Member Reviews

Three ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Overall this was a good book! It follows 3 different people in past and present - it’s about lies, secrets, toxic friends, and a cult mommune. Lots to unpack but it was pretty easy to follow even with multiple POVs and two different timelines.

We meet Lenna, who is desperate to get away. She goes to meet up with an old friend, Rhiannon, who had disappeared a few years prior. We meet Gillian who suffers from severe social anxiety and really wants to befriend Lenna and Rhiannon. Enter Sarah - Gillian’s roommate and yet another character with secrets of her own! Rhiannon recruits Lenna to come to the mommune only to find that things may not be as they seem…

Like I said - it’s a lot to unpack! It seemed a little far fetched that so many people with all of these problems found their way to each other but it mostly makes sense by the end. The first half was a bit slow but it did pick up in the last half!

I LOVED Pretty Little Liars when I was younger so I was excited to read Nowhere Like Home. While it’s an adult novel, it really reminded me of PLL with the twisty and an unexpected ending. I would have loved more backstory and detail about the MCs lives. I felt like there could have been a bit more character development but it was a good story with a twist I did not guess!

Thanks so much to Netgalley, Sara Shephard and Penguin Group Dutton for the ARC!

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Thank you very much @netgalley for the Advanced Reader Copy of Nowhere Like Home by Sara Shepard. This is a psychological thriller that tells the story of female friendships that are not what they seem. It goes back and forth with women getting to know each other in California, and forming friendships that even starting out are based on lies, and the same women meeting up a few years later at a “mommune” (all female commune) in the rural desert. Everything is toxic, and everyone is lying. Oh, there is also a murder. It was definitely fast moving, sometimes also hard to keep track of who was who, and very hard to guess who you could trust, if anyone. I liked this okay, probably 3 ½ stars? #netgalley #nowherelikehome #sarashepard #advancedreadercopy #bookstagram #readersofinstagram #bookloversofinstagram #takeapagefrommybook #lovetoread #psychologicalthriller #toxicfriendships #readallday #booknerd

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A remote setting, suspicious characters, and toxic relationships. This book had it all, including past and present perspectives and multiple P.O.V's. This was quite the page turner and is great for a fun, quick read. I didn't necessarily care for most of the characters here though, especially the main protagonist. She was, with lack of a better word, annoying. While the story is a serious one, the ending was a little eye roll inducing with some explanations that were given. With that said, I don't mind books and stories like that and is great for an in-between, fast read and I would still read more by this author.

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This book was good - very different from what I'd expected out of Sara Shepard. It was suspenseful and thriller at times but there were some confusing moments in the plot as well.

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Really really enjoyed this novel! It was thrilling and well written. Kept me guessing till the end! Would definitely recommend!

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This book gave me Pretty Little Liars vibes. If you are a fan of that show, then you will really enjoy this book. It's an easy fun read and would recommend to someone looking for a quick burn book. Thanks, Netgalley for the ARC. I will be recommending this book once its released.

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What a great book! This book has more than just a thriller aspect to it in my opinion. This book touches on how difficult it is to make friends, even as adults. How we always want to fit in and share our lives with people that are important to us. The book grabs you right from the start, which is a huge selling point for me. I immediately wanted to to find out what happened and it didn't stop just at the first few pages; it was like this throughout the whole book.
The story is mainly between four woman, Lenna, Rhiannon, Sara and Gillian. The story has three parts and focuses on a few main characters in each part. Right when you think you figured out what is going on and who back-stabbed who, there is a plot twist. I also enjoyed how the author tied up the ending and it wasn't as I expected. This made me appreciate the story line even more.
I highly recommend this book for anyone that enjoys a thriller that will keep you turning page after page until the very end.

Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Group for a this ARC in return for an honest review. I will definitely be reading more from Sara Shepard.

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Nowhere Like Home didn't grip me in the way I was hoping it would. I felt the characters and storyline was a bit immature (perhaps better suited to Shepard's Pretty Little Liars series). That said, I enjoyed the description and remained invested enough to finish.

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Toxic friendships, lying liars, and murderous stalkers with far-fetched, convoluted schemes for vengeance--does this sound eerily, excitingly familiar, and quite possibly AWESOME to fans of Pretty Little Liars who were hoping for an adult version of all that nonsense where if one person told the truth, even once, the whole story would fall apart? Throw in cults, communes, and kidnappings and it sounds like you'd have a winner, right? And you more or less do with this story of intense friendships and women trying to either fit in or find family ...and how it can all go so very wrong. Told from multiple perspectives in past/present timelines, we are introduced to Rhiannon and Lenna whose friendship burned fast and bright and fizzled unexpectedly when Rhiannon disappeared. Enter Gillian, whose social anxiety keeps her on the outside looking in, until she catches Lenna vulnerable after Rhiannon's disappearance. And then Sadie, Gillian's roommate, who Gillian describes to Lenna and all of her social media followers as unstable to the point of becoming threatening...but is it Gillian who is actually the problem? Fast forward to a few years later, Lenna is married with a child, desperately unhappy and haunted by a mysterious incident. Rhiannon resurfaces and invites her for a visit to a serene desert commune, where she will have a chance to recalibrate and spend some time with like-minded women. Or there an ulterior motive to Rhiannon's timely reappearance in Lenna's life? Why did Rhiannon disappear in the first place? Whatever happened to Gillian? What sorts of weird shenanigans are going on at this isolated commune? Will anyone ever utter one true thing, clear the air, or fess up to anything? Eventually yes, but unfortunately the book doesn't quite stick the landing. Still, it's so much fun getting there.

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This was a different one and I have a soft spot for books about cults and communes! Lol. Liked all the flashbacks and the twist at the end.

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This book is a mystery/thriller with different point of views from the characters and beautifully written. The timelines were also very well written.

I read this book in a day and I never looked back! The twist and the plot were pretty easy to identify but the different POV's kept me intrigued to see how everything was going to unfold. A couple of the characters were so unlikable that it made it hard to feel bad or connect with them in any way. I do wish that the ending would've given a little more, I wanted to know how the characters dealt with the aftermath.

Overall I give this 5 out 5 because it really was a great book and I will definitely read more from this Author. I enjoyed the thrill of the plot and its twists.

*I received a copy of this eARC via NetGalley*

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In college, I was obsessed with Pretty Little Liars so I was pretty excited when I came across this new adult book from Sara Shephard — especially one that follows a group of mothers living in a mysterious “mommune.”

Nowhere Like Home is a slow burn that alternates between past and present timelines through multiple points of view. In order to drive the plot, the first half of the book is focused on character development and backstory. I struggled to stay engaged, and I had to pause and come back to finish reading. The pacing shifts in the second half, and I sped through the rest of the book.

I enjoyed the book’s exploration of themes of betrayal, broken friendships, and motherhood. The character development was also well done. Overall, I’d rate this 3.5 stars.

Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Group Dutton for the advanced reader copy. Opinions are my own.

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This book was a pretty quick read. The main character was easy to connect with.tou get a hint of the mystery to come already in the first chapter which is captivating.

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Lenna gets a call from an old friend, Rhiannon, to join her group of women community in the desert. It’s great to start but she begins to wonder if her invitation had a darker intent having to do with their past.

While an adult novel with adult characters, I felt the writing style was better suited for a younger audience. I wasn’t able to fully connect with the characters and most of the present time line was not very interesting to me. I did like the past chapters but a lot of struck me as not realistic. The final twist was unexpected and added some extra drama, but this still wasn’t my favorite read.

“You’re out in the desert… alone. And I’m waiting for you. Because out in the desert, friend, no one can hear you scream.”

Nowhere Like Home comes out 2/20.

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This book was not for me. I finished it but barely. It was well written, don't get me wrong there but overall, not my favorite! This was a 2.5 star read, rounded up to 3.

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I love Sara Shepard’s novels! Nowhere Like home is a slow burn. Themes of betrayal, broken friendships, motherhood and trust. The three main characters were well developed, rich yet flawed. The first half dragged a bit, character development and back story to drive the plot. The second have pulled me along to the very satisfying ending.

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I encountered a flurry of mixed reviews. However, I decided not to be swayed by them, for there are moments when I relish being the voice of dissent amidst the clamor of anticipation surrounding popular reads. I clung to my optimism, determined to explore every facet of the narrative, even as I grappled with moments of repetition that seemed to stretch the pacing, like filler chapters preluding the grand crescendo. My experience with this wild ride was not as exhilarating as I had anticipated, as my expectations soared high. But before I delve into the details of my musings, let's explore the elements I found commendable in the author's creative performance. Here are my pros:

The concept of a commune known as the "mommune," comprising women who are both mothers and prospective mothers, never ceases to fascinate. It lays the foundation for a unique and engrossing backdrop.: The author effectively employs multiple characters and varying perspectives, coupled with a well-structured timeline that navigates between past and present. This narrative technique enriches the story's depth and complexity.

The final twist, undoubtedly, was a testament to the author's clever storytelling. It added an element of surprise and intrigue to the tale. However, its impact wasn't substantial enough to warrant a higher rating, though I wished it were otherwise.
Despite my best efforts, I struggled to form a meaningful connection with Lenna, the central character, or any of the supporting cast. This emotional disconnect hindered my immersion into the story.

IThe dialogues among the characters felt more fitting for a younger demographic, possibly teenagers, rather than adults. Had the narrative focused on young mothers, this stylistic choice might have found a more suitable context.

These reservations had a notable impact on my reading experience, causing the story to drag at times and delaying my journey towards the

Lenna, who had severed ties with her friend Rhiannon two years prior, owing to her own marital and maternal challenges, decides to rekindle their friendship when Rhiannon reaches out. Intrigued by Rhiannon's description of the "mommune," a community of mothers offering mutual support, Lenna embarks on a journey to see life from her friend's perspective. However, as she approaches the commune, she realizes that there is no phone reception, and access is restricted by a padlocked gate. Gradually, she begins to suspect that Rhiannon may harbor ulterior motives for bringing her here. Lenna soon discovers that she is not the only one burdened with long-held secrets, and some of these secrets may drive individuals to protect them at any cost, even if it means jeopardizing her life.

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A slow burn for sure but Sara Shepard is such a brilliant writer that even her slow burns are unputdownable. Shepard is officially on my list of authors that I'll drop whatever I'm reading the second they release a new book!

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Over all 3.5 stars. I found this story difficult to follow at times. It’s not your typical murder mystery/thriller book. This book has three main characters and each character gets her own part to the story. I wasn’t too invested in the story at the beginning, I found Leena annoying and I definitely thought all three main characters made very questionable decisions that didn’t seem plausible in the least bit. It took me part of the way thru Part 2 to decide to finish this book as well. I didn’t stay hooked on this story thou and I struggled to finish it. The ending seemed like a cut and paste and it didn’t entirely fit into the story.

Thank you NetGalley, Sara Shepard, and Penguin Group Dutton for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I REALLY enjoyed this book! Alternating between past & present through three different characters, I found it VERY easy to follow. I was hooked from the beginning and couldn’t wait to see what happened next. Just when I thought I had things figured out another twist came out of nowhere and threw me for a loop. GREAT read!

Thank you to the author, Netgalley and Penguin Group Dutton for this ARC in return for my honest review.

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