Member Reviews

this book was such a great way to get out of a reading slump. despite being a little unlikely, the twists and turns in this book kept me so intrigued and they just kept coming! each new part of the book made me go o a very enjoyable read for fans of pretty little liars! finished it in 24 hours because i couldn’t put it down!

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Sara Shepard has done it again! one of my favorite authors manages to give us another amazing mystery

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Sara Shepard's "Pretty Little Liars" series jump started my love of reading again.. I devoured all 18+ books and their spin offs. So when I saw that she had a new book I jumped on it. "Nowhere Like Home" really kept me guessing and I loved that. It did have a small "Pretty Little Liars" feel as you are trying to figure out who the some cryptic messages were coming from but I was all for it. It mixed mystery, thriller, murder and cults with a millennial twist. Great story from start to finish. Rest assured, If Sara Shepard writes it, I am gonna read it. Fan through and through.

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I received this advance copy from net galley in exchange for a review.
It was a pretty quick read, starting off about a woman trying to befriend a couple of other women she sees around frequently. Meanwhile she's writing a blog about her social anxiety, updating her followers about her attempts and her failing friendship with her roommate.
I found it really difficult to follow and get into the characters at first, and then it shifted, and it was more interesting and easier to follow. However, then it shifted again and it was really tough to follow and believe for the whole last stretch. It seemed kind of contrived and very unbelievable. I expected some of the characters to be more intertwined than they were, and then others were more than I expected. However, the connections weren't as cleverly laid out as they could have been.

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As I delved into this new literary journey crafted by the brilliant author renowned for the highly celebrated "Pretty Little Liars" series, I encountered a flurry of mixed reviews. However, I decided not to be swayed by them, for there are moments when I relish being the voice of dissent amidst the clamor of anticipation surrounding popular reads. I clung to my optimism, determined to explore every facet of the narrative, even as I grappled with moments of repetition that seemed to stretch the pacing, like filler chapters preluding the grand crescendo. My experience with this wild ride was not as exhilarating as I had anticipated, as my expectations soared high. But before I delve into the details of my musings, let's explore the elements I found commendable in the author's creative performance. Here are my pros:

Intriguing Cult Premise: The concept of a commune known as the "mommune," comprising women who are both mothers and prospective mothers, never ceases to fascinate. It lays the foundation for a unique and engrossing backdrop.

Multi-Perspective Narrative: The author effectively employs multiple characters and varying perspectives, coupled with a well-structured timeline that navigates between past and present. This narrative technique enriches the story's depth and complexity.

Clever Final Twist: The final twist, undoubtedly, was a testament to the author's clever storytelling. It added an element of surprise and intrigue to the tale. However, its impact wasn't substantial enough to warrant a higher rating, though I wished it were otherwise.

However, let us also address the aspects that did not resonate with me:

Difficulty Connecting with Characters: Despite my best efforts, I struggled to form a meaningful connection with Lenna, the central character, or any of the supporting cast. This emotional disconnect hindered my immersion into the story.

Incongruous Dialogue: The dialogues among the characters felt more fitting for a younger demographic, possibly teenagers, rather than adults. Had the narrative focused on young mothers, this stylistic choice might have found a more suitable context.

These reservations had a notable impact on my reading experience, causing the story to drag at times and delaying my journey towards the conclusion.

Now, let me provide a concise overview of the plot:

Lenna, who had severed ties with her friend Rhiannon two years prior, owing to her own marital and maternal challenges, decides to rekindle their friendship when Rhiannon reaches out. Intrigued by Rhiannon's description of the "mommune," a community of mothers offering mutual support, Lenna embarks on a journey to see life from her friend's perspective. However, as she approaches the commune, she realizes that there is no phone reception, and access is restricted by a padlocked gate. Gradually, she begins to suspect that Rhiannon may harbor ulterior motives for bringing her here. Lenna soon discovers that she is not the only one burdened with long-held secrets, and some of these secrets may drive individuals to protect them at any cost, even if it means jeopardizing her life.

In conclusion, while my enjoyment of this book was not as high as I had initially hoped, I acknowledge its merits and commendable aspects. Sometimes, heightened expectations can influence one's perception. Regardless, I remain an ardent fan of the author and eagerly anticipate her future literary endeavors.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Dutton for the opportunity to explore this digital reviewer copy in exchange for my candid and honest reflections.

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As a die-hard fan of Sara Shepard and Pretty Little Liars I was really excited when I got approved to read Nowhere Like Home. The first thing I will say is that you cannot go into this book thinking it’s going to be like Pretty Little Liars, it’s definitely a different vibe. As a mom who has social anxiety, I really appreciated the characters and the struggles they had. I think the main character was a little too dependent and focused on finding friendships so she didn’t follow her instincts which caused a lot of trouble for her. I liked how it was written in different perspectives. I really enjoyed the “mommune” scenes and that’s when the book really was hard to put down for me. I was really happy with the main characters growth and and the ending. I read this in a day, it was hard to put down and it was a fun read.

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Nowhere Like Home is about a group of women living in a commune out in the desert. They call it a “mommune” because they all either want to be mothers or already are. It certainly takes a village to raise children and this way, they have them. The main character Leena gets a call from her old friend Rhiannon to come stay for a couple days. Why not get some help from others and be around women who get it? But as Leena arrives, she learns about strange rules and suddenly she’s suspicious why Rhiannon wanted her out there in the first place. After all, Leena agreed to come to hash out some old drama with Rhiannon and get their friendship sorted out. Soon Leena realizes she isn’t the only one with secrets. Is she safe here with her son? What is Rhiannon’s ulterior motive? And most importantly, does anyone have a secret they’d kill to keep?

I really don’t know how to rate this one honestly. It all came together SO beautifully with a plot twist I did not see coming but some of the middle just felt so “fillery.” Some of the undertones of the book are so raw and real. Struggling friendships, motherhood not coming as natural as you thought and social anxiety. Such big topics that elicit such strong feelings and Shepard wrote them perfectly. I think I would’ve had a harder time finishing, if I didn’t relate to Leena so much. (yaknow, minus her rather large secret lol) Overall, I’m glad I read it but I don’t think I’d read it again. With that said… 3⭐️

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A remote setting, suspicious characters, and toxic relationships. This book had it all, including past and present perspectives and multiple P.O.V's. This was quite the page turner and is great for a fun, quick read. I didn't necessarily care for most of the characters here though, especially the main protagonist. She was, with lack of a better word, annoying. While the story is a serious one, the ending was a little eye roll inducing with some explanations that were given. With that said, I don't mind books and stories like that and is great for an in-between, fast read and I would still read more by this author. Three and a half stars.

Thank you Netgalley and Penguin Group Dutton for this ARC.

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I struggled to get past the beginning of this book. The characters were grating and made unbelievable decisions, the plot required a lot of suspension of disbelief, and I found myself just...annoyed by the series of events.

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#1 New York Times bestselling author of Pretty Little Liars Sara Shepard's next adult novel follows a group of mothers living in a mysterious “mommune,” each of whom is running from something

This was fine, I guess. I feel like Sara Shepard's writing is only ever mediocre and she's not great with characters. But it was fine.

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2 ⭐️⭐️. I requested this book on NetGalley even though the reviews are not so great because everyone has different opinions and there have been many low rated books that I really ended up liking. Well….not the case here. I guess the first sign that I should have stopped reading it, was when my friend (who was buddy reading it with me) quit after just a couple chapters. She thought the writing was bad from the start. I honestly didn’t think it was that bad until I hit about 35%. And then by 60% I just wanted to be done! It just felt very “amateur” to me in writing. The characters were not likable at all and I found many conversations to be annoying. I almost felt like I was reading a junior high book at times. The friendships were all strange and the storyline just dragged on and on. And to be completely honest, the ending was dumb. I hate to say that about a book but I just felt like after suffering through it all, maybe the ending would somehow have made it worth it….it did not. Sadly, I do not recommend this one.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

To see other reviews I’ve left, check out my Instagram and Goodreads pages:
*Instagram - bookworm_traveler808
*Goodreads - Cherihy808

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From Sara Shepard, the #1 “New York Times” bestselling author of “Pretty Little Liars,” comes “Nowhere Like Home,” an adult novel following a group of moms living in a mysterious “mommune,” each of whom is running from something.

When Lenna gets a call from her old friend Rhiannon, she is surprised. Rhiannon left Los Angeles two years ago, and Lenna hasn’t heard from her since. Lenna is even more shocked to learn that Rhiannon has a son and now lives off-the-grid with a group of mothers and children in a community in the Arizona desert. Rhiannon invites Lenna, a new mother herself, to join them. Struggling with her marriage and the hardships of being a new parent, Lenna decides to join Rhiannon at the “mommune.” As Lenna drives into the desert and her cell service gets weaker, she becomes more and more unsure of her decision. When Lenna arrives, she learns about the community's rules (no outside phone calls, no questions about people’s pasts) and sees the padlock on the gate that leads out to the main road. Who are these women, and why did Rhiannon invite her here? Lenna is suspicious of their motives, but she has other concerns, including secrets from her past that she doesn’t anyone to find out about.

As a fan of Shepard’s “Pretty Little Liars” series, I could not wait to read this book. Full of twists and turns, mysterious characters, and a unique setting, this book was a captivating page-turner. Told from multiple points of view in alternating timelines, I never knew who or what to believe, which made this a really fun read. Sure, some of the plot was a bit unbelievable, but that’s what makes a story interesting. I enjoyed reading this book overall, but at the end I was left wanting more. The characters were underdeveloped, and I honestly wouldn’t have minded several additional chapters fleshing them out a bit more. Overall, a thrilling adult novel from Shepard. If she writes it, I will read it!

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group/Dutton for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Ohhh this book is RIGHT up my alley.

Nowhere Like Home follows Lenna as she joins a mom commune (mommune!) called Halcyon after being invited by her friend Rhiannon who she hasn’t spoken to in years. The story flashes back two years prior to dive into how the two became friends and why that changed. When Lenna gets to the commune, she realizes something is “off” about the women there including Rhiannon.

This book wove the twists of each timeline together in such a satisfying way. The ending left me wanting a *little* more but I still gave the book a solid 4.5 stars. Loved it!

Thank you to Netgalley and Dutton Books for my ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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This book was a great read. I could not put it down because I was so intrigued in the storyline. It was not as focused on cult life as I expected, so that was good. I definitely did not figure out the ending. So good. A definite to add to your list.

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This was an interesting read. Quite the take on just how easily we can be manipulated by others when we don’t really take the time to listen to our gut feelings. The plot twists just kept coming. I recommend this book highly.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sara Shepard for allowing me to read this book in exchange for my review.

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As a mom, this was a fun read! I enjoyed learning about the four different women and thought it wrapped up nicely.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read/review this ARC. I was so excited to read this book by Sara Shepard since I've read her different book series growing up. With that being said reading this book took me back to my time reading her book series Pretty Little Liars. Nowhere Like Home captivated my attention that I finished the book in one sitting. I loved how many twists/ turns there were it kept me on the edge of my seat wanting more. I liked how it was more grown up characters compared to her other book series. I give it 4 Stars.

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Definitely not what I'm looking for in thrillers. Hopefully other readers enjoy it more, but the writing and the story were just not for me.

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This is just one huge big NO from me. The writing was juvenile, and the storyline was just dumb. If you want to read a book that describes every little detail about a commune, this is for you. It wasn't for me.

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Thanks to Penguin and NetGalley for the ARC.
I’m not sure where to start. This one was a bit too far fetched for me. The wiring was not bad, but just not for me.

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