Member Reviews

I already wrote my review for this book and somehow it was lost. I spent a great deal of time working on it and I'm not inclined to do it again.

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First, I would like to thank Sara Shepherd, Dutton Press and Net Galley for allowing me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest review.
This book is a slow burn The first few chapters I was unsure if I’d be able to finish, but about 1/4 of the way in, I had to know what happened. Specifically once part 2 got started, it went from slow pace to fast pace. And the mystery started to unfold!
The book has multiple timelines, past, present, and future, and features many different POVs.
The book follows four main characters, Rhiannon, Gillian, Sarah, and Lenna as their intertwining friendships go awry. Overall the book was enjoyable, but is not a must read.

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This was a good book. I do feel it moved a bit slow for my liking but once the story picked up I was hooked. I found myself needing to know what was going to happen next!

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I had high hopes for this one, even though I read the reviews.

I was interested in the mommune. But it wasn’t at all what I thought. Most of the story talked about things that had happened in the past.

Young women behaving badly is about all I can say.

Netgalley/ Penguin Group Dutton February 20, 2024

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I really enjoyed the book and would recommend it to anyone looking for a quick read.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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New mom Lenna is yearning to escape. Having a new baby is hard enough, tryign to keep secrets that haunt you from your past make it even harder. So when an old friend offers Lenna the chance to get away AND try and make amends for one part of her past she decides to just go for it. But the invitation is not all it seems and neither is the "Momune" she finds herself at.


3.5 stars

A pretty middle of the road, slow burn thriller from Sara Shepard.

The strength of this book lies in all of the different POVs. The weaving of each POV is smart and it really does work well together. Shepard at this point knows how to drive the narrative to her advantage.

My only issue with the characters is that I don't buy that so many people with this level of social awkwardness could all manage to find each other. I don't really find any of the characters likable either, but I'm not actively rooting against them either. The hold that one character has over these women is not fully explained. I had a hard time believing things would escalate so quickly!

The plot moved a bit too slow for my taste, and one storyline was just a complete red herring! I realize you had to get the characters in one place, but I just didn't understand putting so much stock in a plot that goes nowhere for the main characters.

Overall, I think it's an easy read. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my ARC in exchange for my honest feedback!

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The first two thirds of this book had me hooked and engaged. The story of Lenna, Rhiannon, and Gillian is told through recounting present day and 2 years prior. There are some good twists and turns and surprises. However, the whole thing falls apart in towards the end. It. becomes convoluted and rushed. It turns into mean girls on a commune. None of the characters are likable - maybe that's intentional - and it makes it hard to get totally invested in what is going on.

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Adult novels from Sara Shepard never fail to intrigue me. "Nowhere Like Home" is culty, twisty, and, in some ways, unbelievable. The plot involves several women and they are all escaping something by taking refuge at a commune in the desert. Lines are crossed and friendships are tested. Can Lenna figure out who knows her secret and who wants her dead before it is too late?

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First, I would like to thank Sara Shepherd, Dutton Press and Net Galley for allowing me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest review. Rather than regurgitate the storyline, I will defer to the description 0rovided within the cover.

I will summarize it by basically saying that this is a story of 3 friendships gone awry. It highlights (in extremis) the problems that can arise when dishonesty, competition and manipulation come into play.

The story is well written, although the first half which is important for character development, is slow to the point that I began to question the value of continuing. That being said, I am glad I did. The story began to unfold faster with a few unexpected twists and turns. The suspense near the end built to a high level. And I believe the ending should be satisfying for 5hose who like neatly tied resolution.

I would give this 3.5 stars out of 5.

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Nowhere Like Home by Sara Shepard was full of twists and turns, and a mutitued of characters who in one way or another were all looking for something that was missing in their lives. Pulled together in a remote commune, we followed each of their stories and how they got there. Told from multiple characters point of view, it was an intriguing, quick read!

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This was a fast-paced fantastic read. I’m not normally a fan of commune or cult pieces, but this was really well done and wasn’t made to be the center of the book like I had feared. I loved the twist and the way things played out in the end, and I honestly wish there was an epilogue for the epilogue because I’m not ready to say goodbye to all of the characters.

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I liked it, but it’s not a must read. A story about a commune for women and children. There is a lot of secrets all around. Why did Rhiannon go and what does she see in this place? And why can’t they leave? The book has some twists, but didn’t live up to expectations.

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Defo wasnt my kind of book! However i did persevere but found it a bit long winded! Got there in rhe end

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I was given this book by NetGalley for an honest review-
Rhiannon calls Leanna and invites her to a community of women and children. Their relationship had ended suddenly and she thought the time together would be good. Her husband wasn’t happy but she was determined.
But did she make a mistake, things are strange, no cellphone service, no outside Calls, strange rules, and a gate padlocked, but that isn’t all it seems like each women Carries secrets and someone has brought them together for a reason. Why? Why does she not feel safe? Will she be allowed to leave?

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This book was enjoyable. A good use of time, but nothing mind blowing. I read a lot of mysteries, so this did not stand out too much. But I think it’s a good option for those wanting a dual pov domestic type thriller.

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I was thrilled for a chance to review “No Where Like Home,” which is Sara Shepard latest novel, author of the “Pretty Little Liars” series. Unfortunately, this novel does not have what made PLL so damn readable—intriguing characters linked through a dysfunctional friendship.

Lenna, who suffers from anxiety and OCD, found a great connection to Rhiannon, but the women grow apart for a few years. Leena is thinking of rekindling the friendship when the ex-friend reaches out, inviting Lenna to join her in her new life at Halcyon (think cult). Lenna is intrigued enough to agree, heading out with her son (and not showing where she is going with her husband), but becomes wary when she discovers just how isolated the “mommune” is and that Rhiannon might have ulterior motives than simply rekindling the friendship.

I thought Shepard did a great job at building tension and cultivating suspense but found the characters very immature and unlikable. Some of the plot points were either predictable or unbelievable. “PLL” this is not.

Two and a half stars.

Thank you the Sara Shepard, NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC of this novel.

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I wasn't a fan. It wasn't bad but it just wasn't for me. I'm sure there's an audience for this book. And there are fans. Sara Shepard is a good writer. But this story isn't for me.

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This was a story with interwoven pieces from the past and present, through the eyes of 4 different narrators. How their lives got so tangled up makes for a good read. Friendship makes you do things you never imagined.
Thanks Netgalley for the prerelease of the ebook.

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Lenna is exhausted by new motherhood, so when she receives a call from an old friend to visit a "mommune" in the desert that promises a like-minded community, she jumps at the chance. However, Lenna has a dark secret in her past that threatens to come to light. Deliciously twisty!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC I received in exchange for an honest review.

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I did not know if I’d enjoy this book after reading through the premise, but I’m very glad I checked it out and stuck with it. It was a great read - I definitely recommend it!

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