Member Reviews

Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle is a captivating exploration of love, destiny, and the enigmatic nature of time. Daphne Bell's life takes an extraordinary turn as she receives slips of paper predicting the duration of her relationships, shaping her romantic journey for over two decades. Serle's poetic prose and masterful storytelling elevate the novel beyond a typical romance, striking a delicate balance between realism and whimsy. The characters, particularly Daphne, are skillfully developed, drawing readers into their emotional landscapes. The introduction of Jake challenges the predictability of Daphne's love life, leading to a rollercoaster of emotions that resonates long after the final page. The novel's unique concept becomes a metaphor for life's fleeting moments, urging readers to cherish every second. Expiration Dates is not just a romance novel but a profound exploration of the human spirit in the face of love's unpredictability, leaving readers with a lasting reflection on the beauty of life's unpredictable journey.

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A sweet rom com with some magical realism aspects! I wanted a little more from the plot but I’m happy with how the story turned out!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the chance to read this book.
It had great details and descriptions. The book made me want to travel and eat all of the good food.
The book centers on Daphne who has always recieved a random piece of paper with a name and expiration date for all of her relationships from one night to multiple years. Before a first date Daphne recieves a paper with the date Jake's name on it and no end date on it. It starts a special journey for Daphne and she tries to learn what she wants, how much she's always lived because of those notes and other major life issues.
The book had a really creative plot but the pacing was off at times because of it. It would be interesting in the present time but then there would be a long chapter on a random guy she dated at one time. Then her best friend and ex Hugo's story wasn't as long as I had hoped and I wanted more.
The book itself was well-written. It had beautiful details and it was creative. I think the pacing just threw it off and made the excitement and romance go down. I would still recommend this book! It was cozy and relaxing. I can't wait to read more by this author.

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I am (happily) still weeping as I write this review as this novel touched my heart like no other! It begins by begging the question, what would you do if you knew how long each relationship with a man would last? Daphne finds "notes" in unusual places that reveal things like "2 years, 3 months" before she even meets someone, So inevitably she tries not to get too attached as each relationship does run its course like the messages said. Oh, but there is so much more to this lovely and fascinating story that will make you laugh and possibly cry as you follow Daphne on her journey to find--and keep--true love. It's simply breath-taking and beautiful!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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Daphne Bell never has to wonder if/when she is going to break up with her boyfriend. Every time she meets a guy she is interested in, she mysteriously receives a piece of paper with a name and time frame on it, and she knows how long the relationship is going to last. Until one day she receives a paper with Jakes name, but no time frame, Is he the one?

Expiration dates switches between various times in Daphnes life, giving us insight into how this way of living has effected her and learning about the secrets she hasn't shared, both because of fear and because all these relationships have an end date, at least in her mind. We see her gradually gain confidence and grow up and learn some important life lessons along the way. I loved the relationship between Daphne and her parents, as well as her boss, and although I could see the ending coming a mile away, I enjoyed the journey.

Thank you to net galley and the publisher for the e galley in return for an honest review.

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Thank you to the author, publisher and Net Galley for providing a free e-ARC of this title in exchange for my review.

This was my first book by the author, and I'm not sure I'll look for her other books. This book sounded interesting, but the book itself felt cobbled together. Like an assignment you've made notes and drafts on, then quickly put it together to turn in on time. Additionally, I'm not a fan at all of authors describing EVERY outfit, EVERY meal, telling me EVERY little thing the character does. It feels like fluff and filler - let me use my imagination!

Overall, I was disappointed in this one.

2 stars for 'it was ok'

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Thanks to NetGalley for the arc!
This is the first book I’ve read from Rebecca Serle, I was very impressed! This was well written, kept a fast pace and kept my interest the entire book! I finished within a few hours, it was that good! The storyline was great! The thought of knowing when the end of a relationship would be before you start? How would you go about things knowing that? Very interesting thought to have. I loved this book and would recommend!

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I am admittedly a fan of Rebecca Serle's novels. Today, I was thrilled to hear from Netgalley that I had been chosen to receive an ARC, (advanced reader copy) of her latest book, Expiration Dates. As excited as I was, I am currently in the middle of two other books with others ahead in the queue. So, I thought it would have to wait. Then I thought maybe just one chapter was enough to get the flavor. That was six hours ago, and I had just finished the book in one sitting. To say it is my favorite work by this author is without doubt.

Reminiscent of the notes people receive in The Measure by Nikki Erlick, giving them a finality of time, Daphne has always received unexplained notes with the name of her next partner and the length of their relationship, begging the question of whether she fits the relationship into the time frame stated in the note or would the note be correct anyway. Until she finally receives a note with just a name, "Jake," and no time frame. Could Jake be "the one?" As she and Jake deepen their connection there are secrets abound that will impact and alter the course of their relationship in unexpected and life-changing ways.

I loved the sensitively told story of Jake and Daphne and the input of her boss and her friends, Kendra and Hugo. I loved the role of Daphne's parents and their cultural connection to their heritage. I also loved the descriptions of food and the overall love letter to both Los Angeles and the state of California. Thank you, Netgalley, for such a wonderful treat- consider the book highly recommended!

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I have always enjoyed Rebecca Serle's books, and Expiration Dates was no different. There is always an element of magic realism in her books, and I thought this one had it woven into the plot seamlessly.

The novel follows Daphne, a girl who receives a message (beginning when she was young) about how long her relationship with a guy will last. The notes obviously impact how she lives day-to-day and how she treats her relationships. There is a subplot that I will not give away because it really impacts the overall meaning of the story.

I loved the depth that Serle was able to pack in 272 pages. If you know me, you know that I don't understand why books are longer than 300-350 pages. I think that's one reason why I always love Serle's books, too :)!

I definitely recommend checking out this book!

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I loved this book! I will definitely recommend it. Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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I’m a huge fan of all of Rebecca Serle’s books. While this did not live up to her last atmospheric release, I still read expiration dates in one sitting. I loved the concept of receiving notes with the length of the relationship on them, however I found the ending predictable. Also, I the characters seemed fairly one dimensional. With that being said, id still recommend this read to fans if Serle’s other works and I will continue to read her future books.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria books for an ARC copy of this book in return of my honest reviews.

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Count me in for everything Rebecca Serle.
A little magic, all the warm fuzzies and love, plus a love letter to the city of Los Angelos.

Daphne gets notes telling her how long each relationship will last - days, weeks, years. But how much is the note and how much is destiny. I sped through this is in two days during a beachy vacation.

3.5 stars but rounding to 4

Thank you to Netgalley and Atria books for the advanced reader copy.

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Chapter 39, these pages are worn out as I've reread them over and over. <SIGH>

Serle has become a one of my favorite authors especially after this read. Notes with love defined float in time around Daphne spelling out the "who" and "how" long she'll experience the joy of a relationship. Every man's end is clearly defined in each note, from one night, to three days to six months. Each relationship has an expiration date until a note appears with only a name.

Daphne's best friend is Hugo, a man who had three months, remains a constant in her life even though they've expired. Hugo is a successful, a bit egotistical and still in love with Daphne. Jake appears without an end leading her to believe she finally found her true love. Is this paper predicting her love story with the right man?

This is La La Land the novel as you travel throughtout LA, and it spectacular views.

Definitely my favorite book by this author. Thank you Atria Books for the complimentary copy.

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Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle

Rebecca Serle is an auto buy author for me, so when I saw she had a new book coming out next March, I rushed to request the arc.

I adore her storytelling and this novel was delightful. Since Daphne was 11, she’s gotten slips of papers with the name of a guy and length of time her relationship will last. She knows what people will mean to her before they do, and this knowledge shapes her life decisions. Think “The Measure” but with romantic knowledge instead of life span. She’s longed for the day when she would get just the name and no end date, but is happy ever after in the cards for her?

I loved the intriguing concept at the heart of the novel and there were a lot of life messages woven throughout. At times it felt a little YA as the chemistry didn’t always work and some characters could have used a sprinkle more depth, but there were unexpected twists and I found myself unable to put it down. Be on the lookout next March for this heartwarming and original story!

Thank you NetGalley

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On the surface, this was an entertaining story with an extra bit of magic we’ve all come to expect and love from Rebecca Serle (with multiple twists that I did not see coming!), but when you delve deeper, this book so much more than that. What drives us to make the choices we do in life? Knowing what we know now, would we make the same choices if we could do it all over again? If we knew then what we know now, would we have taken a different path?

Daphne was a very easy character to empathize with, and there were interactions with several other characters in her life that definitely pulled at my heartstrings. This was an entertaining, “unputdownable” read that left me thinking about it hours after I’d finished, so I rated this book 4.5/5.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Atria Books for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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I loved this book! Serle has quickly become one of my favorite authors. She has a way of throwing romance and life in with magical realism that doesn't seem fluffy. This time around, our protagonist always knows exactly how long each romance will last---she literally receives a piece of paper telling her how long. She has a best male buddy (a former short-term flame) who was my favorite character. He was so funny and charming. Throw in a dog, and this book was a page-turner. There are several surprises in this book that make it so delightful. I think this would make a wonderful movie. Way to go, Rebecca Serle!!! I cannot wait for your next masterpiece.
Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of this enchanting title.

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Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books for an ARC of Expiration Dates!

What I love most about Rebecca Serle’s books is her ability to incorporate whimsy into real life heartbreak. Not only did this book have just enough whimsy, but it was also masterfully intentional.

Jake and Daphne seemingly have no chemistry because they’re not really meant to be.

Not only do Daphne’s relationships have an expiration date, but she feels like her heart is going to give her an early “expiration date,” too.

And as a native Californian, the references to Los Angeles were so on point!

My one qualm with this book is that the letters were not explained more. Why were they sent? And how? What did the last one say?

Overall a great read and I remain a Rebecca Serle stan!

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A short little novel about Daphne, a woman that always gets a note prior to the start of a relationship letting her know how long each relationship will last. One night. Six months. But the time comes when Daphne gets a note that doesn’t have an ending date. Has she finally met her soulmate?

This was an easy read, and semi-enjoyable, but it definitely could have been a little bit longer. I would’ve like to hear more about some of her relationships, especially her relationship with her friend Hugo.

Thank you to NetGalley & Atria Books for the advanced copy of this book.

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I am a huge fan of this author, and I have found myself loving all books written by her. Her writing style is so easy to read and seems so effortless for her to write her novels.

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LOVED this book! So sweet and romantic much like her In Five Years. I would recommend this to anyone and would love to see this be a big book club book.

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