Member Reviews

This was my first Rebecca Serle book and I really loved it! It reminded me a lot of the concept of the Black Mirror episode, “Hang in he DJ” - each relationship having an expiration date and knowing beforehand. I loved the back and forth between the different previous relationships and I also really loved Jake and Hugo ugh 😣 I am so excited to read more of Rebecca’s books!

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Gosh what a read!
Both saccharin and sweet and so painful and heavy wrapped into one.
I felt the flow was awkward or somehow disjointed at moments with Daphne not seeming like a cohesive character but by the end, I think it worked for the story. I really liked the characters and the plot and there were some fantastic twists. Loved the themes and how they were handled.

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Rebecca, girl, WOW! This book is a must for your 2024 TBR! I am obsessed with this story, the characters, I need more. Absolute 5 star read you will not want to out down.

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Serle’s writing is unexpected and fun and deep, all at once. This book was no exception. So, so good.

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This is the third book I’ve read by Rebecca Serle, and I really love her writing style. It’s detailed, warm, cozy, draws out emotion, and she makes it easy for the reader to visualize the scenes. I also enjoy the magical realism.

I read Expiration Dates in one sitting. It was an engaging story with a unique concept, it pulled on the heartstrings, and included a couple of twists and surprises that I didn’t see coming. Overall, this is an enjoyable read with a good lesson.


I really enjoyed the book, and my only gripe is that the ending was a little sudden and I was left wanting more - a little more Jake, definitely more Hugo and Daphne, and what came after. I generally dislike “fast forward” endings and endings left open to the readers’ interpretation. (What happened during the 16 months we skipped over? Where do Hugo and Daphne end up?)

Thank you Rebecca Serle, NetGalley, Simon & Schuster, and Atria Books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

3.5/5 stars.

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Rebecca Serle has been added to my list of auto buy authors. I very much enjoyed this original concept romance novel where the main character, Daphne, finds out at the beginning of all of her relationships exactly how long the relationship will last. This novel isn’t a silly romance. Daphne is challenged with living her life cautiously versus living her life to the fullest due to some life issues. Enjoyed that the characters communicated directly and there weren’t any silly, easy to clarify misunderstandings that carried on for multiple chapters.

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Rebecca's books always have a touch of magical realism which I really enjoy. This one is about the search for love and realizing it's not always what you expect. I don't want to give anything away so I'll just say there were some great surprises and it was a fun read!

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Rebecca Serle is writing women's fiction in a way that no one else is currently writing them. They're romantic, funny, sweeping, and just really great. Expiration Dates ended exactly the way I expected it to but I still couldn't put it down.

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Thank you Netgalley & Atria Books for my advanced readers copy of this little gem!! I loved Daphne, Hugo, and Jake! Such strong & well developed main characters! I loved the concept of this one with different amounts of time on pieces of paper for each of her boyfriends. It was very different and unique book! I did feel like the book focused on Jake and Daphne for a while and it got a little boring at times but that was a big chunk of the story! This book really emphasizes how much we really need to value each and every moment of our lives and I loved that - this was such a perfect last read of 2023!

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I want to start by saying I’m not big on romance books. They feel formulaic and a bit predictable. I do, however, always look forward to books by Rebecca Serle. This book, like her others, includes a very detailed setting, similar to Nancy Meyers films. You feel cozy when reading. This book also has some magical elements, this time with Daphne getting letters regarding her love interests and their allotted time. However, it’s easy to suspend belief and just fall into the story. Thanks to Serle, Simon and Schuster, and NetGalley for the ARC!

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I was a bit nervous starting this when I noticed the shorter length (under 200 pages) because I wasn’t sure how much substance there would be in this story. But let me say, Serle’s writing is beautiful and hooked me from the beginning. She has this way of cutting out the fluff and not including any unnecessary information in her stories which made for a captivating read. My only complaint was the FMC made some decisions that at times I found incredibly frustrating. But I truly adored this book and will be recommending it to my fellow book lovers. Thank you so much to NetGalley for this ARC!

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This was such a great book! I absolutely loved it! I loved she put a couple twists in that I didn’t see coming. I also loved how original this story was. I’ve never read anything like it! Highly recommend! Thanks NetGalley for the ARC!

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Expiration Dates has such a unique premise, Daphne is given a piece of paper every time she meets a new man she will date that says exactly how long they will be together. The novel goes back and forth in time, from current day with Jake, whom the paper does not have a date on it to prior relationships. At times I got a bit mixed up and felt at times the pacing was off. I wish we had focused more on her current relationship with Jake and her ex Hugo. About half-way through the book, we get a huge twist that I wasn’t expecting because it honestly, wasn’t needed. I’m not a fan of trauma twists as a way to move the plot forward and I felt that was what happened here. After this, I felt the book ended in a disappointment for me. Overall, the premise of this was so strong and I had high hopes as I have liked other novels by Rebecca Serle.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This book by Rebecca Serle has supernatural, magical elements that are signature to her storytelling. The novel also wasn't what I was expecting. The first half had me feeling that our main character Daphne was flippant and shallow when it came to her relationships. However, I was bowled over by the surprise in the middle that turned this story on its ear. Those that enjoyed In Five Years will become weak int he knees while reading this. It's filled with emotion and some deep thoughts about loving and caring for someone both in relation to parents and significant others.

I predict this to be a smashing success! Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books for the ARC!

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This book was fine. I don't have strong feelings about it. It wasn't memorable. I enjoyed parts bur mostly didn't really love the characters much and kind of had a feeling I knew what would happen from the beginning. It wasn't bad though. I could see people liking it but it just didn't do it for me.

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Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle may be my new favorite. I've been a fan since "In Five Years," and let me tell you, this one blindsided me, in the best possible way.

Daphne Bell's life is a whirlwind guided by the universe, or so she believes. Daphne randomly gets slips of paper with a name and the exact timeframe she will date the person. From Paris to San Francisco, 3 days to 3 months, these papers have guided her love life. But then, a blind date at her favorite L.A. spot brings only a name, Jake. This paper has no expiration date...

As Daphne and Jake's relationship blossoms, there are flashbacks to her previous boyfriends. Most notably is Hugo, a three month relationship that ended with the two of them as best friends. Why is Hugo the only one she has remained friends with and why is Jake the only one without an expiration date?

A little bit of self-fulfilling prophecy and being true to yourself, this magical realism is a lesson in living your life to the fullest. Be sure to put this one on your TBR! Thank you to Atria Books and NetGalley for a digital ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review. Loved it! Look for this on 3.19.24.

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I love this author. Her writing is everything I didn't know I needed. I'm generally not a fan of magical realism, but I love the way Rebecca Serle will take one weird, unexplained phenomenon, insert it into an everyday setting, and then use it to emotionally devastate me.

And I will always go back for more.

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I love Rebecca Serle after In Five Years, & I'm trying to find another book of hers to recreate that feeling. Unfortunately I haven't yet.

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A little dose of magic, and a love story that hops around in the timeline of one's life? Sign me up. Unfortunately, there was just a little something about this one that didn't quite work for me (and I don't know how to write about it without spoiling the ending). There was a twist around the middle that I didn't see coming. I will always pick up a Rebecca Serle book, but this one wasn't my favorite. 3.5 stars-- thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Rebecca Serle has a manner of writing characters in such a relatable way. This is not a love story, but a story about love in all forms it comes in and is so beautiful, showing the importance of living in the present and appreciating experiences as they come. I was so consumed by this book, such a quick and easy read.

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