Member Reviews

Unfortunately, I can’t recommend this book. This has a really ableist bent to it and I’m sad to see that this type of content is still being published. It’s honestly harmful for not just disabled readers but also abled readers who learn a specific harmful message about chronic and terminal illness and relationships while reading this. That type of thing is internalized and then makes the world worse off for disabled people. I highly recommend getting sensitivity readers and critically thinking about the contact being produced and who is producing it. Please stop using disability as a twist.

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Thank you NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for this ARC. Rebecca Serle is an automatic buy for me and it did not disappoint! I loved it. What a unique story and concept! And mostly the important message of living in the moment! If you loved In Five Years, you will love this one! First five star read of 2024. What a great way to start the year!

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I loved Rebecca Series’ In Five Years and was excited to see that I was just as wowed by Expiration Dates! This is such a unique twist on this trope that it was super enjoyable and readable.

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I…. I don’t know how to write a review for this. I did enjoy it, the story is well done and captivating. I enjoyed the characters…, I just kind of feel like I needed more? The resolution at the end just felt flat? Maybe that is why I just don’t know how to feel. Overall I did enjoy it and would recommend it.

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Rebecca Serle's books are always thoughtful, fresh and thought-provoking. She brings an interesting take to a universal story line we might think we have figured out. Even if you think you know exactly what's going to happen, there's always some little twist or mic drop that leaves you with your jaw hanging on the floor.

"Expiration Dates" is another quintessential Serle book, and one I have been anxiously awaiting since it was announced.

The log line of the book says it all — "Being single is like playing the lottery. There’s always the chance that with one piece of paper you could win it all."

What would you do if you knew what to expect of any given romantic relationship? Daphne Bell finds out. Every time she meets a romantic interest, she receives a slip of paper noting the amount of time they'll be together. Knowing this information, she often lets it determine how their time together plays out rather than listening to her heart and trusting what it could be. But, it's more than a book of girl meets boy and they live happily ever after. It's about self-discovery, trusting yourself, not giving in to the appeasement of others to keep them happy, but considering our own happiness throughout the journey. Our time isn't guaranteed, no matter what a slip of paper says, but the decisions we make are still up to us.

This is a love letter to Los Angeles, a love letter to true love, a love letter to happiness and a love letter to friendship.

I found myself highlighting so many nuggets of wisdom, including a couple of my favorites:

"It's hard to hold on to people the older we get. Life looks different for everyone, and you have to keep choosing one another. You have to make a conscious effort to say, over and over again, 'You.' Not everyone makes that choice. Not everyone can."

"Protection and love are not the same thing. Love says, I will try and I will fail. Love says, Despite. Love says, and yet, and yet, and yet."

Throughout my read, I was constantly thinking about this book. Even when I wasn't reading it. That is the mark of a great book. I want my books to inspire me and Rebecca Serle's books always do just that.

I can't wait for others to read this and highly recommend pre-ordering and reading ASAP. This title will be released on March 19, 2024. You can pre-order on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Books-A-Million (BAM!)

*Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for the advanced copy*

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I received a physical copy of this book! Really loved this one, and the author never lets me down. Will be fully reviewing in my IG page. Loved it!

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Expiration Dates was such a good book. I loved how we get the see the backstory of Daphne’s previous relationships. I’m glad that was a part of the book. I also really liked Daphne’s boss Irina. She was very supportive and a good addition to the story. Daphne’s dog was also a character I really enjoyed. Overall I thought the book was a great concept and the delivery was nice. There was an unexpected twist in the book I definitely never thought of. I enjoyed this book thoroughly. My only complaint is I wish the ending had more details and didn’t end so abruptly.

Thank you to NetGally and Atria Books for an advanced copy of Expiration Dates in return for my honest review.

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I binged this book. Serle has a way with words that brings the reader right in. I loved how much Daphne grew to not having rely on the notes. My only dislike was that by the end I was over the notes!

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This was such a great book. I love that there is always a touch of magical realism in all of Serle's novels. I think the characters in this book were very likeable and even the ones that were questionable ended up turning out to be good people. Definitely not a typical rom-com (which I love) but even better.

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Rebecca Serle can do no wrong! EXPIRATION DATES was another hit for me from this auto-buy author. Her stories always have an unexpected twist that'll tug at your heartstrings. I'll never forget this beautiful story and super unique concept!

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Each time Daphne gets a new boyfriend, she also gets something extra--a note that tells her exactly how long her relationship will last. Each new man comes with an expiration date. But when she meets Jake, the note is blank. Is Daphne destined to be with Jake forever? Expiration Dates unfolds as a typical romance, with the "is this the one" question dangling in the back of the reader's mind, complicated by a secret that Daphne holds. Serle writes lovely romance fiction, lighthearted and easy to read. A decent quick end to a 2023 year of books.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for an ARC of this title in exchange for my honest feedback.

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Author Rebecca Serle is so so good at taking a universal life event, adding a touch of magical realism, and spinning that period of life for the central character around and watching what happens next. As readers, we can’t help but join in wonder, really, as the characters respond to the sudden weirdness in normal ways and seek to set their world right again, with hope and renewal. In EXPIRATION DATES, the main character, Daphne, receives advance notice about paramours and the exact amount of time they will have with her. Yes, months, days and hours are spelled out for her in advance. We can’t help but wonder what else might be going on in Daphne’s life that is also carefully calibrated in units of time. This is a short and sweet book that packs a punch; Daphne’s single life and attempts at romance will strike a chord with everyone who has ever searched for love and meaning in companionship. I received my copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle

This was a solid romance novel, but typical Rebecca Serle style - not my favorite of her books, but yet I found myself turning those pages to see what would happen with Daphne and her love life.

Rebecca Serle fans with adore and devour this!

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Speculative romance with a twist.

For over 20 years, Daphne Bell has received slips of paper that tell her the duration of that relationship. Until one night when the paper simply says "Jake." Is Jake her final and true love?

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Loved this story, although I knew I would because Rebecca is one of my favorite authors. You can’t help but get hooked on the first page. Daphne steals your heart and her story is captivating! Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC. .

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Thank you for giving me the chance to read & review this story! It was so great! I adored the perfect detail descriptions of Los Angeles. The characters were lovely, and I will always appreciate Jewish representation. This was a fantastic story, and I'm so glad I was able to read & review it! Thank you!

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I raced through this book in a day- my first book for 2024! I’ve enjoyed all of Rebecca Serle’s books and although fantasy elements and illness topics are not my favorite things, Serle writes in a way that works for me. The characters are believable (although most women only wish they had all the great dates Daphne has!) and the plot draws you in. Atria will publish this book on March 19th- go get it!

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From the author of In Five Years, a new delightful story that’s a creative and unique take on romance novels. Searle is an expert at writing novels with emotional depth.

The main protagonist Daphne is searching for love. The twist - every time she meets someone special, she knows exactly when the relationship will end. While the story is about finding love, there are many insightful views about life and the delightful, messy and crazy journey. Expiration Dates is full of romantic, emotional and tender moments that fans associate with Rebecca Searle novels.

This page turner should definitely be added to your pile for 2024 books!

Thanks to NetGalley and Atria for the opportunity to review this title before its release.

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Thank you to NetGalley for letting me read this ARC. I’ve read Rebecca Serle before and that made me very excited to read this book. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for an easy to read love story. I read it in less than 24 hours!

The premise is completely unique and left me guessing right to the end. So many times with “beach reads” the ending seems a foregone conclusion right from the beginning! Not the case here! Plenty of twists and turns with surprises along the way.

Part of me wanted to learn the origin of these papers Daphne received, but by the end you realize that’s not the point. I was ok with not knowing because of how everything was tied together in the end.

Serle’s style is engaging and makes you feel you are right there watching it happen. This was one of those books you read and imagine who the actors would be in the movie version. It’s not a book that makes you question your world view. Rather, it’s an enjoyable story that will make you feel all the emotions! I thoroughly enjoyed this one!

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Every time Daphne gets into a romance, a mysterious piece of paper shows up with the guy’s name and the exact length of time the relationship will last. Some are “one night”, others are “two years one week”… but then she gets a piece of paper with the name “Jake”… and no expiration date. Her best friend (Hugo, formerly Mr. Three Months) is the only one she’s ever told about the notes, and the two of them dissect what this means. I loved that the plot reminded me of one of my favorite Black Mirror episodes (an electronic device decides how long you’ll be together as it gets closer to finding your perfect match). My only complaint would be that some of the characters felt a little bit flat at first, but some big twists throughout the plot made it a lot more interesting and helped flesh out the characters. The ending was rather open-ended, which is a style I don’t like, but it did fit this plot nicely and didn’t feel too unsettling.

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