a name on it and a number. The number represents how long their romance will last. It could be 1 day or 3 months, but since Daphne was a young girl these notes have never, ever been wrong. She is always up for the experience but knows exactly when it will end. One day Daphne is about to go on a blind date and she receives a note with no number. It could only mean one thing. Finally, she will meet her forever match. Excited and nervous she takes extra care getting ready to meet Jake at the restaurant. He is adorable and smart and they get along perfectly. There is no doubt that Jake must be the one and she couldn’t be happier. Hugo, her handsome once boyfriend and current best friend is not pleased. He encouraged Daphne to meet up with Jake but suddenly his jealousy and suspicions are getting the better of him. As Daphne reminisces through her past romances she realizes what went wrong each time. Jake seems perfect, and that scares her more than it should. As the truth comes to light she must decide if it is fate or ultimately our own manipulations that truly bring two people together. A little bit of magical realism and a lot of love, this romance is surprisingly filled with heartbreak and hope. Releases March 2024.

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I read this book in two days - which I haven't done in a LONG time. This story was so capitvating that I needed to know what was going to happen.

Whenever Daphne meets a new man, she receives a slip of paper with their name and the length of time their relationship will last... until one day there is just a name and no end date. It made me think, if you knew you would only be spending a few weeks with a person - would you even bother? Knowing there is an end date and possible heartbreak coming?

There are twists and turns to this that I did not anticipate, though the end was not a surprise to me. It was a very sweet story that I thoroughly enjoyed.

I've read a lot of Serle's books and this one might be my favorite to date. Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for this book. Definitely pick this one up when it comes out in March.

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Since the beginning of her dating life, Daphne has received a paper at the beginning of the relationship stating how long each would last. This has been both blessing and a curse. But when she receives a paper for her newest relationship, Jake, it only says a name and no date. Does this mean Jake is the one?

I loved the premise of this book. While it was a little predictable how it would end, the how and the why were not obvious at all. There is much more to this story than stated in the description and it added a whole other element to it. I loved the 'fate vs choice' aspect and how our outlook on life and love (or anything really) can absolutely change the outcome, and how even the very short experiences of our lives have positive impacts and lessons, if we only just look for them. This was a hard-to-put-down read with likeable characters and, like all of this author's books, I highly recommend.


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Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for the ARC. Unfortunately this was a DNF for me I was not captivated by the story or characters and found I did not want to resume the story

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Daphne Bell’s dating life has always been shaped by a unique dynamic — every time she meets a man, she receives a piece of paper with his name and the length of time they’ll spend together.   The papers have never steered her wrong.  For as long as she can remember, Daphne has been awaiting the paper with a name but no expiration date.  Then, that day arrives.  She receives a piece of paper with the name Jake but no date.  So as Daphne starts dating Jake, she believes it will be forever — even as their dates, while nice, do no spark the magic she’s felt with others she has dated.  Daphne and Jake’s relationship nonetheless gets increasingly serious, she can’t help but begin to question the paper — and wonder if their relationship can survive the truth she has been hiding from Jake.  

I have enjoyed several of the author’s previous novels and, like her earlier works, this book is a highly readable and perceptive exploration of first love, relationships, and family.   

Highly recommended.

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A sweet read that I thoroughly enjoyed from start to finish. I would absolutely recommend this to anyone looking for a good romance, soft read.

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Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this book. I’ve previously read In Five Years and actually really enjoyed it, her writing and the concepts leave you thinking a little outside of the box; I will say this was a simple read for me. Daphne has all her life received notes dictating the length of her relationships, from days, to months, to years. She’s always held out for the one that’s forever, the hope of that everlasting love we all hope for. And then she gets set up with Jake. His note is no date of expiration. She’s cautiously optimistic but why shouldn’t she listen to the notes? They’ve dictated her whole life.
I will say it seemed like we had to have so many details about certain things, certain men and then so little connection between the two man characters. And then throw in a medical issue about half way through the book seemed like an after thought or at least a part of the plot that made you think okay this is a twist; but it didn’t really make much sense.
I loved the concept, would you want to know the future? Would seeing you are only with someone a short time make you love each moment in a more intense way?
It’s not all bad, the writing is okay and if you’ve read her other books I’ll say you’ll definitely enjoy it. It’s a cute, quick read even if some of the plots and the ending left me with a sour taste.

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What a good book. It was well written and thought provoking! It was a love story that had tragedy woven through. It felt like real life. A story about a girl who knows the length of time a relationship will last, even before it starts. Does she want to know this and how does this shape the relationship, itself. This authors writing style is easy yet captivating! Thank you to Netgalley and Atria books for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

“Cause I’ve got a blank space baby, and I’ll write your name.”🎶

Imagine if the universe told you how long each of your relationships would last…. Well that is exactly the case for Daphne Bell. Each time she meets a new man, the universe delivers a piece of paper with his name and how long they’ll be together. Until she meets Jake, whose note has his name but no date…

I have loved Rebecca Searle’s other books— In Five Years and One Italian Summer, so I was so excited to dive into this one! Her writing style is right up my alley and I adore the magical elements to her stories as well as the heartfelt moments. Her books always make me reflective and I love that about them!!

I will say for whatever reason, it took me a little bit of time to get into this one, but once I was about halfway in I was HOOKED! This story was all about what it truly means to find love and it was beautiful, heartbreaking, and unique! I’d def recommend picking this one up! It’s out March 19th!

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