Member Reviews

I hate giving books such a mediocre review, but I just couldn’t get into this one. I really like Sara Shepard’s other books, but perhaps I’m just aging out of them. The book is well written and compelling, but just not for me.

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Thank you for the opportunity to preview No where Like Home.
This novel is really different and tells the story of three women who live. Lies, secrets, and even truths.
The novel deals with anxiety and how we put ideas in our heads, try to be more than we are, and how we project ourselves in the world.
But also a strong plot that keeps you guessing till the end.
Told in the voices of the women, as they navigate their lives and lies and in the end may never know who they are.
Interesting novel and one I think is truly a woman’s journey and a killer plot till the last page. Very good. 4 stars

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Nowhere Like Home
A Novel
by Sara Shepard

It was ok for me. Just seemed a bit too long for the ending. It was one I did want to finish. I thought it may pick up.

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Creepy chilling with a cultish feel.I was drawn right in to the characters their strange lives really enjoyed.#netgalley #duttonbooks.

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To be honest i was a lil frustrated with the beginning of this book. It was too drawn out focusing on the friendship. But as you continue to read you realize that it was needed to set up the background. The relationship between Rhiannon and Lenna is like a sisterhood, while Lenna's with Gillian is a little much. If I were Lenna I wouldn't give Gillian time of day as her negativity is off-putting. But Lenna is one of those that craves companionship and will take what she gets. Poor Sarah is the cast aside friend that gets caught in the middle.

The calculation and the manipulation that leads these 3 to the Mommune will not be felt until is it all over. While they are there you are not real sure what the real threat is......until it is too late.

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The newest book by Sara Shepard had a great concept, so much promise, and kept me turning the pages to find out what happened next. Unfortunately I felt like so many webs were woven throughout the story that none of the conclusions were satisfying. I would have loved two different books - one about twisted friendships in LA involving a mental health influencer and another about a mom commune in Arizona with some sketchy backstories - but combining everything into one book was more convoluted than necessary. So much potential but I was a little disappointed in the landing. Still, a quick read and it kept me interested.

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Author: Sara Shepard
Genre: Thriller

I’ve not read any Sara Shepard before but I’m glad I picked this one up. I enjoyed the multiple POVS between these friends, the characters were all flawed with history that could ruin their lives and I loved the setting because I’m from Tucson, AZ! I also enjoyed the mom life side of a few of the characters.

I just found it all a bit off, the choices made and the outcome. The twist wasn’t a huge surprise, but the way it all played out was a little overly dramatic. The writing was easy to read and I wanted to get to the end to see how it would end for everyone, but it fell a little flat for me.

If you’re looking for a mommune with cult vibes, jealousy filled friendships, remote desert vibes and drama drama drama! Then you’ll like this!

Thanks to @netgalley and @saracshepard for this ARC coming out February 20, 2024 in exchange for my honest feedback.


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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of this book. I had a hard time getting in to this book. The characters were well created. I went into reading this with high hopes, and felt let down.

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This was an okay read with a creepy cultish vibe dealing with the creepy mom culture / told from multiple pov .
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me review the book

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This was a fun thriller to read. It's all about female friendships and how there's a side to every story. We start in LA and pivot between POVs before ending up in a female only commune (a mommune) located somewhere in the middle of the desert where there's no one else around. This story is sad at times, creepy at others, but is always grounded in the main friendship. Overall, both a fast and engaging read.

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This was a great read with cult-ish vibes. Totally loved all the great characters. Definitely has a big creep factor.
Thank you NetGalley and Sara Shepard for the opportunity to read and review this book

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3.25 stars

This is definitely meant for the high school/new adult reader. It didn’t really hit the way I had hoped, a little too much drama (and not the good kind) for me.

All that being said, this will be a hit with the younger group who it was likely meant for, I’m sure. The plot and mystery were good, I just didn’t personally relate on any deeper level.

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Beautiful cover and author of the Pretty Little Liar series so I had pretty high hopes. This is definitely more of a YA book especially when it comes to all the drama, secrets and betrayals. I should have realized that this would read way more YA than I was expecting. I read PLL and watched PLL as a teenager and enjoyed both, but now as an adult, this didn’t quite hit the same. That said, I think it will work for Gen Z and perhaps some millennials looking for the nostalgia of all the drama that PLL had.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC of my latest read!

Sara Shepard has had a longstanding place on my bookshelf with her popular YA series, so I was eager to dive into this newest thriller about motherhood and friendship. My review falls somewhere between 3 and 4 stars depending on how I'm feeling at the moment. The description of shady friendships, the "mommune" and not knowing who to trust immediately pulled me in, but I did find a difficult time getting behind anyone character to root for as I read. This was a quick read for me since it hit on several topics I typically enjoy, but still this book left me wanting just a bit more. I have nothing against this book but I do think it fell a bit flat for me, and am still determining if I would recommend to a friend.

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Thank you, NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Dutton for the copy of Nowhere Like Home by Sara Shepard. I thought the social media posts were really well done and realistic. The story was a little uneven, bouncing back and forth between the past and the present so quickly it was hard to keep track of, so the book seemed really long. This book touches on many issues; cults, mental health, female friendships, motherhood, and communes, but none of them were really examined deeply. It would have been better to have one or two issues that were the heart of the book and really explore them more. If you like a surprise reveal this is probably the book for you, because I had no idea how this book would end.

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This book is a thriller about jealous friends, complicated friendships, and bad roommates. I think this book would appeal to a younger audience. While i did kind of enjoyed the writing style I could not connect with their characters and their actions. The writing did feel a bit amateurish. I felt the characters were not likeable at all and the conversations between them annoying. The ending I also thought was not well done.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy. This book had some twist, but there was also at times where I felt it was a little slow. Overall, it was a great book.

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I did not see that coming one bit!! It was well written and the twists kept coming. At some points I did find it a little long winded but overall great story!

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I have received this ARC from NetGalley and the publisher.

I have never read a cult thriller novel that i even slightly enjoyed prior to this one so i can say that this was not a bad book. But it unfortunately failed to develop the story and execution could have been much more complex.
This was a fun read but it unfortunately wasn’t my favorite one.
3.5 stars

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Social anxiety is real and this book hits it hard. I really was looking forward to falling into the depths of strong characters and plot, but this fell short. I found myself scrolling and wanting to get to the point, but it dragged on. Unfortunately, this cult read was not for me, but I greatly appreciated the ARC.

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