Member Reviews

This gripping thriller had me hooked from the first page. Mary Kubica masterfully weaves multiple mysteries, keeping you on edge and your heart racing. While the pacing is perfect and the twists are jaw-dropping, some loose ends with the characters left me wanting more. Still, the smart storyline and compelling characters make it a must-read. Join ICU nurse Meghan Michaels as she navigates a patient's suicide attempt, reconnects with an old friend, and faces a dangerous predator. With suspense at every turn, this book is sure to captivate you.

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This story was crazy! Meghan is just trying to be a good mother, while navigating being a single parent who works full time. It explores the dynamics between co-parents, where one has the means to do so much more and be the "fun parent". At the same time, it explores what it is like to be a woman in this world. Especially when there is a serial attacker on the loose in the city, and women have been warned to stay on the alert. I read a lot of mysteries, so one of the twists towards the end I saw coming. But, there was a twist I was not expecting! All in all, Mary Kubica wrote an enjoyable story and I can't wait for her next one!

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There are no adequate words to express how good this fast-paced thriller is! From the first page, the author had me hooked on the story of ICU nurse Meghan Michaels, her daughter Sienna and her comatose patient Caitlin. Meghan is a compassionate nurse, a divorced single parent and she is juggling so many balls in her life that it’s a wonder she is able to function. When she is assigned Caitlin as a patient, she is not prepared for the changes that will come into her life. This is a roller coaster ride of emotion, hoping for the best for Meghan but knowing that the worst is coming because of all of the clues that everything is not as it seems. The twists abound in this pulse-pounding thriller that was impossible to put down. Add to the mixture a serial rapist terrorizing the city and an ex-husband who still wants a relationship, and you have plenty of suspects, red herrings and clues. I really enjoyed the characterization and the way the author made me feel panic when Meghan was panicked and joyful when she was joyful. That was some really realistic characterization going on! The plot was woven together masterfully from the past to the present and gave me glimpses into what was really going on, but I didn’t guess the ending because it was so cleverly disguised. This book is an amazing read that needs to be on all of the bookshelves of thriller lovers everywhere!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. (I also purchased my own copy because I loved it so much!) I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16th CFR, Part 255, “Guidelines Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.”

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The story opened up interesting and then it just moved into Meghan’s life as an ICU nurse. There is a patient who is brought in and assumed she jumped from a bridge and that becomes the story. Was confused about the opening chapter until we get about 150 pages in and you come back to that. It had a few non thriller going on that kept you on the edge wondering what was going to happen. Characters you thought were the bad peoples but second guessed yourself to come back aroind to them and say to yourself I knew that. It was a great book

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I thought this was just okay. I felt it lacked suspense throughout the whole book until the twists. The twist was good but wish I was more into the book.

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What a whirlwind, fast-paced, thriller, I could not put this one down. I think I read it in two sittings! The main character Meghan tries so hard to remain emotionally detached from her patients, which is a blessing and a curse of being an ICU nurse. However, with this patient, there is something pulling her deeper into the mystery of what happened.
You think you know what’s going to happen and you think you can predict how the story ends, but I think you’ll be incredibly surprised with this read.
Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review. I highly recommend this as a thrilling poolside read which will keep you on the edge of your seat.

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SHE’S NOT SORRY hooked me right away. I enjoyed that the plot was much different than other books I’ve read — an ICU nurse finds herself entangled in the mystery of what happened to one of her patients.

When the big twist happened, I was SHOCKED 😮👏 from that point on, I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough!! The suspense and twists kept me guessing. So much was happening that I didn’t know what was a clue and what was trying to throw me off the scent.

As always, we had a blast discussing this at book club!

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“She’s Not Sorry” was a slow burn thriller. Before the plot twists came, I was curious as to how all the characters would tie together. I think there was a lot of suspense and doubt put in Caitlyn’s parents and brother, just to end up not addressing them much in the end.

I will say that the book had me engaged, but I don’t think it’s Mary Kubica’s best.

If you like plot/twist thrillers, and slow burn books, I would recommend!

Thank you to NetGalley, Harlequin Publishing and Mary Kubica for an ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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OMG this book was addicting and amazing!!!!! I could not stop reading it. I love this author and I highly recommend this book.

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This is such an interesting thriller and one I highly recommend! Nothing is at it seems as we follow Meghan's attempts to solve what really happened to Cailtin. Was she pushed? Did she jump? What in the world actually happened? This book is fully of tense moments and twists until the very end- I highly recommend!

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she is one of my favorite authors. I’ve read everything she’s written so far. my one criticism is that the scenarios are very far fetched. Despite that I loved the book. It is after all fiction. It kept me reading into the night I finished the book in two sessions. As always thank you NetGalley and the publisher for providing this advanced copy to

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I struggled with this one. Picked it up several times and could not get into it. The first 70% was boring and I am only using this to a 3 for the last 30% which was ok. I felt like all the twists were very predictable and overall this was just ok for me. I really like this authors previous books but this one just was not for me.

Thank you Netgally for this ARC.

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An ICU nurse deals with a treacherous patient, daughter and past.
Meghan is a divorced mom struggling to raise her teenage daughter and manage her career as an ICU nurse in Chicago. When a friend from high school pops back into Meghan’s life at the same time Meghan is dealing with a tough patient in a coma at work, she feels overwhelmed and struggles to keep her private life separate from her professional life. A string of females being attacked in Meghan’s neighborhood ratchets up her anxiety until there is a breaking point.
I usually adore Kubica’s books but this one was kind of all over the place. Too many threads and I’m not sure why they were all included other than to try and throw the reader off. I was bored most of the book until about 3/4 the way through. Has anyone else read this one?

CW: suicide, sexual assault, death, murder, divorce, domestic abuse, cheating, gaslighting, toxic relationships, alcohol, unwanted pregnancy

3.25 ⭐️

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I love everything I have read by Mary Kubica! This was no exception! I will agree it did slow after getting me hooked, but I was genuinely intrigued by the plot and characters and ate it right up.

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2.5 stars

She’s Not Sorry by Mary Kubica  is a psychological thriller about a nurse who gets overly involved in the life of a coma patient.

First, let me thank NetGalley, the publisher Harlequin Trade Publishing - Park Row and of course the author, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

My Synopsis:    (No major reveals, but if concerned, skip to My Opinions)
Meghan Michaels is a single mom to a 16-year old daughter, Sienna.  She is also an ICU nurse.  She's a busy woman, who tries to keep her work separate from her home life.

One day, a new patient arrives.  Caitlin is in a coma, after having jumped off a bridge, and landing twenty feet below.    This woman really haunts Meghan, as her sister Bethany died that same way. When a witness to the fall comes forward, it appears that Caitlin may have been pushed.

Meghan finds herself questioning the actions of the family, and wondering who the unexpected visitor to Caitlin's bedside was.

Meanwhile, Meghan re-connects with a friend from high school who is going through a difficult divorce.  She is also very worried about a string of assaults in her neighbourhood.

My Opinions:
This book moved way too slowly.  As well, I didn't really like Meghan.  She was much too nosy, all while "caring".  I didn't buy it.  Actually, I didn't really like any of the characters.

This book is about lies and secrets, obsession and abuse.  The premise was so good, but I just didn't like the directions it went.  That, and the repetitiveness -- in particular the prologue later becomes an entire chapter.  And a lot of the medical details were explained a number of times (ie the insulin procedure).

However, around the 70% mark, there was a good twist...which was the saving grace for this book.  It would have been better if it hadn't come so late in the book.

 Anyway, this one just didn't hit home for me, although I won't give up on this author.

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***This does contain a spoiler***

This is a typical Kubica thriller that hooks you in from the first few chapters. It keeps you wanting more and staying up late trying to see what happens next. The reason I did give this book 4 stars (maybe more of a 3.5) some of the character twists and plots remain unanswered, and some plot twists come together to quickly. Therefor leaving me wanting more.(what did have to Caitlins parents, her brother, did her mother really not commit abuse)?

In the book we are introduced to Meghan Michaels, an ICU nurse, newly divorced mother to one teenager who she shares custody with her ex husband. Megan is assigned to take care of a ICU patient who recently "jumped off" a local bridge. Caitlin (ICU Patient) is in a critical condition unlikely to survive , her family members for a bond with Megan and share deep family secrets of Caitlins dark past. Megan uncovers many stories and relationships involving Caitlin. We meet many other characters along the way with 3 other plots within book.

The story goes from there, bringing in many characters and plot lines (maybe two many), but it does keep you wanting more and turning pages! Deff binge worthy! Grab your beach your bag and head beach to enjoy the "beach read' of the summer!

I do love Mary Kubica and would recc this book!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing/Park Row for sharing this book's digital review copy with me in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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Thank you to Harlequin Trade Publishing and NetGalley for the ARC! #NetGalley #ShesNotSorry

Meghan is a recently divorced ICU nurse and Mom to 16 year old typical sassy teenager, Sienna . They've recently moved to a new apartment and neighborhood and she reconnects with a high school friend at a divorce support group. She finds herself trying her best to help Nat get out of an abusive relationship while also juggling her moody daughter and caring for a new patient who jumped from a bridge but maybe was pushed? She tries not to get involved with her patients but can't help but wonder what happened. She is also increasingly on edge as women are being attacked in their homes in her new neighborhood especially with Sienna going home by herself after school. Weird things start happening in her building and she feels at times someone is following her and starts to feel like she and Sienna are both in danger.

Picked this up and didn't put it down until I had finished and found out what happened - it has more twists than a Pretzel! Just like I like my Thrillers!

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I’m not sure where I sit with this one! I’ve seen 2 ⭐️ reviews and I’ve seen 5 ⭐️ reviews. I was hooked from the start, but then the pacing slowly fell short for me. Around 60/70% in I was wholly invested, though, and didn’t want to put it down.

I thought the twists were well done as I didn’t see them coming. I enjoyed the plot line, as well as the switching settings. Certainly there were a few threads left loose and a few plot holes, which accounts for the lower rating from me.

Overall I recommend it, but it’s not my top read of hers.

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This book seemed to drag a little in the beginning but man did it pick up. the plot twist caught me by total surprise.

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What a whirlwind!!
Mary sure did keep us entertained with She’s Not Sorry!
So many twists!
As a nurse myself, I appreciated the way she explained the medical jargon in the book! Made it more relatable and easy to follow!
I wish we got more or less about Luke, as it did feel like an unfinished story!
Overall I really liked it and gave it a 3.75!

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