Member Reviews

I think that I speak for everyone who read this book when I say that Steve Irwin was such a huge part of our lives and that this book does a wonderful job of introducing him to a newer and younger audience.

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I loved the cover of this new entry in the Little People, Big Dreams. The illustrations inside are also very appealing!

Steve Irwin grew up in Australia where he and his family loved the natural world and its species. Following a childhood filled with wild creatures, including crocodiles, Steve married, had his own children and continued his work. He became known the world over, in part, because he was featured on TV. Following his sad death, his family has carried on his legacy.

This entry in the series does a very good job of telling Irwin’s story. It will inspire young lovers of nature, conservation, biology and the animals around us.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group for this title. All opinions are my own.

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Amazing personality! My wildlife celebs include him and Jane Goodall.

I love this series so much. I love the consistency in the way information is given about Steve; the perfect illustrations and the background story are just perfect.

Thank you, Quarto Publishing Group/Frances Lincoln Children’s Books, for the advance reading copy.

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Steve Irwin is our childhood celebrity.One of a kind crocodile Hunter.His bubbly personality and enthusiasm was infectious.
Reading about him was nostalgic.Enough about my feelings for the Steve.
This book is coloful,simple and so inspiring for the children .A amazing addition to already amazing series.
As always a must have for kid's library.

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I'm beginning to feel that this series may have run its course. Steve Irwin was relevant some years ago but I'm not convinced that children will know of him. There are many historical and modern figures who deserve recognition, my concern is that these books are now being produced to keep the cash rolling in, while there are much better booms that children could be reading. Sorry, just my personal opinion as an educator.
Thanks to Netgalley.

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This is the first time my family have read a Little People, Big Dreams book but it certainly won't be the last! I couldn't resist this one as I, like many others, was a big fan of Steve Irwin & admired his work. Both of my children are animal lovers so I knew they would enjoy this - & I was right. They both loved the easy to understand story & beautiful illustrations & my nine year old loved the photos & extra information at the end. There will definitely be a few episodes of Crocodile Hunter watched over the weekend!

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Steve Irwin holds a special spot in my family's hearts. I hope he sees this lovingly crafted picture book from where he wrestles with angelic crocodiles in heaven and likes it!

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A beautifully illustrated book about such a fantastic human! I felt the author condensed Steve’s accomplishments, ideas, and world-changing personality perfectly. It felt wonderful to read as an adult, and would easily be read by kids. Well done!

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This book is delightful! I loved the writing and illustrations. I love reading this series with my niece and this will undoubtedly be a fast favorite. I appreciate the pages regarding Steve's commitment to conservation work and the acknowledgment that humans have a lot of work to do in caring for our fellow creatures.

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These books are always fantastic and very educational and fun to read. This one was no exception. Lovey illustrations as always. Fun for adults and children alike. Recommended.

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So, first of all, this is a children's book. But since Steve Irwin was kind of a hero in my childhood and I loved watching his tv-show, I wanted to read this book. It has such beautiful artwork in it which perfectly fits the story. The story shows exactly the love and care Steve put into all the animals he cared for. It is ofcourse a short summary of his life, but for kids the perfect way to get to know more about him.

"And today, little Steve's memory keeps encouraging us to love, cherish, and protect wildlife. Because we don't own this planet, we belong to it, just like every living being we share it with."

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I received an electronic ARC from Quarto Publishing Group – Frances Lincoln Children's Books through NetGalley.
Sanchez Vegara has developed a formula that keeps readers coming back to learn whose life she will share next. We meet Steve Irwin as a child and learn where his love for animals began. From there, the author follows his life as a wildlife preservationist including his television shows. The ending challenges readers to find their passion for saving species as we look to the future. This is a slightly different ending style and it works with Irwin's life.

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Another lovely addition to this series, allowing young children to enter the lives of inspirational people.
Some great illustrations - would definitely have this in the classroom. Great to share with a younger audience or as a read alone for children becoming more confident with reading.

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This was such an adorable book that dives in to the life of beloved Steve Irwin. It was illustrated beautifully and well written in a way younger children would understand. I’m excited to read this with my 4 year old twins, I’m sure they’re gonna love it. They’ve already been introduced to Steve Irwin through his collab with the Wiggles, Wiggly Safari, and they loved him there. Excited to give them a bit more of an in depth introduction to the icon using this book!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher the opportunity to read and review this book. All thoughts are my own. This was a fun, informational book about Steve Irwin, I really enjoyed the illustrations.

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As a long-time admirer of the Irwin's & their work, this book was a great little read. I think it's amazing that Steve's story is still being told to younger generations & will continue to be passed down through literature. This book teaches kids to love & respect animals, no matter their shape & size, whilst also telling a beautiful, heart warming story about family.

Kids will absolutely love this book for how colourful & jam packed with illustrations it is. All of the pictures & animals will be fascinating & I'm sure young children will spend hours flipping through this one. Truly beautiful!

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Discover the incredible life of the most celebrated animal lover and the wild conservationist, Steve Irwin.
As you read this book, we learn that Steve's passion for protecting animals encourages us to cherish , protect, and love wildlife.
"Because we don't own this planet, we belong to it, just like every living being we share with it."
The last line says it all!
A magnificent gift for animal lovers and for those children who'd do anything to protect nature.
Target age :4 -7

Thank you, netgalley, and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to review this copy.

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I had so much fun reading this book, the story is so adorable and the illustrations were so well done and charming, there’s so many little details in every page that I couldn’t stop but be mesmerized by it all. I will definitely be recommending it! Thank you netgalley and the publisher for this early copy

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I’ve always loved Steve Irwin and felt his death was such a huge loss to the animal world! I think this book gives honor to him in a really great way. I will definitely share it with my daughter since she loves animals as well!

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This is the first book from this series I have read. I loved the beautifully vibrant illustrations, as well as the real photos and timeline at the end. This book did a great job highlighting Steve Irwin’s personal life, professional life, and conservation efforts.

Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group for the eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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